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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1976, p. 2

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2 'The Canadien Stntesma n. Bowmanvîjlp , np 29.'1976 Recons iders jobs and $950,000 in taxes that the Port. Granby plant could bring in would "outweigli the problemns and concerns" in- volved. The committee also agreed on the menit of. allowing a ref inery to go up in Port Granby but added to the motion made during the in-camera session that more information on -the proposai is needed. If the committee's decision is carried by the council, the move would open up the possibility of having further discussions about the refinery proposai with Eldoradc Nuclear Ltd. representatîves. ELIZABETH VILLE coimmunion services were held on Sunday with special memorial tribute to Reverend John Ramjit. Rev. Bartlett conducted the service and brought us a Shepherd of Souis tribute message. Miss Nancy Walker sang a solo followed with the sacrament of the SAMIS, Hugh - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmenville on Monday, June 28, 1976. Hugh Semis of 45 Church St. in Nis 65th yeer. Beloved husband of Evelyn Anna Henderson, dear father of Lerry, Mrs. R. Kunkel (Nancy), Mrs. B. Hooper -(Judy>, Bryon and Brent. Resting et the North- cutt Elliott F uneral Home. Funerel service at 1:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. 26-1 Lord's Supper.' Seven. stewards assisted. Next Sunday a Youth Se vice wili be heid at 10 e.m.i Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Gray home. Everyone is welcome July 18 Rev. Gordon Porti will be with us and an rnformi neception will be held the nig] before at Canton Hall. On Monday night an exe, utive meeting of the Women Institute was held at Mr. ar Mrs. J. Morris' concerning wedding neception. Aboi eight attended. On Sunday the Powell Piq nic was held in the Oroîi Park. Most families wer represented. Last Saturday Mr. and Mn Robt. Westheuser, and girl Mn. and Mrs. H. Thickso toured the C.N. Tower alor with other C.N. employees ar pensioners. It opened to th public this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Merce and friend Collins, Montrei spent the weekend with Mi and Mrs. O. Mencer. Mn. and Mns. H. Hodgir and family spent the weeken, with his parents. The Jackson twins are wit] Mr. and Mns. V. Peacock. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harlpesç Rayborne, Sask. and Mrs. IR Quantrili were with Mr. ani Mrs. H. Quantrill an aftennooi this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Elliott Oshawa.visited in the area oni evening this week. A new house is going ul between Mn. Ballons an( Clarence Mercer's house. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sevenhuy sen, Mr. and Mrs. G. Fowler Toronto spent the weekend ii the village. al et- a' ýer ial rht nd ut ic- n0 re ls, rid r.d ;h s, id )n 't, le ip AI Local Guide Presented with Top Awcird 15-year-old Nancy Rietmuller of the 3rd Bowmanville Guide Company joined a select group Monday night, June 21st by becoming only the third Bowmanville, Guide to have earned her Canada Cord in the past six years -- quite an achievement. The award was presented' by her mother at the semi-annual Brownie and Guide Mother-Daughter tea held at theiLions Centre. From left to right in the photo are Division Commissioner Joan Hawes, Mrs. M. Wood, Miss Rietmuller, Murray Wood and Mrs. Edna Fraser, Captain of the 3rd Bowmanville Guide Compa ny. Ii BURKETON Mns. S. Tabb, Bowmanvill. ýn called on Mn. and iVrs. A. Swain and family on Sunday. Mn. R. Grace, Whitby visit- ed on Saturday with Mn. and Mrs. H. Grace and family. Many from this community attended the Community and Sunday Schooi Picnic Sunday in Denlington Park. A number ettended the party held ln Devitts Halla week ago Saturday. A dance was enjoyed in the eveniaf with a lunch. Wciverly Assn. (From Page One) ber Jack Wohler said a decision by the Nothumber- land and Newcastle Board o. Education affecting chiidren - fromn kindergarten up to grade three wes not acceptable. Mn. Wohler said the board oi education plans to have child- ren in the erea east of 57 bussed to Central Publie' School and those in the higher gra des and ail students west of 57 to attend the annex on Waverly Rd. A delegation from the assoc- iation went to the board meeting in Cobourg on dune 24th to showý% their opposition to their plans. T ornado Hits (Fnum Page One) caives in the, Gilmour barn were unharmed and aithougli some chickens died when the barn collapsed on top of the hen, house, about 44 very fightened birds survived. The Gilmours have been ferming at Garden Hill for 17 years. They farmed in Ses- katchewan too but they only expenienced wind storms there. Mrs. Gilmour said she was thankful both she and her husband were safe and unhunt, Blamcksâ-tock Congratulations to Caroline Carnaghen who received lst class honours in Grade 2 Theory. She is a pupil of Giadys Thompson. Service wiil be as usual in United Church in July. Sorry to report Mrs. Marg- aret Argue is a patient in Oshawa Generai Hospital., Gond Malcolm of Edmonton and fiend, Miss Joy Turner were visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm for 10 days. 1Winners at the Senior Cit- izens cerd party with 15 tables were: lst - Maxine Brock 92, 2nd - Bruce Ormiston 92, 3nd - Bernice Gibson 84, 4th - Eari Prescott 82, 5th - Bessie McCuilough 82, 6th - Dorothy McDiarmid 76, Low - Arthur Bailey. Mn. