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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1976, p. 13

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)a Bwmanville June 23,1976 13 DEA DLINE :FOR C LASSU1FI1E D Tues.,, 12 noon _È -I - é lim SUTCH - Ron and Carol (nee Johnston> proudîy announce! the arrivai of their first child, a daughter, Leeanna Michelle, 8 lbs. 3 ozs. on June 13, 1976 at Peterborough Civic Hospital. Proud grandiparents are Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johnston, R.R. N, Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sutch, Sr., R.R. 3, Pontypool. Special thanks to Dr. Van Loon, Dr. Fraser and staff on mfaternity. 25-1 Mr. and Mrs. Archie A. King of Oshawa announce the engagement of their daughter, Linda Ann King to Glenn Stanley Milîson, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Milison, Enniskillen, Ont. The wedding wiil take place Saturday, July 31, '1976 at 3 p.m. af ldad United Church, Solina, Ont. 25-1ix Mrs. James Fallis, Orono, is pîeased fo announce the forth- coming marriage of her daughfer, Gall Patricia f0 Murray William Finney, son of Mrs. Vivian Stoldt and Mr. Neil Finney, Pontypool. Wed- ding f0 take place on Saturday JuIy 24, 1976 af Orono United Church at 3 o'clock. 25-lx Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. (Frank) Wesfiake, R.R. 1, Hampton' are pleased and proud f0 announce the forth- coming marriago of their yo0ungest daughter Shirley Mariene to Thomas Norman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Cook, Courtice, Ontario. Wed- ding to take place Saturday, JuIy 24th, 1976 in Eîdad United Church, Solina at 6:30 p.m. 25-1 The family of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Naylor cordially in- vite their friends and neigh- bors f0 a 4th Wedding Anniversary Roception and Tea, to be held at thoir home, 27 Athabasca St., Oshawa, on Sunday, J une 27th, 1976 f rom 2 f0 6 p.m. Best wishes only. ?5- lx--- Paf and Rod Simpson woûld like f0 welcome their friends,, neighbons and relatives fo share with them a, social evening on the occasion of their 25th Wedding Anniver- sany on July 3, 1976 fnom 7 - 9 E .m. at the Lions Centre, Bowmanvil le. Foiiowed by a dance. Best wishes only, please. 25-1 'ALLISON - Af Burketon, Tuesday, June 15, 1976 Gary George AIison, 170 E11lioft St., Oshawa, aged 22 years. Be- ioved husband 0f Catherine Richard, dean father of Derek and Launie, dean son 0f Mn. and Mrs. George Alison, Bunketon, brother of Judy (Mns. Bryan Beacock) R.R. 2, Pont Penny. Service was heId in the Morris Funenai Chapel, BowmanvilIe on Friday affer-' noon. Infrment Bowmanvilie Cemetery. 25-1 ~ "F lowers Say if Best" VAN BELLE DAILY Deliveryto... Oshawa - Bmanville Aria Phone 623-4441 43-tf AMES- Jesse Stephen. At Strathaven Nursing Çlome on Sunday, June 20, 1976. Jesse Ames of Bowmanville in his 85th year. Husband of the late lîladel Anderson. Dear father of Ralph. Brother of Mrs. Marie La Londe. Grandfather of Ji11 Ca mpbel11. Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home Bowmanville. Complete funeral service was held Tuesday afternoon. Infrment Bowmanvillo Cemetery. GOSLIN- James Benson at his late residence R.R. 1, Janetville on Monday, June 21, 1976. James Benson Goslin in his 61st year, belovod husband of Helen Bruce, loving father of Peter and Anne, dear son of Gertrude and Milfred Goslin., Dear brother of William of Epsan, Myrtle (Mrs. John Starr) of Woodville and Thelma (Mrs. Benjamin Howlett) of Little Britain. Grandfather of Mich- ael and Peter. Resting at the Mackey Funeral Home, Lind- say, for funeral service in the chapel