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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1976, Section 2, p. 7

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Aboard the "Flavia" Cruise Ship Enjoy vocation in Sun City, Ariz~ona Sec.tioin our Newtonville Cubs, also much appreciated. Glad to hear Mrs. Doris Chrysier is able to be home, once more, from Memorial Hospital. A meeting of fier UC.W. Unit was helcl at her homne last Tuesday afternoon, when plans were made for raising money by that group. Mir. and Mrs. Jack Glover of Oshawa were Saturday supper guests with Mr. and Mlrs. Melville Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McEwen returned to Peterborough Suri- day lEaving from there to visit their daughter and ber bus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jobnston in Vancouver, B.C., as well as friends ini Victoria, Mrs. Bea Jones, Mrs. Leone Lane and Mr. 'and Mrs. C.MN. Jones attended the morninig service in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, Sun- day, the new minister, Rev. John Peters, being the speak- er. Visitors over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton were son Gary and friend of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Stapleton of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rowe of Viewlake were Sund-ay after- noon visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lane and family, Orono, were Sunday Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville,Juy716 Woovfd Famnily Picic Held at Thistie Volley The W-ood Family pidnic list contest - Lois Wîlbur. J was held at Thistie Valley Bean Contest - Jim Wood. Park on Sunday, June 27th and over contest - Tom Wu with 59 present. We ail enjoyed the fuin The sports committee start- games and we wish to expr ed the afternoon off with a baillOur appreciation to thie spc tbrow, and race for the boys committee: Mr. and IV. and girls 5 and under with Jack Pyefinch and Mr.'î Donald Wood first and Terri- Mrs. George Felgate for Lee Arsenalt second. Boys and their hard work. girls - 6-8: Baîl Throw and At 4:30 we sat down ti Race- lst Sbaw,,n Middleton, deliclous buffet supper ai 2nd Colleen Felgate. Crab which the president, Le Walk - lst Patricia Fudge, 2nd Wood, called ail to order. Marie Reid. Bubble Gum Blow extended a warmi welcomi - Steven Wood. Boys race - ah; birthday greetings to P 13-18 - lst Bruce Felgate, 2nd Hethrington and annivers Kevin Wood. Girls Paper cup greetinigs to Helen and Ai race (13-18) Shirley Wood. Tug May on their sixth anniý of War for Teenagers - Kevin sary, and to M.ýr. and IV Wood, John Pyefinch, Steven Percy Cooper's (59th) fi Wood, Marie Reid, Shirley ninthi anniversary. We w Wood, Bruce Felgate, Janice ahl pleased to share in ti Wood. Ring and straw race - special occasions. Ermna Wood's teami. Shopping T he commrittee for next y _____________________ are president - Lewis Wc viýsitors with Mrs. Leone Lane. secretary - Clifford RE With Mrs. Agnes Burle-y , teasurer - Wes Wood. Suniday, callers were Mr. and Grounds comrnittee -i Mrs. -Harry Burley, Port and Mrs. Howardl Wood, Hope. and Mrs. Everett Wood Mr. -and Mrs. F. Gilmer ,Mr. and _Mrs. Andy May. were Sunday evening visitors Sports Committee - Mr. with Mr . and Mrs. Jim Mrs. Don Arsenaît and Gilmer, Port Hope. and Mrs. Paul Hethiringoi ;eI1 of Newcastle, (Gntario enjoy T Jaxing on Pne p"Flavia" of Costa Line, just before debarking lMiami, Florida ,fl a vacation cruise to thxe sunny )ort and Nassau. Larrangement of classroom-ü. under Kir.by schol Gifts werc presented ib the htwo teachert ek leav;ng, the principal Mr -v~ %gdson and Mrs. Farrow held 'i~.