2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 4, 1976 SwimthonMay Raise 1,1500 About 125 children and however, that the swimathon teenagers with the Bowmnan- went very well. ville Swim Program splashed The swimrners, who were their way towards a $1500 eighteen and under, were donation to Muscular Dys- sponsored for a certain trophy after a swimathon 'n amount per lap. And if ail the Memiorial Park last Friday. money that was pledged is Gai 1 Caver-ly, a swýimmilng colected, then'about $1500 will instructor with the Depart- be going towards the f ight ment of 1ýecreation, and a against Muscular Dystrophy. swimathonî organizer, said last w;%eek that, the exact Members of the swim pro- figures on how much was grarn did up to 108 laps arounc made wouldn't be known until the Memnorial Park Pool anc later in the week. She said, Miss Caverly said a number o: Chartered Accounitants OFFICES MN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES Bell Canada Building OSHAWA CENTRE, OSHAWA Partn.ers: Josef Adam, B.Sc. (Econ.), CA Gordon F. Sedgewick, C.A. Buirt R. Waters, F.C.A. Phone 728-7527 -- 839-7764 TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE NOTC NOTICE 0F APPLICATION f0 the Ontarioa Municipal Board by ",e Corporation of the Tow/n of Newcasf le for approval of a by-law ta regulate Iand us;e passeýd pursuant f0 Section 35 of The Plnning Ac0. TAKE NOTI CE thafl the Counýcil of theCrpato of the Town ofNecte interids ta apply ta the ontario Muicipafl Board pursuant te thb. prpvisicns 0f Section 350of The Planning Acf for approval of By-Lawf 76-26 passed by the'Town of Newcastle on the 3rd day of May, 1976. Any persan may within fourfeen (14) days after the date of this Notice send by registered mail or deliver ta the Clerk 0f the Town of Newcastle Notice of his objectioýnto approvralo0f the said By-Iaw fogether witha statement of the grounds of such objection. Any person wishing ta support the application for approval of the By-Iawy may within fourteen (14) days affer the date of this Notice send by registered mail or deiver ta the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle Notice of his support of appraval of the said by-la.w together w ifh a request for Notice of any hearing that may be held gîving the name and address to which such Notice should be given. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said By-Iaw but before doing so if may appoint a time and place when any objection ta the By-law will be considered. Notice'0f any Hearing that may be held will be given only to persans who have filed an objection or notice of support, and who have left with or delivered ta the Cîerk undersigned the address ta which Notice of Hearing is ta be sent. The last-day for filing wîll be the l9th day 0f August, 1976.11 DATED at the Town of Newcastle this 4th day of August, 1976. J.M. Mcllroy, A.M.C.T. Clerk Town of Newcast le 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3A6 EXPLANATORY NOTE F PURPOSE AND EFFECT The purpose and effect of By-Law No. 76-26 is f0 repeal1 the sign regu lat ions in the Darlington Township Zoning By-law. The Town of Newcastle has passed a by-Iaw reguîating signs under the provisions of the Municipal Act and the infent of By-law 76-26 is fe repeal conflicting regulafions now contained in the Darlington Zoning By-law. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE By-law Number 76-26 Being a by-Iaw ta repeal certain sections of Restricted Area By-law Number 2111 of the' former, Township of Darlington and Amendments thereto WH E REAS the Council1 of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle has passed By-law Number 76-25 ta regulate the erection of signs in t he Town of Newcast le; AND WHEREAS certain Restricted Area By-Iaw's presently in effecf regulate the erection of signs in the former Township of Darlingfon. AND WH ER EAS the Cauncil of the Corpo ration of the Town of Newcastle DE EMS if expedient fa repeal such former provisions; NOW THERE FORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcast le ENACTS as follows: 1) Section 4(p) of By-law Number 2111, enfitled "Sign Regulations" i5 hereby repeaîed. 2) By-law Number 2518 a By-law fa amend By-law ýn SWiMMers'went 72 laps or more. -e Seventy two laps around the e pool equalled about one mile. Ye'%ELVER"TON Il Sympathy is extonded ta It Mrs. Evorald Toole of Janet- ville and family in'the sudden - assing this past week of a devoteci husband and father. d Everald was an avid bail fan d and foilowed the local teams 4 through thick and thin and will ho sadly rnissed by his many, friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beggs and Crystal were weekend guests of the Norman Wilsons. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glas- Purgen) and famiiy are spond- ing a couple of weeks at a cottage near Havelock. Yeiverton's Bail Teams participation in the Port Perry tournarnent was an exorcise in futility as they were eliminat- ed in two straight vs Durham Police and Port Perry Mer- chants. Mr. Peter Bakker is sche- duled ta return ta, his home-' land of Ymueden Netherlands on Tues. Aug. 3, after spend- îng .18 days at Malconia. Managed ta see a few of Canada's highiights including Niagara Falls, Toronto's main tourist intorests and a boat trip through the 1000 Islands. Miss Candy Maicol-im bf t for a two week bus tour ta Nova Scotia this week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mai- colin are scheduiled ta beave for a vacation in Holland this wýeek. Happy hoiidays. Rev. Douelass Robert Dewdney. B.A.L.*Th., priest in the dhurch of God for 50 Ï ears, hushand oif Edith Buck- and Dewdney, passed away suddenly at the Port Ho pe and District Hospital on Friday, July 30, 1976. Funerai Service was in St. Mark's Anglican Church, Port Hope on Tuesday, August 3rd at il a.m. Interment St. James Cemetery. Toronto at 1 p.m. .Rev. Dewdney was Rector of Clarke at St. Georges, Newcastle and St. Saviors Orono for over* 30 years before his retirement. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood of Peterborough called on Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrabali on Saturday afternoon. Miss Lamna Lowery is a p atient in the Oshawa Generai Hospital as the resuit of a car accident on 115. Mr. ai.d Mrs. Ron Harris, Ricard, Ki and Glen are visiting Mr.i and Mrs. Bill, Sears, ia and Stacey t Windsor. ,Mrs. Sadie Hamilton is a patient in the Toronto General Hospital,, Torofito. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mitch- ell visited their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Sino and son at Bayside. SMr. James Edward Mowat, age 79, husband of the late Verna Keat Mowat of Division Street Orono, passed away at the Strathaven Nursing Home, Bowmanvilie on Saturday, July 3lst. Funeral service was on Monday afternoon from the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville. 1 Ltemment Orono Cernetery. Mr. and Mrs. Jack William~s and daughters cailed on Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brad- loy and sons Tim and Doug enjoyed a trip ta Carle ton, Nova Scotia and visited Mr. andMrs. Merle Allan :and famiiy. Legion Draw (From Page one) Sales for the month were down considerably, due ta holidays in General Motors and ticket sellers not being able ta contact their regular customers. Total sales were Auxiliary Bingo Wedjnesda' August 25th, 1976. Branch 17 draw, along with many others is feeling the "pinch" of thg Wintarîo draws, but it is hope that sales wii corne up agait over the remainder of th( ,year, orithe present draw ma' have to'be discontinued, an; some other fund raising scheme will have to bE considered. Arena Studies (From Page One) three arenas stated that repairs of up to $60,000 were needed in the Bowmanvlle ïarena and up to $10,000 at the Newcastle arena. The Orono arena was con- sidered unfit for future public occupancy in the same report. But the report on the Orono arena is to bo dealt with soparateiy by1'he arona own- ers, the Durham Central Agricultural Society. In A Bind Last night,_ the socioty president, James Rickard told council his society was "in a bind." He said the arena is one of the major buildings used during the Orono fair. 1He added that a new arena complex is being considered. In addition, the possibility of using a "lbubble" is being explored. In rosponse ta a question from Councillor Ann Cowrnan as to whether or flot the building could be used during the summer, Mr. Rickard said it is feit that the building is not oven wind-safo. A meeting to discuss the Orono arena has been called for Friday, at 4:30 in Orono. Members of council. and reprosentatives frorn Leighton and Kidd have been askod to attend the meeting. Fire Hall (Prom Page One) hall wouid be approved sub- ject to the fire chief checeking, to see if sorne stacking chairs needed could be found in the town's invontory. A