on Thursday, June 24 at 2 p.m. Inferment South Valentia Cemetery. NEAL - Kenneth. Suddenly at Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville on T'uesdlay, June 22, 1976. Kenneth Neal, Mill Street, N., Orono in his 63rd year. Beloved husband of Muriel Pollard, dear father of Mrs. F. Quantrill (Janice), Mrs. T. Stephenson (Arline), Mrs. T. Foster (Julia), John and Richard. Resting at the Norfhcutt, Elliott Funeral Home. Funeral service 1:30 o'cdock Thursday affernoon. Interment Orono Cemetery. THOMPSON - Donald Keith at Wellesley Hospital, Tor- onto, on Monday, June 21, 1976. Don Thompson of 16 Strike Avenue, Bowmanville in his 52nd year. Beloved husband of Hilda V. Bennett, dear father of Mrs. R. Trankner (Deborah), Mrs. D. Ellegett (Valarie), Mrs. G. Burgess (Ave), Donald and Taul le. Resting at the North- cutt Elliott Funeral Home. Requiem mass 10 o'clock Thursday morning at St. Joseph's Church. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. VERMEULEN - Lena. The Lord took home suddenly on Sunday, June 20, 1976, Lena Vermeulen of 20 Martin Rd. South, Bowmrnaville, in her -63rd ceJ i *Belovecf ifé -of- Jack. Dear mother of Mrs. R. Tukker (Barbara) and Mrs. R. Brinkman (Margaret). Also survived by her mother and two sisters in Holland and three grandchildren at home. Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home Bowmanville. Funeral service was held Tuesday aýfternoon in the Reh-ooîhChr»isic Church, Bowmar ment Bowmanvill Donations in hei the Heart Fund appreciated. CAR NA- STOP 1 N Ab OUR WEEKENC THEY'RE HARI Carnation FIî, 33 Divisio 623-714 HUBBARD - ln oving mem- ony of a dear husband, Oliver, who passed away Juno 27th 1963. With tender love and deep regret Who I ioved weiI, will neyer fonget. - SadiN missed by wifo Mi nnie. PARK - In loving memory 0f my dear wife Helen Mae, who ý,ass ed away June 25, 1971. our end was very sudden You made us weop and cry But the saddest part of ail Helen You neyer said goodbye Each lime we see your picture You seemn to sm lie and sav Don' cry 'm oniy sleeping Weý'il meot again some day. - Lovingiy remombered by David. 25-1ix PARK - In ioving memory of a beloved mother and grand- mother Helen Mae Park, who passed away, suddenly, on June 25, 1971. Peaceful be fhy rest, dear mother, It is sweet to breathe thy name; As in lite we loved you dean y, So in death we do the same.- - Loving iy remembered by Ruth, Tom, Alan and Adrienne. 25-1ix PARK - In loving memory of a wonderful mother and g randmothor "Helen Mae Park", who passed away suddenly on June 25, 1971. There's nothing s0 treasured Nothing so rare As the love thaf a mother and daughter can share. Throug h fun and, through Iaughter Throuqh sorrow and tears, They develop a ciosenoss That grows fhrough the years, This love that they share Doesn't need to be spoken, lt's a wonderful bond That can nover be broken. Gentle, unseifish, a friend ever true, One in a million mom, that was you. - Lovingly nemembered by daughter Glenna, son-in.iaw Ray and grandchiidren Andrea, David and Darla. 25-1 x McKEE - In loving memory of a dear Mother and Grand- mot her, Mrs. Ada Mc Kep, who passedi away June 5th, 1970. In -our hearts your rnemory ingers, Swoetiy, tender, fond and true, Thero is not a day, dear Mother Thaf, we do not think 0f you. - Lovingiy remembered by sons, daughters and grand- chiidren. 