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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1976, p. 3

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Thomas - Drew Wedding Deborah Lyin Drew was united in marriage to Robert James Thomas on Saturday, June l2th, 1976, in Eldad United Church, Solina, with Pastor Paul Erb, officiating. Mr. Douglas Deweii presided at the organ and accompanied the soloist Tina Vooys. The bride is the daughter of '4r, and Mrs. Joseph H. Drew, amtpton, and the groom is ison of Mr. !and Mrs, Iýharles H. Thomas, Brussels. SGiven in marriage by ber father, the bride wore a formai gown of white polyest- er crepe, featuring a high see-through peari neckline, an Em-Lpirewaist, and long, slim sleeves. The back of the gown extended into a chapel lengtb train. A peari trimmed head- piece 'held a four tier tulle illusion finger-tip veil also trimmed with pearîs, and she carried a cascade of white carnations, baby's breath and Eucalyptus. The bride was attended by the maid of honor Miss Susan Brock and bridesmaids Miss Diane Thomas, sister of the g room,- and Mrs. Donald Drew, sister-in-law of the bride. Best man was Mr. Donald Gîbson and the ushers Mr. David Thomas, brother of the groom and Mr. Donald Drew Kut 'N' Kuiri BEAUTY SHOP NOW' UNATIL JULY iOth SPEICIALS ON CHILDREN'S HAIR--D[) Children's Hair Cuts (under 12) ................. Childrený's Cut and Blow Dry.,.................. Childrený's Wash, Cut, Blow Dry ................... Children's Wash and Set ...$7. Children,'s Perms ... $12.50a AIso Start 'ing Our Saturday Summer Hoi' 7: ooa.m. - 1:30 p. m. (LAST APPOINTMENT) OPEN 6 D)AYS A WEEK THURSDAY &FRIDAY EVENINGS (By Appointment) 71 king St. E. Bowmaî Phone 623-5019 1 weiI be onlvy to g lad to serve p brother of the bride. For the reception held at Memorial Park Hall, the bride's mother received the guests in a formai green polyester crepe gown witb matching coat. The groom's mother wore a formai gown of dusty rose polyester crepe. Travelling to North Eastern Ontario for a honeymoon, the bride wore a two piece' polyester dress in shades of beige and browns with blue, and a corsage of yellow roses, white and blue carnations. MVr. and Mrs. Thomas are now residing in Brussels. Prior to her marriage the bride was honored with show- ers given by Fern Procter and Jessie Lavender, Sue and Doreen Brock, Helen Keyes, the ladies of Solina Commun- ity, Joan Grant and Verna Thomas. - Photo by Ireland Studio Music Resuits Pupils of Mrs. M.EF'. Work- man A.L.C.M., R.M.T., were successful at the recent exam- mnations of the Royal, Con- servatory of Music of Toronto, in Bowmanville, and are as follows: Grade I Rudiments - First Class Honours, Charles V. Oegemna. Preliminary Rudiments- First Class Honours, Joanne I. Fice; Anne R. Rimes; Hon- ours, Verity R. Sylvester. Grade VIII Piano - Honours. Lisha M. Beliman; Pass, ~' Joanne M. LeGresley. ~ Grade VII Piano- Pass, j Margaret L. Craîg. j, Grade VI Piano - Honours, Karen J. Anderson; Anne R. HIdGS Rimes. Grade V Piano - Pass, ,e 7 ~ Elizabeth Adriaan; Caribe de e 2 FIl S Piaa; Laurie E. Locke. Grade IV Piano Honours, ~' Deidre A. Lobb. Grade Il Piano- Honours, Irene Konzehlann. mn the Editor's Mail Dear Editor: !Perhaps a few items of interest bere. 1Aecently, as many of you know, we the residents of Port Granby formed an organization called S.E.A.P. (Save Environmen- tai Atomic Pollution). The organization is for the whole Town of Newcastle and Hope Township. We are in opposi- tion to the present Eldorado radioactive dumpthere and any expansion to it. It should be understood that we are not a militant group. We are not against Eldorado - as sucb, ît's the location of their dump that is wrong. Nor is our quarrel witb the land :>235 owners or our neigbbours in Port Hope. We only mean to !L'a 7 protect what is ours witb $4 5 utmost vigor and we shant be pushed around. We've