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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1976, p. 11

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fThe Newcastle Independent ors: Iack and Hazel Crago Tetéphone 987«, Welcome New Minister and Fam'ily to Newcastle The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 7, 197i6 Mexico City's Champion Mos quitoes Meet Courfice Soccer Teamn A well trained mosquito soccer team from Mexico*City won Soccer Tournament in Scarborough from June 30' July 7. against the Courtice Larry's Sports and Marine Mosquitoes Af ter that the Mexico City team is going to Port Coiborne for with a score of Ft-O in a game played at the Courtice a week and then home to prepare for an exchange visit from Secondary School on June 29th. The team from Mexico City the Oshawa soccer club. Above, the Mexico> City Mosquito were guests of the Oshawa Turul- Atoms before they went on Champions with coach Saul Barrales join with the Courtice to raise money for cystic fibrosis in an international Youth team with coach Ray Dreossi and manager Grant Herron. pressive induction ceremony was held recently at Newcastle United Church when the Rev. David ey, B.D., his wife Anne and their two sons Simon and 10-months-old Neil were welcomed. This ,as taken at the parsonage. Vrs . Stanley Powell id Mrs. R. Brenton ve returned from a, holidlay in Hawaii y enjoyed the Lions al Convention and -sugar plantation, fields, bamboo utifui flowers and id Mrs. Harold ough, Wesleyviile it visitnrs uith. Mr. Onf Weç.lmesday, June 3th, Ir andc IVrs. William Storks itertained Mr. and Mrs. orn~e Johnson at the Oshawa olf Clib, the occasion being ie Johnson's 25t.h wedding îniversary. On Sunday, Mrs. ôrks was hostess at a buffet pper for Wilda and Lorne, ssisting Mrs. Storks were Irs. Geo, Kimbaîl, Caroline arrod; Wilma Lovekin, and labs Barr. Out-of-town ests for this happy cele- 'ation were Miss Gienda hason and friend, Trenton, ss Rose Gibbons, Trenton id Mrs. Raye Friedanader, ronto. We extend our heart- st- congratulations! The Newcastle Reporter has oved to its new location on ig S. E.wherè Mr. Charles ýowther was barber. Charles noxv employed with the J.A. iith Co. Mrs. Luella PHOTO ,ONTEST' *ck and White Prints OnIy àadline July 271 ONSORED BYI Dur Alliance1 YAM ýING & KE^TING 1Lambert is waiting for a ivendor's permit so she can Istart up business where the iReporter Office was located 3on King St. West., 1 Mr., and Mrs. Everett >Stapleton, Orono were Thurs- day evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alidred, Lake Shore. MIr. Pbilip Metrailler, who is employed in New Brunswick spent the weekend at home. Mr. Chas Cowafl spent the -holiday weekend la Guelph with hi s niece,iVMr. anmd Mrs. Gordon Curl. Congratulations to Mrs. Florence Ferguson, who, witb lucky ticket number 116, won the gold, green and white- afghan at the Stratbaven Tea. Mrs. Florence Ferguson accompanied Mr. and' Mrs. Archie Wbitnee to the wedding of their granddaughter Miss Carol Halcomb and Mr. Brian Anderson at Harmony United Churcb, Oshawa and reception, following -at Fantasyland. The Rev1 and Mrs. Robert Hayne and amily were guests on Canada Day at the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Reid and son, Peter, Sauit Ste. Marie. With Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hendry and Grant on the wýeekend of June 25th were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hendry, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. George Hendry, Christopber *and Matthew, Ottawa, and Grant's UNB friends, Miss Shirley Fleming and Mr. Rolph Hagen.' Dominion Day visitors witb Mr., and Mrs. John Scott were Miss Cathy Scott, Toronto, and Mr., and Mrs. Rob Scott and Lorraine, Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Downs and Pat, Toronto were Saturday visitors with Mr. and' Mrs. William Cail, Sunday visitors were Mr, and Mrs. Glen, Farrow and Jan, Newtonvilie. Mr. and'Mrs. R. K. William- son, and Mrs. Dorothy Len- nard, London, were guests witb Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade a couple of days iast week. Sunday.supper guests witb Mrs. Rachel Dennis were ber granddaugbter Mrs. Linda Mann and great grand- daughter Susan, Courtice. ,The Newcastle Senior Citizens were to have enjoyed a picnic at Dariington Park on Friday, but, becauseý of inclement weather, they