Councillor LyaII Comm4 Subj*ects of Interest to Counillor Kenneth E. Lyall of Newcastle issued a press release over the past week- end commenting on some current subjects of municipal interest to taxpayers of the Town. Concerning the Orono Arena situation. Mr. Lyall recapitulated the findings of the engineer's report that held "lit would be imprudent to use the building for future public occupancy."' "lIt must be fully reaiized that this is how the engineers,. Leighton and Kidd Limited, saw the condition of the Arena - - it is in no way a decision of the Town of Newcastle Coun- cil." Mr. Lyall commented. "ITo begin with, somehow the Town of Newcastle order- ed a study for the Orono Arena - - which the Town does not own - -- to be inciuded in the government required safety study of local arenas. The work was done by Leighton and Kidd. the resuits were released to Council and the Fair Board and now Jim Rickard, President of the Fair Board - - the Durham Central Agricultural Society - - and his Board of Directors, who are the owners of the Orono Arena, will have to make the next moves." "Lt is their Arena." Corne what may, the hockey players, the figure skaters and the pleasure skaters of the Orono area wiil not be without needed ice time for the coming season as the Town of New- castle Recreation Department wiil provide needed ice time for them - - just as is done for other Town residents - - in the Town arenas in Bowmanvilie, Newcastle Village or the new $890,500 Darlington Arena. Counillor Lyail commented on water biiiing. The Councillor stated that he is receiving lots of beefs over Town water bis that have been in the mails this past 10 days. t seems that the ARsk for this folder> from our representative, MR. W.H. BROOME who will be at: Flying Dutchman Motor Inn, High- way 401, Bowmanvulle on Wednes- . day, August llth, 1976, between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. CaIli 623 -3373 for appointment. IIj 22 King Street West, P.O. Box 980 ýfl 1Oshawa, Ontario Tel. No. 576-6800 Opening new doors ta small business. I 17", CITATION OR CORSAIR single a: 17" CITATION OR CORSAIR tandum, $ à%o xe 3 ents on Taxpa yers Region of Durham Finance Department, having taken over the collection of water accounts from local PUC's, has run into many large sized headaches with its collection methods. One Newcastle Village resi- dent had a shock when he got a water bill for 288 days service which amounted to $43.10. The cause of the shock was that this person who received the bill was not on Regional water. He had his own weli being too far from the water mains. The problems were brought* up last week at the Whîtby Regional Council meeting and it was stated that "if you think that it is bad now, just wait tili September when the first water and sewer açcounts under the new Regional Water and Sewer rates corne into effect. " With further regards to water. The second Newcastle Vil- lage water well has come unstuck over an unacceptable level of nitrates by the Health authorities and is back to, haunt some Regional poli- ticians and technical experts, as well as the taxpayers who wili be paying out $19,000 per year for many years to pay off the $168,000 spent to construct a nearly useless well which can only be used as a standby well in the event of a major Thre galling thing, Councillor Lyali's release stated, was that prior to the start of the well's construction, the fact of high nitrates in water in this section of the former Village of Newcastle was indicated in government studies. This report was brought to the attention of Regional Council by Councillor Lyall who tried to swing action away from a well to a system of bringing water for the area from Lake Ontario. "The argument failed," stated Mr Lyall "and so did the well. Now Region poobahs have ýcome up with project 75-W53 - - the design and construction of a Lake Ontario oriented water supply system at a cost of $1,250,00C." "Lt would seem that some municipal officiais believe in the old saw - - if you do not succeed, try, try and try again - -- after ail it is only money." Councillor Lyail aiso com- mented on the subject of a District Heaith Council for Durham Region which was discussed at the Region Social Services Comrmittee meeting last week with the project receiving the committee's blessings. "The project did not get my support or vote. " Mr. Lyal stated. "The Health Councîl will have a $70,000 to $100,000 2'GLENELLE OR FLYTE 28" TRAV ELINE R 24' CORSAIR OR CITATION Two Cas ualties of the Lennox to Oshawa Hydro LUne It is understood that these two properties, the Phil Vowles Plumbing'and Heating plaza on East Beach Road and in the lower picture, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neads, will be expropriated and torn down when the Lennox to Oshawa hydro transmission line is buit. The barn on the Short farm is reported to be slated for destruction to make room for the 600 foot wide strip of land that will be taken over. budget for its first year if the Regionai Council accepts the Committee recommenda- tion." The release stated that Counilior Lyall voted against the proposition because he is of the opinion that a District Heaith Council wouid only add another layer of bureaucracy to the already overlayered present municipal system. Despite