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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1976, p. 13

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desman, Bowm anville. June 29 1976 13 DEADLINE ' FOR CLASSIFIED Tues, 12noon BRENT - David and Janet (Matthews) are proud ta annaunce the birth of their firsf born, a daughter, Jenni- fer Louise, an June 26, 1976 in Victoria Hospital, Landon, Ontario. 26-ix DEWULF - Ron and Cathi <Reader> are happy to arnaounce the birth of their first child, Amy Melissa, S, ibs. 5/ ais., on June 14, 1976 at Memorial Hasp ial, Bawman- ville. Many tanks ta Drs. Ewert and Anfassi, also the terrific maternity nurses. 26-1 JOINES - Paul wouid like ta announce the safe arrivai of his sister Tammy Lyfin, 8 ibs. 4 ozs., an Wednesday, June 16, 1976 at Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanvilie. Praud parents are Rick and Karen and praud grandparents are Mrs. Paul- ine Jones and Mr. -and Mrs. Harvey upuis, ail of Bow- manvilie.D Special thanks to Dr.' Hubbard and nurses an maternity. 26-1 Mn. and Mrs. Ken Fischer, R.R., 3, Brussels, Ontanio, wish ta, announce the forth- caming marniage of thein dauahter, -Canal Marlene to Simon George Vanden Berg, son af Mn. and Mrs. Geent Vanden Beeg,-RR. 4, Bow- manville. eding will take place Friday, Juiy 30 in St. Jude's Anglican Church, Lon-, don at5 P.m. 26-lx KNIcGMT, Allan W. - At Dunedin, Florida on Sunday, June 27, 1976. BeIoved hus- band 0f Helen (Kenr),,father of John T. of Delta, B.C. and brotherof Helen L. Metcalf of Bawmanviîle, Ontario and the late Kathleen A. Haddy.' 26-1 x LAKING - At Memariai Hospital, Bowmanv-iiIe, Thunsday, June. 24, 1976. Gardon Russell Laking, New- castle, aged 65 years. Beîoved husband of Athea Henning, dean father of Maniene (Mrs. Murray Sheehan) Bowman- ville. Service was held in the manvilîe on Saturday after- noon. Interment Bond Head Cemetery, 26-1 LEVETT - At Memorial Hospital, BowmanviiIe, Mon- day, June 28,- 1976, Joseph Levett, aged 77 years, beiaved husband of Susan Elienton, dean father of Jim, Whifby, grandfather of Debonah, Randy and Larry, great grandfather of Laura. Resting at the Mrris Funerai, Chapel, Bowmanville, for service on Wednesday at 2 o'clock. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. 26-1 "F Iowers SSay t Best' VAN BELLE .DAILY Delivery ta... Oshahwa - Bwmanvilî, Are& Phone 623-4441 43-tf CARNATION ( For Al Your Flowen Needs STOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS TKEY'RE HARD TO BEÈAT Carnation Flower Shap 33 Division St. 623-7141 tf I kA e ~9 FALLIS - In loving memary of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Water K. Fallis, who passed away, June 30, 1971. Tenderiy we treasure the past With miemories that wiii always last. - Ever remembered by wife Lillian and family. 2- GRAY - In iaving memary of aur dear mather andi grand- mother, Lucinda Jane, who entered inta rest, Juiy 2, 1969. Mother, who gave us the best years of life, Who cherished aur secretý, aur sarraws, aur strife, Wha taught us ta love and taught us ta pray Dear mather in Heaven, Gad bless vau taday. Vaur ive was unseifish far others yau lived, Nat tar what yau received but for what yau Coauid g ive,1 Just a iQving thaught, just a sulent tear, Beautifui mnemaries of mather sa dear., - Sadi y missed and lavingiy remem bered by her famiiv. 26-ix GRAY - Lucinda Jane. in loving memony of our, dean mather and granidmather who passed away Juiy 2, 1969. Samewhere beyond the shadows DweiIs a dean sweet mother of ours Whom we look an as a treasure Whom we cherished as divine. But God called the one we loved away Fonget yau, dean mothen, we neyer will. As years roll on we miss you stili, The blow was great the shock severe, We littie thought fhe.end was near, if is only those who have aost can tell The sorrow of parting-without farewell, But god is gaad, He gave us strength, TO bear aur bitter cross, He is the anly ane who knows How great is our lass. - Fondly rememTbered by Dorothy, Jim, Lisa Jane and Tracie Marion. 