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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1976, p. 9

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EN NISKI LLEN "No more senool, no more Farewell sermon and to sa' books, no more teachers. nll twa h rwi disapp roving looks" for 2% tmildlyf i was te o sn monthis "Are we sorry? No tohe of st minastrye tos ouire lot. ar apyw t ext from Jeremiah's letter urlomthepnfon.b the captives in Babylon a views th stuatonfrone bo the theme of his sermon v siews ia ssiatartn d a "ot Siagiag the Lord's Songin sidesas a 'paent nd a Strange Laad".. Ia bis expia teacher. ation he showed how co One f tose areand ditions today parallel those glorious June days was our the 0.T. story aad in good fortune on Sun. for a day profound appeal he gi with mixed. Feelings for the encouragement to bis liste large number of worshippers. ers especialîy to work, pri It is with regret that good and have faith, and freedorr family are leaviag our midst tepcuei euefo for a far away field of service. cathe ictureisHecurk te fomp We were pleased- to have nîaty to say thank you ai two tiay boys_ baptized in'- our ancuar. Mta ead good bye for the Bigby famil Our anctary.MetaRead For July the Sun. services w presided at the Organ and be at 10 a.m. and with the directed the Choir in tbeir cnrgtosuiigi Anthem with its woaderful cong regatonsuni tingi musical message, Pat Beckett re one kCnurc July 4th '.u hadthecar oftheJr.chuch Worker Mr. Kevin Morris ai in the S.S. room who gathered in our Cburch July il with]E at the front before leaving to H. Melîow July 25th with Re see the baptisms. Our minist- ril.Theosnevtf er received into the Cburcb PreiS.Sierheclsingtee ntu family by Baptism two infants the S.. e ar the osran Cameron Richard McLean, pinicat be C onkserva son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Arse, where 70-foyces w't McLeaa, Oshawa, and Christ- adhosted y SuptfJye t opher Martin Potts, son Of anea oyed aofft baqic os. and Rena Potts of coleatpped of wihases i Haydon wbo were joined at the coo watepreloa. iH al Altar by God parents and 7 bywasliresntemditb a eiders, Edgar Wrigbt, Ross by two pupils and a farew( Ashton, Wilbur Blackburn, tokea from our U.C.W. by Wilfred Bowman, Jessie Slem- executive ladies. The class on, Margaret Stainton,- and bad contests wîtb prizes und Keitb MeGill who opened tbe- the direction of their teacbe Baptismal Font. The congre-, As a close to an event-fillI gation' was augmented by udytewocnrgio seiVral mmedate elatves gathered in our sister Cbur( of wee Cameron and Christ- for a fond and touchir MOSPORT WINNERS Dutch motorcyclist, Ger- rit Wolsink won the Moto- cross Grand Prix of Canada on Sunlday after beating his toughest opponent by 43 seconds la the first oftwo 40 minute races. Wolsink, outran Roger DeCoster, his teammate on the Suzuki motocross team wlth even greater ease la the second event after a faulty fuel system forced him out of the race, on the f ourth lap arouad the rough, and sandy Mosport track. Canadian riders Jim Turner on a' Suzuki and Nicky Kinoshita on his Yamaha finished the race with three points each. Approximately 7,000 peo- pie attended'the first inter- national motocross held at Mosport. NO MAN HAS EVER CON VINCED IS WIFE YET, THAT A PRETTY STEN- OGRAPHER WAS AS EFFIF CINT AS AN UGLY ONE. BYAM SPLUMBING &HEATING and AI R CONDITION ING TYRONIE, ONTARIO M Phone 263-2650 %v The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. June 29, 1976 9 l' it iing for bis ,r to and vas ina lan- con- eof ia ave en- ray n in Our por- and tly. will ie2 [y- 'ith auth and Dr.i tev.1 for ual ion 7ere rtue luet sof 3ig- hf t lass ,ell ;es ider àer. Iled )ns icb ing iil, larit ' VVA uU our, valIociamlîyI. Clerk of Session Art Young- manacted as M.C. for a brief program in the sanctuary