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm attended the Junior C Hockey Banquet Saturday evening. Jamie Malcolm received his Flamingo Junior C Hockey ring as a rookie player et the annual banquet. Larry and Beth Schryburt and family spent the weekend camping at Silver Lake near Perth where they met Larry's mother and sister. -Les Schry- burt and friend elso cemped. The Seturday night rein didn't dempen the good time hed by ail. Glad to heer Kelly Mc- Leughlin is home from hospi- tel after breeking her arm. Severai from this erea attended the Mountjoy picnic et the home of Mr. end Mrs. .SHAWl'S- A surprise anniversary party wes held for Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wood lest Sundey et the home of Howardl anct Barbara Wood. Those attend- ing were Mr. end Mrs. Andy May, Mn. Wayne Hunt, Ponty- pool, Miss Dale Powell, New- castle, Mn. and Mrs. demie MePhail, Peterborough, Miss Janice Hlunt, Toronto, Mr. end Mrs. Derreli Hunt, Mr. end Mrs. Everett Wood, Mr. Ed Wood, Miss Evelyn Devidson, Oshawa, Mr. Meurice Wood, Kevin, Stephen and Donald Wood. Margaret and Lewis receiv- ed a phone eaul fromn their daughter dune in Wayne,, Penn. who missed the family gathering. The happy couple was presented, with an umbrelia patio table and chair set. Greg and Dottie Bolton, Ernie Beiyea, et Oakvilie. Those ettending wene Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Mountjoy, Mrs. Deve Hudson and boys, Mn. and Mrs.' Ivan Mountjoy, Mn. and Mrs. Bob Kyte, Mn. and Mrs. Muray TByers, Mn. end Mrs. Jim ByVers and famiiy, Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Gra- hem, Mn. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin. The McLaughlin 23rd annuel picnic was heid ei the Cent- wright Community Park, Ceesarea withý fifty-five et- tending. Races, swimming and games were enjoyed by ail. Grant end Neil McLaugh- lin wene in charge of the pic- nic. Debbie McLeughlin was ini charge of games and pnizes. A bountiful picnic of foods wes set up. Visiting and feiiowship was enjoyed with severel coming from a distance. Recent visitons of Mn. and Mrs. Harold McLaughiin wene Rev. J.C. Hill, Columbus; Mn. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor, Ennis- killen; Mn. and Mrs. Gianville Ray, Lindsay. Sevenai fromn here attended Decoretion Day et Prince Abert on Sundey. Graduate TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE NOTrICE NOTICE 0F APPLICATION f0 the Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation of fthe Town of Newcastle for approval of a by-law f0 regulate land use passed pursuant f0 Section 35 of The Planning Acf. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcast le infends f0 apply fo the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant f0 fthe provisions of Section 35 of The Planning Act for approval of By-Law 76-21, passed by the Town of Newcastle on the 19th day of April, 1976. Any person may within, fourteen (14) days the date of fhis Notice send by registered mail or deliver f0 the Clerk of the Town, of Newcastle notice of his objection to approval of the said by-law together with a statement of fthe grounds of such objection. Any person wishing to support the application for approval of the by-Iaw may within fourfeen (14) days affer t he date of this notice senid by registered mail or deliver to fhe Clerk of the Town cf Newcastle notice of his support of approval of the said by-Iaw fogether with a requesf for notice of any hearing that, may be held giving the naine and address to which such noice should be given, The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said by-law but before doing SO if may appoint a time and place when any objection ta the by-law. will be considered. Notice of any Hearing that may be held will be given only f0 persons who have f iled an objection or notice of support, andl who have leff with or delivered ta the Clerk undersigned the address fo which notice of hearing is f0 be sent. The last day for filing wilI be the 8fh day of July, 1976. DATE D af the Town of Newcastle this 23rd dIpy June, 1976. J. M. Mcllroy, A.M.C.T. Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance St reet, Bowmanville, Ontario. Li C 3A6 EX PLANATORY NOTE, During the period fromn December 8, 1969 f0 December 31, 1973, the Committee of Adjusfment for the Township of Clarke granted consent for the severance of a number of lots which did not meet the minimum area and-or frontage requirements of the Zoning By-law for non-agricultural uses. The purpose and effect 0f this by-law i5 f0 permit these lots f0 be used for non-agricultura I purposes nofwthstanding their lack of the prescribed minimum area and-or fronfage. The Corporation of The Town of Newcastle By-Iaw Number 76-21 A by-lawto amend Zoning By-law Numfber 1653 of the former Township of Clarke WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Newcastle deems if advisable f0 amiend Zoning By-law Number 