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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1976, p. 7

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Mir.W. Manseli -Stacey, 26 -,rchardview Blvd. was taken to O.G.H. last week for intensive care with arrythmia of the heart. He is progressing nicely, expected home some- time later this, week. Miss .Michelle Stacey, a student at David and Mary Thomson -Collegiate in Scar- borough, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Manseli Stacey, l3owmanville, has been awarded a University of Toronto entrance scholarship of $650 tb cover the first year of fees, Bachelor of Science. Michelle attended B.H.S. in January for two weeks when Toronto schools were closed. We extend congratulations and best wishes to Mrs. baura Clapp, Liberty Street, who wili celebrate her 86th birthday this Sunday, June 20th. Remnember the Kinsmen Carnival and the Darlington Auction Sale this weekend. The "Concerts in the Park" wili be held in the McLaughlin Bandshell, Memiorial Park, Oshawa, each Tuesday even- ing beginning July 6, at 8:15 p.m. and running through to August 24th. Why not relax in the cool of the evening and listen to the "Big Band Sound" of Bill Askew and the 12 piece stage dance band. Sunday School promotions were hejd at Trinity United Church on June -13. Mrs. D. Barber, Superintendent, was assisted by Jack' Munday, Mrs. D. Anderson, Mrs. A. Sweetman, Mrs. D. James. A numnber of awards were given prior to these graduations. TODAYS BIBLE But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of Man, the things which God hath prepared for them that LOVE HUM. 1 CORINTHIANS 2:9 DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS -PREPARED FOR YOU? PLEASE WRITE: BOX 111, BLACKSTOCK ONTARIO. unone ot hrGodhobut himself, the Glorifier of His own essence." - Baha'u'iIah. lifinterested, peaecal; 63 -4830. Nursery to Kindergartea: Kathryn Barber, Eddie Cook, Michelle Denard, Craig Green, Janice Harmer, Matthew Higginson, Timothy James, Michael Lambe, Gor- don Mutton, Christopher Raby, Cindy Shackelton, Kelly Sturman, Merrilee Trim, Paul Watson, Robert West, Michael Wood. Kindergarten to Pri- mary: Carol Barrett, Shannon Byers, Shannon Cooper, Judy Frank, -Michelle Gi, Timmy Groen, Julie Higginson, David Kichko, Burke bush, Kelli McFeeters, Jenny Mcbeaa, Michelle Montpetit, Greg Raby, David Robinson, Robie Robinson, Michelle Walter. Primary to Junior: Carol Austin, Bruce Cooke, Gina Erwin, Karin Huigens, Mar- lene Mcbean, Fred Montpetit, Terri Shackelton, Kerri Smith, Heath Sweetman, Shawn Woolley, Tommy Yen. Mr. and Mrs. A.K. Young, Peterborough; Mrs. H.S. Price, Islington and Mr. W.V. Price, Mississauga were last week callers at the home of Mrs. A.E. Billett, Division St. Mrs. b. Allin and Mrs. A.E. Billett were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. G. Wilbur, Hampton. 1 On June 9th over 100 ladies patronized the annual coffee party and interesting display of old and new handicrafts arranged by Trinity United Church Women Unit 7 mem- bers at the Beech Avenue home of Mrs. A. Strike. The weather was perfect, the Strike home was adorned with beautiful arrangements of garden flowers, lîttie children were cared for by capable baby-sitters and everyone en- joyed themselves. Unit 7 members wish'to thank their friends and relatives who attended and made their party a successful one. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Beacock and Karen of Blackstock, Mr. Ernest White of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. MVurray Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Adams and girls,, Mr. Weyburn Adams and Paul attended the Decor- ation Service at Hampton and were Sunday evening supper guests at their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zack Adams, Church St. Mrs. Bernice Cole, King St. E. has returned fromn a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Peter beentjes, Oromocto, N.B. The beentjes family will soon be moving to Montreal. ~Kay and George Stephen, Pat and Russell Stackhôuse have just returned from an extended holiday in the south- western States. Following SUNDAY, JUNE 20,1976 il a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE AN D CONGREGATIONAL PICNIC AT CEDAR PARK Pot Luck Luncheon at 12:30 Games