26-1 x HILLS - in loving memory of our'beioved Mother and Gnandmother, Stella (Couch) His who passed away JuIy 3,, 1967. 1 Gone fnom us, but ieaving memonies Death can neyer take away. Memories that will always linger, While upon this earth we stay. - Loving yý remembered by David, Elizabeth and famiiy. 26-1 PENWARDEN - In Iaving mnemory of William J. Pen- warden, who passed away JuIy 7th, 1955. Gone are the days we used ta shane But, in aur heants yau're always there The gates of memory will neyer close We miss you more than anyane knows. - Lovingly remembered by wife and famiIy. 26-1 x $in ce 1912 F'lowers ~ by JACKMAN... . say if best! PHONE 623-3365 162 King St. E., Bowmanviîe 45-tf Funeral Home THOUGHTFIJLNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE Service to your needs ... our f irst concern. So that you wiI11I be rel ieVed f rom worry and detail. 53 DIVISIO N STRE ET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 Durham Coufnty's Oldest Funeral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Estabîished 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Part Hope, Ontarioa hi deb »I LlA 3W3 WOMZMANSHmP QUALITY High'Oua ity at Reasonable Prices Phone 885-5216 Home 885-5222 > . M24-tf 26-1 Transcendenta I Meditation Prograni Introductory lecture Thurs- day, JuIy lst, 1976 at 7:30 p.m. Durham College 0246. Phone 579-8520 26-1 IBINGO NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tuesday, JUIY 6th Early Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8:00 $400 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsor'ed by NEWCASTLE LIONS 26-1 Durham Holstein Club is sponsoring an Information Day for consumers on Jul y l6th beginning at 1 p.m. af the farm of Don Welsh, Bowman- ville (see story elsewhere). The Chicken Ésarbeque and Twiîight meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. Advance tickets for the barbeque must be pur- chased from a Director Or by teîephoning 263-2325. Don R ickard guesf speaker for fthe evenîng program. 26-2 Club Annrene Dance and Banquet Hall available for your gnoup's fond raising activities. Book your next year's dates now while choice dates are stilli available. Contact Don Armstrong af 576-5522 or 576-6599. 48-tf MONSTER, BINGO New Stantinq Time THURSDAY -7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minon Softbahl JUBILEE PAVILlON OS HAWA 50tff WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M.' RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21-tf SUMMER AT THE LIBRARY CRAFTS Age 6 and Up please. Mondays - 2 p.m. MOVIES Wednesdays - 2 p.m. Pragrams begin Manday Juiy Sth, 1976 and run until the end of Auguýsf 1976'. - Freeof Charge PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Tempenance Street 623-7322 24-4 Summer Loan at the Librany, Beginning Monday,-June 21sf, 1976 ail boo ks can be signed ouf for 4 weeks. On Septem ber 7fh, 1976 we will return fa aur regular boan period of 3 weeks. BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 TemperanceStet2- 623-7322Stet23 MOBILE home, compietely furnished, iocated in Flonida. 12' x 60'. Giassed and scneened Florida, room plus carpont. Electric heat and air condi- tion ing Write Advertisen 626, c-o Canadian Stafesman, Box 190, Bowmanville. Ontario. fL1 C3K9. 26-2x A a a e I * a g * We wauid like ta thank the cammunity and neighbars on the 3rd line, Newcastle, who have given us the loveiy gifts far aur wedding. Dick and Evelyn Zandsfra (Nee Piersma) 26-1 1 wauîd like ta thank everyane who sent cards, f lowers and visited me while I was in Memorial Hospital. Special thanks ta aial the nu rses on the first floor and Special Care Unit, alsa Dr. Masienka and Dr. Long. Alice Brunt 26-ix -Sincere fhanks ta aur friends and neighbors who in memory of lslay Laugheed, Sing hampton, gave danations ta th e Cancer Society. Margery and Kaye Freethy 126-1 x I- want ta sincerel y thank al1 mny friends and relatives far cards, gifts, f lowers and visifs ta me while I was in hospifal. Very sincerely Vera Adams 26-1 APPEARING AT The Queen's Motel Newcastle 1968 WOOD'S tent trailer, needs same work. Best offer. Phone 623-6045 alter 5 p.m. 261lx STANDING hay, 4 acres alfalfa and 4 acres claver, 45 cents bale. Harry Worden 723-9974. 