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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1976, p. 14

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SPECIAL Long drosses, mainly suie 14 and 16 left - $19M8 or $24.88. Going ouf of business. LYN DA'S (Ladies Clothinig) 33 Temperence St. 27-1 SPECïAL Everything Reduced up to 50 per Cent. Going ouf of Business. LYN DA'S (Ladies Clothing) 33Tïemperanýce St. 27-1 SPECIAL JEWELLERY-½1/2PRICE Going ouf of Business. LYNDA'S (Lad ies Clothing> 33 Tomperance St. SPECIAL WON DER B RA STOCK 12 PRICE Ging ouf of business. LYN DA'S (Ladies Clothing) 33 Temperenco St. ~ceAn AIl kinds of machinery. Seli. Buy. Trade. Rent. MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9-6 Ace Machinery 859A Nelson Street Oshewa, Ontario 723-0933 Going Out 0f BusinPess Sale Savings up ta 50 per cent or more. Starting Thursday, July eth. LYNDA'S (Ladies Clotting) 33 Temperance St. 27-2 The Jaw office of Mervyn B.' Kelly wiill be closed for holidays from July l2th to Aug. 2nd, 1976, inclusive. 27-3 Ail d:aims against the Estate of Charles Louis McFeeters, late of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regionaliiunîpality of Durhamn, General Motors Etmployee, Deceased, wvho died on oýr about the l6th February, 1976 (residing at 38 Carlisle Avenue, Bowmnan- ville, Ontario) must be filed with the undersigned Execu- tor on or before 2nd August, 1976. Thereafter the under- sigrled wîll distribute the assets of said Estate having regard oniy to the dlaimns then filied. Dated June 28th, 1976. Dennis Rae McFeeters, Apt. 1106, 299 Glenlake Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. M6P 4A6 26-3 TOWN0F NEWCASTLE PLANNING ADVISORY COMM ITTE E This lis fa advise thet the regular meeting of the Plan- ning Advisory Committee scheduled for Mandey, Juiy 12, hes been cencouied duo ta staff vacations and other demends on staff timoe rising fromn considerafion of The Region of Durham Officiel Plan, If e subsequent meeting of the cammittee is heîd during the monfh of July, ail those having an interost in maffers being considered by the committee will bo nofified in the usuel menner. GEORGE F. HOWDEN, PLANNING DIRECTOR. 27-1 In the Estat1e of RI1CHAR D MURRAY COWLING of the Town of Newcastile, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, Lift Truck Driver, deceased. Ail persans having dlaimns against the Estate of Richard MurraV' Cowiing, late of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regionai Municipaiity of Dur- hemn, Lift Truck Driver, who died on or about the l9th dayaof April, 1976, are hereby natif led ta send part icuiers of samre to the undersigned oni or before the 7th da-y of Juiy, 1976, after which date the Estate wiii be distributed with regard oniy to the dlaimrs of which the undersigned shahl then have notice and the undersigned wili not be hiable to any person of whose diaim they shall nat thon have notice. DATED et the Town of Newcastle, this lth day of June, 1976. William John Cowiing and Frederick Clair Cowlingj, Ad'minstrators, by t-heir soilicitor, Mervyn B. Kelly, 28 King Street West, P.O. Box 159, Bowmanvilie, Ontario, LIC 3K9 24-3 C= *- SALE PEOPLE -Canvassing in the Durhami Region. -Full or part-time. -Advertising supplied. CaIl 579-5070 8-tf %oniinion You can depend on us. DOMINION Requires experienced meat cutter. Salary range $228. $251. per week. Apply in person to: Store Manager, Dominion Stores L.tdl., King St. and Simpson Ave., Bowmanville, Ont. >1 Part