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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1976, p. 14

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Riding lessons gîven by quaiified instructor- equita- tion, jumping, basic dressage. Use your awn horse or we have good horses availabie. Aiso horses broken and train- ed. Cal 623-4558. 25-tf 31/2 year-oid Apaloasa geiding, very quiet and good with chiidren, saddle and bridie. Chickens, Poish, Hamburgs, Giant Jerseys, etc. Telephone 1-983-9583 after six. 25-1 R.O. P. tested Yorkshire boars and giits. Boars ready ta use. Tom Pleasance 263-2719. 25-1 EQUESTR!AN TRAINING CENTRE LARGE INDOOR ARENA BOARDI NG instruction in Equitotion Jumping Dressage Schooling of Hunites & Jumpers Hunters & Jumpers Bought & Soid' RR 3 BOWMANvILE 62397336 tt A small female Beagle, last seen south-east of Blackstock. $50 reward. Phone 725-9847. 25-1x DOWNTOWN Bowmanville, store and 3 bedroom apart- ment for rent,htogether or separately. Phone 623-2795. 25-lx PORT HOPE, three bedroom house, appliances, fireplace, garage, vacant, $260 monthly. Phone 1-266-7945 Scarborough. il-tf NEW apts. Port Hope, from $190., 1 and 2 bedrooms. Sauna, recreation, children's room, many features. Cal 885-6500. 15-12x Furnished Redrooms by month, week or day, shwer. and bath, icenced premises, reasonable rates. CASTLE HOTEL Bowmanville 623-7072 1 -tf ORONO, 3 bedroom house for rent, full use of house and garage. $185 per month ex- cluding heat, hydro and water, first and last month's rent. Monthly lease. Phone 723-0575. 25-1 BEAUTIFUL two bedroomn apeartment in Bowmanville, air conditioning, broadloom. throughout, new building and appliances, only $250 per month. Phone 623-6225 or 723-6375. 25-1 HORSEY S treet, one bedroom apartmentavaîlable August 1. Senior citizen preferred. Phone 623-5004. CONTRACTORS General contractors re- quired in Durham Region. Roofers, pavers, plumbers, generai etc. Must be inde- pendent businesses- CaIl 579-5070 9-tf HICm-i SLHOOL boy ta help- with haying. Cail Stanley Milison; 263-8880. 25-1 x HOUSEKEEPER ta live in ta keep house for father and two young teenage, daughters. Please apply in writing fa Advertiser 625, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bow- manville, Onfaria LlC 3K9. 24-2 STU DENTS full and part tîme caliing on Fuller Brush customers. Car necessary. For mare information cali 1-372-9969 or write Patrick Wiebe, 416 Waiton St., Ca- bourg. 24-4x 3 BEIDROOM house need by August 1. In Bowmanville - Orono - Newcastle area. Phone 987-4019. Widow, living alone seeks a one or two bedroom apart- ment or fiat by JuIy 31. Phone 623-7895 or 623-7037. 23-3x RELIABILE adults would like country house to rent. Within commuting distancel of Oshawa, 1-705-292-7121. 24 Room and board available. Gentleman preferred. Phone 623-3265. 25-ix RELIABLE student tababysit for summer. Phone 623-5780 after 6 p.m. 2- PAPEBOYSor papergirîs needed. Jackman - Scugog Sts.; Third - Hiqh - Elgin St.. and Simpson Ave - Ontario St. area. Apply Canadian States- man. Phone 623-3,303. 25-1 SALE PEOPLE' -Canvassing in the Durham Reg on. -Full or part-time. -Advertising supplied. CaIli 579-5070 Yo- i l 25-1 Jensen Steel Ltd. Req uires Fitter - Welders Material Handiers Shear Operators- Multi-Torch Operator Press Brake Operator Apply in person at 122 Base Line Road, East, Bowmanville. 25-tf LADIES: Part or full time opportunities open with Sarah Coventry Jewellry. No invest- ment. No deliveries. We train. For further information please cali 623-9147. 25-1 x CLEANERS for part time cleaning of Pine Ridge School in Bowmanville. Preference given ta an experienced couple. Please telephone cal- lect. Camelot Cleaners Lim- ited, Markham. 1-294-1020. 'After 5 calil col lect 1-294-5349. 