26-1ix MOVING west, entire con- tents of house for sale. Appliances, furniture, kitchen-ware,. dishes, toys, snowmobile, ski-boase, t ent Irrailer and '69 Volks, Phane 987-4917., 26-l' Swimming Pool Sacrif ice Leading Man ufacturer and distributon has abave ground aîuminum pools left oven from 1975 seasan, 1/2 price, guaran- teed installation and terms. Cali Credif Manager, collect, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days or evenings. 5 tf BOATS -MOTORS New 15 ft. fibreglass conv. top, 40' h.p. long shaft Johnson Electramatic anly $2095.00. 16 ft. Princecroft 1-0 new, anly $4795.00. 20 used mators 5 h.p. ta 75 h.p., $149.,00 up. New 65 h.p. Mercury Electric $1500.00 C.B. radias, 23 channels New Town Rebels Ontario Sports Friday - Saturday Hwy. 115, Orono JuIy 2 and 3 983-54441 78 King St.* W., Bowmanville 623-2404 ________23-10 RAMBLER trailers, see them at Newcastle Trauler Park and Sales, No. 2 highway, New- castle. 987-5131. 25-ff WOODS freezers - 7, 11, 16" 19 and 22 cubic feet from $209.95. "We Service What We Seli", Lander Hardware. Phone 623- 5774. 26-1 Water Delivery For filling swimming pools and mls. PHONE FRED WILLIS 623-2469, 19-tf BARN boards, beams and cedar rails. Phone John Sikma 987-4041. 25-2x INGLIS Citation gas dryer, 6 cycles, 2 years old. Phone '623-4644 or 723-0484. 25-2 CONTINENTAL bed, good condition, reasonable price. Phone 623-4504. '25-2x WHITÈ'S T.V. TOW ERS ~Twers, U HFV HF Aerial! Ri Apartmq Ask A Gua ýepairs ient & Homes SHELTI E poppies (miniature e-Wired coles) sables and qne tri Nbout Our maIe, fniendly, outgoing arantee temperment, reg istered, de- wonmed, taffooed, needled. Phone Pontypool 705-277-2099. PADDY'S Market now ha new furniture, appliances T.V.'s and stereas and ais, used furniture and appliances Wil11 accept trade-ins. Paddy' Market, Hampton, phone 263 2241. 33-t USED Furniture and Appli ances. Paddy's Market Hamptan 263-2241. 26-t SWIMMiNG pool sacrifice, Leading manufacturer and distributor has aluminum Pools left over fram -1975 season. 1/2 price, guaranteed installation and terms. Cali cletdays or evenings 1-416-481-8802. 18-tf SWlMMING Pool: Deluxe, Redwoad, a bave g round pool. 16 x 24. 1 yr. aid .Repassessed by bank, sacrifice 1/2 price. Cali Mr. H-arvey, colîect, days ar evenings, 416-625-8819. SWIMMINC7 pool for sale:- Moving - will seli you 16 x 32 above ground Modular Red- wood Pool at sacrifice price of $3000. Savings of $2100. 1975 model, cail 416-625-2719, days or evenings, collect., il-tf SWIMMING Pool less than one year aid. Fanta. Sea above ground nedwood 16 x 24, cos', $4,500. Must seli immediately, will sacrifice - savings of $2,000. Cali FantaSea Service Centre -at 1-416-625-8817 days or evenings collect. il-tf FRONT door unit 78" w, x 841/2" h, oak sili, .18" side lighfs, 34" cedar panel door, baked enamel sform-screen insul glass. Complefe hard- ware . Phone 623-5061. 24-4 COMPRESSORS AIl kinds of machinery. Seli. Buy. Trade. Rent. MONDAy TO SATURDAy 9-6 Ace Machinery 859A Nelson Street Oshawa, Ontario 723-0933 18-tf TEAKWOOD, Scandinavian, Danish, bedroom, complete; iininq room, 9 piece; living o m- ; w a illun t, çoie e la r)ecs, , neewý furniture, very r eason- able. Phone 1-247-4377. 10-tf SEVEN bush cord wiîlow wood for stove or f ireplace, 4 x 32'. $25 each. Phone 263-2786. 25-2 Processing t.CHILD-REN'S PHOTOS Cameras and Photographic VMI b ace Ster 00 1000uu lbs. soufh of Newtonville, since June 21. Phone 728-2922 collect. 26-1 WESTERN CANADA SCHOOLOF AUCTIONEERING LTD. Canada's first, and the only complefely Canadian course offered anywhere. Licensed under the Trade Schools Licensing Act, R.S.A. 1970,, C.366. For parficulars of the next course write:- Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta or Phone 782-6215 --20.