met at the Newcastle Community Hall. Mr. and Mrs. George Bucki- ey attended the Decoration, Day Service at Omemee on Sunday, July 4tb. Swimming lessons began at the Newcastle Lions Pool on Monday, July 5., For non- swimmers like us, these lessons seem like a wonderful opportunity. But to those who travel by our home on bicycles, we wonder wbat bappened to the rules learned about biécce-riding. We're sure the rules are the same as they were wben we were young. On Monday, we heard of a ten-speed cyclist running into a shopper who emerged from the gr/ocery store witb an armful of groceries. Side- walks are for pedestrians, roads are for vehicles, and tfiere is the rigbt side of the road for sucb vehicles, not al over the rond. Let's see somne improvement!1 On Saturday evening, June 26tb. Mrs. Alice Quinney was pieasantiy surprised wbe ber family took bier out to dinner at the Dutcb Oven wbere al enjoyed bier birtbday cele- bration. Birthday greetings to Mrs. F. Butler, Doi4na Rowe, Ricky Powell, Velma Parker, Ron- ald Hope and Cieryl Martin. Tbursday visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell, Lake Shore were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coulter, Kevin and Keitb, Toronto. Last week, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Murray and Colleen Frankford, visited witb Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin, Lake Shore. On Wednesday even- ing, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Arthur J3edwin and Mlrs. Mabel Bed- wiîr attendcd a sbower in bionour of Mrs. Bedlwin's grandson and bride-to-be at PontypoQi. Miss Lily Woo, Who gradu- ated from Durham Colege visited a cousin in Edmonton, Aberta and found a business position there. Mr. and Mrs. Murray -Martin and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Murray and Miss Lana Collier, enjoyed Cheryl Martin's birthday din- ner in Oshawa and visited Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Murray on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cole, Oshawa, visited iast week with Mr. and Mrs. Harve Britton. Anglican Church News On Sunday, July lltb, there wiil be 8 a.m. Saîd Com- munion at St. George's Angli- can 'Churcb, Newcastle.- Ten o'ciock morning Service witb Sermon will be beld at St. Saviour's Anglican Cburch, Orono. United Church News On Wednesday, June 3tb at 7:30 p.m. tbe induction of tbe Rev. David A. Spivey, B.D., was beld in the Newcastle United Churcb. Mr. Keith Pike of Albert St. United Churcb led in worship. Tbe Rev. Robert Hayne of St. George's Anglican Cburcb said Prayers for the new minister. Rev. Charles Hainer, B.A., B.D., minister of Brooklin Pastoral Charge, preacbed the sermon based on tbe Scripture, lst Peter 5:1-4 and St. John 21:ý 15-17. The choir under the dir- ection of Organist, Mrs. Dor- otby Payne, rendered an Anthem. Mr. Stephen G, Sayweli, Cbairman of Oshawa Presby- tery, conducted the Service of Induction.- Miss Beatrice McLean onf bebaif of al members of the Presbytery presented the Warrant of Induction to Rev. Spivey. The new minister announced tbe ciosing hymn and the Bene- diction. Following the, service, a reception for the Rev. David A. Spivey and Mrs. Spivey was beld in the Sunday School Hall. During the fellowsbip bour, Mr. Francis Jose, Chair- man of the Pastoral Relations Conimittee, called on Mr. Newton Seiby wbo related the story of seeking tbis new miniister and welcomed the Rev. David Spivey, bis wife, Anne and sons Simon and Neil to the village. Rev. Robert Hayne aiso gave some warm words of weicomie to the new family. Rev. Spivey expressed bis gratitude for the warmi wel- come the family receîved wben thfey, moved into their large new home on Monday. We ail hope that this feeling of warmthl remnains througb the yvars. Newcastle Hloticulturial Society Rose Show On 1Tuesc1'ay, June 29thi, th-e Newcastle Horticultural So- ciety beld its Rose Show in the Lions Room of the Community Hall with Mrs. Earl Sanford of Oshawa as judge. She congrat- ulated the Society on its show and gave tips to contestants' regarding rose sbowing. Mr. Kennetb Stubington brougbt a first prize exbibit of old- fashioned roses wbicb be bad displayed at Peterborough the previous nigbt. Tbe prize winners in the entries were as, foIlows, "Section A Class 1" - Peace lst Mr. Brawley, 2nd -Madeline Buckley, 3rd Hazel May Munro, Class 2 - Pink lst