24-2 RELIABLE, FULLTIME BARTEN DE R Must be presentable, honest, pleasing personality. Exper- lence not absolutely neces- sary. Full time night work, 6 p.m. ta close. For interview telephone: 623-3373 Mr. Bourke Fiying Dutchman Motor, Inn. Bowmanvi île. 25-1 CAR ETAKE R Applications wiii be received byg the undersigned until Friday June 25, 1976, for the position 0 Suppiy Caretaker, 40 Pours0!per week at the variaus schools in the Bow- manviiile- Newcastle area. Good knowiedge of schooi caretaking procedures and cieaning methods. Abilify ta work tram verbal and written instructions and ta communi- cate weil with others. Reply in writing stating quali- fications, address and tele- phone number ta: M. A. Mac Leod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle 'Board of Educa- tion, Box 470, Cobourg. K9A 4 L2. 25-1 Major 011 Company : REQUIRES *Gasoline and Fuel Qi I Distributor for: * Bowmanville - Newcastle e -Port Perry Area * -HIGH EA RNING POTENTIAL - Experience in the following or related areasan asset. Plumbing and Heafmng * .Burner Service Mechanics * .Tank Truck Drivers, * .Contractors * .Building Supply *Reply in Confidence ta Advertiser 624, C-o Canadian *6 Stafesman, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario. LIC 3K<9 SCHOOL 0F AUCTIONEE RING LTD. Canada's first, and the oniy completeIy Canadian course offered anywhere. Licensed under the Trade Schoois Licensing Act, R.S.A. 1970,, C.366. For particulars of the next course write: Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta or Phone 782-6215 20-9 liii a EAR PIERCING SERVICE Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. Regular Price $12.00 NOW $ 10.00 with studs Special 10 per cent reduction on f irst purchase of earrings with the release form. Phone 623-5747 For Appointment 45-tf ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removal 90 Simncoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHARGEX 44tff FREE Venerea I Disease Clinic in Oshawa Tuesdays and Thursdays 4: 30 p. m. Telephone 723-8521 C. C. Stewa rt, M. D., D. P.H . Medical Officeraof Heaith Don't Worry - Be Sure!I 23-4 Gasoline, Diesel fuel, Heating Fuel, Greases and Gear Lubricants. Specification No. 76-36 Sealed tenders, ciearly mark- ed as ta contents, will be received by the undersigned until 5!on p.Mný local fime on Wednesday, JuIy 7th, 1976 for: 1)Regular Gasoline, 62,000 gallons per year. 2) Diesel Fuel, 25,000 gallons per year. 3) Heating Fuel, 80,000 gallons Ser year. 4) treases and Lubricants, 1,500 lbs., per year. Ail tenders must be submitted on tender forms which may be obtained at the office of the undersined. Late tenders not ccept2. owest or any tender not n ecessarily accept- ed. J. Dunham Director of Public Works Hampton, Ontario. 25-1 TENDERS wili be received up to 4:30 p3-m-, JulY l6th, 1976 ta paint the exterior front of the Public Utilities Commission building at 19 King St. West, Bowman- ville. Specifications for this work may be obtained at the Public Utiities office. Ad- dress tender to Bawmýanviile Public Utilities Commission, 19 King St. W. Bowmanvilîe, Ontario. Attention: M. J. Watson, Manager., In the Estate of RI CHAR D MURRAY COWLING of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regionai Municipaify of Durham, Lift Truck Driver, deceased. Ail persans having dlaims aainst the Estate of Richard Mura y Cowling, late of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipaiity of Dur- ham, Lift Truck Driver, who died anaor about the l9fh cday of April, 1976, are hereby notified ta send particulars of same tc' the undersigned on or before fhe 7th day of July, 1976, after which date the Estate wiil be distributed with regard oniy fa the dlaims of which the undersigned shahl then have notice and the undersigned wii11 not be h able ta any persan of whose dlaim they shail nat then have notice. DATED at the Town of Newcastle, this lOth day of June, 1976. William John Cawiing and Frederick Clair Cowling,, Administrafors, bjtheir soliitor; 28 King SreWest, P.O. Box 159, Bowmanvilie, Ontario, LIC 3K9 24-3 VIKING Plumbing and Heat- ing. Planning on remodeiing or buildinga new home, call today for f ree estimate. 