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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1976, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesman, Bo0wmanville, June 23, 1976 Mr. and Mrs. Marten Va n- Several from Shaw's attend- Dyk have returned from a ed the excellent production of visit with their daughter and Anne of Green Gables at son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bowmanville High School Frank Brink in King's Co. Theatre.last week. This fine Nova Scotia. Accompanying Canadian play was put onso the Vanflyk's to N.S. was Mrs. well by the pupils of M.J. Van Dyk's sister, Mrs. Joanne Hobbs Public School. Much DeBoer, Holland, who has just credit is due Mrs. Joan 1Hl1 completed a month's visit to who adapted the script, direct- Canada. ed the play and arranged the CGet Moorlfe :your mo-lney atff w e* Ab e e * Paji e e e e : r2~ * * * ~I*/ * ~< e e * e e e e e * e e e Moor< Moori Moor< e% nit a e_ rnethy's mnd Wallpaper ýùe Z HE)USIE ,ý, r Specie à *49. gl on quarts also e Va il avalable durabiIilty.w *1500 custom colors ta choose from. : igh Gloss Enamelized ous. Paint 41 One coat covers most surfaces. *ID Protection plus Iong-lasting beaut * ,~,.. 0 For that "Just Painted" look : *OUSIJ year afteryer * PAINT SpeciaI 4, quarts a g$I allon vailabq :Porch& Floor EnameI/rugged high glo 9 Choose from a wide range of rich a colors. 0 For wood or concrete floors, * inside or outside. l gaillons aiso * Sp99a availables e3qurtC Paint and Wallpaper 55 King Street West 623-5431 Bowmanville * EM~~1Whoro you got Moore *k for your monoy. se. e e e e e e e o e e ~lsa te e e e ~ss. e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I e B, e e e e e. re Quality Produets from,, choreography for these young players with musical assist- ance from Ross Metcalfe. Surely this production rates highly with our local drama crîtics. I'm confident that our Editor would appreciate such a show and I even think E.P. Chant would have praise for such a wonderful display of talent. Co ngratulations to all who were connected with this splendid production. Betty and Leland Bahl along with Mr. and Mrs. G. Graham, Town, attended the Centennial Convoc ation and Graduation Ceremnonies on the morning of Thursday, June 1l'7th when Karen Bal received her certificate in Secretarial Science - Medical Secretary. Karen is now on the staff of our local Memorial Hospital in the Medical Records Depart- ment. Shaw's community joins with her parents in congratulating Karen on her achievement and we wish her much satisfaction in her chosen career., Miss Ferne Crago, Leland and Ronald attended the Silver, Wedding ',Anniversary celebrations of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bradley, Seagrave on Saturday evenîng. The dinner and dance were held at the Thunderbird Golf and Country Club at Ashburn. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gerrits were pleased to attend the Silver Wedding celebrations of their old and dear friends Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mennen, Aurora last Saturday. Over a hundred friends and relatives enjoyed the dinner and dance at Oak Ridges- School where the bride and groom of 25 years received maniy lovely gifts. Rickard Open House Garnet and Annabelle Rickard were very pleased to welcome approximately 370 guests last week to their Open Hous e reception. The weather was most favourable - gifts of flowers and plants fromn neigh- bours and friends adorned the interior - which, it was hoped, all vîsitors found interesting and famîliar in some respects. Those who poured tea and coffee included Beatrice Campbell, Margaret Bragg, Dorothy Hendry and Dorothy James from Bowmanville; Margaret Smith, Gert. Gray, and Jean Rickard of New- castle; Eleanor Jones, Earl- ene Beath and Sally Irvine from Oshawa and Moira Lawrence, Janetville. .Those who assisted in the dining room included Lily Krummenacher, Rosemary Killeen, Janet Bragg, Heather Barrie, Beverley Rickard, Marlene Stork, Gail Rickard, Wendy Ayre, Kay Johnston, Alne Ayre, June Bragg, Ethel Wight, Doreen Barrie, Peggy Boyd, Pat Best, Leola Thrasher,, Sue Johnston, Ramona Rickârd, Joyce English and Ethel Hendry. Gladys Brown, Orono, capably provided organ music on Sat. evening and again on Sun. As well as the outstanding view and the attractive land- scaping by Van Belle Gardens which delighted ail visitors, beautiful weather prevailed. Interesting features which I * e * f Maple Leaf Bacon ...lb ... . 1 IL Maple Leaf Wieners ... ..