~yevningfor berj music ,pupils. Eachi student played a -,umber. AU parents and interested folk wvere învited. Mfr. and Mrs. Argus Curtis and Mr. and Mrs. Stirling Swardfiger enijoyed a week- end bus trip to Wheeing, West Virgina. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Foster, MNrs. Mv. E. Foster, Sr. and Mlrs. Leighton WXalsh have spent a, couple of 'Weeks visiting friends around -Madi- OR MONTH AS LOWV AS Per day 219 KING ST. EAST BOWMANVILLE Hwy. No. 2 East of Lberty Phone 623-4481 "The Frîendly People" kL 0%-ý TOOTSI ES 1 -'Reg. Price TE CROSS ýdiesý' ;s Shoes and Beige y, Many More Specials Not>Acverfised Sunday attended the Connor reunion. Mýrs. Garland Catbcart and ber brother Mr. Arthur Thompson visited their cousin Mrs. Potter in Warkworth one day last week. Mr. and :Mrs. Elgin Little of Millsville NB-eeThursday inight' supper guests with MkIr. and MNrs. Allen Downies. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tbertel and Mr. and Mrs. Alen Downes were at the funeral parlours one eveniing last -week for their cousin Mr. Joe Little of Peterborough, SymipatLhy is extended to Mr. and Mirs. Jack Neal and family in the passing of bis fatherl, Mr, Kenneth Neal, Orono Funeral services were Tlhursday in Orono. Mr, . and Mlrs. Don Hillis, Shelle-y and Sha-na speint the wxeekend witb Mýrs. Hill's -iitle ij Iuidsor Thetwo daughiters rema.ined f!or ô, holiday with their grandi miotber. MIr. and Mr,.,s. Johni Fonk, Mr. and MNrs. Clifford Fonk, and f'ai-ily attended the funer- al of thieir mother Mlrs. J. F'onk Sr. in Burk's Falls on Sunday. Sympathy is extend- ed to thie Fonk faiihes. Mýr.;and Mlrs. R. Elliott were entertained to a 4Otb wedding annîversary dinner cele- bration at Noone's Restaurant on Saturday by their famnily. MUr. an-d NMrs. Ross Elliott and failyî fromi Maple Leaf, Harland Elliott, MIs. Joyce Smîith and Hiarry Boadreau and guests on Sunday to help celebrate the occasion. Guests were AMr. and _Mrs. Alfred Elliott, Wýillowýdale, M\rs. Irene Dunbar. Peterborough, 'Miss Clara Seens, Peterborough, Mîr. and MIrs. Harland Geenis, Bailieboro, AMiss rMargaret Seens of Ottawa and MVrs. John Thompson from ill- brook. Last Sunday was Rev, G. Montgomery's hast service in Kendal. As bis farewell mess- age he spoke on 'Liking the Mlinister'. MJrs. K. Wood was organist and accompanied Rev. and Mrs. Miontgomery when tbey sang two duets There will, be no church service during the month of July wbich is vocation time. The newvmiister Rev. A. Tizzard will be- here fthe first Sunday in August. » We are pleased to see Mrs. Ron Frank is homne fromi 1l\oronto bospital and able tobe otto church on Sunday. ani i -, on rWCte1ifg in- a,,~ Q , ,Une of duty in Fnday she c-énences ber first, assignaient a three week bus trip to Newf. r. and bac:k as Tour G ie Good Luck Canidy,. Sympathy is e-xtenc?,ýd Mrs. Jim Goshin ofVi01, and fam-ily, and the i Goshins of Lindsay in tbIý sudden passing cof Mr.Jim, Giosin this week. Yeverton Sr. girls met Nestleton Girls this wveek at Velverton. Mssdthe gam1-e but presuime the locals fmust have won. evetnSi. nmen met Port Pery hajst enedyevening at port per-ry and again.on Sun. at Velverton wining botb gýames by sco:res of 7 t-o3 and Ji, fo 6. Donnie Timmis and Dal Stsonpitcbhed the two gamp-rmb tevelv Port INEWTON VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Ceci] Slemon of Hampton were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Lancaster, a week ago. Mrs. Betty Stapleton, Mrs. Leone Lane, Mrs. Bea Jonies and Mlr. and Mrs. M. Jonies were amTong the local people attending Kendal's Salad Sup- per last Wednesday evening. Sorry to bear of the passing of Mrs. J. Snelgrove i Niagara Falls, last week. Her son by adoption, Rev. Ted Snelgrove, now of Stirling, Ontario was a former ruinister here for several, years prior to the coming of IFev. G, MNont- gomery. Another death, hast week, wa 1 of Oswald Pethîck, ln Peterboroug-l, son of Mr. and ~kýIlex. He was born here in Newtconville and carried on an undertaking business in Barrie somne years ago before retiring. Several relatives and friends called at the Comstock Funeral Home, Friday, to pay their final respects. Sympathy is extended to all family mnembers. Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowe-, and Tiffany spent several days last week at Eagle Lake in the Minden area. While they were away, Mr. and Mrs. E. McEwen of Peterborough stayed wvith Mrs. Agnes Rur- ley. Mrs. Stan. Page and boys are holidaying at Marydale Park. Visitors with Mrs. Agnes Burley last week included Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilm-er of Camreron, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clarke an-d family of Paisley and MIr. and Mrs. Ron Burley of Newcastle, the latter heing supper guests, Friday. Reid's Transport of Peter- borough moved Rev. and Mrs. Mvontgomery and their fur- niture to their new; home in Peterborough, on Friday. Mir. and Mirs. G. McQuat have mnovedt into their new homne here and taken over the' busin>ess and property of Mr. and âVrs. Les. Peck. We wvere plesed to read in the latest Official Bulletin of the Royal Canadian Legion, for a donation. of $200 for the purchase of new tents, for Newtonville Cubs, lias been grainted. A year ago,. the same Legioni Branch donated $200 te, strikeout to bis credit. Doniie Timmis missed a home r-un by a hair when called out in a close decision at home plate but brouight in 2 base runners. Hligh scorers for Yelverton w,.er-e Marti -Malcolm with 3 runs with a 5 times on bases for 5 at bat and Ian Page who scored 3 runs with a 5 for 6 at bat., George M cCuIllough, althoughi he onl.y played one fulli nning picked off 2 ýfiles in field (flot house flies) scored 2 RtBi's in a two base it and scored later himself. Quite an impressive display by Gordie! On Sunday evening MIr. and MIrs. Frank Glasbergen and family were dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Garry Bristow a nd f'a miI1y. Yelverton hamniet continues to grow by leaps and bounds or perhaps millimeter by centi- mneter mni gh t be more a ccurate. Two new houses are in the last stages of erection between the Frank Giasberg- ens and Mr. and Mrs. Lomnax south of Velverton; a 25 per cent increase.in housin'ý in our year is pretty imipressive eh what! Mïr. Murray Malcolm is also engineering a new, addition to the dwelling of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Draper; it could be a two car garage and a wine cellar or it could be sometbing else. Take your pick! Please~d to reinnrt oneP of niir Stock Reduction Sale UP TO 70%o OFF!I Ail Carpets und Remnant Prices have been drastically ref, on our, Complete Worehouse Si' Carpet Warehous '"Trend- Setters of the Carpet Indqust-ry"l 110 King St. W. j- Osh~ 728-0292 Ope 0 :00 a j m, _0 8:00p0. FREE PARKING- FREE ESTIMATES YES! WE îNSTALI, Choose from >. selection of strippabf e, scrubbable, prý.,-paste9d vinyl wallpapers in patterns ta s ,,it every room in vour home Maker's book prh-ce Up -to $18.95 perl boit Sti Price ~ 1½/ Rail 1: Boit ýMakers Book Price', aL stay In ison bas nt with ,nmier to attend hlci Powers goes ô -j July 5tb. He'd be as Yelverton plî head-er vs Janet verton starting boni f ida baîl fai ri people Plus Other U nadvertised Speciols MIDTOWN NALI 576-24*1,' N 7 g re i-A 5 OUR A ALL LEATI4ER Sandals for Ladiîes $7Reg. Price Men^'s Discontinued Uines~ Kush Puppies OnI $12i0O ILrL R,4

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