24- hour service. Cail 263-2981. 22-5 Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Siding - Soffit - Facer Eavestrough - Windows Doors . Awnings 623-4398 For Free Estimate Llod Brne .OXFORD LlydBarnesBricklayers and Carpentry, RenovatingSon asn Ail General Repairs (Our fireplaces do net smoke) REASONABL.E RATES 1-983-5606 25-tf 263-2288 25-1 J. A. HAYES (SMOKEY) D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Rec Rooms Repairs 0f ail types, P HON E 623-2263 20-tf Monte Hennessy Carpentry - Renovating Fencing, Ail Types Floor Sanding, Concrete Wcrk Farm Buildings and Maintenance Phone 579-5957 16-tfý Painting, exterior and int- erior work. For f ree esti mates phone 723-5057 or 623-2196. 24-4x HELPI l'm talented and looking for work. Experience: drywalling, housepainting, papering, window washing, gardening, lawnmowing, re- tail sales, hospital patient care, childcare, posters, poems, ail-pencil portraits, etc. Reasonable rates. 623- 2687. 23-3 PHOTOGRAPHY 'arnrercial - Weddings 1Portraits WAYNE HUNT, PONTY POOL 705-277-2261 29-tf I Hele take fi her patran teeny aour v fi rst cf Do you relativ livesa you do shoulE specia do this a day, to see1 thinkc your Io care? ratesm of mini ail. To in our! LIp y' ALLIN COLE'S MOBILE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS CTune-ups - Bra kes - Etc.) Ail wark done by Licensed Ciass "A" Mechanic At your home or place of business. AI l parts and labor guaranteed. Terms cash. PHONE 623-5045 Bowmanville 52-tf len Logan wauld like ta. his opportunity ta thank customers for' their )nage for the past nine-, Ref rigeration and years. Her beauty par- Appl~ianc'e Service Nill be ciosed as of the r - f July. 24-2 Commercial and Domnestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers ATTENTION Days . BERT....... 235774 w worry about an elderly ights............. 623-3177 ive or an invaid who alone? Do you find that Lander Hardware ,on't caîl as often as you and ELECTRIC 2-tf d? Now there is a ______________ aily' designed service to is for yau. We'll1 cail once CUSTOM uphalstering, recov- at a pre-arranged time ering, re-styiing, very reason- that ail is weIl. Can you able, work guaranteed, 20 of a nicer way ta show yea rs experience. Free loved ones how much you estimates. Please cail coilect With aur reasonable 1-986-5072. 26-tf we can give a little peace nd and a bit of cheer for AIT p oenlist your loved ones AlTp servicecalii nowand set Painting& sur very personalized Roofing schedule. T.H.E. SERVICE TODAY'S HAPPY ELDER 576-7754- 8 a.m. taS5 p.m. Mondayto Friday 25-2x IN THE MATTER 0F THE INNKEEPERS ACT, R.S.O. 1970, CHAPTER 223, SECTION 3, AND AMEND- MENTS THERETO BE IT KNOWN, that 1, GORDON BRENT, proprietor of a ivery baarding stable located at R.R. 5, Bowman- ville, Ontario,' intend ta seil by public auctian at my place af business, an Wednesday, July 7fh, 1976, 1 p.m., through the services of Mr. Cliff Pethick, aucfioneer, a 7 or 8 years aId pinta geiding horse. This horse is now owned by Mr. Wayne Megit, Port Hope, Ontario, and the amounit owijg ta me far boarding services provided is $300-.00. GORDON BRENT R. R. 5, Bowmanviiie, Ontario. 24-2 ONTARIO HYDRO Ail offi!ces of Ontario Hydro wilI remain open for business on Thursday,JuIy lst and wiII be cîosed on Friday, Juiy 2nd. W. R. Waiters,,Manager Bowmaffviiîe Areai. 25-1 - FOR CLASSIFIE Tues., 12 noon Lawn anadçGarden Ca re Grass cutting, roto tilling and lawn rolling with a commer- cial machine. Seedinai down new Iawns and old, tree cutting, painting; and odd jobs cleaning up. 500-Ibs. pressure washing for farmn equipment trucks, etc. Robert Jones 987-5222 FOR aIl your building require- ments, new kitchens, replace windows with heat saving Thermopane glass. Phone 623- 7363. 22-tf jOMESTIC &COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanville 26-tf DARLINGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Plhone 623-2176 Appliances Repaired Washers, dryers, -ranges. We hook up dryers and ranges. Air conditioners instailed and cieaned. 