- 1 -I-b. Pkg. 77c Store Sliced'Bologna - - - - - - - - - - - lb. 69" Maple Leaf Butter ibib99ç: With any meat order of $15.00 or more. -We reserve the right to lim it quantities. -ALL OUR MEAT IS GOVERNMENT INSPECTED- FIRTH'S MEATS ITD. Bowmanville's Custom-Cutting Headquarters 47 King St. E. 623-5081 Square Dancers at St. Joseph's These kindergarten childimen were just a few of the students who provided entertainment last week at a dinner for volunteer workers at the St. Joseph's Separate Sehool in Bowmanville. As well as the'dancers, there were choirs, gymnasts, a whole class of flutophone players, a demonstration of choral singing and a French play performed by students in grades five to eight. About 65 volunteers and regular sehool staff were at the dinner last Wednesday -- most of them parents of children at St. Joseph's Sehool. Bob Gutteridge, the school principal, said the duties of the volunteers throughout the year included jobs such as working the school library and helping out on school field trips. Nursery School Kicks-Off Summer Holidays VanCamp at their cottage on Scugog Island. Mn. and Mrs. Jim Kemp and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Saywell wer e Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kemp. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mackie attended the 25th Wedding Anniversany of Mr. and Mrs. Banner Passant, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Passant visited Wednesday with his daughter Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mackie and boys. The Wilkins held their annual family picnic at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs.- Harry Gay and famîly of Caesarea. About 40 descendants of Mae and Morley Wilkins- àttended including Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bryans and family, Miss, Twila Carr of Cadmus and Mr. John Lloyd of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schry- burt and famnily spent the weekend with Mrs. R. Schry- burt of Ottawa and Vicki stayed to enjoy a weeks holiday with her Grand- mother. Miss Patti Bryans is spend- ing a few days with the Lloyd family, Willowdale. Janet, Steven and Ted Lawrence spent the weekend with Mr. and Mns. Larry Mackie and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin, Mr. and Mrs., Bob Fletcher and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Graham and family. Mr. Jim Mackie spent Father's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mackie and boys. Mrs. Wilbur Archer was a Sunday visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Archer, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Don Fleming, Pamela and Scott, Oshawa, spent Sunday evening with Mrs. W. Archer. Sunday guests of Mn. and Mrs. George Bryant were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wyatt, Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ormiston, Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Precoor and Kelly, Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bray, Paul and Steven, Port Perry. Winners at the Senior Citi- zens card party with 18 tables were: lst - Ella Venning 82, 2nd - Belle Werry 81, 3rd - Bert Gibson 81, 4th - Susie Harris 79, 5th - Flossie Aldred 77, 6th - Ear-l Prescott 77. Low - Florence East. ELECTED MODERATOR Pastor Roger Fellows of Bowmanville Baptist Church was recently elected Moderator of the Pine Ridge Association of Fellowship Baptist Churches, The office is held for two years and Pastor Fellows will be ne- sponsible for the activities of the Association which include two rallies each year for the thirty six churches in the Association. These churches are scatter- ed from Newcastle village to Pickering and from Peter- boroughto Huntsville. The Bowmanville Nursery School finished off the school year recently Wlth their annual picnic held at the Lions Centre on Beech Ave. Where they have been meeting during the school year.'Above, three students-toast the summer break With a glass ofý fruit juice. From left to right are Mrs. Christine Goad, a teacher at the nursery school, David Ramsey, Heidi Henders, Marny Thertell and head instructor, Mrs. Irene Konzelmann. Hydrod Liaisoin Coê-mmvlitte Waê-nts More Information The liaison committee for the proposed Darlington nuclear generating station has decided that it needs more information from Ontario Hydro before it can decîde how large its budget should be. Once it has decided on a budget, however, the money is expected to come from Ontario Hydro. "Council has made ît quite clear that money for the committee is going to come from hydro . . . We've got to cut the cloth according- ly, " said Councillor Don Allin, vice chairman of the commit- tee. Committee member Kirk Entwisle said Ontario hydro has verbally promised the committee $15,000 to help pay the commnittee's expenses. But so far, no money has corne from hydro. Whatever amount of money the committee gets, part of it may go towards hiring experts on behaîf of the Town of Newcastle to look into effects of the proposed Darlington plant on its surroundings. Councillor Entwisle said at the Thursday evening meeting that it has not yet been decided whether the funds would be spent on hiring an economist, an engineer, an environmentalist or even a philosopher. Nor has it been decided -whether anyone will be hired at all. Councillor Entwisle naised the -possibility that the town staff could do whateven work the committee needed. Motions passed at Thurs- day's meeting; did 'caîl for Ontario Hydro to advise the committee of their detailed project time schedule for the Darlington