25-1 Îan Reformed McPHEE - In oving mom- inviiie. Inter- ory 0f a dean daughfer and lie Cemeteny. sistor, Tanva Marie MrPhee, rmemony f0 killed June 21, 1975. d wouid be Pif-a-paf across ftho noom 25-1 Footsteps venturosome and flbot T ION AIl day long about the house ýTION Patter patter littie foot Patter patter in our sIumber Wakes us often with a stant ýor Al vour Momories that have no lower-Needs 1waning Koep the music in our heants., We'ne caring for your play- NDl SEE things D SPECIALS Rubber doil and teddy bear 1O TO BEAT Rocking horse and fin police- mon ower Shop Do you s00 them standing on St. thene 141 In the worid are othen tf pleasures - Not as innocent as these $ince 1912 And thaf you shah11nover know them Pufs are Ionely heants af easo. - Lovingy remembened by Flowers Mom my,giDaddy, Todd and Tasha. 25-1 \~ç~'~by JACKMAN... ...say it best! PHONE 623-3365 162 King St. E., Bowmanviîîe 45-tf Durham County's Olaest Funeral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or NIght1 Servi ng th is d istrict f or 96 yea rs. Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN- SERVICE Concorned people often inquire about pre-arrangement of funeral detiis.' Information can bo simpîy and thoughtfulîy obtained upon request. This is part of our service ta the community. 53 DIVISION STRE ET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 25-1 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Ontario LlA3W3 High Quaîlity at Reasonable Picos Phono 885-5216 Home 885-5222 WORICMANSHIP * QUALITY 24-tf MURDOCH - In loving mem- ory of our dean mother, grand- mother and wife, Ma bel who passed away June 22, 1975. In our heants your memory Iingers Sweetiy, tender, fond and true, Thene is not a day, dean mot hon That we do not think of you. - Ever remembened and sadiy missed by husband Peter and famhiiy. 25-1 TAMBLYN - In loving mem- Dry of a dean husband, Charles E. Tamblyn, who passod away, Juno 25, 1974. Time speeds on, fwo yeans have passed Since doath ifs gioom ifs shadow cast Within our homo whene all seemed bright And tbok from me a shining igh1t. i miss that ighf and ever wili His vacant place theno is none can f111 Down hene I mourn but not in va in For up in "Heaven" we will meot again. - Forevor choished, Kathy. 25-1ix TAMBLYN - In oving mom- ory of a dean son-in-iaw, Charles E. Tamblyn, who passed away J une 25, 1974. Ho is gone but not forgotten, And as dawns anothon year, In our onely hours of thinking Thoughts of hlm are always noar, Days 0f sadness wili1 come o'er us Many thinks the wound is healed But fhey 1itti e know the sorrow That lies in the heant conceal- ed. - Always remembered by Bram, Maxine Soi and family. 25-lx WE 'RRY - In loving memory of my husband, Gordon Tamblyn Werry, who passod away J une 27, 1971 and mv son Boyd who passed away June 7th, 1974. God hath not promiseci skies aiways blue, Fiowen strewn pathways Ail our lives through, God has promised thaf we wili meet again Where there's joy wifhouf sorrow and Peace withouf pain. - Remembened always by Helenndfmiiy 25-1 1 would like to thank my friends, relatives and neigh- bours for cards, flowers and gifts which I received while a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. A soecial fhank you to Drs. Ewart, Spear and Anfossi and nurses and staff on the 3rd floor. Mabel Trimble I would sincerely like to thank relatives, friends and neighbors for their cards, visits, gifts and flowers during my stay in hospital and convalescence at home. Melody Ann Hendry The family of the late George Richards wish to fhank thoin relatives, friends and noighbons for the beauti- fui floral tributes, donations, cards, and the many kind expressions of sympathy dur- ing the recent beroavement of a dean husband, father and randfafher. Special thanks f0 n. Hubbard, Dr. Long, the staff, and nurses of Bowman- ville Memoriai Hiospital and Dr. Doctor, Dr. Sangaraling- ham, the