576-6962 728-9658 24-4 Durha mMasonry Contra ctors LM. Bricks - Logs Field Stonework Specializing in Firepiaces. Phone 576-02 3b Ni ght 439-6516 24-tf BilIlIs GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville Ontario. Phone 621-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - St'rm Windows Store Fronts - IFloat Mirrors Patterned and'Colored Gfass and Giazing. 17 tf ~AErK Weii1s bored , 30" fi1i'é. Ward's Weil Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16-tf Auction Sale, Saturday, June 26th, property of the late Murray Cowling, 11/2 miles north of Bowmanville on Manvers Rd. (R.R. 5). Trac- tor (Bush Hog Garden Trac- for) 12 H.P. (2 yrs. aId), Mawer, Snowbiower, Piow, Harrows, Discs., Cuitivator, Storm Cab, 14' fiberglass Boat with 40 H.P. Johnson motor and frailer (like new), Palaris Snowmobile, 2 cylinder (like new), box trailer, Rofotilier, 2 iawnmowers, table saw, elect- ric drill, battery charger, assorted tools and garden equipmenf. Some househoid effects, sewing machine. Sale time 1 p.m. Ail bidders must register for Bidding No. Grant Werry, Auctioneer, 416-263- 2603. 24-2 Saturday evening, June 26th - Twýiiight Auction Sale of Furniture, Antiques and Miscelianeous Articles. The property of St. John's Angli- can Church, Orantge Corners Flats, tar and gravel, meta l, (all proceeas for church cold process, Ieaks, repairs, work). Churn, picture trames, shingies, interior and exterior gramophone, books, ail lIamAs, painting. Freeestimates. pumnporgan and stool, antique PHONE 623-5038 dishes, 2 converted hanging' 19-tf iamps, quiits, jars, sealers, complete set of dishes, horse coilars, whiffle trees, wicker chair, garden fools, miany Maple Grove other articles. Bake Saleý. SmaII Engine Lunch availabie. Terms Cash.' Repars t allrnaks of No Reserve. Sale at 6:00 p.m. L eartoalmaeo sharp. Cari Hickson, Auction- Lwn and Garden Equipment eer, Reaboro, Ont., 705-324- 579-2001 14-tf 9959. Sale wili be heid in Orange Cornbers Hall. TOP'CASH PAID FOR USED PIANOS Player Piano Lots of used pianos in stock, organs fao! OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE 16 Simcoe N. Caf King) 728-1675 25-tf CASH for gald, silver, coins, guns, dlocks, jeweilery, dish- es, furnifure, cracks, paint- ings, sealers, appliances. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 38-tf 'Ù'SEbD Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 33-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles ,Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence -623-7112 45-tf Gloria's CANVAS & UPHOLSTERY Custom Made Awni 'ngs Trailer - Boêat!- Sail Covers Ail types of canvas repairs. Boat - Skidoo Motorcycle seats recovered. BOWMANVI LLE - 623-4654 25-1ix FARM fencing. Will1 buiid new fences, ail types. Also repair existing fences. Cali Henry Wotten 1-986-5298. 25-1lOx Auction sale, private estate, property of Mrs. C. Sim pson, 727 Wilson Rd. N., Oshawa (just north of Rossland Rd. watch for sig ns). To be held on Saturday, J une 26 at 1 p.m. sharp. (re-scheduled because of ramn). Viking electric stove, GE refrigeratar, deep freeze, automatic washer like new, chrome suite, six chairs, Spa-hish 2 pce. chesterfield suite (2 yrs. aid), Spanish 5 pce. bedroom suite like new, 4 captain's beds ail in A-i condition, red shag rug 12 x 19 aiso 9 x 12 in aoad condition. 9 x 12 tent, black and white T.V., drapes, desk and chair, vanity, rail away bed, ward- robe, bookcases, gald chair, record cabinet, sterea set, radio, built-in cupboard, electric heaters, electric fan, Spanish coffee table and end tables, lazy boy chair, two matching table lamps. Also 22 foot Rac ket house trailer campletely equipped. Subject ta Iow reserve bld. This will be a large sale. Terms cash. Na reserve. Myles King, Auction- eer 725-5751. 