Time HeIp requiredi by a firm in the printing and peper converting K field. If you are looking for light work, inspecting and packaging paper products on a part-ime basis, call 623-6311 for appoinfment. DE NNI SON MANUFACTURING 27-1 COMPANY OF CANADA, - LT D. LI 27-1 CONTRACTORS General confractors re-' quired in Durham Region. Roofers, pavers, plumbers, general etc. Must be inde- pendent businesses Ca Il 579-5070 STU DENTS full and part1 cailing on Fuller Bi customners. Car necess For more information 1-372-9969 or write Pat WViebe, 416 Wallon St., bourg.2 TOWN 0F NEWCASTL REQU IRES Accounting Cler for Accounts Payable Dol ment. Applicant mnust familier with double e bookkeeping system, must be able ta, type. Apply in writing sta quealifications, etc., not 1 then Friday , Juy j6th, 1 ta: J.M. Mcllroy, Cierk Town of Newcastle 40 Temiperance Street Bowmenville, Ontario L1C 3A6 BOOKKEEPER REQUIRE D IMMVVEDIATELY An experienced bookkeeper able f0 handie a campiete set of books ta triai balance. incumbentwiui report directiy ta the Conitrolier and wiii be responsibie for ail phases of accounting as wveii as spediai pro jects assigned f0, the posi- tion. Interested parties please contact: Mrs. Ccx, Curv Piy Wood Producfs, P.O. Box 90, Orona, Ontaria. OR PHONE 416-983-9171 for an application. 27-1 CAR ETAKE R Applications wiii be received by the undersigned unfil Wodnesday, July 7, 1976, for the position of Caretaker, 40 hours per week et the Bow- manvilie Senior Public Schooi. Good knowiedge of schooi caretaking procedures and cieaning methods. Ability ta vwork from verbal and wvritten instructions and f0 commun- icate weii with others. Repiy in writing stating qual- ifications, address end tele- phone number to: M. A. Mac Leod Business Admninstretor and Treasurer The Northumberlalnd and. Newcastle Board of Educefion' Box 470 Cobourg K9A 4L2 27-1 Jensen Steel Ltd. Requires Fiffer - Weders Meteriel Handlers Shear Operetors Multi-Torch Oprator Press Breke Operafor Appiy in persan a? 122 Base Lino Road, East, Bowrnenvillo. 25-tf FOR generel office work. Proficiency in typing and speliing most essentiel. Appiy Statesmen Office, 66 King St. W. 27-2 MATU RE persan f0o babysit in mny homne. Waveriy Garden area. Juiy 26 - August 9. Phone 623-68716. 27-1 EXPERIENCED Christmas tree pruners or wifing ta iearn. Phone 623-3247 affer 5. 27-1 *0 e SHEL lIE puppies <miniature coilies) sables and one tri maie, friendly, outgoing temperment, registered, de- wormedj, tattooed, needled. Pontypool 705-277-2099. 25-3 Modern Boarding Kennels For cats and dogs. Profession- ai dog grooming ail breeds and mixed. '%hile you're away, have him cleaned up and gay." Bring him ta the specialist at The Doggy Place NEWTONVILLE 786-2234 24-tf ATTRACTIVELY marked kittens f ree ta good home, grey and white and black and white. Phone 623-3130. 27-1 KITTENS, free, delivered with food bag. black and white, first de-worming, litter traîned. Phone 1 -986-5588. 27-1 WANTED good home for scotch coille, preferably farm. Good watch dog. 987-4465. 27-1 Boa rd Your Dog! A home'away f rom home. Long runs, clean, veterinary service. Free pickup and delivery. R.T.V.V. KENNELS Phone 623-6892 15-tf M rush M Riding. less ons given, by ruh qualifieci instructor -equita- ary. flan, jumping, basic dressage. cal' Use your own horse or we rick have good horses available. Co- Also horses broken and train- 24-4x ed. Cail 623-4558. 