-9 Modern Boarding Kennels For cats and dogs. Profession- al dog grooming, ail breeds and mixed. "While you're away, have him cleaned up and gay." Bning him fo the specialistaf The Doggy Place NEWTONVILLE 786-2234 24tff Board Your DogI A home away from home. Long runs, dlean, veterinany service., Free pickup and delivery. R.T.V.V. KENNELS Phone 623-6892 THREE bedroom hause or apartment for Aug. 1 accu- pancy. 623-3055. 26-1 x RELIABLE aduits would Fike country house f0 rent. Within commuting distance of Oshawa, 1-705-292-7121. 23-8x F RE E removal1 of f resh, dead or disabled animais. Call Margwill Fur Farm, Hamp- ton, 263-2721. We now service al lareas. 20Otf * ~ -~ ~ E. WHITE 30-tf SAND & GRVEL SUPPLY CONTRACTORS ln the Estateaof RICHARD MURRAY COWLING of Genieral' contractons ne- the Town of Newcastle, in quired in Durham Region. the Regional Municipality Roofers, pavers, plumbers, of Durham, Lift Truc general etc. Must be inde- Driver, deceased. pedet ainesses07 Cati 5799507 *1974 PONTIAC' Catalina, 4 daor hardtap, fîre-caral- bronze, Russet vinyl top, 400, 4 barrel, power brakes, steering and windows, many ather options.ý $3495. 9 ta 5 phone Claire 623-3345, after 6:30 p.m. *983-9472. 24-lx 1975 TRIUMPH TR6, 11,000 miles stili1 on warranfy, under- caated, rail bar, AM-FM sterea, Tonneau caver and rack. Mint.condlifian. $5,000 or besf offer. Phone 623-77 1. 26-1 '72 DATSUN 1200 cc, ideai second car. Phone 987-4984. 26-1 '75 HONDA Civic Hafchback, 4 speed, radio, roof rack, 8,000 miles, warranty, Orono 983-5444. 25-2 VITALIZING! Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofing on new or used vehicles. Wriffen war- ranty. Durham Vifalizing, phone 723-1155. 25-tf '73 FORD Tornna station- wagon, 4 door, air condition- in,351? V-8, Ps and pb, electric rear window, new tires. Phone 623-2055. 25-2x 1971 FORD pickup, sun roof, chrome wheels and big tires, headers, dual exhaust. Besf offer. Phone 1-786-2936.' 25-2x Riding lessons given by qualified instructor- equifa- tion, jumping, basic dressage. Use your own horse or we have good horses available. Also horses broken and train- ed. Cal 623-4558. 25-tf TURKEY pouits, day aid,1 large white breed. Phone 1 623-2730. 26-1 EQUESTR!AN TRAINING CENThE LARGE INDOOR ARENA BOAR DINGt instruction inr Equitotion jumping Schooling of Huntets& Jumnpers Hunters & JumpLrs Bought & Sold RR 3 B0WMANVILtE623336 Ir Apply in persan ai 122 Base Line Road, East, Bowmanville. 25-tf DESk clerk - cashie. Part- time, mature, with experience. Phone 263-2358. 26-lx STU DENTS full and part timne calling on Fuller Brush customers. Car necessary. For more information cal 1-372-9969 or write Patrick Wiebe,'416 Walton St., C- bourg. 24-4x SALE PEOPLE -Canvassing in the Durham Region. -FouI or pant-time. -Adverfising supplied. Cali1579-5070 8-tf INDUSTRIAL sewing mach- ine operatans for furniture - upholstery dpartment. Must have expenience. Please apply in persan to Pydesigns, Hwy. 115, Orono. 26-1 HAIRDRESSER, gaod guar- anteed salany, plus commis- sion. Steady emplayment. Phone 725-8710. 1 26-1 HIGH schol student, mini- mum 15 years of ge for varied garden duties in Cour- tice area. Reliable and effici- ent nly, please. Phone 725- 2987. 26-1 ARE you a student, lokinq for a ob? Housewife in neçd f extra cash? Or just iaaking for an exciting careen? Why not jn the wonderful worid of Sara h Coventry Jewel lery 1 No investment, no delivery. We train! Please cali me Sherrehi Leetooze, phone 623-9147. 26-1 BOOKKEEPER R EQUiR E D IMMEDIATE LY ,An experienced bookkeepen able f0 hande a complete set of books ta trial balance. lncumbent will repart directly to the Controler and will be responsible for ail phases of, accounting as well as special pro jects assigned ta the posi- tion. interested parties please contact; Mrs. Cox, Curv Ply Wood Products, P.O. Box go, Orono, Ontario. OR PHONE 416-983-9171 for an application. 