4The Canadian Statesmnan. Bowmanvil1e. June 29. 1976 Section Two Bridai Shower at M.Aarnwood Nursing Home A great day weatherwise for an outdoor tea party, the staff of Marnwood Nursing Home decided to move their annual Strawberry Social Bridai Shower on June 17 out on to the front lawn. This year Marilyn Bajema (right), an RNA who has been working at the nursing hiome for five years was the honored guest of the event. Beside her isco-worker, Mrs. Helen Vivian, organizer of the social which included, an over-the-mantie mirror gift from the staff and residents of Marnwood. Local Rotairy Clqaub Sponsors î SPcholaflrship Programn To A id Deoserving Stude@'nts InIndia WhitbyGuestsExplain United Way-Campa ign To Social Planning Meet 1 in j unr imeeting oUtneI Town of Newcastle Social Planning Council was a very successful one. A directory of Social Services for the Town, bas been completed and will be released soon. This valu- able resource book, wîll be a vailable 'in, the libraries, scbools, and community centres throughout the Town. Ail clubs, organizations, schools, churches, etc. are lis ted with phone numbers and a contact person. Some copies will also be available for sale to organizations and irtdi- v iduals. Punjab University in 1958, taught for three years at the University level, and has been a career diplomat since 1961. Successive postings have taken him from Bonn in 1962, his present high level posting in' Ottawa, with stops in between at Vienna, Colombo, Sweden and Pakistan. He will be accompanied by Mr. M.L. Suri, Indian Consul General in Toronto. Mveals on Wheels for1 Orono is going ahead., The Pine Ridge Kinettes, are, helping with initial costs and the, Newcastle Village M.O.W. will help get things started. Mrs. Doreen German is the co- ordinator at present and as soon as an assistant is found for her the operation can begin. lnterested persons can contact Mrs. German (983- 9554) or the Durham Region Health Unit - Bowmanville (623-2511). Mrs. Shantz from the V.O. N. was a guest at the meeting to request that the Social Plan- ning Council find a person from this area who might serve on the board of VON. The principal guests for the evening were Mr. John Goss and Mr. Geo. Wilson, board members of the Oshawa- Whitby United Way. Tbey explained wbat, would be involved in setting up a United Way fund-raising programme in the Town of, Newcastle, either independently or as part of the Oshawa-Whitby group. Two advantages of the latter choice would be to channiel back to Newcastle money currently collected in Oshawa from employees who live in the Town of Newcastle and to benefit from the welI- structured campaîgn organ- ization in Oshawa-Whitby. Lt is up to the citikens here to assess the community interest in United Way and the co-operation we might expect fromf local industry. An exam- ination of recipient agencies would also be necessary. When this information bas been gathered, we can ap- proacb Oshawa-Whitby and ask tô amalgamate withtbem if we wîsb to do so. Lt would then be their choice to.accept or reject our proposal. A committee to look further into tbîs programme bas been formed with members repre- senting Red Cross, Big Bro- thers, the Waverly Commun- ity Assoc. , and tbe Social Planning Council., Please contact tbe S.P.C. office at 623-6646. MAPLE GROVE W.. The June meeting of the Maple Grove Wl . was held in the CE. Hall at 8 p.m. on June l4th. Meeting opened witb the singing of 'the Ode' and tbe repeating of the Lord's Prayer .in unison. Mrs. H. Bradley, President welcomed members and a large number of visitors. The Roll Caîl was 'What, 1 do when I do as 1 Please'. A letter from our adopted cbild was read. Mrs., S. Morton gave the 'Good Neigbbors' report. Mrs. C. Greenham, District Direct- or, gave ber report of the District Annual, held at Bow- manville on May llth. It was agreed to donate $10 for Unesco coupon no. 569. for nutrition projects, also $10 to tbe Miss McKercler scholar- slip fund. Mrs. A. Vandergaast will be our delegate to the Area convention in Toronto on Nov. 4tb. Mrs. H. Prescott and Mrs. A Vandergaast will again be leaders for the 4H Girls next project. Mrs. H. Prescott reported