staff and nurses of the Intensive Cane Unit of Oshawa Genonai Hospital. Special thanks too, to the Canadian Legion, Branch 178 for their beaufitul service in the chapel, and for ail their kindness to us, both before and affor oun bereavement. Many thanks f0 Morris Funeral Chapel, Rev. Amacher, Mns., Mary Colo and Beehive Re- bekah Lodge. Elsie Richards Alan and Glenn and familles. We sincerely thank al fripds-andp iatd _ s for flowersgifts' and _ acrsI received on our 5Oth Wodding Anniversary. Wayne and Helen Elliotf, A hearfy "Thank You" fo the boys of Pine Ridge Schooî for their donation f0 our Activities Fund, which they received from their Horse Show. To Gayie Esier, who made if ail possible. To Mari- lyn Dowio and Nancy Nichol- son, show organizers. To Mike Pageau, photograp(îer. Also, others who were invoived in this event. To Mrs. Modd and hon students from the Senior Public School who have shar- ed their time wifh us this past school year. To the Canadian Statesman who has printed al that we fook fo them. Your thoughtfulness and kindness wiii aiways be deoply appreci- ated.' Residents 0f Sunsef Lodge and Pauline Foster, Activity Dinector. I want f0 sincerel y thank all my friends and nelIatives for thein cards, giffs, flowers and visits to me while i was in hospital. A speciai thanks to Dr. Martin and Dr. Speers. Aiso thanks to ali the nurses for their cane and fo my husband, family and U.C.W. and W.i1. Ella Bowers We would like to thank all our friends and relatives for their concern and kindness while i was in Bowmanviiie and Oshawa Hospitais, Also for visifs, cards and fiowers, lovoiy plant from Solina W.l. A ve.ry special thank you f0 Dr's. Westgarth, J. Rundie, specialists Dr's. Long, Clarke, Sproull, Grant, Luck, nurses and staff on 3rd floor and Intensive Care Bowmanviiie, 6F Oshawa. Also Dr's. West- f arth and Sylvester and 1sf oor nurses and staff whiie Doreen was in Bowmanvilîe. A very sincere thanks fo Pastor Erb and DenziI Dale for their pray ens for "God is the Great Phys icia n". May God Bless you ail as ho has us. Frank and Doreon Westiake The famiîy of the lafe R. A. McMiIlin wish f0 thank the nurses at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviile, ambulance attendants, neighbons, nurses in attendanco af home, Dr. McKenzie and Rev. B. Long fortheir kindness during the iilness and bereavement of a dean husband and father. 25-1 x i would like f0 express my thanks for the kindness of Dr. Sylvester, Mrs. Aura His, the staff and nurses of the.third floor, also my relatives and friends for flowens and cards while i was a patient in hospital and since coming home. Mrs. Norman Taylor, 67 Church St reet. Wo would like f0 thank our dean fiends and relatives for the beautiful gifts g iven f0 our baby son, Nicky. We appreci- afe your kindness veny much. SaIly, Jerr7and Nicholas Baked goods, home made articles. SATURDAY, JUNE 26 At 2 p.m. 2-4 Nelson Street 24-2 Finîe Free Week June 21sf - June 26th, 1976 BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Tempéranco Street 623-7322 24-2 Sum mer Loaný at thé Libnary Beginning Monday, June 21sf, 1976 ail books can be signed ouf for 4 weeks. On September 71h, 1976 we will return fo our rogular boan peniod of 3 weeks. BOWMAN VILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Tempérance Street 623-7322 24-3 SUMMER AT THE LIBRARY CRAFTS Age 6 and Up ploaso. Mondays - 2 pari. MOVIES Wednesdays - 2 p.m. Programs begin Monday July 5th, 1976 and run unfil the end of August 1976. - Free of Change - BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Te mpe ra nco Street 623-7322 24-4 MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time, THURSDAY- 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softbaîi JUBILEE PAVILlION OSHA WA 50-t, WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 PM. ,RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OS HA WA 21 -tf Haydon Annual Sa lad Supper Wili be heîd at the Community Contre (school) Thursday, JuIy 1sf. Serving from 4:30 6:30 P.m. "Comne and enjoy Our homnemade goodies". Admission: Aduîts $3.50 Childron 12 and undor $1.50 Pro Schooiors - free. 24-2 The Wood Family picnic will be held at Thistie Valley Park, Bowmanville, Sunday, June 27th, 1976. Supper af 4 o'clock. Sports af ?2 1 24-2 GARAGE SALE Sat, June 26 10 a.m.,Onwards Furniture, many small house- hold items, roll-away bed, Colonial TV, bookcase, chest of drawers, etc. 95 Church St., Bowmanville f25-1 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel Newcastle New Town RebelIs June 25 & 26 Friday - Saturdlay Dancing 9 - 1 25-1 The public is cordially invited f0 attend a Retirement Tea in honour of Mrs. Helen Glaspeil and Mrs. Audrey Rosevear on Monday, June 28 from 3 to 5 p.m. af Enniskillen Public School, Enniskillen, Ontario. 25-lx Rummage Sale af the Sal- vation Army, Thursday, June 24, 10 a.m. -9 p.m. Friday, June 25, 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. 25-1 Kendal Annual Salad Sup- per will be held Wednesday evening June 3th in Kendal United Church Hall, Settings at 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. Aduits $P.00, Children $1.50. 25-1 Club Annrene Dance and Banquet Hall available for your 'group's fund raising activities. Book your next year's dates now while choice dates are stili available. Contact Don Armstrong at 576-5522 or 576-6599. 48-tf Flea Market every Sunday at Pinecrest Bowl parking lot. Hwy. 2, west end Port Hope. Vendors may inquire for space. 416-885-6893. 25-1 Garage Sale at the Snud- den's on Prestonville Rd. south, R. R. 4, Oshawa, 16 1 ine, l4th house on the west side of the road off Hwy. 2. To be held on June 26-27 from 10 a.m. f0 8 p. m. 1In case of ra1i, Jul1y 3-4. 25-1 JOLLY CLUB (cSen ion Ci tize ns)- BAZAAR ONE piano (Dominion) made in Bowmanville. Besf offer. 2 la rge cribs, no mattresses. Chea P. Phono 623-3863 or 623-4620. 25-1 WASH stands, 'occasional chairs, Bowmanville rocker, round oak fable, round glass china cabinet, armoires, dea- con bench, hand-made afga- han, kitchen set, plus lots of antiques. Flea Market style at Dad's Used Furniture, New- fonvilie. Hours 1 - 4 and 7 - 9, Monday fhrough Friday and 12 - 5 Safurday and Sunday. 786-2509. 25-1 ONE pool table, 4 x 8, good condition. $75. One ping pong fable, 9 x 5, 1 year aid $55. Phono 623-3980. 25-1 x SEVEN bush cord wiîlow, wood for stove or firoplace,4 x 32'. $25 each. Phono 263-2786. 25-2 STRAWBERRI ES Frank Hiemstra R.R. 1, Enniskillen Phone 263-2260 ELMER'S New and Used Furniture and Appliances. We buy contents of homes. Phono Hampton 263-2294. 19-tf OLDER -building of corru- gated motal. Approximately 20 x 40 . Must be removed. Besf offer. 623-5683. 25-1 FINDL EY coal and wood kitchen range, washing machine, good; kitchen cup- boards complote with stain- less steel sink, also baled hay in the fieîd. Phono 263-2544. 25-1 O% SHAÀRLW A SCREENED SAND GRAVEL &STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCIS ALL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTSý TOPSOIL & OIRT FILi. t2TLI OFLIVERED OR REMOVED TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR RENT SNOW REMOVAL Phone Oshawa 725-0,232 SOLINA RD. N. 