got the Wesleyville $ 5.25 tbing - hundreds of 'acres of prime- farm land shot. We rr. and almost got Toronto's garbage, to UP now is a radioactive dumping baven, not to, mention the a nd up tbreat of a tannery and the Osbawa airport.' We of Port Granby have just been blessed with, too many things and its time to take a 'Weli we say NO, NO MORE. Councilior Lyaii bas been the target of much biame for our actions and is looked upon as a rabbie rouser by some who wisb he'd go away. Tbis is faise. Councilior Lyall neyer contacted us with regards ta the Eldorado Holdings, we got bim. We are involving him in thmngs, he's not ivoiving us. nviIIe The lady Couricilior wbo doesn't like us clamouring hordes (wbo have the nerve to try to protect what is ours) has Fou" said that these people from Port, Granby are becoaing September Ratepayer Meeting The Town of Newcastle's Ratepayers Association de- cided at its meeting on June 2îst ta take a holiday from its usual meetings during Juiy and August. The ratepayers bave scheýduled their next meeting for the third week af Septem- ber. Meetings of the ratepayers, association are open ta any- one. People wbo are ratepýy- ers witbin the town of New- castle are aliowed ta vote. The group is composed of 16 directors, a president, first. and second vice president, secretary and treasurer. Militaryl Awardl' A Hampton man is among the 57 memfbers of the: Cana- dian Armed Forces scheduled ta receive the Order of Miitary Merit. His name is Rager Banner, a 39 year aid Captain witb the Canadian forces. Alon.g witb the other 56 armed forces members, Cap- tain Banner will receive bis decoration from Governor General Jules Leger. The Governor General is Chancel- lor of the Order of Military Menit. The presentation wîll be at Government House, but the date af the investiture bas not yet been announced. Created in 1972, the order recognizes meritorious ser- vice and devotion ta duty by Armed Forces Members. Lt bas three grades af membersbip: commander. officer, and member. Father Frank Miheiic solemnized the marriage of Dianne, Lynn Crougb and Michael Ferniund in St.ý Joseph's Roman Cathoiic, Church, Bowmanviile, on Saturday, May 29tb, 1976. Mrs, Vince Prout was the organist and Mr. P. Turner, London, uncle of the bride was the soloist. The bride is the daugbter of Mrs. Emmett J. Craugh, and tbe late Mr. Crougb and the groom, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ferniund, ail of Bowmanvilie. Given in marriage by ber brother, Mr. Douglas Crougb, the bride wore a formai gown of polyester crepe, featuring a Celebrated lst Birthday on, June l9th Hi, my name is Nichole Faith Price and I was one-year-old on June 19, 1976.' My Iucky parents are Richard and Donna Marie Price of Bowmanville. My proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bird and Mrs. E. Price from Scarborough and my great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cutier of St. Georges, NfId. and Mrs. Aice Bird of Madoc, Ontario. Bowmanville Cleaners Ltd. MJ~E ETN 84 King St. W. 623-5520 '->CITHES "We Specialize in Shirt C.LEAER Laundering", NURSERYMEN AND FLORIST, VAN BELLE '"YES" We ConHelp 1III with' ORTHO CT PRODUCTS Confused with spraying? We will be happy to help you select the proper material for your problems, because we aretrained to give you- the, right information!! ýctJ It BEEIE LLEAF lIER LEAF SHOPPER ROSE SLUG UP-START ROOT STIMULATOR 5-1575, 1. Solution Stimfulates Early And Stranger Root Development Available in 16 oz., 32 oz. t UPS - îl rýÜýRTHO-KLOR la LORIDANE DUST 1. ConfrcO Ants The Easy, Effective Way. A v il Ant tInsurancel Sprinkle 'Chlordane Dust Around Your House. 