25-tf .E CHAROLAIS bull, 2 years aid, 1400 pounds. Phone 725-7177. rk 27-1 ýpart- R.O. P. tested Yorkshire boarsý ntry Tom, Pleasance 263-2719. l tîng 1976,M4- V - let - r EQIIESTRIAN TRAiNIýNG CENTRE LARGE INDOOR ARENA BOARDiNG 27-2 instructiGn i Schooli1ig cf Huntets & J mpers Hunters & Jumpers Botught & Sold' RR 3 BowMANvILUE623,73,36 tf WOMAN visiting family needs bachelor a partment to rent 2-3 manths. OK, room, use of kitchen. References. Please, telephone: 623-4106, Paula Magwood. 27-1ix RELIABLE aduits would like country house ta rýent. Within commuting distance of Oshawa, 1-705-292-7121. 23-8x m HOUSE,3 bedrooms, aveul- abie'Sept. 1. Phono 623-3573. 27-1 FARM house, nine rooms, remodelied. $150 per manth. Orono area. Cal 1983-5607 after 7 p.m. 27-1 FURNISHED bed-sitting room. Private entrance. Gentleman preferred. Phono 623-7108. 27-1 AI-ARTMENT in Bowman- ville, two bedrooms, heat, hydro, water, frig. and stave inciuded. $265. per month. Cali 263,-8884. 27-1 NEWCASTLE, one and two bedroomn apartments, $120 and $135 manthiy. Cali 987-4982 between 7-9 p. m. 27-ix SIDESPLiT home, 11/2 y rs. aid, 3 bedrooms,,diningroam, den, femniiy room, garage. On 11, 2 treed acres. North of Orono. [m mediate possosion. $375. 00, mon thiy. Cali G. Van Dyk Reýaltor 623-4428. 27-1 TWO bedroom eapartmnent, $180 monthiy plus hydro. Available now. Close to' schoois. Cali Joyce Buicking- hemn 725-7847 or 623-7661. 27-1 Furnished Bedroomis by manth, week or day, shower and bath, licenced promises, reesonable rates. CASTIE MOTEL Bowmanville' 623-7072 1 -tf FREE remnovai of fresh, dead or disabied animais. Cali Margwili Fur Farm, Hamp- ton, 263-2721. We now,, service ail areaýs. 20-tf 72 FORD Econoline Van, pannelled and wired, ready to finish, new radiais on mags, will certif y, best offer. Phone 987-5113. 27-tf 1974 FORD Pinto, original mileage 29,000, excellent con- dition, certif ied. Phone 983- 9602. 27-1 '59 CH Ev, 2 ton, 12 ft. dump farmn truck as is, good, $575. '65 Chev 1/2 ton, 6 cylinder, standard, dlean cab, as is, $295. Phone 263-8172. 27-1 '75 PINTO, automnatic, excel- lent condition, l1ow mileage. Phone 623-5715. 27-1 '74 MERCURY Marquis, 2- door hardtop, V-8, automatic, poWer steering and brakes, 28,000 miles. Best off er. Orono 983-5444. 27-1 '75,,MONZA 2'1+ 2, beautiful orahge, V-8 automatic, AM- FM stereo, rustproof, 9,000 miles. Orono 983-5444. 27-1 '70 PARISIENNE, V-8, Ps and pb, radio, no rust, certified, $1295. Phone 623-3130. 27-1 1957 FOR D 1/2 ton, custom cab, 292 rp1îiilt mntnr. Parts for 1966 Pontiac, 4 door. 292 GMC truck motor. 283 GMC truck motor. Phone 1-786-2459. 27-1 '71 RENAULT, 4 cyl., no rust, will certify. $650. Phone 579- 8371. 27-ix 1970 FORD station wagon, V/-8, good condition. Calil 1-983-5452 after 5 p.m. , 27-1 1974 ASTRE Hatchback, auto- matic,, power steering, rear view defogger, extra snow- tires and wheels, 9,000 nilles. Phone Orono 983-5052 after 5. 27-1 1971 CHEVELLE V-8, powver brakes, power steering, radio, vinyl top. 2 door hardtop. Needs some rust work. Asking $1200.00. 623-5868. 27-.1 1973 bo4ge Pola ra V-8, power brakes, auto- mnatic transmission, formierly belonged f0 Department of Transport. Heavy duty brakes, springs, etc. Excellent condition inside and autside- Must seil this week, $1,575. To be seen at Glen Rae Farms. 623-7684 27-1 '72 BUICK Skyiark, 2 door, new vinyl roof. Will, certify. $2000. Phone 623-7407. 27- lx 1966 CHEV. Caprice, 4 door hardtop, as is, fully equipped. Oniy $425 cash. Evenings 576-3377. 27-1 ,VITALIZING! Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofing on new or used vehicies. Written war- ranty. Durham Vitaiizing, phone 723-1155. 