Mr. Stubington, 2nd Rana Sinon, 3rd'Madeline Buckley, Class 3 Tropicana, lst Mr. Cowan, 2nid Air. BrawIey. Class 4 - Bicolour lst Rana Sinow, 2nd, Mr. Brawiey, 3rd Mrs. Brawiey. Class 5 - Red lst Rana Sinow, 2nd Mr. Cowan, 3rd Madeline Buckiey. Ciasis,6 - 3 Specimen Blooms lst Rana Sinow. Class 7 - 3 Specimen in 3 stages lst Rana Sinow, 2nd Mr. Brawley, 3rd Mr. Cowan. Section B Class 1 - One Spray Flori- bunda - lst Mr. Cowan, 2nd Mrs. Jose, 3rd Lorna Crockett. Section C Ciass 1 - Cimbing Roses - One bloom or spray - wbite or yellow, lst - 2nd lVr. Gibson, 3rd'Mrs. Gibson. Class 2 - One bloom or spray - pink, lst Mr. Gibson, 2nd Mrs. Gibson, 3rd Mrs. Smith. Class 3 - One bloom or spray - red, lst Mr. Cowan, 2nd Mr. Stubington, 3rd Rana Sinow. Section D Class 1 - Delphiniums - iigbt blue, lst Mr. Cowan, 2nd Mr. Jose. Ciass 2 - Delphiniums - dark blue, lst Mr. Cowan, 2nd Mrs. Jose. Class 3 - Delphin- ium - mauve, lst Mrs. Jose, 2nd Mr. Cowan. Class 4 - Lily, lst Mrs. Jose, 2nd Madeline Buckiey, 3rd Marjory Freetby. Ciass 5 - Peonies - lst Mrs. Gibson, 2nd Marjory Freetby, 3rd Mr. Gibson. Section E Class 1 - One Rose in Bowi, lst Lorna Crockett, 2nd Mr. Stubington, 3rd M. Freetby and Mr. Cowan. Class 2 - June's Promises, centrepiece, other tban roses, lst - «Mrs. Gibson, 2nd Mrs. Schmiege- îow, 3rd Mr. Gibson. Class 3 - Patio Party, arrangement in coffe mug,,lst M. Freetby, 2nd Lorna Crockett, 3rd Mary Brett. Chamber of Commerce Meeting On Monday, June 28h, at St. George's Parisb Hall, the Anglican Church Women catered to the dinner meeting, attended by 50 persons. Mr. BîId Wagar was eiected presi- dent for 1976, witb Margaret Brereton as secretary. Eacb year tbe Chamber of Com- merce sponsors the Oktober- lest which is held in Sept- ember. Anglican Parish Picnic A deiigbtful afternoon was enjoyed by over 100 persons, Sunday, June 27, as Anglicans from St. Saviour's, Oronoand St. George's, Newcastle, con- gregated at Orono Park for fun, fellowsbip aid a good time. 1The weatherman co-operat- ed beautifuliy witb an after- noon of sunshine and a balmy breeze. Wbile waiting for ail to arrive, good conversation, as well as guessing contests were the order of the day. The foliowing. were the winners: No. of butns ini Jar - Barb Hayne; We'ght of water- melon, in (,nAces - Mary Garrod; No . of l' rnels on cob of -ora - Sand'ýra Lwis; And Now., Here's by John Squirrelly l'mn going to depart fromrny usual format this week in order to pay tribute to a man who bas entertajned Can- adians from coast Lo coast for tbirty years on CBC radio. Max Ferguson, the witty, articulate master of a hundred voices, retired June 25, at the tender age of 52' from the five-days-a-week programme that bas kept the >nation laughing for three decades. His word caricatures of the great and near-great in Can- ada were as humourous as they were tastéful and it became almost a mark of distinction to be parodied on Max's show. t is significant that botb former prime min- ister John Diefenbaker and former opposition leader Robert Stanfieid telepboned on the' final day of tbe programme to express their best wisbes. Mr. Stanfield added jokingly, but also per- baps somewhat ruefully, that "Max Ferguson prevented me from becoming prime min- ister with bis lousy imitations of me". Lt was undoubtedly a measure of bis ability to catch not only the voice sound but al the subtie mannerisms of the people be imitated that the CBC bad bimn on the Radio Noon show on April Fools' Day this year. Annouinci7ng that Messrs. Trudeau, Diefenbaker and Stanfield were to bc on the open line portion of tbe programme, it took a baîf bour before tbe caliers real- ized that tbey were being had. A Quebec listener, wbo thougbt, she was talking to Pierre Trudeau, started off in French and then switcbed to Englisb, asking wbat bad bappened to bis fine French accent. -.Max, in bis best Trudeau voice, commented drily that bie must bave left it in bis other suit. '111 Starting in Halifax in 1946, Max was given the task of bosting a country and western show, a type of music hoe Combined weights of tbree ladies - Wendy Coucb; No. of peanuts in bag - Betty Spry; No. of Appies la baif-bushel - Neida Dawson; No. of petals in bouquet - Neil de Jong; No. of pages in book - Michelle; No. of candies in jar - Colin Anderson; No. of feet in bail of string - Doug Wright, As well as contests for the inactive (some folk) set, severai races and relays were ejoyed by the youngsters and young at heart! We do not have the names of the, successfui competitors, but we do know, in most instances, the competition was keen and the victory cleaniy won.' 0f particular mention is the Mummy Relay for the adults wbich was really a lot of fun and used up reams and reams of toilet tissue. Every boy and girl up to 12 years of age, received a 'Grab Bag' witb a pleasant surprise inside. As is usual, the afternoon was left for the cb ildren to enjoy the swimming facilities of the Park and then just before supper special prizes were distributed. Oldest Lady present - Mary Morris; Oidest Gentleman present - Charles Cooper; Youngest person pre- sent - Kerriy Lynn Linton; Largest Family present - The Harold Gibsuiî Family; Most passengers in one car - Warren Tait; Nearest Birtb- day - Brian Dawson; Girl witb most pets - Wendy Couch; Boy with most pets - Neil de Jong; Lady witb the most pennies - Connie de Jong; Gentleman witb the most pennies - John Breen. After al bad enjoyed delicious picnic, suppers, for the older and less atbletic of the crowd, conversation was the order of the day, however, those athleticaliy inclined en- joyed a rousing game of bal on the weil-kept diamond. Before we close we must report on the hard-f6ught Lawn Darts Tournarnent which took up a good part of the afternoon and fromn whicb Bob Lewis and Win Collier emerged the viçtors. Al linalal it was a glorlous day and one to be long remembered by ail wbo at- tended. detested. In an attempt to disguise bimself, he created a character called Rawhide, tbus beginning the long line of fictional personalities that finally, elbowed tbe music aside and became the bit of the network. There was Marvin Mellobell, the "per- fect" CBC announcer wbo bungled every interview, and Granny, who was put tbrougb some of tbe most outrageous escapades, imaginable for a genteel senior citizen. Lt was in Toronto, wbere be moved in 1949, that sketches based on the news of the day began. By scanning the Globe and Mail each morning, Max would select a topic, write a script outline, dasb fromn one microphone to another, cëhanging voices as be went, and adding sound effects lnd other noises until he finally bad the wbole skit on tape. Only once in my memorv dîd be have to apologise for not 1avng the usual satire ready. "I just came up dry," be told an incredulous Allan McFee, bis on-air partner. At a time wben students were protesting_ tbe manu-, facture of napalm in Canada by the Dow Chemical Com- pany, Max had a. fawning public relations assistant sug- gest to management that be could cool'down the picketers outside by offering them ,~A round of beer, a commodlity that no student is supposed to be able to resist. Marching up to the protesters, the PR man, using an ad slogan of the day, announced grandly, "Wouldn't a Dow go good .now? " 0f course, al bell promptly broke loose. 1 may be gîving credit wbere it's not due, but I tbink it was Max wbo first labelied the CBC as the Canadian Broadcorping Castration. Lt not, certainly be continually Fres when you buy quolity, 100%,Vegetable Oil poked fun at th riddied body t4 discomfort of But bis belief national radio aitbougb bie f r witb the way i Ottawa, So Max is ni Harbour, Cape into wbat li "cereative stagr that may betra expiains. I thir bas to' come b As tbe Rigbt HF Diefenbaker pt that soundedi Max Ferguson prone to retire can onily say t4 mereiy thef retirements fo: on.", Let's hope. ENNI'S On Sundayi was thë *200th1 large, southeri nation, we silef itspeople a h niai anniversai fui weatber wa, for around 401 pleasant drivE sister cburch i lormer belo occupied the encouiraging - n "Icome boldiy of God to, obt. find grace to hg need it. A seco music was fror organist Eleno ? ave adelight, 'Glory, or Next Sunday tf a.m. service wi Church again. Our commun few days, ha double shocko grieves deeply of a former nati Pethick, eldest Mrs. Sheldon1 visitation timre and funeral, at Comstock Funeral Home, MaÀ^~ Peterborouh~on Sat. a.m. to hat bureaucracy share the burden of sorrow -o tbe red-faced with, Oswald's grieving fitbeetve parents, wife, daugter, two and other close re1àtives. neyer wavered Sunday noon, tragedy came 'equently argued aigain- la the sudden death of it was run from Mrs. Adam Sharp. Our deep- est 'sympathy goes to ber noving to Neil's