26-1 CAR ETAKE R Applications will be received by the undersigned until :nriday, July 2, 1976, for the position of Caretaker, 40 hours per week at the Bawmanville High School. ;ood knowledge of schaol caretaking procedures and leaning methads. Abiîify f0 work fnom verbal and written nstructions and ta communi- aewell wifh others. Reply in wniting stating quali- cations, address and tele- )hone num ber ta: A. A. MacLeod, Bu siness ,dministratar and Treasurer, rhe Northumberland and ewcastle Board f Educa- an, Box 470, Cobourg. M9 4L2. 26-1 ;ERVICE station attendant- cqi red for an-ime heip. pply~ ~~ mpnaOuService ,entrer Higway 401 and rave ley oad, Bowman- île . 26-2 Jensen Steel Mt. Requires Fitter - Welders Mateial Handlers Shear Operators Multi-Torch Operalor EAR PIERCI;NG 1 SERVICE Hooper's J ewel11ers Ltd. Regular Price $12.00 NOW $ 10.00 with studs Special 10 per cent reductian on f irst purchase of earrings, with the release farm. 45-tf ANN BRADLEY Permanent Main Removal 90 Simncoe, St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 ýCHARGEXi FREE, Venereal Disease Cîinic in Oshawa Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:30 p. m. Telephone 723-8521, C. C. Stewa rt, M. D., D.P.'H. Medical Officer of Healfh Dan't Wonry - Be Sure! 2459 . . .26..-..1 ..............4.. TOP CASH PAID FOR USED PIANOS Player Piano Lots of used pianos in stock, orga n s f0! OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE 16 Simcae N.* (at King) Cars, Trucks, Traclors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WR.ECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence -623-7112 A-tf 25-2 -SWIMMING pool wholesalen must dispose of 1975 alumin- um pools in stock, sacrifice pnice for desperafely needed facfony warehouse space. Brand new swimming pools include walk-around deck, fence, filfer and warrantee, size 15 x 27, $1088 cash or terms. Cali Gond collecf days or evenings 1-416-221-4840. 18-ff IN excellent condition. Inter- nlational Travelali. V-8, 4 speed transmission, positive- trac-rear end. 60,000 miles. Asking $2300. 623-4322. 26-1 x SOD cutter, Ryan 16" cut, dlean, good condition $325. Phone 723-2334. 26-ix 1972 HONDA 750, 9,000 miles, excellent running bike. Phone 623-4W6. 26-1 Fuller Brush Products CONTACT Clarence Bell 137 Libert y Street Nort h Phone 623-5939 A salesman in Darlington Township. 15-tf STRAWBERRIES. Pick your own,' 3 for $1. Clean pafch. Barnowski Farms, Newton- ville, 786-2202 or 786-2256. 25-ff Pineridge Tire Sales TIRES AND WHEELS To f it your can on truck. Phone 623-48'66 BOWMANVILLE CARPETIS of ail kinds, custom made drapes and sheers, hard- surface fiooring, professionai- y instaiied. Free estimates. Your one stop shopping. F.A. Kramp, 37-41 King St. E., Bowmanviile. Furniture, Car- pet and Drapes. 13-tf STRAWBERRI ES Frank Hiemnstra R.R. 1, Enniskillen Phone 263-2260 25-2 ELMER'S New and Used Furniture and Appliances. We boy contents of homes. Phone J-ampton 263-2294. 19-tf TOP sal, Letand Payne, 1-786- 2512. 17-tf HAY, a ppiroximately 200C bales of mixed hay. Phone John Sikma 987-4041. 25-2x SCREENED SAND GRAVEL & STONE LIMESTONE PRoOUCTS AIL SIZES FOR DRI VEWAYS &PARK<ING LOTSc TOPSOIL & DIRT F111 DELIVEREO OR REMOVEO TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR RENT SNOW REMOVAL Phone Oshawa 725-0'232 SOLINA RD. N. 1 MILE NORTH-sOF HIWAY 2. AIl pensons having d caims faainst the Estate of, Richard uray Cowling, late af the. Tawn of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipaîity of Dur- 1ham, Lift Truck Driver, who .died anaor abaut the l9t-da y af 1Apnil, 1976, are hereby natif ied ta send particulars a f same ter the undensigned on or before the 7th day of July, 1976, affer which date the Estate will be distributed with regard anly ta the dlaims of which the undensigned shahl then have notice and the undersigned wilI not be hiable ta, any persan of whose dlaim they shahl nof then have notice. DATED at ýthe Town of Newcastle, this lOth day of June, 1976. William