with a delightful Hymn Siag direct- ed by the Organist and Pianist Elinor Brent and Jacqueline Vaneyk respectively. Ella Bowman composed and read a Review of the brief 3 yrs. sojourn of the Bigbys witb their excellent contribution to life witb us. A tangible expression of our love was in gifts of a WestmaisÊ'ter Chimes Mantel dlock to Leseister and Hazel by Ruth McGill and* Eva Vaneyk and remembrances of Sterling Silver beart-shaped lockets to Karyn and Sberyll by two pretty Tyrone lassies, leather wallets to Wayne and Paul by two of our haadsome youths. Some good reading from af book for our library minded Lady of the Manse was a gif t from Tyrone U. C.W. The largef assembly moved to the spac- bous C.E. wing for a social bour and lunch from a buffet table laden with crackers,j cbeese, cookies and squares. We bave ail counted our- selves in completeliy and iÉ is now tîme for our 2 l)ocal C. R.'s and commissioners to relax. t is witb pleasure we extend 01W hear tiest congratulations to Stephen Liptay wbose latest acquisition is the World Championsbip Livestock Auctioneer. Stephen, bis wif e 2 sons and wee daughter live in Haydon. Our neighbouring t village can and must be very proud of its native son, Stepben. The destructive storm on Safurday evening did only sligbt damage iocally as one of these was tossing a nest with 4 nestlings from the braacb of a willow tree. The parent birds as well as avid ornitbolagists will be unbappy. Pont ypool JudoChamp Tim's Rent-AIi, Beat Krcimps Move in'to Tie for TOP Place By Dave Passant Tims Rent-ailibanded front- running Kramps Furiture an 8-3 setback to knot up first position in Mens Town League Softball action at, Memorial Park on Thursday, June 24tb. Tims also dumped Stephens Fuels 9-4 in Tuesday, June 22nd's early encounter to win both tbeir starts last week. The fuelers dropped their other contest wbile Franks Variety, D&R Sports and Kramps split their games. Tims 9 Stephens 4 Stephens, forced an extra inning by rlallyiag for apair of run in tbe bottomn of the 7tb. Tims went througb the order in tbe top of tbe 8tb scoriag five runs with as many bits and set down tbe Fuelers 3 batsmen in the bottom haîf for the win. Winaing pitcher Dick Stata (5-3) fanae d aine and added a basebit. Randy Donoghue contributed 3 bits and 3 runs for Tims. Don .Forsey (2), Greg Adams (2), John Wilson and Paul Thies- sen were other Tim bitters. Bob Williams (0-2) went the distance for Stephens. Don Lorusso (3), Jim McNicol (2), Dwayne Nieuwsma (2), Rîck Santomero and Robert Voigt were Stephens batsmen. Franks 5 Kramps 6 Kramps came up witb 5 runs in the bottomn of the 7tb to edge the Variety club. Ron Hooper brougbt in Rick Woolner witb the winning run on an error, with two on and none out. Dennis Bickle managed bis 4th pitcbing win against 2 defeats relieviag Len Kenny in the 3rd. Doug Kramp and Neil Fry bad a pair of bits each to pace Kramps. Rick Woolner, Lea Kenny, Dennis Bickle and Ernie Cechetto bad single bits. Bill Cochrane (0-6) struck out 7 -in a losiag cause. Steve Burns, Paul Forsey, Kel Bamsey, Bill Cochrane, Jim Beam, Dave Cryderman and Jim McKnigbt added one hit apiece for Franks. D&H- 5 Franks 6 Ia Wednesday, June 23rd's only contest, Franks' Bill Cochrane drove in Kel Bam- sey with the wianing rua in the bottom of the 7tb to slip by D&R. The losers had grabbed a 5-4 lead in the 6th witb 2 ruas, but Franks came back witb a Pair of their own la the final inning. Harvey Webster (3-0) was credited witb the wia relieving Bill Cochrane in the 6tb. Ron Hayes (3-3) took the loss, belping starter Keith Anderson in the 5tb. Steve Burns bad tbree bits including a solo borner to lead Franks. Paul Forsey, Bill Cochrane, Tom Nowlan and Ted Brown were otber Frank hitters. John Dragstra (3) Curt Van- stonie (2), Dave Passant (2), Keîth Anderson, Brian Adams, Dave