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2. YARD SALE Saturday, June 26th at 10 a.m., 145 Liberty St. S., Cottage furniture, clothing and odds and ends. 25-1 BOATS -MOTORS New 15 ft. f ibrog lass conv. top, 40 h.p. long shaft. Johnson Electromnatic only $2095.00. 16 ft. Princecroft 1-0 new, only $4795.00. 20 usod motors 5 h.p. f0 75 h.p., $149.*00 up. New 65 h.p. Mercury Electric $1500.00 C. B. radios, 23 channels $ 149.00. Ontario Sports Hwy., 115, Orono 983-5444 25-2 GOLF clubs, lady's, n q ht hand (Spalding Doubl1e Eagle), liko new. $40. Phone 623-2757. 25-1 FLOWERS for Decoration Day. Sweet Williams, mixed colors. Phone 987-4321. 25-1 1974 KAWASAKI 100, $650. 623-3829. 25-1 x ONE used Electrohome de- humidifier with automatic shutoff. Like new. $60. Phone 623-5004.' 25-1 1712 FT. FIBREGLASS deep V boat, 100 H. P. Johnson with altornator, electric start, con- vertible top and sleeper seats. AIl in good condition. Phone 623-2616. 25-lx CHES TERFIELD suites, dlin- ing room tables, dressers, 6 piece chrome suite, occasional chairs, desk chairs, man's valet seat, dressing screen, kitchen tables, coffee and end fables, antique umbrella and hat stand, sewing machines, wicker bassinet, child's table and chair set, stroller, car bed, fish aquarium, hamp- sters cage. Towne Used Furni- ture, 19 Tem iperance St., Bowmanville. Store Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Wednesday 9-a.m. - 1 p.m., Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 25-1 ONE 283 Chev. engine and transmission complete, one 327 Ce.ngine overhauled, one 194 Chev.-enginie corn- plete, two 4 x 15 front tractor tires and tubes, $25. per pair. Two 67xl5x 6ply lug type $20. One box trailer 4'x 9 heavy duty on 700 x 17 wheels. - Trailer and springs. Phone 263-8172. 25-1 YARD sale. Used wringer washer, stove, ciofhing and varjous household articles, Saturday, June 26th, 10 f0 3, 6 Coleman, Bowmanville. Hwy. 2 and Waverley Road area. 25-1 PIANO, bed frames, baby, carniage, stroller, crib and many other baby items. Also macrame lamps, owls and plantors. Phone 623-3990. 25-1 x TEAKWOOD, Scandinavian, Danish, bedroom, complote; dininq room, 9 pioce; living room; waIl unit, cottee aDies, new furniture, very reason- able. Phono 1-247-4377. 10-tf PADDY'S Market now ha5 new furnifure, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and alsc used furniture and appliances ffl1 accepf trado-ins. Paddy'E Market, Hampton, phono 263 2241. 33-ti USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-f SWIMMING pool, sacrifice. Loading manufacturer and distribufor has aluminum pools oeff over from 1975 season. 12 price, guaranfeed installation and ferms. Cail collecf days or evenings 1-416-481-8802. 18-tf COMPR ESSORS AIl kinds of machinery. Seil. Buy. Trade. Rent. MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9-6 Ace Machinery 859A Nelson Street Oshawa, Ontario .723-093à 18-tf 1SWIMMING Pool less than one year oid. Fanta Sea above ground redwood 16 x 24, cos- $4,500. Must soul immediateiy, will sacrifice - savings of $2,000. Cali Fanfa Sea Service Centr4 at 1-416-625-8817 days or evenings coIlect. SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY Water Deîivery For fiîîing swimmning pools and weils. PHONE FRED WILLIS 623-2469 19-tf FRONT doon unit 78" w x 841/2" h, oak sili, 18" side lights, 34" cedar panel door, baked enamel storm ýscreen insul glass. Complote hard- ware . Phono 623-5061. 24-4 ENGLISH hay tedder, like new. Phono 987-4772. Film Processing E CHILDREN'S PHOTOS Cameras and Photographic Supplies 78 King St. W., Bowmanviîîe 623-2404 23-10 CEDAR fonce rails af Burke- ton Garage. Phono 263-2311. 