John Cowling and Fnederick Clair Cowlîng, Administrators, by thein solicitor, Mervyn B. Kelly 28 King Street W et, P.O. Box 159, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 3K9 24-3 AIl dlaims against theEstate of Charles Louis McFeetens, late of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Munici pality of Durham, General Motons Empîayee, Deceased, who died on or about the l6th Febnuany, 1976 (nesiding at,38 Carlisle Avenue, Bowman- ,ville, Ontario) must be filed with the undensigned Execu- tan on on befone 2nd August, 1976. Theneaften the under- signed will, distribute the assets of sa id Estate having regard anl y tathe claims then f lied. Dated June 28f h, 1976. Dennis Rae McFeeters, Apt. 1106, 299 Glenlake Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. M6P 4A6 26-3 ATTENTION Do yau worry about an elderly relative or an invalid who lives alone? Do you find that you don't cahl as aften as you shouîd? Naw there is a specially designed service ta do this for you. We'll caîl once a day at a pre-ar'ranged timne ta see that aIl is weil. Can yau think of a nicer way ta show your loved ones how much you care? With aur reasonable rates we can give a little peace of Mind and a bit of cheer for aIl. To enlist your laved ones in aur service, caîl naw and set up your very persona lized schedulIe. T.H.E. SERVICE TODAY'S HAPPY ELDER 576-7754 8 a.m. taS5 p.m. x soefJeul ey 1976 Sale is JuIy 5 at 1:00 p.m. af aur new location (Little Bni- tain Road acrpss from Race Matons). Our :regulan Friday sale will nemfain at the Angeline St. N. location unfîl >funther notice. For funther information contact Carl Hîckson, Owner and Auction- eer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959 or 324-2774. 26-4 Thursday, JuIy lst. Sale Timneip.mn. Sale f0 be held at Prince Albert Hall yard. A large sale cansisting of 4 consignments. Hospital beds, croupette, win hiz, ice crusher, metal file, 5 cribs, desk lights, light fix- tures, hardwood canner seat, metal shelves, 100 gallon ail tank,' chrome and wood arm chairs, coat rack, kettles, irons, ironing boards, Iab equipment, aven centrifuge, arbonite caunter top, bar and stoals, beds, tables, chairs, bicycles, carpenters tools, wagon wheels, oak swiveî chair, electric ýlags for fine. place, circulan chesterfield, dressers, wa ndrobe, Hoover washen, ping pang table, tays. Many more articles fao num- erous ta hist. No reserve. Terms cash. Lunch. Auction- eer, Murray Jackson, 1-985- (JSED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 33-tf CASH for goîd, silver, coins, guns, dlocks, jeweiiery, dish- es, funnitune, cracks, paint- ings, seaers, appliances. Fniendly Flea Market, 23 King mmg TENDERS Tenders wiIl be received by, the\undersi.9ned until 2:00 p.m.\ Thursday, July 8, 1976, for the following items. Fire Extinguishers: Inspection and Testing af Fire Ex inguishers, Ail Schoals. Interior Painting Hillcrest Public School, Campbellford. Smithfield Public Schaal, R.R. 3, Brighton. Spring Valley Public SchoolI, R.-R. 6,1 Brig hton Graftan Public School, Station Raad, Gratton. Cabourg Collegiate East, 335,King Street, East, Cobourg Exterior Painting Courtice Narth Public School, R.R.3, Bowmanville Carpet Castieton Public School, Castieton. V.A. Flaoring Newcastle Public School, Newcastle.1 Specificatians may be obtain- ed fram the Office of: M. A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa. -tion, Box 470, Cobourg. K9A 4 L2. 26-1 W -- fa- NEW apts. port Hope, fromn $190., 1 and 2 bedrooms. Sauna, recreation, children's roam, ma -ny features. Cali 885-6500. 15-12x Furnished Bedrooms by month, week or day, shower and bath , licenced premises, reasonable rates. CASTLE MOTEL Bowmanville 623-7072 WITE, i , emale'Kitte-, one blue eye, one green eye. Has been de-clawed. Phone 623- 6023. 26-1 Lindsay Community Sale Barn wiII awn a nd ape rate Kawa rtha Livestock Exchange Il - , 1, . W#ý fs, Rotors & Dancing 9 -1

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