on the summer outing and the committee will decide wbere and wben. Mrs. G. Moffatt, convenor of Family Affairs was in charge of the following program: Mrs. A. Vandergaast consent- ed on' the Motto. Everyone needs a hobby. She said that because few of us are idle, we may feel we do not need a hobby. Some need to slow down as modemn society puts lots of pressure on the family especially the Mother. We have to schedule our activities for work and hobbies. Jesus, as our example was always busy but also had time for helping others. The Consumer report on Ingredient listings was given by Mrs. C. Green- ham. Mrs. K. Sumersford, Bow- manville recited 'Maggie and Jiggs at the Golden Gate". Mrs. L. Dupuis introduced our guest speaker Laura Lee of Laura Lee Ceramics, Osh- awa. She told about the moulds that are used, the firing, glazing and paint designs that are used. A- number of questions were asked and explained. The ladies had a chance to look at the many beautiful articles on display and ask questions. Mrs. L. Anderson moved a -vote of thanks to Laura Lee and presented ber with a small gift. Mrs. W. Laird and MrÈ. W. Brown were in charge'of the bring and buy sale. The repeating of the Colleet in unison closed the meetir Laura -Lee donated some ber work on lucky draws" which were won by Mrs. W. Laird, Mrs. H. Prescott and Mrs. S. Jefferey. The group in charge served lunch of sandwiches, pickles, tea and coffee. e HARVEY ORONO 983-5206 ESSO HOME H EAT SERVICE ýBy Reg Johnson Proving once again that international co-operation is possible, the Rotary Clubs of Bowmanville and Klaragpur, India, officially launched a Scholarship Award Program at the Bowmanville Club's weekly luncheon meeting last Thursday. The program, less than a year in the planning, is ""RU IN ED ... COMPLETELY RUINED!"fl Don't let a Iack of insurance ruin your vacation. Have adequate auto insurance - coverage for camping equip- ment, cameras and sporting goods - iabiîity protection - trip accident coverage- ail available from James In- surance Agency Ld. James In5urance Agencu Limited DOUGLAS S. JAMES 24 KING SI. E., BOX 100 BOWMAN VILLE, ONT.~7- OFFICE 623-4406 i I) RES. 623-5023 '-" L I joiatly funded by both clubs and is designed to reward meritorious Indian studeats having limited menas with advaaced educational assist- ance, in Kharagpur, West Beng4l India. Rotarian Joe- Pinto began laying the groundwork in correspondence with Rotarian Vijay Bhandari, of the Kha- ragpur Rotary Club, in Janu- ary, 1975 and by late that year, guidelines and qualifying re- quirements had been mutually settled. A selection committee of six Kbaragpur Rotarians and one non-Rotarian shortly there- after awarded scholarships to 32 students at the school final and igler secondary educa- tional levels. Each scholar- sbip amounted to $15 per student'per year. An adjunct to the programs calîs for an ad-hoc grant of $150 per year to le made to a deserving village scbool in the Kharag- pur area for the purchase of ever-useful books and sup- plies. Kbaragpur, -situated 116 kilometers south-east of Cal- cutta, is a cosmopolitan city, inhabited by Indians speaking Englisb, Hindi, Bengali, and Telegu, the population total- ling two million people. The city's economic enviroament depends on a varied industrial base, from bicycle and scooter plants to brick kilas and as well agriculturally allied in- dustries sudh as rice and flour milling. The largest single employer is the India Railway System, having a payroll of over 20,000 skilled workers in a single workshop near Kha- ragpur. School enrolment, between 15 Primary Schools and 12 Higher Secondary, totals 13,000 children. Studeat - teacher ratios vary between 15 to 1 to 40 to 1. Distressingly, only 30 per cent of the graduating students have the meanas t advance to, higher MONEY ON QUALITY> -DX PREMIUM FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALI, COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or MDil1-668-3381 CAL SDX FUEL OI, TCODAY FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE rDo You Need. Money?9 $2,OOO - $509OOO - st,2nd or 3rd MAortgages -Cut Your Payments in Haif Consolidate Ail Your Loans -Pay