2 The Canadian Statesmnail Bowmuanville, July, 7, 1976 Section Two 'A Private Motter' Opened Friday'cf Port of Newcastle Graduczte Cobi Cablecast f6,Oç byv, Bowmianvillh ini. Programns foi îuly 7 to Thesda% MWedtesday, July 1:30 Fiesta '76Hfi :3:3: Nachrichten 4:30 County To' -Sing for the 5I:30 Ml.J.'s ,Place 100 Whitby Ther wihBrian- 3:3î) Game No. 2,f Soccer Tourn rien To y9 !) '76 Hig ýoes thi Then IeCast Listings' )shawa,, Whit- 5:00 Vita Italiana eand Brook- 6:00 Whitby Repor t, with r Wednesday, Blake Purdy and Steve y, July l3th, Porter, 6:30 Sign Off 7 Monday, JquIy 12 ighlights 2: 00 Fiesta '76 H;ighlights 1 4:00 Shalom, for the Jewish wn Singers, Comnmunity e People" 5:00 Greek Panorama, for the local «reek Commnunity n and Now, 5::30 Rescue, with the 7th Day Winter and Adventists 6:00 What Does the Bible Say" International with Ron &Bob Kirkland nament 6:30 Whitby Chamiber of Com- maerce Presents: MIr. E. Ilorton, Anti-lInflation ighlights Board Member iand Now 7:00 WVhitby '9311', a Fire wn Singers Prevention Series 7:30 Gamie No. 1, International Soccer Tournament iber of Com- 4:00 Nachrichten, fôr the Ger- ýnts: man Conmmunityv 5:00 Fiesta '76 Highlights [nternational 6:30 Vita Italiana, with Ercole nament Foresta 7:30 M.J's Place, with Meuriel Jane Weber ýghlights 8:00 Sign Off e Bible Say" Note: Aill programis subject to and Now time changes without notice. Book, for a book and a shady er Indoors or out, -1 the ýýreen leaves rling overhead . .... her- we've 1the shady -ipping wet, -tle for anl ie of thlestr e Bowman- 1 Newcastle tem. Mlis-Inifor- rnami Bie atI stories the public rarely hears. Both sides of the story appeair; the cops wvho are paid off, the w'ay in whichi somne criminals really get caught, the shirking of duties, but we also see the policemen who give unstintingly to belp people who nieed them. It's funny and sad at thec samne time and sbould make us realize that our police are human just like ourselves. Sylvia Tucker, as Annie, and Ray Whelan, as Harry, in a scetie from the Oýpen Circle The-atre production, A Private Matter. The play opened at the Harbour Theatre in the Port of Newcastle on Friday evening, t will be playing there until July 31 on Friday and Saturday nights only. Orphan Jim by Lonnie ýde it Coleman ýnous This is a novel wbich will w as Ieiiid you of the movie coWI '?raper Mloon" about a girl f ire, and bier father. This is a und sister-brother team who have om- run away from homne atter, 1 d ïd theLr mother has died. The ,rench Alabanr e ajt ail and o ýo of are ad, of the improbe .ppear trivia 'Moses a:inng EIeneall eacb of 20 ýopted by the most ble mother ever. the Lawgçiver by Tomn 1on the ATV pro- this book is lavishly the tradiltion of the "Ten Command- 5ooper cent of the book Demonstrates Hanig Gliding in Ke ndal Arec tDAINCING JuIy 10, 1976 fot1he 1AYNARD TRIO Charles Bryant Cattrani, son of Dr. and Mrs. C. Cattran, Bowmanville, graduated in the Faculty of Medicine, Queen's University, Kingston, on May 22nd, 1976, receiving several awards, including The Professor's Prize in Ophthal- mnology, The Nathan E. Berry Prize in Urology and The David Edward Mundell Prize in Orthopaedic Surgery. Graduate (Vocalist) relish45 I Plus Tax INN - inville ES TAUR. SDAY YÂ ior D andRSport-sand 7a.. 11: SERVING DI CHINESE TAKE-OUT A SPECI clous Delivery in Bowmanville '- on Ail Orders of $6,00 or More Full Course Meals in a Home- L ïke Àlmosphere St. W the feeling of the times bý being able to see the costumes and the people. Thle corruption of Egypt is shown, the misery of tbe Israelîtes, the dangero the trek across the desert and tbe death of Moses alI comne across vividly because of the illustrations. This new edition of the timieless bible story is lmpressîve. Where Helenl Lies by Rae Foley Who w&as Helen9i She doesn',t know nor does anyone arounid lier. She has expensive Clothes but a cheap vinyl purse, a huge diamond ring but a cbeap, ill-fitting wedding band and a letter adldressed to a hote that burned dow.n twio cavs ap-o. It all f its and none of it, fits. Who is Releni* Doni't forgetour cbildren's rogram)s whichl will last ail umm.er. Mlondays at 2 p.m. riswill be tauiglt