25-1 Farm Auction Sale Sat., JUIY3 Livestock; Implements, Antiques For Percy Adamson, Lot 11, Con. 10, Otonabee Township, 1/2 mile south of Mather's Corner, 4 miles west of Keene. Int. B275 tractor, with loader, Case SC tractor, Case 133 baler, A.C. combine, manure spreader, 7' hay mower, Int. rake, Int. 3 furrow plow, seed drill, tiller, hay elevator, cult îivator, harrows, wagoans, grain box, and g rinder. L ive- stock includes two purebred Holstein cows fresh, four BWVF cows with calves, three Here- fard cows with caives, twa fat heifers. Note: These are good cattie, in prime candi tion. Also garden tractar, lawn mowers, canoe, trail bike, cutter, sleighs, scrap iran, cream separafar, chain saw, horse harness etc. Antiques and household include: butter churn, butter bowl, ladie and press, spoal bed, waoden welI pum p. hand made woaden couch, piano stools, ail la mp and lanterns, sleigh belfs, sealers, cracks, copper bolier, woad stave, antique washing machine, electric stove, wringer washer, china wash set, wooden chafrs and tables, many, man y, other articles. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm Sald. Lunch available. Sale at '1:00 p.m. Owner: 295-6306. Company rep. Larry Leahy 652-3517. Auctioneer Seve Liptay, Bowmanvilîe, Ont. 416-263-2117., 25-1 WAuction sale of La nd Land Management Sale File T-05493 94653 acrej of la nd beina in Lots1 a 16, cocession 1, Township of liariington, Re. gional Municipality of Dur- ham, iocated a? the North. West Quadrant of Highway Number 2 and Martin Road, just west of the Town ol Bowma nvi île. Sale ta be held on the property at: 12:30 pm., Local Time, Wed- nesday, July 7th, 1976. TERMS: $50,000.00 deposit al the time of sale (cash or certified cheque made pay- able ta the Treasurer af Ontario), balance payable ir thirty days. If the purchasem intends ta finance ail or part of the balance by mortgage f rom' a boan agency or a private party and more than thirty days are required ta complete the maortgage arrangements. this Ministry will consider ai reasanable extension of the thirtyday period, subject tc interest on the unpaid balance. For further information please contact: The Auctioneer: Mr. Bob Stapleton 72 Brown Street Bawmanville, Ontario, Telephone 623-2439 or The Ministry of Transporta- tion and Communications Central Regian, Right-of-Way Office 3501 Dufferin Street Downsview, Ontario M3K 1 N6, Telephone: 248-3081, between the haurs of 8:15 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Sale subject ta a Reserve Bid established by the Ministry. Sale wiIl not be effected ta empioyees cf any Ministry af the Government of Ontario unless the employee has Autifo Sale Sauy Junier6 1:5 p.at Bannis- tersatio taHnall nedey dcishs, iSae, pcturey bueg, c.n1igned. RagerBani- nter, Auctioneeral,1-797-265. Consiting f roking 2hair an r a e S Rs s Auction Sale Tractors, machinery, ta- bacco equipment, greenhouse, mobile bulk kiin (Powell) the p'roperty of Ed and Remi vanh.averbeke, Lot 1, Con. 6, Twp. of Clarke, 6 mi. E. of Ki rby on County Rd. 9 or 7 mi. W. of Hwy 28 (past Elizabeth- ville) an county Rd. 9. Sat., June 26, 12:30 sharp. 1 1953 John Deere 40, 1 1957 Ford Row Crop with 2 row cultiva- tor. 1-4furrow M.F., 3pt. hitch piaw, 3 furrow drag plow an rubber, M.F. 10 ft. disc, 3 pt. hitch, M.F. Sub-soiler, M.H. 10 ft. seed drill, 2 rubber tired wagons, M.F.E.Z. flow broad- caster, (11 ft.) 1969 Powell 2 row planter, excellent, 2 row Holland Planter, 8 jack plant- ers, 30 wooden plant boxes, 3 greenhause hases, 4 green- house floats, 300 ft. green- house walk, (2" lumber with brackets), 160 ft. T-jet water- ing system and pump, 260 ft. T-Jet watering system, 1 V-8 Chrysler motor and pump (marlou), 6" x 6", 2200 ft. 6" main uine 20 ft. pipes, 2200 ft. 4" laterai uine 30 ft. pipes,' rainbird and other assort- ed sprinklers, quantity of A & M cuplers and hydrants, 1972 Delhi Foundry prim-, ing machine and sprayer' 30 H. P., 2 h igh horse ponies, 5 man priming machines, 56 baskets sing le type, 2 ilazy susan basket trailers, 3 pt. hitch basket lift, 3 pt. hitch fork lift, Finco self propeiied sprayer, 2 row D.F. 