22-4x SWIMMING pool wholesaler must dispose of 1975 alumin- um pools in stock, sacrifice price for desperately needed factory warehouse' space. Brand new swimming pools include walk-around deck, fence, filter and warrantee, size 15 x 27, $1088 cash or terms. Cali Gord collect days or evenings 1-416-221-4840. 18tff Swi;mming Pool Sacrifice Leading Manufacturer and distributor has above ground alumninumn pools left ovor fromn 1975 season, 1/2 price, guaran. teed installation and terms. Cali Credit Manager, collect, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days or evenings. 5-tf INTERNATIONAL 3 pt. hitch hay mower, good condition. $225. Phone 263-2719. 25-1 BUCKWHEATfor sale. Phone 263-8288. 25-1 LAWN BOY lawnmower with grass catcher, cheap. Uni- royal radiais size L78-15, many miles left. BF Goodrich radial snows G78-13, like new. Phone 623-2913 after f ive. 25-f TWO white pant suit uniforms and one white dress uniform. Good condition. Size 12. Phone 623-2962., 25-1 10 x21/2 FOOT vinyl swimming pool with filter and chemicals. $20. Swing set $25. Phone 623-4783. 25-1 1973 BELLEVUE tent trailer, sleeps four, one owner, used 11/2 summers, 9 x 12 dinette kitchen, spare tire, plus cur- tains and screen door. Asking $650. Phone 623-7347 after 1. 25-1 x BABY carniage, maroon and white, Pedigree pram. $35. Phone 263-2517. 25-1 1973 350 HONDA, certified, with helmets. Phone 623-3175. 25-1 MY hay at 25c bale, standing. Approx. 1500 bales. Phone 623-2967. 25-1 WAGONWHEEL bunks, 36" with posture boards and ladcder, Sheppard casters on legs. Phone 623-5040 after 5 p. M. ,25-1 RAMBLER trailers, soe theên at Newcastle Trailer Park and Sales, No. 2 highway, New- castle. 987-5131. 25-tf SWIMMING Pool: Deluxe, Redwood, above g round pool. 16 x 24. 1 yr. old. Repossessed by bank, sacrifice 12 price. Cali Mr. Harvey, collect, days or evenings, 416-625-8819. il-tf SWIMMINC, pool for sale: Moving - will-sell you 16 x 32 above ground Modular Red- wood Pool at sacrifice price of $3000. Savings of $2100. 1975 model, caîl 416-625-2719, days or evenings, collect. il-tf 3-ff Fullîer Brusn Products CONTACT Clarence Bell 137 Liberty Street North Phono 623-5939 A salesman in Darlirigfon Township.- TOP soil, Leland Payne, 1-786- 2512. 17-tf Attention Huntens: Briftany Spaniol pup, registered, dowormed, fatooed, puppy shof, ciood hunfing strain. Phono 728-7200. 25-ix CONTINENTAL bed, good condition, reasonable prico. Phono 623-4504. 25-2x FLEA MARKET - Open daiiy on Base Lino Rd., 21/2 miles west of Wavenly Rd. You name if, we probably have if. 623-7490. 25 lx CEDAR lumber for pool fonce, Gate valves, Duno piston pump, fiborgîass ceiling panels, wooI rug, silverware, portable TV, b9oksheives, stove, qult, trunk, beds, dressons, washstands, fresh rhubarb, kittens free to good home. 623-7490. 25-!x CARPETSof'ail kinds,custom made drapes and sheers, hard- surface fIooring, professionai- ly instaîIed. Free estimates. Your one stop shopping. F.A. Kramp, 37-41 King Sf. E., Bowmanville. Furnifure, Car- pet and Drapes. 3t Antique Gun Show and Sale, Sunday, June 27fh, Kinsmen Community Centre, 109 Coîborne Sf. West; Oshawa, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Ladies silver dol la r draws. Admission $1.00. Ladies f ree. 2- STRAWBERRIES. Pick your own, 3 for $1. Clean patch. Barnowski Farms, Newton- ville, 786-2202 or 786-2256. 25-tf HAY, approximately 2000 bales of mixed hay. Phono John Sikma 987-4041. 25-2x OLD house, wooden, to be removed. Phone 987-4041. 25-1 x BARN, boards, beams and cedar rails. Phono John Sikma 987-4041. 25-2x INGLIS Citation gas dryor, 6 cycles, 2 years oid. Phono 623-4644 or 723-0484. 