to 1g like a birci, hang gl iding offers an opportuity -for, peoýple ,týOohat they only'î past. Aboye, Scott Fenneli, an experienced kite flyer, demonstrat1es the new sport area. Anybody interested in Iearning more about it can contact Scott in Port Hlope Ski Shop -ID Bowmanville. Resu me Salary Ontairio Sch0la.r Negoiations Talks between secondary roll back salary Settlements sehool teachers and the North- for' a different group of umberland Newcastle Board employee-s, the administrative of Education are scheduled to staff. resume either late in August This followed public com- or in early September. Board plaints about the size of the of Education director, Frank salary hikes for administra- Thom said both sides appear tors. close to an agreement. The rollbacks lef t somne Last year, elementary and adininistrators, who are tech- secondaryv school teachers nically the high school princi- with the board received settie- pals bosses, making less than ments between 27 and 28 per sorne of the hîgh school cent. Thle settlement came princîpals. just before federal govern- There are soi-e Northum- ment anti infIlation bcard berland Newcastle trustees guidelines came into efftect * Who say the gap in the salaries But earlier this year, fthe isn't likely to close. That's AIB forced the schoi ol c to because both sides must now, follo0w AIB guidelines. children age 6 and up Negotiaïtions wit the Board Wednesdays tbhere wl of Education's sec.qndary mnovies at 2 pým. Ail ot, shool> teachers began in porisare firee. Mifss VVUma Wolters, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wolters, R.R. I Blackstock, has been recommended as an Ontari o scholar. Wilma attain- ed an average of 80.7 per cent On fier top six subjects. In September Wilmi- wýill begin bier course in Trut Induritry Admin4ý,îstra tion Senéca Joan Jiggins, wife, of Garthj Jiggn and daughter of Mvr. andnMrs. Carroll Nichols, R.R.3 Port Hope, graduatedf from Diploma Nursing Pro- gramime of St, Clair College, Thames Camipus, Chatham, Ont,. on June 27, -xI'M GIVING Taxes, service charges, Canac person not included. Prices ari AWAY supplements. See the SkyLar] FUIEfor full details. SkyLark ý1 ~/ and other uem a m *47 kh~gSt. W. Effective July 3 to October 23 inclusive. Look what SkyLark bas included in this Sumimer Holiday. Only SkyLark- offers you value like this on, holiday to Nassau! For $241 SkyLark gives you ail of th following features: 1 * * * * * * * *Convenient 1:00 p.m. departures e% erv Saturday via Wardair 707Î jet from Tronto to Nassau *Complimentary nfiight drinks ajnd n1es *Transfers between airport and hotel *Seven nights accommodation ajt the Emera-,ld Beach Hotel, directly on L'able Bach 0 Breakfaýst rols and coffee> dai1v 0 Welcome cocktail party 0 Balmoral lsýland Party 0 Free green t'ees at the Amubasýsado)r Beach Golf ClubI * ComplimentarY tennis on the -; flood-lit courts ai the Emierald Beach 9 Services of a SkyLar-k passenger Ser ice Representative 0 SkYLark Beach Bag On Sunday nîght we present an exo--tic International Buffet outside (weather' permitting). You're invitedi to join us! On Friday night, you'll enjoy our Pirate Bivouac Barbeque ouîtside (weather permitting). On one other nig-ht during the week in Nassau, SkyLark will be you -iý at a gala night at the Pisc e i Restaurant. A'nd on one evening during Yo1- week, we'd like to introduce you ot' one of Nassau's most popular nightspots to gilve you t he King and Knights. show. We'1I provide vou with admission to the show and your firrit drink. (Gratuities and transportation flot included.) Ask about SkyLark's other holidays to Nassau, witli accommodation at: " Ambassador Beach Hotel fromi $249 " Grosvenor Court a;prtmeits n Paraýqise Island fromn $241, " The Nassau Beach Hotel frorn $269 " Thé- FILgler Inn on Paradise Island from $241. Special Family Fun Holidays' are availahie at the Grosvenor Court with child rates fromn $129 for one or two weeks. PL US! PLUS! .PLUS! The people of Nassau give you the Goombay Summer! Corne and join the [ian-departure tax of $8 per 'e subject to high seaso¶i rk Summrrer Sun '76 brochure >~ Holilays CENTRE i:oroi k-' ~ 4 t~ li Kids! Hi 623-5412