25-tf 1967 CHEVROLET 2-door., Mechanicaliy A-i. Good body. Mechanics certîficate avail- able. Askîng only $595. Phone 623-3259. 27-1 '71 GRAND PRIX, excellent condition, esking $2,250 or best offer. Cail 623-7 747. 2- 1968 DODGE, V-8, automatic, low mi leage, good body, $795 certif ied. '69 Chev. parts for sale. Cali 263-8884. Car Pool Anyone? Amý driving from Bowman- ville f0 Scarboroughl daily and refurn. Approximafely leav- ing at 8:00 a.m., return 5:OO-5:OOp.m. Wjliijnata stop af Oshawa. Need ridle 5 toshare gas. 623-4054 27-1 x J. A. HAYES (SMOKEY> MEATS Custom Cutting 12 Cents Lb. FREEZER ORDERS 174 Ritson Rdl. S. Oshawa Phono 579-8011 or 623-7056 14-tf OXFORD Brick layers and Stonemasons (Our fireplaces do not smoke) 1-983-5606 25-tf Appliances Repaired Washers, dryers, ranges. We hook up dryers and ranges. Air conditioners installed and cleaned. 576-6962 728-9658 24-4 Durham Masonry Contra ctors Lt. Bricks - Logs Field Sfonework Specializing in Fireplaces. Phone 576-0230 Ni ght 439-6516 24-tf Lawn and Garden Ca me Grass cutting, roto tilling and lawn rolling with a commer- cial machine. Seedina down new lawns- and aid, tree cufting, painting, and odd jobs cleaning up. 500 lbs. pressure washing for farm equipment trucks, etc. Robert Jones 987-5222 -'987-4098 27-tf Jim'«s Body Shop located et Pete's Esso on Scugog. Peint and repeir, cars and trucks. 623-3122 27-4 .JOMESTIC &COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE KoI Enterprises PHýONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanville 26-tf DARLINGTO:N MASONRY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY, & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS- FURNACES CLEANED. PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmenvi île 30-tf BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plurnbi'ng - Healing Pressure Systems New Work end Repe irs Service and Estimetes Cati1623-2641 33-tf Ail-Type Painting & Roofing Fiefs, fer and grevel, motel, cold process, leeks, repeirs, shingles, interior and exterior painting. Free estimefes. PHON E 623-5038 19-tf Monte Hennessy Carpentry - Renovafing Fencing, AIl Types Floor Sending, Concreto Wçrk Ferm Buildings end Maintenance Phone 579-5957 16-tf PHOTOGRAPHY commnrercial - Weddings Portraits WAYNE HUNT, PONTY POOL 705-277-2261 29-tf Ref rigeration and Applilance .-Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days................ 23-5774 Mights ............623-3177- Lander Hardware and, ELECTRIC .2-tf C& CJANITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery Prof essiona lly Cleanied FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVILLE BIL1.'S swimming pool main- tenance. Phone 983-5606. 24-12 Painting, exterior and int- erior work . For f ree estimates phone 723-5057 or 623-2196. 24-4x FARM fencing. Will buiid new fences, ail types. Aisa repair existing fences. Cali Henry Wotten 1-986-5298. 25-10X BiIl's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmenville Onterio. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Seeledi Units - S"-rm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Giazing. 