Taylor, Dou4g Sleep, Bob Hardy and Ron Hayes bad bits for D&R. Stephens 4 D&R 6 D&R erased a 3-1 deficit witb 3 ruas in the 4tb inning to hait their losing strealz at 5 games. Ron Hayes scattered 7 bits in recording bis 4tb win of' the seasoni against 3 losses. Dave Passant (3), Curt *Van- stone (2), Bob DeBlois, John Dragstra and Ray Cummings were D&R hitters. Don Lorus- so (0-2) suffered the loss. Jim Ryorcbuk was 3 for 3 at tbe plate for Stephens. Including a bomne run, Rick Santomero bad 2 bits including a home run, wbile Brent Flintoff and Bob Williams had singles. -Tims 8 Kramps 3 Tims scored tbe 4 ruas tbey needed in the 2nd inniag to move into a first place deadllock witb Kramps. Dick Stata won bis 6th game on the mound, to go witb 3 defeats. Randy Donoghue moved into First spot in the batting race witb a 4 for 4 nigbt. Don Forsey (2), Daryl Osmond, Paul Mclatyre *and Paul Tbiessen counted other bits. Len Kenny '(2-1) took the setback. Neil Fry bad a pair of bits for Kramps while Doug Kramp, Ron Hooper, Pete Nowlan and Joe Caruana bad singles. *Tbe first unit at Lennox generating station, Ontario's oil-fired generating station near Kingston, entered ser- vice in January. Ahl four units at tbe 2,295,000-kilowatt plant are scbeduled for service by 1977. Regular sbipments of residual oul are now arriving at the site by unit train. DON' - -S OU Pictured here is Rodney 'Finney of Pontypool holding one of the three awards he has won in the past six weeks. The trophy he is holding is from. the Arn Cam Tournament in Buffalo where he placed first in heavyweight youth. He also placed, second at the Ontario Youth Championships in Brampton and recently placed' first at the Northern Ontario Open in North Bay. Rodney is a Brown Beit holder from the Grandview Judo Club in Bethany. He has been in Judo six years and has rnany other medals and trophies to his credit. by Tony Day With the standard of play improving each, week there are always surprises in tbe resuis of the soccer games. For instance in the junior division Tyrone -Lied Orono this week wbereas they were defeated by Orono 3 weeks ago. The new eatry in tbe senior division, Hampton, won their second gamne and bave not given up a goal yet. Next week two games will be' played in Bowmanville, botb- at tbe senior public school on Tuesday beginning at 6:15 p.m. junior fl.n,,mn W e've Got 't Al for. Summer Fun! Roller Skates- Skate Boa rds- Frisbees Kites Basebaîl Return-Throws - Basketbals - Hoops and Nets Badminton Sets and Accessories - Bean Bags CCM Bicycles and Accessories, Swim Wings - Basebail and Golf Equipment TITAN - KOHO - CANADIEN Hockey Sticks Have Arrivedl D & R PORTS' and Ski Shop 9 St. W.- 623-3421 Tyrone 2' - Newcastle 2 Newtonville O -Marinas 0 Orono O0-Tyrone O Senior Division, Tyrone 3 - Newcastle 5 Hampton 3 - Glen Rae o LD.A. 3 - Orono 0 La the Senior standings Orono and I.D.A. are tiedl witb 5 points eacb for f irst place. Ia Juniorý Mastrangelo's lead with 9 points. E NNI1,S K1L LE N We are sorry to leara of the illaess requiring bospital care for a former boy of our bamlet Oswald Petbick. We wish for hlm the retura of good health soon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker and family, Newcastle were Sunday guests with -their parents Mr.. and Mrs. C. Avery, occasion of Lisa's third birtbday. "Congratulations". Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, attended Decoration Day at the Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. Mr., Michael- Holmes, St. Catherines spent the weekend witb bis grandmotber Mrs. Gertie Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. David Cec- chetto, Sudbury, attended a surprise birtbday party for ber father Mr. Ted Werry over tbe weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Werry, Bonny and Karen, Sudbury, have been this week's guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry, Karen -bas been in Sick Children's Hospital,ý Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharpe, Linda and Janet, Miss Debbie Pollard, enjoyed a week's vacation with the Gregg family, Gien Burnie, Mary- land. Mrs. Nora Walker, Brooklin was a visitor on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGili. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Staple- ton and family,. Ajax bad Sunday supper with Mr. and Mrs. C. Stainton. Sorry f0 hear Miss Laverne Orchard is a patient at Bowmanville Hospital, we, wish ber a speedy recovery. Mrs. Bey Veale, Vancouver is visifing wifh the Werry families, ber bûsbanid Bey is atfending school at Noranda, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. F. Pethick,' Scarboro, were visitors witb their parents Mi. and Mrs. S. Pefbick, and together visited their son and brother Oswald at, the Civic Hospital, Peter- boro. Mr. and Mrs. Van Cleaf. Creighfon Mines were visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. E., McNair. Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater atfended the 35fb wedding- Anniversary of her sister Mr. and Mrs. O. Beaumont, Downsview on Saturday. DO. DA1 INIý N SALE ALL DAY WEDNESDAY .CLOSED THURSDAY, JULY lst, OPEN FRIDAY 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., ~. ~ V j / ,'SATURDAY 10:0oO.m..6:00 pm in-Stock - I<REHRCO allows u s quaîî t a flç,,-,1Pu ch ..,.ýKroehler U h lt r &Price s ffe fs quaîîty Psetcj -Furniture (No $ 439 (NtExa ctlY as Illustrai * 2 THIS WEEKEND ONLYCLRNEO * / I XLOVE SEATS - . .. . ..... * 'r jSklar- Meridian love seats 1 I J attractive plus durable fabrics. I .f Incredible! $i4 SAVIN4GS 0F UP TrO 50%3/ Open Stock 'Coli AND MORE E Bedroom, OFF MA. SUGG. LIST PRIC Choose from many co-Ordinating C14ESTERFIELD & CHAIR CLEARANCEprcn ofmn sg-fr elvlu tralsvns M S ow room clea ran ce of liv ing roon l su ites. Save u f 0 er c n f an . su ggte s fo o e o o t g . H r w o * u g u IR TS M AN U L FLOOR STOrCK SALE. Many, m n siest frrehal vallouetrea savingth co s rn. BrS Ian n nuess s SKLAR, KROEHLER, TROISTER, p rh sn îo su ops nt B E D F O R D in a w ide varietY Of quality covers and style s~ c n e P r r r c l n a ,y u Hereareius soe o th vaues res SggetedLisuMa. Ls SkarClonal Sof a and-Chair lin double nylon print. Manufactures uggese List 935.00 v Man.xrius MoaYsf ndCari u ablerlo oraY Pic 59.00 SA E 39" Spinde Bed SlrCFM ContemPOrarvSofead Chisntuabe ronc00s-or00uios 54" pnlBe cauiliving. Manufacturers Suggse if900 Mad Murray's Price $589.0 SV Triple Dressers M uhinBakColemoar ofa adChair StSing oule Dressers Kroehler Loose uhn akCne pr y.S Md Murray's price $499.00 Desèr SkarMeidanTraditionial Sofa and Chair Mad Murray's price $397.00 ' 4 Drawer Chest Skir eFFia 5 Drawer Chest yieSoa ad hai- ad uray'",Prie 54900 OFF Single Desk Sk r ida Eflglish Pub StleSfadChi MadMra'Pie5490 Double Desk items in stock for immediate delivery. TO PICKERING ... AND SAVINGS *ou m urrhave'saa tooroes * ~ I D~f~k IIf~FAST, FREE DELIVEAY- * ~~~FREE CUSTOM-ORDERING SERVICE Oe f : ASIC ABOUT OUA CONVENIENT CREDIT PLANS Monday1 " At Murray-'s MAD means 'Make a Deal' for Saturday il a lty Furniture at Lowest Prces!" Tlp ýF in assorted, ea. gpleces ideal construction s. Truckload le savings f0 Mad Murray's Specia I Purchase Price 109.00 109.00 211.70 171.60 1116.80 131.50 151.50 131.40 185.90 208.20 270.50 67.90 72.50 72.50 139.90 114.20 77.70 87.50 99.90 87.40 123.80 138.50, 179.90 44.90 CALL 43-1061 ) p.m. each evenini through Friday 10 a.m. f0 6:00 p.m. 3hone 683-1061 BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION wiII be observing th1e Dodminion Dayf Holiday on Fridaiy, JuIy 2nd WewiII have normal working hoursonjuIy 1. L85 Kinc Bowmanvil le t

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