'Hoeing attachment, 2 row Liilitsan Rolling Cultivator and Acces- saries, J.D. tool bar and hook teefh, 2 D. F. striproom steam- ers, 21 ft. Vaertson striproom conveyar, D.F. eiectric press, 7 D.F. baiing boxes, scales, 6 striproom- racks, courtiand steamer (ail), hases and pans, 2 Volta tying machines, 1 Kiin elevator, 1 BTL 16' elephant wagon, 1 8' Delhi tork iift, 90 - 8' paliets, Buildings: 100' greenhouse with fan, and plastic, easy ta move, 1 powell mobile buik kiin, Powell bulk racker and rack hoist, 3 8' buik kiln unloading boxes, 2 smaii bunkhouses, bunk beds, table and benches, 2,500 gai. water tanks, 2, 1000 gal. ail tanks, 6 save ail burners, 20, 45 gal. drums. Terms Cash, Discon- tinuing tobacco farming, rights sold. Rager McDonaid, Auctioneer, R. R. 2 Baltimore, Ont., 416-349-2859. Auction Sale Grist Miii Auction Barn Newtonville, June 25th, Friday, 7: 00 p.m. Freezer (21 cu. ft.), china cabinet, display case (6 ft. long), 5 pc. dinetfe set, 3 Pc. bedromn suife, pool table, fridge, coffee tables, electric organ (sing le keyboard), reg- ulatar cdock, 3 mantie dlocks, window mirrors,,bianket box- es, candie table, rocker, gas amp, gramophone, brass iran bed, 6 dining roam chairs with matching buffet and china cabinet, cranberry pickle castor. Terms Cash. Auc- tioneers: Stapieton Bras., 786-2244. 25-i y il if y l- it r if n r Advertising helpis. good things- happen. RESULTSÊCOU-NTil1 Multiple Listing Service' Oshawa & District Real Estate Board tf. - - -9 10% - -- -à - -- Auction Sale at Pethick's Auction Barn, Haydon, one mile east of Enniskillen on Saturday, June 26. A fine assortment of furniture and things. Everything must go. Sale at 7 p.m. Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 25-1 Auction Sale, sell ing for Keith Stinson, Lot 2, Con. 6, Manvers TwD narth of Ponty- pool to Ballyduff corner and West. ali his farm implements, some furniture on Saturday, J une 26th. M.F. tractor No. 35, cultivator, 24 tooth new M.F. 3 furrow plaw, M.F. No. 10 baler, J. Deere mawer 7' No. 5, J. Deere side rake, bale buncher, hay elevator, 4 sec- tions harrows, chain harrows, tractor chains, scales, snow blade, '62 Dodge haîf ton, Ferguson tractor and loader, rubber tire wagon, 2 wheel trailer, wheelbarrow, '67 Mer- cury 1/2 ton truck, chain saw, garden tiller, wind milI, straw and hay, box stove, 2 wash stands,2 dressers, chester- field, 3 cream separatars, cup1baard, chairs, sanrie dish- es, 12 gauge shot gun, washing machine, high chair, electric lawn mower, 2 batteryradios. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1 p.m. Lawrence Harris, clerk . Cliff Pethick, auction- eer. 25-1 Saturday, June 26, Sale Time 1 p.m. Furniture and Antiques, the praperty of Pat and Doug Jackson, Brooklin at 1/2 mile narth of Brooklin, 2 miles west on concession road or 2 miles west of Brooklin oh highway 7 turn right, go north 11/4 miles farm on right side. Moffatt self cleaning gold eiectric stove almost new, G.E. dishwasher gald, 1 year. aid, 21 cu. ft. freezer, wringer washer, antique buffet, set of 6 Pressback chairs, pine chest of drawers, large antique desk, coal ail iarnp, cham ber and 2 chamber lids, hig h chair, crib, carriag e and ýa by tender, picture trames, quantity of toys, antique tables, chester- field and chairs, studio couch, dressers, 2 washstands, dres- sinq table, chest, 2 single beds, meta i beds, coffee and end' tables, large jars, cupboard, antique kîtchen cupboard, wooden washing machine, 3 spindie back Windsor chairs, 2 cane bottom chairs, Boston rocker, jug, antique shot gun and .22. Manv mare good articles at farm furniture sale. t-arm sald. Terms cash. Lunch availabte. Auctioneer 985-2459. Murray Jackson. 