17ff 4VATCR Wefjs bored, 30o" file. Ward's Weil Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- tfive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. IA-ff D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating - Rec Rnorns Repairs of a Il types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf Ma pie Grove SmaII Engine Repairs to ail makes of Lawn and Garden Equipment 579-2001 14-ff Friday, Juiy 9th - sellin g et Lindsay Community Sale Barn, Angeline St., N., Lind- say. 12 recorded Hereford and Maine-Anjou open heifers; 1 recorded Hereford and Sim- mental open heifer; 5 Here- ford and Maine Anjou Buils. Ail cattle 8-9 months old and sired by Equador. The proper- ty of Arthur Brackenridge, R.R. 2, Millbrook. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer. 27-1 Auction Sa le Juiy. 10, 1976 10: 30 A. M. COURTICE UNITED CHU RCH "Somnething for Everyone" Coliectibles, antiques, bake goods. CLIFF PETHICK,Auctioneer Ref reshmenits Served. -27-1 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, JULY lOth, 1: 15 p. At Bannisters New Auction Hall, beside firehaîl in Bewd- iey, consisting of: chests of drawers, tables, chairs, oil lamps, dishes, glassware, San y0owasher-dryer, books, appliances and other items stili being consigned. Roger Bannister, Auctioneer. Phone 1-797-2651. 27-1 e * -S Peter Sutherland Aîuminum Prod. Sid ing - Soff if - Fecer Eavestrough - Windlows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 For Free Estimate 22-tf CUSTOw upholstering, recov- ering, re-styiing, very reason- able, work guaranteed, 20 years experience. Free- estimates. Please cail coilect 1-986-5072. .26-ff 27-ix Li ndsay Com.munity Sale Barn wiIlI own and operete Kawa rtha Livestock Exchange- as of July 1, 1976 The regular weekiy Monday Sale is July 5 et 1:00 p.m. et our new location (Little Bni- tain Road across f rom Race Motors). Our regular Friday sale wili romain et the Angeline St., N. location until further notice. For furfher information contact Carl Hickson, Owner and Auction- eer, Reebor'o, Ont. 705-324-q959 or 324-2774. 26-4 - ~T~TI Bu r BOY 15'wiii- do any kind of work. Phone 623-4242. 27-1 Lloyd Barnes Plumbîng Cerpenfry, Renavating Ail General Repeirs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-tf DESK cierk - cashier. Part- time, mature, with experi- once. Phono 263-2358. 27-f x AL.LIN COLE'S MOBILE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS (Tuno-ups - Braes - Etc.) Ali work done by Licensed Ciass "A" Mechanic At your home or place of business. Ail parts and labor guarenteed. Terms cash. PHONE 623-5045 Bowmnanville TOPCASHPAID FOR USED PIANOS Player Piano Lots 0f used pianos in stock, organs too I OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE 16 Simicoe N. (et King) 728-1675 - 25-tf OLD TRUNKS I buy aid trunks. PHONE 987-5065 27-1 (JSED Furni-ture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 33-tff CASH -for gold, silver, coins, g uns, djocks, jewellery, dish- es, furniture, crocks, paint- ings, sealers, appliances. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. - 38-f Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycies, Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGIIEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Ya rd 623-5756 52-tf Rsdne623-7112 45-tff At Pefhick's Auction Shed, HaYdon, 1 mile east of Enniskillen, on Sat. evening, July 10. A large quantity of furniture from two estates, the lafe"Mrs..Walters and the late Cyril Rundle fromn Bowman- ville. China cabinets, corner cabinet, assortment of books, electric stove and frig,- new bed ,chesterfieid, combination book case and writing desk (glass doors, high); also woniderful dishes and silver- ware and small articles. A sale you can't afford to miss. Terrns cash. Sale at 7 p.m. Cliff Pethick, Auctioneer. 