second motion called for the approval of taking $575 from the capital expenditure budget to spend on furniture. Chiof 'Hayman told the comrnittee yesterday that the monoy cornes from bis paid to the fire'department when- ever it handies emergency highway calis that are not within the department's juris- diction. Both motions must ho given council approval. Cost of the furniture. for the Newcastle fire hall is $925. The cost of renovating the fire hall building wvas $128,000. Home Flooded (F'omn Page One, in the basernn and fouid cone of her dogs swimr-ning in the water. Af ter calling the- Bowrnan-, ville Public Utilities Commis- sion, she alerted other neigh- bors who carne over to help with the dlean Up. The basement did not have a drain and the neighbors had to rent a commercial purnp to take the water out. About, 12 people worýed al day taking furniture, books and a carpot out of the basement and on to the lawn to be dried in the open air, Mrs. Tibbles said. The whole neighborhood worked together to dlean up the flooded area- and "the neighbors were just fa.ntas- tic," she said. FLOWERS *FRESH *TROPICAL .-GREEN PLANTS 3 STORES: Nl Highway No. 2 FRESH SWEET and aill GARDEN VEGETABLESý Raspberries Fresh Beans App les Honey Maple Syrup WE NOW HAVE PEACHES - APRICOTS and PLUS 75 IL.Bug of Potatoes Field Tomatoos> by Baske af FRED'S Fruit Market Hwy. 115 1/2 Mile South of Orono Phone 983-5628 yImprovements S, (From Page One) te. The report recommends ýd improvernents through a Sprogram under the direction eof theNewcastle Works Com- d averinlue iGarvens st'O sion to the downtown area of Bowmanville, ho recorn- rnends. Uner an amended motion, sidewalk repairs for New- tcastle, Courfice and Newton- eville were also included in the erocommendations. Lyall Catis (From Page One) Mayor Rickard told Council- Slor Lyall that since ho hadn't ibeen assured the information -would be kept confidential, ho 1wouidn't hand over the doc- uments. "I'rn of the opinion that you iwant it (the Eldorado inform- 1 ation) for political purposes,"1 iMayor Rickard said., Councillor Lyail calied on f other councillors to overrule 1the decision not to release the material. But that motion tfailed when it did not find a .seconder. r "You're a bunch of cow- ards," Councillor Lyall said after fellow representatives ihad refused to support his imotion to challenge. the mayor. Councillor Kirk Entwisle said ho thought the dispute had becorne a personal matter between the Mayor and Coun-, cîllor Lyall. He said ho wiouid not take part in any such vote. Councillor Lyall suggested that a démocratic principle was at stake in the witholding of the Eldorado information. Ho added that as a regional councillor, ho should have access to the information. The councillor said it would be up to the people to decide whether or, not ho puts the information to the correct use once ho has obtained it. Mayor Rickard told Council last night that ho had not read the Eldorado documents. "I don't know what's in it" ho said. The mayor did say that ho would give the information ho had to any citizen who asked him about it. "'il tell them straight," ho added. 1Councillor Lyall said that the dispute over obtaining the Eldorado information began last week, after it was learned that the Port Hope based company, was considering locating a new ýrefinery on land it controls near southeast Newcastle. The company had filed an application with the Durharn region to have sorne of its property near For-t Granby designated for industrial use. They had also submitted a brief. "Lt is the brief 1 wanted to get a look at," Councillor Lyall said. The councillor said ho was told that councillorsý Hobbs and Cowman had copies, of the Information but when ho consulted them, ho was told they didn't have it. Councilior Lyall said that when ho tried to get the information from the Durhamn régional staff, ho was told that the material ho was iooking for was confidential. In a resolution passed unan- imously and relating to Eldor-. ado Nuciear Limited, council decided to ask Eldorado to indicate when they are going to make their proposais pub- lic. However, Councillor Kirk Entwisle, who made the motion, suggested that until the Eldorado special study area has been dealt wîth, Eldorado has nothing to tel the Town of Newcastle. HAYDON On July 3rd over eighty 4 H'ers of the Beef, Dai, and "ope Caîf Clubs, ý eep, Goats, Swine and Field