and Races at 1: 30 This will be Rev. Wmn Pace's final service as our Supply Minister. St. Paul's United Church Minister: Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M. Div. Organist: Gerald K. Burgess SUNDAY, JUNE,20 INTEREST SUNDAY SUNDAY, JUNE 27 CHURCH PICNIC at Thistie Valley Park immediately fol Iowing Morning Worship NURSERY Parents are invited to bring their pre-school children to our play and Iearn nursery while they attend'Church. Bowmanville, Pentecostal Church 75 LIBERTY STREET SOUTHI Sunday Services 9:55 a.m. ......unday School 11:00 a.m . .... Worship Service 7: 00 p. m.. Evangelistic Service Mid Week Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Youth Meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p. M. Bible Study A Welcome for You in a Friendly Church items of Interest Phone 623-3303 Ontario St. School Band Entertains ot Variety Night, tours of New Orleans, (in- cluding a ride on the Mississ- ippiI in a paddle wheeler river boat, witnessing a bail game between the Houston Astros and Los Angeles Dodgers ln the magnificent Houston Astrodome, and the L.B.J. Ranch, they arrived in Tucson, Arizona where a week was spent with Thelma and Laurence Sandy, former resi- dents of Bethany and Omemee respectively and Kay Ste- phen's aunt, a former Oshawa resident, Gladys Mcbaughlin. While visiting the Sandys they kept abreast of the Bowman- ville news, as the Sandys have been receiving the Statesman in Tucson for over 12 years., Many meals and card parties took place on the Sandy patio in daytime temperatures ranging from 85 to .104 degrees. After leaving Tucson, they drove to Havasu- City to see the bondon Bridge, and inter spent three days in Las Vegas. From there they visit- ed the Grand Canyon, Navajo Indian reservation, Hoover Dam and Flagstaff. After six weeks and 8,000 miles of enjoyable sightseeing and visiting, it is so nice to be back in Bowmanville in time to tidy up and prepare for our Tucson friends visiting us later this summer. A very special commitment has been made by a member of our community, Mr. B. Canrinus of Bowmanville, Ontario has joined Foster Parents Plan of Canada. He has 'adopted' littie Aifredo Suxo, aged- nine years of Bolivia. Mr. Canrinus' month- ly contribution of $17.00 brings material and financial assist- ance to both chîld and family and is aimed at strengthening the family unit by helping each member. $17.00 a month provides the famiiy with a monthly cash grant, distribu- tion of goods such as vitamins, blankets, towels, soap and other useful items, medical and dental care, the sustaiaed guidance and counselling of social workers and the benefit of special programs. A strong emphasis is placed on educa- tion. Ail Foster Children, (and their brothers and sisters, if possible)- must attend school. Vocational training courses are available to Foster Child- ren, their brothers and sisters and in some cases, their parents. The aim is to give the family the tools to help themn become independent and self- supportiag. Special programs adapted to the needs of each country also meet these aims. For more information on this non-profit, non-sectarian, non- political independent organ- ization, write to Foster Par- ents Plan of Canada, 153 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronito, Ontario IM4V 1P8, The fifteenth Toronto out- door Art Exhibition will be held in Nathan Phillips Square from noon to sunset daily on June 18, 19 and 2Oth (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). More than four hundred profession- ai and amateur artists will participate in this show, an annual event ln Toronto's summer calendar. A.J. Cas- son, last surviving member of the Group of Seven will officially open the Show on Friday, June lBth at noon in Nathan Phillips Square. Mem- bers of the artistic community will award prizes for six categories on Sunday, June 2Oth at 3 p.m. The Jack Reppen Memorial Award of $1000.00 will be presented to the most outstanding artist. VARIETY ON PARADE is coming to Peterborough Vocational School Friday, Accompanying an Ontario Street Public School choir, these five students provided music with a country flavîor at the school's annual Variety Night on June 2nd. From lef t to right are Phillip Annis on ukulele, Stephen Howarth, Bradley Gilpin, Kim