sorrowing busband, daugbter )e Breton, to go son s, sister and, brother and edescribes as their families and aKte -nation", a term i ae it eatves. ~a ýav ore han ease tbe pain to know our ay mre tan't hearts are aching also. nk bie knows lie We sincerely hope that back sometime. under professi'onal care in [onourable John Memorial Hospital, Dorotby )ut it, in a voice Sharp i comifortable and will remarkably like soon ~e well agaîn. n's, "Not being 'Ramn, rain go awa y ,come ement myseif, 1 agaîn sume other day" is hat 1 hope tbis'is surely the plea of ever1yone esDecially our agriculturai first, of- many folks wbio between frequent or Mr. Fergus-, showers are attemptingà to glean some good hay. t was a pleasant surprise to have sunsbine for tbe lQ9tb birtbday of our Dominion. 'blKLLEN July lst visîtors with Marg- aret and Orville Asbton were Lois and Keith Worden, Rich- morning wbicb r and Elisabeth, Karen and birtbday of our Care stn fl The July meetings for our ently wisbed for Youth Group began, this week iappy bi-centen- with a study meeting in the iry. The deligbt- S.S. Room. A brief worship as a eniceentwas followed by a discussion folks to bave a reîated to a filmh which wa 7e over to our viewed eahtis y as n ln Tyronýe for a somie concrete atisn yaeran ig service. A h omo individual letters. )ved mimister in the business period we Spulpit whose arranged date and time for âessage %,as toiIa-iu at the Commïiunlty unto tlhe throne 9aInt imN igh and gifts to tain mercy and the urNht àe2 us wben we Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland ,ond message in wr usa vnndne mi the choir andwe ues dayof eveîndînrsC r Brent as they Auer andofamiVTr. aMsnC. tfulrendition of Franls birthday' occaionao i,e Hallelujah." tions! .Cngaua ejint Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Virtue, illb e in Tyrone Judy and Laurie were Wed- 3ity latheastnesdayeveing dinner guests nity recetve fMr and Mrs. Tom Boynton, asadessiea Enniskillen R.R. ov tednesa t Michael Holmes, St. Cath- tive son, Oswald arines spent the long weekend ýtsnof Mr. and ,wit grandmother, Mrs. sonick Ma Gertie Lyons. Petbck. any Mr. and Mrs., David Stain- ton, Cobourg are holidaying a Newfoundland, while awaw David and Deanna are witl grandparents, the L. Staintoi and,,the A. Nielsen's. Mr. and Mrs. Angus King Little Britain were Wedn-esdaý evening dinier guests of Mr and Mrs. C. Averyý Mr. and Mrs. Joe McGill Shaun, Dean and Todd, Miss issauga were Friday dinni gests of Mr. and Mrs. Rali jue, also were with theij pren ts, Mr. and Mrs. Hi MeGili. Shaun remained wit[ the Virtue's for holidays an( Laurie Virtue went home wt the J. McGill's for holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorlanm were Suinlay supper guestý with Miss Meargaret Allin~ Bowmanville. Sorry to report Mvrs. Editl Stainton bas the shingIes, w wisb ber a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggot and family w7ere Friday vîsit ors with Mr. and Mrs. Clar[ Piggott, Oshawa. Mr. and MIrs. Brian Cobb Waterloo were weekenw g uests with Mr. and Mrs. WA Griffin and Heather. Mr. and Mrs. 'S. Lanil accomrpan.,ied Mr. and Mrs.R Howe to their cottage o Sunday a t Wlllkroc. Mr. aï-d Mrs. James Pig iggott and Jimmny, Oshawa, were visitors at Mr. and Mrs W nePiggott's on Saturday Wrday evening Mrs. F. W Werry was hostess to a brida shower for ber granddaughter Miss Shelley Williams, Por, Perry. Many relaives were in attendanee. Mr. and Mrs. CakPïggot and family, Oshawa ln witb Mr. and MVrs. Wayni Piggott and family gathere( togetber on Sunday with cýmc lunch at Cedar Parke Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewi:ý were Sunday supper guest witb MNrs. C.E. Horn, Oshawa A Canadiani Red Crosý Sumnmer Safety Tip; A poorIý buit or leaky boat is al dnngerous as a car with fault, brakes. Check your boa! thorougbly before launcbing iý and make any necessarý repairs.1.-- Bonus "F ancy Blend" Soft Margarine with new FLAVOUR GEM thaï imparts the f lavour of the high priced s*pread.' " These bowls are ideal for serving soup, cereal, salads, s nacks! " See-through Iids-for convenience in storing Ieft-overs! *Dishwasher safe and unbreakable! Great for patio, poolside and picnics! For "Home Deliïvery, Cail 6ff23-5444 IF IT'S GLEN RAE TGOD Il ewca st/e ýCial anc1 £Personal Decorative "FESTIVEWARE"l

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