the Health Council being funded by the Ontario Government, Councillor Lyall suspects the motives of Queen's Park, bearing in mind the oid saying *'Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts". "The Ontario Government having to cut down on health spending, might want to distribute the flack concern- ing such action over a wider target than Queen's Park." Mr. Lyali coriclIuded by stating at the samie meeting of the Social Services Commit- tee, the group after accepting the principle of spending $70,000 to $100,000 for a Health Council, made an effort to save tax dollars on another matter. The Committee' moved to cut the $1.00 per day given to out of work and homeless men staying at the Region Hostel in Oshawa for cigarettes and other personai needs, back to 50 cents per day. "It seems that the Hostel budget m ight be short in the month of September and money had to be saved somehow - - this was the Committee' s reasoning. So, out of a Social Services gross budget of *$14,567,501 the Committee moved to Save a few bucks by taking 50 cents from a few unfortunates living in the Regional Hostel." "This seems to be some peopie's idea of economy," he declared. Grant For Photo Gallery, A grant of $8,125 from the Ontario Arts Council will help keep the Bowmanville photo- graphic gallery in the picture this year. Gallery cu-rdinator, Ann Newton said last week that the grant is similar to money received by the gallery over the past four years. t will cover such things as staff salaries, expenses in- volved in galiery programs and materials. The most recent grant was $700 more than last year's grant, Mrs. Newton explained. She said the extra money wil pay for a special exhibition of Ontario photographers that will be coming to the gallery in the future. Many of the prints in the planned exhîbit have neyer been seen by the public but they have been in Ontario Arts Council files. The gallery is located in the Bowmanville Public Library, on Temperance St. Enniskil- len photographer, Neil New- ton is the gallery director. The exhibit now on display is a series of Olympic photo- graphs provided courtesy of the Canadian Press and the Oshawa Times. The wirephotos are part of the Newcastle Game pro- gram. ack a $6î9OO $5,9QQ NORTH -'BROCK MOTOR SALES LTD. OSHAWA WHITBY MANCHESIgR 2096 Simcoe'St 516 Brock St' Hwy 12 1i mle N North . North, of Manchester Phono 576-1512 Phono 668-9172 Phono 985-337À AUTHORUSED DEALER FOR (TRAVEL'TRAULERS) Glendette, Glenelle, Golden Faîcon,Facofl Flyte,scamper, Corsair, Citation, Traveliner, Boler, and TriîIlium MOTOR HOMES: Corsair, Citation, Centurian, Glendale '2 Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 28, 1976 5 Eldorado Nuclear Ltd., are Eldoradounder investigation. Polysar Eldoradohas pollution controls that are being reviewed by the pro- vincial ministry of the envi- Listed ýasronmn and Eldorado is under investigation because of I I -- - -radiation problems. roiiuter A report from a Canadian - - US. agency iists Eldorado Nuclear Limited of Port Hope as a major poiluter of the Great Lakes. The report, which came from the International Joint Commission, cited Eldorado as one of 28 Ontario industrial plants under investigation for contributing to Great Lakes pollution. A total of 113 firms are on the commission's list. Eighty five of them are in the United States. The report stated that two Canadian crown corporations, Commission is set up' to monitor problems along the Canadian and U.S. borders. The report on the industries came from the commission's Great Lakes Water Quality Board.- People once helieved that goats had their beards comb- eýd by the devil once a day. Blowing Fuses? The main reason fuses are blown is circuit overload. Have us add new circuits to your existing fuse box, it will cost much Iessthan you would imagin e when we do, the work. Check our reputation for excellence in service and ... fair prices. Colliss Electric Ltd.1 12 Silver Street Bowmanville Phone 623-5901 I The Elmer rule broken here is num berLI I ~~ ~---------- _______ 1., Show which Elmer rule is being broken above and colour the picture. 2. Fi out entry form. Print clearly. 3. Cut out along dotted lines and mail to address shown. 4. Any Ontario child between 6 and 14 may enter. Ail entries become property of Elmer the Safety Elephant. Judges deci- sion final. jONTARIO SAFETY'LEAGUE icooperation with ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION I ONTrARIO COMMANýD ~imer's SIX ruies 1 . Look ail ways before you cross the road. 2. Keep away from all parked cars. 3. Ride your bike safeiy and obey ail signs and signais. 4. Play your games in a safe place away from traffic. 5. Waik, don't run, when you cross the road. 6. Where there are no side- waiks, walk off the road to the lett and face oncoming traffic. MAIL BEFORE AUG 8 TO:j ELMER CONTES T S409 King St. W.I Toronto, Ont. M5V 1 K i NAMEI ADDRESS . ................. (Tow'n or city, postai code) TELEPHONE --.......... AGE -... Boy ...-Girl .... The Canadian Statesman, Bawmanville ~a~eto th e(©pen odtg§rïe ... t eek Sfa eagkeg o6 Com'n6okt Roy Nichols Motors CharterwaysLtd, LT D. C m l u e v c Chevrolet - Oldsmobîe Cmlt u evc Chevy Trucks STORES LTD. Bowmanville - Courtice King and Simpson 6331 omnil 623-2556 728-6206 Bowmanville --j