25-1 MEATS Custom Cutting 12 Cents Lb. FREEZER ORDERS 174 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa Phone 579-8011 or 623-7056 14-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS- FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P-0. BOX 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf BOB BEERS' 137 ELGIN STREET Plumibing - Heati ng Pressure Systemns New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Calil 623-2641 33-tf BILL'S swimming pool main- tenance. Phone 983-5606. 24-12 C&CJANITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery Professiona IIy Cîeaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMAN VILLE,.-ý Help Wanted a - o- MOM'S'KITCHEN RESTAURANT Town of Newcastle Ma in Street, Orono Tenders for: QO I> r% IlA 1 AUCTION SALE 1000 Antiques June26 -Sale starts Il'a.m. Clearing Sale for Ken Leard, 3 miles east of Sheridan Mail at Westney Rd. on south side of No. 2 Hwy., consisting of: hooded pine cradie, antique guns, pine fiat ta walI, indentures on parchment as aid as the year 1700, antique dlocks, rounded glass china cabinet, hanging Iamps, one opalescent copper boiler, 30 cracks, British fiag 6' x 12', antique dolis, satin glass, set of press backed chairs, cast i ran pots, coal ail lamps, patchwork quilts, drapes, biacksmith forge in working condition, push-up brass candie stick, pine open hutch, 10' pine harvest table, rocking chairs (Boston and press backed) and others, depres- sion glass, spinning wheel, loom, brass horns, alladin lamps, wagon wheels, steel and brass beds, chesterfield sets, stirling silver, watches (key wind, 130 vears oids), aid set of encyclopedia, T.V., stove, records 78 (Edison f lats and cylinder), ail paintings, prints, engravings and litho- graphs, large ornate frames, p ine chicken coop chairs, f loar iamps, spice racks, corner shelves, set of ice cream stools, set of six bar stools, hospital chairs, carpets, antique batties of ail kinds, blanket boxes (pine, 150 years aid), antique washing mach- ine, oak round table, sterea, treadie sewing mach- ine, 4 poster bed, buggy seat, Turnbull bed, bedroom sets, toals of ail kinds, wal-er sharpening wheel, butter churns, pine drap leaf table, pine pedlestai tiilt top Iamp table, diamond rings and aid coins, other items, dishes and glass too numerous ta men- tion. Terms cash. No reserve. Lunch bar. P.S. "If youmissthissale, shame on yau"l. Ted Lyons, Auctioneer, 725- 1613. Friendiy Flea Market, 23 King St. W., Oshawa. 25-1 Saturday, June 26, Auction sale of antique furniture, dishes, china, etc. the property of the late George Mowat, wili be held, in th e Town of Whitby, 216 Gilbert St. (south of four corners ta Dominion Store, 2 blocks east). Antique rounding cor- ner glass china cabinet (good), antique round oak extension table, 2 antique rocking chairs (his and hers), 3 antique cabinet radios, gramaphone (cabinet style), antique chairs, oak writing desk and china cabinet (or- nate), antique oak sideboard (beveiled mirror, good), antique hall1 seat and hat rack, antique chesterfieid suite, cloverleaf pariaur table with bail feet, antique settee and 2 chairs, chests of drawers, parlour tables, fern stands, picture frames, aid pictures, antique battery radio CHer- aidyne family set), coîlectors item, 2 good iran and brass beds, ornate brass on head- board, hump back trunk, 3 pc. blond bedroom suite, oak dresser with long mirror and many many more antique pieces, butter and candy dishes in silver trames, Lim- oge tea service, Bridai wreath tea set, approx. 25 china cups- and saucers, hand painted china dishes, Royal Douiton (Robbie Burns) candie hold- ers, Footed and pedestai cake plates, grape design dishes, china spitoon, carnival vase, miniature fiowered coal ou, lamp base, coal ail, lamps, hundreds of other dishes. Note: These articles and furniture are from one of the oidest estates in Whitby, and are in gaod condition. Terms cash, sale at il a.m. Reg and Larry Johnson, Auctioneers. Phone (705) 357-3270.1 24-2

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