25-2 PLAY pen and steel walled pool. Phono 263-8889. 25-1 WH ITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towrs, UHF, VH F AerialIs, Rotors & Repairs Apartment & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee Phone '69 FORD, V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, good condition. $575. Orono 983-5428. 25-1ix '75 CHEV. 3/4 ton, Silverado, camper special, Courtice cap, AM-F M radio. Phone 623-3178. 25-1ix 1973 BUICK La Sabre, 4 door hardtop, steel belted radiais, power steering and brakes, air conditioning, AM-FM radio, electric seats and windows. Cail 263-2175 affer six. 25-1ix 1971 CHEVROLET Brook- wood Stationwagon, power steering and brakes, auto- matic, radio, good condition, certified. Phone 1-983-5702. 25-1 '67 C HE VE L LE, V-8, 283. Best 0f fer. Phone 623-4783. 25-1 1970 PONTIAC, 9 passenger, Safari custom, 3 speed trans- mission, power brakes, power steering, rear window defrost- er, new radial tires, bod y and motor excellent condition, certifîed. Asking $1900. Phone 623-7071. 25-1 '75 INTERNATIONAL Crew Cab, 345 motor, 4 speed. Best offer over $4100. Farmail H tractor $500 firm. Phone 725-4076. 24-2k 1968 CHEVELLE, 427 cu. in Hursf 4 speed positraction, excellent body condition. Certified. Inquire 1-983-5915. zâ-1x '74 CHEV. Impala, 4 door sedan, excellent condition, 22,000 miles AM-FM radio. Ziebart, Vinyl roof, deluxe bumpers, many other extras. '\Phone 725-2681, or 623-2556. 25-1 '73 FORD Torino station- wagon, 4 door, air condition- ing,' 351 V-8, Ps and pb, electric rear window, new tires. Phone 623-2055. 25-2x 1973 DODG E Pola ra, excellent condition, 76,000 miles. $1695. Phone 623-7684. 25-1 1969 WINDOW FORD van, V-8, automatic engine, good condition., For further inform- ation caîl Charterway's 623- 3&11.25-1 '51 FORD, needs body work. Best offer. Phone 623-3127. 25-1 '75 HONDA Civic Hatchback, 4 speed, radio, roof rack, 8,000 miles, warranty, Orono 983-5444. 25-2 VITALIZING! Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofing on new or used vehicles. Wriften war- ranty. Durham Vitalizing, phone 723-1155. 25-tf 1971 CHEVELLE 2 dr. H.T., V8, power brakes and steer- ing. Requires some rusf repair. Can certify. $1250. 623-5868. 25-1 '73 CHEV. Impala, two door hardtop, new radial tires, Ziebarted. '74 Camaro, auto- matic, power steering and brakes, mags, low mîleage. Phone 623-6148 affer 5:30. 25-1 1970 CHEV. Impala, 2 door hardtop, V-8,power steering and brakes, dlean, as is, $895. 1959 Chev. dump truck, 2 ton, 6 cylinder, good runnin condi- tion $595. as is. 1965 Cev. 1/2 ton, 6 c ylinder, clean cab, as is $300., Phone 263-8172. 25-1 1971 FORD pickup, sun roof, chrome wheels and big tires, headers, dual exhaust. -Best offer. Phone 1-786-2936. 25-2x Mvwaern Boaraming Kennels For cats and dogs. Profession- ai dog grooming, ail breeds and mixed. "While you'ro away, have hlm cieaned up and gay." Bring hlm f0 the specialîst at The Doggy Place NEWTONVILLE 786-2234 24-tf IRISH setter puppies, needied, wormed and ready f0 go. Phone 623-2805. 24-2 SHELTI E puppios (m iniature coles) sables and one tri maie, fniendiy, oufgoing temperment, registered, de- wormed, fattooed, needled. Ponfypool 705-277-2099. 25-3 Board Your Dog! A home away f rom home. Long runs,cdean, veterinary service. Free pickup and delivery. R.TV.V. KENNELS Phone 623-6892 15-tf .110JOUO FREE removal of fnesh, dead E. WHITE or disabiod 'animais. Cail Margwiil Fur Farm, Hamp- COURTICE ton, 263-2721. We now service 30-tf aIl areas. 20tff Pineridge Tire Sales TIRES AND WHEELS To fit your can on truck. Phone 623-4866 BOWMAN VILLE 23

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