27-l' For the estate of the late Charles Smith, in the village of Blackstock, selli ng on Saturday, July l7th, ail his household effects, stove, frig, chesterfields, dining room suite, writing desk, rugs, bedding, disis, beds, dress- ers, wash stand and two guns. Everything in this four bed- roomn house must go. Terms cash. Sale 1 p.m. sharp. Lawrence Harris, clerk. Ciiff Pethick, Auctioneer. 27-2 SATU RDAY, JULY 10 SALE TIM E: 11: 00A.M. Tools and Equipment, the property of M R. FRED A. SM ITH, Scugog Island, 1/2 mile north from 7A and 2miles east, lot 3 and 4, Con. 7 et the farm. International Cub Cadet 127 Hydrostatic 12 h.p. riding tractor with 38" lawn mower, traider and tiller, excel-lent condition; Master Craft 5 h.p. rota tiller, used, one season;, deluxe Black &Decker Radial Dewalt 3" cut saw with bench and slarge assortment of blades; Rockwell Beaver 12 h.p. bailbearing motor table saw with bench; John' Deere electric 12" chain sa w;' Pioneer 18" chain saw; Rem- ington 18" chain saw; .225 Lincoln Elect. Welder and ail accessories; Black &Decker skill saw; chain saw sharpen- er; large bench grinder; large qu. carpenters tools; 1/2", 3/4" socket sets open and bôx end wrenches; set taps and dies; 4' level; tapes; vise; battery charger; booster cables; hydraulic jack; garage creep- er; heavy duty 1/2 &1/ drills; 4-5 gai. plastic gas con tainers; large qu. boîts and nails; tool boxes; axes; shovels; wheel- barrows; electrical wire; paints; extension &step lad- ders; 1" insulation; mitre saw; sheif brackets; 50 ex- tension cords; large qu. la rge dog kenne ; j pt. h îfch. tractor wt. barrels; snow fence; truck racks; 4 x 8 strong crate; steel fence posts; grease guns; tractor chains; bicycle; lawn rouler; garden hase; Jacuzzi Jet pump and tank; 10 cases motor oul; cupboards; antique !ce saw; buck saws, st-eel sheiving; tire &rims; set horse sleigh neck yokes; wvhiffle trees; qu. horse har- ness; cutter; gravel bucket for loader; Lawn Master 18" mower; Century farm spray- er, pump & gun; power edger; sump pumip; insect fogger; quantity lumber; Mil- waulke "s uper hole shoot-, er; 1/2 h.p. drill; 8-, truck cap top; 4 sec. -harrows; cement mixeron rubber (leqs motor); bale bunchers; single furrow plow; many more items aoo numerous f0 mention. Mr. Smith is moving to England, therefore everything must be soid. An opportunity you will notwantto miss as everything is in excellent condition. No reserve. Terms cash. Lunch available, Murray Jackson, Auctioneer, 985-2459. 27-1. Auction Sa le Set., JuIy lOth, 12 Noon Sharp The Properfy of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ga rrod 364 Surrey Dr., Oshawa, Ont. Complote contents. Inglis Fridge il months aId, gas stove, Speed Queen wash- or and dryer, dinette suite hutch, Oak chest 0f drawers, B.W. T.V., pictures, bookcasu' beds, bedroom furnifure, pot> pans, drapes, utility tabl-, eiectric argan, stool and MUSIC, 4 piece cllestertield 'like niew', polo lamp, color T.V. - not working, set of Colliers encyciopedia, shelv- inq, caroet Il x 11, hudidifior, coffee end tables, cuckoo dIocK, QOa cnairs, mirror, fat, k-o 440 TNT and lt raler.Coffee Bar. Go . .norfh on Wilson Rd., just' norfh of Adelaide to Surrey Dr., watch for signs. Auctioneer's Note: This is a fune sale of modern furnifure. Reason for sale - moving wesf. Ted Lyon, Auctioneer. Phone 725-1613. 127-1 l .7m"" i Mctio Safurday, July 17fh. Auiction Sale of household furnifur- and antiques. The properyv Ken Murray, George S~,- umemee, uni. uiorth 0f Len- nox Drug Store). 