1653 of the former Township of Clarke; NOW THEREFORE, the Council 0f the Town of Newcast le ENACTS as follows: 1. Section 3 of By-law 1653 is hereby amended by delefing the present sub-section 3.15 and substifutinig therefore the *following revised subsect ion. "13.15 Lots Having Less Area And-Or Frontage Where a lot having a lesser lot area and-or lot frontage than that required herein is held under di stinct and separ- ate ownership f rom abutfing lots atfthe date of passing of this By-law as shown by a register ed conveyance in, the records of the Regisfry or Land Titles Office, or where such a lot is created as a result of a consent ilranfed by the Clarke Committee cf Adjustment before December 31, 1973, or where such a lot is createci as the result of an expropriation, such sma lier lot may be used and a building or structure may be erected, alfered, or used on such a smaller lot, provided that aloCher requirements of this By-Iaw are complied with." 2. This By-law shaîl becomfe effective on the date hereof,- subject f0 receiving the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. THIS BY-LAW READa first fime this 19th day of April, 1976. THIS BY-LAW READ a second fime this l9th day of Alril, 1976. THI1S BY- LAW READ a third fime and finally passed this 19th day of April, 1976. W4 U1 3-STORES: Highway No. 2 King St. e., Oshawa Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Manchester, New Hampshire, spent lest weekend with his uncle and eunt, John and Marg Killeen. They wene pleesed to attend the Shew's Community Barbecue and to enjoy the hospitelity of suchSe fine rural neighbourhood. Dr. Wiifred and Mrs. Sher- win, Nampe, Idaho were dinner euests of Lelend and Betty Bell and family on Fniday. Margaret and Lewis Wood came over during the evening to renew ecquaint- ances with the Sherwins as the Wood famiiy used to be neighbours when Dr. Sherwin was practising ln Orono. Barbecue et Shew's Cioudy skies and the threet of rein failed to discourage the 126 neighbours and friends who gathered in the school >yard lest Saturday evening for a beef barbecue. The busy chefs for the event were Walter Hendnikx, Jim Ric- ard, Rod Stork and Doug Wight. Gertrude Hendrikx, Annebelle Riekerd, Marlene Stork and Ethel Wight handled the serving of the rest of the splendid nmeal. Wi'th the errivel of darknes those -pr1ésenit noved indoors for ani interèsting progremi and a presentetion to the newlyweds of the comnmunity. Chairman Gerry B rown wel- comed aIl present and moved a hearty vote of thanks to the committee who had provided such e good supper. Hie celled Marg Killen to the piano as hie led in e rousing sing song of some very old favourites. Then Don and Geil Rickerd were called upon to give a sîlde presentation of their lest Winter's Australien vacation. The slides were just megnifi- cent and Don's excellent commentery matched the photogrephy. Marg Killeen thenked Don and expressed the apprecietion of the com- mittee for Don and Geil's part of the evening. She, then called the honoured couple of the evening, Doug and Sue Lane 'Io corne forward.* Annebelle Rickerd express- ed the warm feelings of the community towends the Lene family and their many yeers of association with Shaw's. She mentioned the pride of the neighbounhood in the careers of the young people and how interesting it is to see the school boys end girls become such fine men and women. La refecting on her own time as e bride over thirty yeers ego, when she and Garnet were similerly honoured, she coin- pered hier apprehiension of that evening with Sue's feel- ings et this gathering. She essured them both thet the best wishes of the whole community came withfthe gift of a cerd table, and chairs set which was. presented by Tom Barrie, Kevin Crego and Rosemary Killeen. Doug and Sue both express- ed sincere epprecietion for the lovely gif t and the interesting evening which had been plan- ned. The recent bride and groom then cut and served e large cake which expressed in edible'fashion - "AMl the Best Four Hurt (From Page One) H-ospital, Bowmanville. Police say e 1972 Plymouth lniven by Mn. Flory with his Aife veene as e pessenger, ,ves northbound when it cros- ýed into the southbound lene of highway 115 and 35, just eight .enths of a mile south of the 115 and 35 junction. The Newcastle OPP reports that the Flory car was stnuck broedside. The other can involved in the crash wes e Triumph Spitfîre IV, headed south. Lt was dniven by Mn. /lecLeen and Miss Potipco vas the pessengen. Police report thet south- (S E A L ) G. B. Rickard MAYOR J. M. Mcîlroy CLERK Susen lThompson--- deughter of Mn. and Mrs. John Thompson, Kendel graduated on dune 7, 1976 from Univer- sity of Western Ontario with a degree of B.A. in Sociology.i She plans on ettending Me- Arthur Teechers College in September. IU FLWERSI * DRIED * FRESH ,,TROPICAL -'GREEN PLANTS DELOITTE, HASKINS ý& SELLS Chartered Acco untants OFFICES'IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES Bell Canada Buiding eS L OSHAWA CENTRE,OSHAWA Partners: Josef Adam, B.Sc. (Econ.), C.A. Gordon F.,Sedgewick, C.A. Burt R. Waters, F.C.A. Phone 728-7527- 839-7764

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