11 lb ca vailable in lb. canister ORTHO-K RA7 CHLORDANE SPRAY 1. Long astig Control of Ant s Spiders and "Omu <Other Soli Pests 2. Stop Ants.Fast! pa 8o z . , 16o z . , 2 z . bigb neckline styied in a V yoke of aneican lace, an Empire waistline, long slim sieeves trimmed witb same embroidery. The gown fel into a cbapei train. A cap style beadpiece of chiffon and pearis beid a cathedral iengtb veil of tuile illusion, and sbe carried a cascade bouquet of deep orange Sweetbeart roses, white carnations and baby's breatb. The matron, of bonor was Mrs. Bruce Therteli, Toronto and the bridesmaids Miss Laurie Crough, sister of the bride and Miss Dayie King. Wearing identicai formai gowns of mint green, tbey wore white bats and carried, Town Won't Hire New Consultant Tbe Tow1n of Newcastle council bas discujssed tbe bîrîbg of a new development officer. But in a closed door meeting Manday, June 22, they decided against the biring. .The job of the development officer would have included known as the buncb wbo abject ta everytbing that camnes alang. The answer ta ber is -- Goad. Ta the pair wha sit on Councîl and: grin ik a pair af Cheshire cats -- perbaps we can remave thiat smile in December. Mrs. Boisvert, Nçwtonville. assistance of the council generally witb reports, poli- dies and meetings. t would alsa include giving leadership ta the town's staff. ln addition, tbe officer wauld bave bandied sucb things as some public rela- tians matters, negotiatians for subdivision agreements and' tbe pramation of development in the town. Manday's meeting was held bebind closed doors because it was a personnel matter, Mayar Riekard said. Ontarioa Hydro stations burned 7,53,000 Otans ai 'coýalin 1975, an i;nucase ai 1.7ý per cent fo the previaous yearW. bouquets of yellow daisies, white carnations and baby's breath. The flower girl, Miss Tanya Tberteil, wore an identicail formai gown of mint green witb a wreatb of yeiiow daisies in ber bair and carried a basket of yellow daisies, wbite carnations and baby's breatb. The groom was attended by tbe best man Mr. Douglas Luxton, Bowmanville and the ushers were the groom's brotbers Mr. Eric Fernlund, Bawmanville and Mr. Robert Fernlund, Whitby. Tbey were attired in dark brown tuxedos witb matcbing- vests and ruffled shirts. The reception was beld in the Nightingale Centennial Hall, wbere the bride's mother, received the guests in a formai gown of siik corai, matcbing jacket, wbite, accessories, and a corsage of coral Sweetbeart roses and white baby mums. The groom's mother' assisted in receiving the guests in a formai gawn of peach cbiffon with matcbing -cape, white accessories and a corsage of white baby mums and Sweet- heart roses. For a boneymoon trip to the Grand Bahamas, the bride ware a two piece dress ensemble af polyester chant- ung in stripes of blue and peajch, niatching tan acces- sories, and a* white orchid corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Fernlund are now residing in Bowmanvifle at 206 Simpson Avenue, ýApt. 2(W. -Photo by Astor Studio Available in 8 oz., 11 oz., 32 oz. SPRAYER Easy- i o-Use Hos End S pa yer 2. 15 GJalonCapaciy 3. 4 Vear Guarante HUME &GARDEN INSECT SPRAY 1. Use indoors to (..nirol Housef lies, Masqultoes & Gnats 2. Use Outdoors ta KilI [Flying Insects - Mos- quitos, Gnats & Certain Flying Maths Avai lable in 14aoz. "qehe the <pgt lm gSight~ THE OP-TICAL BOUT IQDE 30 KING ST. WEST MISS G. ZIEGL.ER BOWMANVILLE DSESN PIIN PHONE 623-4477 DSESN PIIN FRUIT &VEGETABLI INSECT CONTROI i . Wicoe-Range Insec Contrai For Most Fruil & Vegetables, 2. Contains DIAZINOI FISOTOX INSECT SPRAY L. Multi-Purpose Gard- en Spray 1 1 blm 2. Kilis Sucking and ISTX Chewing Insects 3. Systemic Action. Available in 8Boz, 16 oz.,3r2oz, Fernlund'- Crough Wedding EAST: I W EST: I NORTH- YOESWadFLOWER ý WSHOP and FLOWER SHOP, GARDEN CENTRE GARDEN CENTRE 4i Hughway No. 2I L. Bond Street vs Beatrice Oshwa"owîwmanville Separate 5 Minutes vu 5 Minutes CL -i ngStef;ëet School 623-4441 7855 Higbway No. 2 W120Si1o118 n Open 9-9 Daily 292 King St. W. Oipen9-6 Thurs, Ffl o9p m- mzmiw_ ýo ,Il%- ï q

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