Off an Existing Mortgage -Combine 2 Mortgages into One -Purchase or Improve Property Any Worthwhilie Purpose Farms-Commercial - Residentiai, Mike LCoughlin Tel. 705-743-2501 IGreat INorthern Financial Corp. J - SAME DAY AP'PROVALS - educational levels, at the university or technical school level. The balance are absorb- ed in clerical jobs, trade - training or family business. t was against this background that Rotary Bowmanville launched their internationally co-operative effort with their counterparts in Kharagpur. To aid in the formai launching of the Scholarship Program, Mr. K.N. Bakshi, 37 year-old Deputy High Com- missioner for India in Ottawa, was the Club's guest speaker at last Thursday's meeting. Mr. Bakshi, bora in Punjab, India, reteived his Master of Arts of Political Science from Business Direcfory Accou nta ncy WM. J. 'H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B. Commý. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 D. V. SNODDON 14 Frank Street Bookkeeping and Tax Service Business: 623-4597 Residence: 623-7308 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 67 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 -HAAR, CHAPMAN & FLET T Chartered Accountants Suite 202, 54 Centre St. N., Oshawa, 728-7363 133 Church St., Bowmanville 623-6868 Ch i ropractic LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chi ropractic 270 King St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chi ropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment Dental1 DR.. ANGUS M. BLAIR D.0. S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hou rs: 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. including Saturday Tel ephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional BIdg. Office Hours: Weekdays 9 -5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D.D. S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional BIdg. Bowmanville Office Hours: Open 8:30 a.m. to5:00 p.m, WEEKDAYS DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E., Bowmanville Office Hours: Mon., Tues., and Thurs., 9 'tii S Wednesday - 9 'til 2 Friday - 9 'tii 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Off ice Phone 623-5790 PATRICK G. DEEGAN, D.T. Denture Therapy Cîinic 33 King St. E Bowma nvi île Office Hours: Mon., Tues.. Thurs., Fri. 8:30 'tii 5:00 Wednesday 8:30 't il 12:00 Saturday - By appointment only. Phone 623-4473 BONUS PACK 0F 1/3 MORE Dove Liquid 32-F1 7 Detergent PLASTIC DR i CEREAL Kellogg' I RAY 0F Variety PackpK5 U c LB. ,REGULAR GRIND Mrwlaxwell $Uo House CoffeeAI. OJ5 Vleefeaturing %". good .14 ufashiooned prices that will make you RentemberWhen,1 SUGAR 'N' SPICE, GINGER CIIOCOLATE OR OATMEAL MicCormlick's $ Biscuits ,BAGU AYLMER CHOICE' Fruit Cocktail AYLMER CHOICE Freeston e Peaches IGA Choice Tomatoes H4APPY CAT (BEEF OR SALMON) Moist Cat Dinner IGA Sugared Donutsý DRINK MIXES Freshie ENV. Sugar Sweet FR .t IGA (IN TOMATO SAUCE> Beans with Pork 31 0FL T. INS FOR 3 TINS FOR 2 TINS FOR 89e 700-GRAM BOX PIC.O0F 12 89, 491 214 OZ$129 Pringies Potato Chips, AC (C4005E FROM R VARIETIES) 6 TO 1 Jacques Candies P REGULAR-4èKG. 0F 30 OR SUPER ABSORBENT--PRGO F 24$19 Baby Scott Diapers 1 KG.~ 9 'rýtt& PRODUCE 0F USA ,.Nectarines c LB. 60BOR 100 WATT PINT- 25*s QUART- 20's OR POULTRY- 8s Sylvania Bug Lites OF 79e Quikki Freezer Bags PR 391 Mocst IGA stores will be CLOSED Thurs., JuIy lst. PRODUICE OF USA, SUNKIST SIZE Valencia Oranges---1. PRODUCE 0F REPUBLIC 0F SOUTH AFRICA, CANADA FANCY GRADE Packham Pears-----,8 ONTARIO GROWN CANADA NO, 1 GRADE IZE Cabbage------- 1' A 39 Toaatoes- cH 39 PRODUCE 0IF CANADA, CANADA FAINCY GRADE B..C. Winesap Apples 'B-89' 77 e s - a c v o O - o - PRODUCE 0F U.S.A., CANADA NO. 1 GRADE 19-t FL TIN REGULAR OR MINT63 Crest Toothpaste 5UB-m 63 FROZEN (CHOCOLATE- BANANA OR ORANGE) 13 TO 1 Sara Lee Dessert Cakes PKoz. 10.9 CANADA-WE LOVE'UT -amI1 - CANADA WEEK-JUNE 25TH -1TO JULY 1ST IGA ROYAL GOLO ( mEOIuM)12O Cheddar Cheese EG Elmgrove Dairy Spread 'PK '871~ Al King Street.Eost Bowmanville Womens Institute- PRICES EFFECTIVE TUES. THRU SAT.,JUNE 29 - JUIN' 3. WE RESERVE THE AIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. ili, lit 891