station. t also recommended that Hydro pro- cneated comment were the arrangement of rocks by the driveway, the very ancient gnanany boards which formed the panelling in the recreation room, and the spacious ar- rangement of the rooms which seemed to assure space and privacy, one room fnom another. Much credit for this featune is due to the work of the builder Mn. E. Vierhoat of Newcastle, who spent much time and patience striving to create a house which would satisfy the busy and involved occupants. t was a general wish that these occupants' have time to relax and enjoy this residence. vide the committee with a listing of ail studies and reports relating to the impact of the generating station on the community and the en- vironment. Also requested were the dates when these studies and reports would be completed. To date, Ontario Hydro has completed one environmental impact study. t is expected that Hydrô will begin site preparation for the new plant in the spring of 1977. At its peak, the construction project will employ over 3,000. At full strength, the com- Lmittee is comprised of seven 1representatives. They include -Mayor Garnet Rickard, Chair- man; Councillor Don Allun, deputy chairman; and J.W. 1Holliday, of Leighton and Kidd. Mr. Holliday serves as the commîttee coordinator. In addition, the committee in- cludes Councillors Cowman, and Entwisle; F. H. McAdams, commissioner of planning and development for the Durham Region; Mayor James H. Potticary, of the city of Oshawa, and R.F. Richard- son, commissioner of works for the Durham Region. BLA CKSTOCK Mrs. Monte '(Mary Lou) Tueker is home from Oshawa General Hospital following surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Werry and.Joy, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson, Mrs. Belle Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Mairs, Larry Werry and Jo-anne Leduc celebrated Mrs. Belle Werry's 8th birthday at the Lindlsay Bonf ire Wednesday evening. Sorry to report Mr. Mar- wood McKee is stîll in Oshawa General Hospital. Bill Shortridge and Roger Gould have completed a two month course in Motor Mechaniç, congratulations, boys. We are pleased to hear Mrs. Gordon Strong is home from the hospital and feeling better. à ~'F7SBEHAPPY ilerTBE rGAY, UTS HeîA r Offl HOMES)t T/IF PR A . .~ ~~IN Francîs Tennant Fuels R.R.1, Oronao, Ont. 983-5693 During the service at the United Church on Sunday morning three stages of the Religion in Life emblem were awarded by Rev. Pansons,' assisted by Mns. Richard VanCamp, Mrs. Barry Fisher Mrs. Clay Shaven and Miss Susan Sheen representing the Cubs, Brownies and Guides. Recipients were - Stage 1 Cubs - Kevin Ferguson, Jeff, Grove, Vincent Mackie, Mark McCon- neil, Craig Paisley, 13nian Tysick (absent), and Bnian VanCamp. Stage 1 Brownies - Carla Adams, Julie Bryant, Eleanor Kelly, Karen Kyte, Cathy Paisley, Heather Locke, Kim Tobin and Joy Werry. Stage 2 Guides - Susan Fisher and Sherry Tysick (absent). Stage 3 Guides - Marlene Pansons. Folowing a short Sunday School session, duning which promotion certi-, ficates were presented, a picnic complete with games, races and light refreshments was enjoyed by the children, their parents and friends, in Blackstock Park. Vacation Church School will be held at Blackstock United Church from July 26 - 30 from 1 -3 p.m. Boys and girls 3 - 12 years of age are welcome to attend. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mns. Monte Tucker on the passing of Monte's mothen, Mrs, Mantha S. Tucker at the Methodist Memorial Home. Mn. and Mrs. Russel Larmer, Mrs. Harold Larmer and Miss Edna Larmer were Sunday guests of Mn. and Mrs. Gien Gibson of Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Hanry Van- Camp and Mn. and Mrs. John Dowson spent Father's Day with Mn. and Mrs. Gien PRODUCE COUNTER We Have Pumpkins, Coconuts, Sweet Potatoes, Yams, Plaintains, Okras and! Mangoes and MANY, MANY MORE Try Our Heated Patties availableDaily STORE HOU RS: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesda-y 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Thursday and Friday 9:30 a.m. to 8:00 Saturday 9:30 a.m, to 6:00 p.m. Caribba Food and p.me Vegetable Market, 5Rossland 'Rd. W. P and M Plaza Oshawa Phone 728-3122 Kut n Kuri Beauty Shop LDOIk Mom e1!i Children's Weeks Are Back Againm Summer Specials on Children's HAIR --a- DO'S Starting June 23rd - JuIy lOth' Children's Hair Cuts (underl12) ............ ....$2.75, Childrený's Wash, Cut, Blow Dry ................. $5.25 Childrený's Wash and Set. $3 ,75and Up Children^'s Perms.. $12.5Oand up OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Thursday and Friday Evening (BY APPOINTMENT) 71 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Phone 623-50 19 "A Friendly Atmosphere" Victoria ýTV and Appliances Poritypool- Telephone 705-227-2461 Opening Wed.,, June 23rd Expert repairs toalal makes of Televisions and Stereos. We Also Repair Tape Recorders 8-Track Players and Recorders as weII as Appliances

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