9 piece sol id walnut dinlng room suite, chesterfield and chair, B.-W. felevision, mirrors, lamps, kitchen extension fable, 9 kitchen chairs, refrigerator, library table, 2 library chairs, dishes, 8 place setfing dishes, foulet set, washstand, wicker chair, 2 baby strollers, crib, pine chest of drawers, beds, dressers, pine stand, antique chairs, antique pine chest, quilt frames, picture frames, crocks, ice creamn freezer, hand pump, appie peeler, glass, china, linens, bedding, coal and wood cook stove, lanmower, graden tools, carpenter tools, full contents of home will be soid. Terms 'cash. No reserve. Sale et 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auction- eer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324- 9959. 27-2 Wednesdlay, July l4th. Farm sold. Auction Sale of livesfock, implements and household furnifure. The pro- perty of Bert Graham, Lot 26, Con. 11, Fenelon Twp., 1 mile east of Fenelon FalIls and 1 *mile north on gravel road. 15 head of Hereford caffle, 3 Hereford cows with calves by side, 4 steers 1 year old, 5 steers 1 year old. New Idea tractor, manure spreader, rubber tired wagon with rack, Case 2 furrow plough, M.H. seed drill, drag harrows, horse mower, garden tiller, cream separator, bale drag, sump pumP, full une of machinery. Dining room suife, kitchen cabinet, side board, large antique china cabinet, hall rack, several antique tables, butter bowl and print, dash churn, seaiers, beds, dressers, rockers, Alad- din lamp, 12 gauge shof gun, 2 - 22 rifles, coal ail lamps, ianTerns, trunk, tools, f001 box, washing machine, quantify of glass and china, crocks, many other articles. Terms Cash. No reserve. Sale at 12:30 p.m. commencing wifh furniture and antiques, followed by machinery and caftle. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Rea- boro, Ontario. 705-324-9959. 27-1 SATURDAY, JULY 10 10 A.M. FURNiTrURE &TOO,,5 Aucf ion sale of furn!tee'_&> tools including 10 -r.Mahog- --m~d-ning- roewfr uie-in- cluding table, 6 chairs, china cabi nef, buffet and server (this is a beautiful suite in excellent condition); Sym- phanic solid state stereo (like new); chesterfleld with matching chairs and Ottoman <good); end table and coffee fable; broadloom 12 x 16; ail paintings by Brooks &Bradley, several pictures and frames;k glassware; dishes; cups and saucers; Wedgewood dishes;' Wainut chest of drawers; vanity; Oak hall free; large mirror; chest of drawers; vacuum cleaner; radio with large speaker; 2 trunks; quilt frames; books; old bottles and sealers;' ice cream freezer; electric reducing lounge; 30 gai. aquarium; number of doils; Renault car - running (as iS); large number of carpenter TOOlS; power saw drills; sockets etc.; Ski Doo snowmobile; gardon tools; wheelbarrow; iadder; iawn table and umnbrella; bicycle plus many other articles. The property of AILEEN & HRYMOU NTENAY in Columbus. 3rd house easf of Simcoe St. on 7fh lune. (Columbus is on Simcoe St. North - of Oshawa.) Terms Cash. Property Soid. Lunch Availabie. Lloyd Wilson, Uxbridge, Sale Manager and Auctioneer, 416-852-3524. 27-1 Auction Sale Grist Mill Auct ion Barn Nowtonville, July 9th, Friday 7: 00 p. m. Uprighf gramiophone, ogee and school wali c locks, round oak table (pedestal), wash stand, glass and quantity af dishes, 3 pc. ironwork settee set, dressers, beds, quanfity of bedding, fridge, T.V.'s, guifar, complete set of drums, golf clubsA6fft. display cabinet, 3 1 timé,

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