Desouza and Tina Dewey on harmonicas. June 18 at 8 p.m. This is a family show produced by Toronto based George Mere- dith to help counteract the sex and violence that make up s0 mnuch of today's 'entertain- m-ent"'. Co-producer Helen Toms says If is good, happy fun which every member of the family ana enjoy., The program will include: Scar- borough Fair- four young men who sing in harmony. Paula and Joy Booth - an accompan- led impersonation of Shirley Temple. The Teenettes - six teenage dancers. Seipo beivo - an international aovelty juggler who bas played la al parts of Europe and has been featured at the Canadian National Exhibition. Dick Soong - a singer, who entqr- tains the late nightclub goers of Toronto and bas appeared on television many tirnes. Ed. Wiliams- "the whistler". Tonka - the man of mystery who brings the colour of the Caribbean to the stage with bis amazing dance on glass. He ends bis act with a fire-eating display. The Rovers - country and western singers. Music will be suppiied by the Metro Merrymakers and Master of Ceremonies will be Canada's first weatber man Percy S altzmant who bias bis own Sunday television sbow -Free for Al". Barbecuing fisb? Here are some hints you may find helpful. Before you start remember that fish takes very littie cooking, so ahl types and cuts of frozen fish should be tbawed to refrigerator temp-- erature before barbecuing. That way the fish will cook evenly and remain tender. You should also keep la mind that fish flesb bas a tendency to break easily whea cooked, and becomes difficuit to pick up. You ena avoid this problem by using a medium or fine hinged wire grill, or by making a. chickea-wire en- velope and placing the fish inside. The wire will remain cool unless directly over the, coals, and turning the fish is a, simple matter. Whatever method you do use, be sure to oil the grill and the fish 1tsp). Worcestershire sauce, 14 tsp. pepper, few drops Tabasco sauce, Paprika. Method: Thaw. then cut fillets into serving-size portions. Combine remaining ingredi- ents, except paprika. Place fish la a greased, hinged, wire grill. Baste fish with sauce and spriakle with paprika. Cook about 4 inches from hot coals for 5 to 6 minutes on each sîde, or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork. Baste frequeatly, and sprinkle with paprika whea serviag. Serves 6. LONG SÂULT Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker, Garry and Ruth were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Baker and Pam, Burke- ton. Mrs. G. l{ovacs and bouise visiýed the formers father, Mr. Fred Partaer, Orono, Suaday evening. Miss Grace Smith attended the Harmer family picnic held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Harmer and family, Burlington, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe beavens and binda, Haydoa, were, Thursday evening guests and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hall and bisa Anne, Dunsford, were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker and family. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 16, 1976 7 anniversary. Belated con- Miss Mary Cornish has gratulations to the happy accepted a position with the couple. Bank of Commerce, Oshawa. TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MAINUEL, C.G.A. Incomne Tax and' Related Accounting Services 67 King St. East - Suite 2 Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 1N4 Baby Photo Contest for children 2 years, old and under. Snapshot mnust have been taken by a child under 13 years old. Black and white prints only. DEADLINE US JULY 27th 1 st Prizo $ 10.00 2nd 3rd Prize $5,00 eaich Photos wil11 be displayed at Bowmanvil le Public Library during the month of August. Send pictures to Mrs. M. Zoelman, R. R. 4, Bowma nvil1le. Contest is sponsored by Your Alliance For Life Association Knights of Columbus Announ-cement Winners of the knights of Columbus Annual Charites Rafflle 1sf Prize- 1976 Buick Le Sabre Custom D. Bastian, Windsor, Ontario. Ticket No. 286460 One segment of the recent variety night held at Ontario Street PubliecSc' Primary Rhythm Band. The band, made up of students from grades 1 - 3 and won first place at the Peterborough Kiwanis School Music Festival. Hootenannv at Varietv Night

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