Crop, Clubs' heid- their judging com etition at the farms of CIn Crago and Gordon Barrie, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. At the Crago farm the members took part in a quiz; indentification classes; judg- *ing a class of beef heifers and a class of hay. After lunch thoy moved to the Barrie farm to judge shoep, grain and a ciass of dairv cows. The resuits were ttled and prize money was given out. Prior ta this judging day a udging preparation night was held. Tis preparation night *was compuisory for the first Lyear memborsb ut open to al iother members. July 3th saw the beef and dairy mnembers at the Orono Fairgrounds roady for the program on techniques in proparing a caif for Achieve- ment Day. These were:(a) Tyes and proper use of haltors, (b) Washing equip- ment and procedures, (c) Fitting and feeding before and on Sow Day, (d) Hoof trimming, (e) Clipping and grooming to improvo ap- poarance, (f) Showrnanchip techniques. SHAW'S Mrs. Dorothy Perryrnen, Edmonton, is vîsîting her brother, Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts. Miss Mary Potts, Toronto, spent the weekend at her home. Mr. and Mrs. John Jones and famiiy, Bowrnanville, Miss Nicki Paterson, spent Feathered (From Page One) t Rawlinson told council that there are othor problems from the 65 pigeons. Ho said they rest on poople's roof s and this ruins the roof andl looks bad. Mr. Rawlinson said his' p roblemn is backed by signa- tures fromn other residents in the area who also objoct to the birds. "We're asking for a by-law to eliminate things iike that, "Mr. Rawlinson added. Ho admitted that the dilem- ma is not something you'd normally get in a residentiai area but ho said the fact that the nighbor is koeping birds, instead of other livestock, makes the problemn worso. ,"A cow probably wouldn't bother us,' Mr., Rawilinson said. However Councillor Kirk Entwisle noted that a cow wouid ho difficuit to toilet train. Council resolved last night that the probiem of birds in the munîcipality would ho taken under the wing of, the Town of Newcastle. The municipaiity will look into the possibility of putting together a bird by-law. teet andi it is to be fencecf in. Mr. Fanning said ho unýder- stands the pool will eventually be turned over to the Town of Newcastle. Beoa RED CROSS 8lood, Donor today Civic Holiday with Mr, and Mrs. J. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Micheal Strenge, Mississauga, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and family. Mr. Gordon Dudley, Sarnia, sPent the weekond with Mrs. Dudley and Noil, and Mrs. M. Read. Mr. and Mrs. Micheai Strenge, Mississauga, were Sunday callers at the Lloyd Ashton homo. Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts, visited relatives at Coliing- wood, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and Mr. and Mrs. Bort Ashton joined with Mr. and Mrs. John Ross, and celebrated birth- daiys and a wedding anni- versary Saturday night, at Ed's Warehouse, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton were Saturday over-night guests of thoir daughter Mr. and Mrs. Jim Madore and family, Woston, Joanne Ma- dore, rurneci homo with their grandparents for a holiday. Mr. and Mrs. John Jones and Tom , Miss Cora Degeer, and Mrs. Meta Kellar, visitod Mr. and Mrs. Cecul Degeor, Ajax, on Sunday. Mr.and Mrs. Stan'Cowling, Salem, were Monday visitors of Mrs. Irene Tabh and farniiy. Build Wadn Newcastle Parks and Recreation director, Bud Fanning, said yosterday that the Newcastle Lions Club is building a wading pool east of the present Newcastle pool. Construction on the pool is expected ta start Thursday, Mr. Fanning toid a meeting of the Committee of the Whole. -The pool is to ho 40 foot by 20 OPEN'FOR BUSINESS Monday, August 9thi, 1976 Watch for Offiîciai1 Opening in next week's Paper. ~a~ttQtj c5kedgs(Clothi'ng for the d Whole Familyl' 110OWa verly Road Bowmanville PHONE 623-6191 NOTICE TO THE PROPERTY OWNERS 0F The City of Oshawa The Township of Scugog The Township of Manvers The attention of Property owners of the above mientioned Municipalities is directed to a Notice published elsewhere on this page regarding an application to the Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for approval of a By-Iaw to regulate land use. J.M. Mcllroy, A.M.C.T. Clerk Town of Newcastle ..smartly-designed sparking corn-on-the -cob servers set offour'*. orci i rte gg yariv nakg S t ndlct im g sLk ei n plate and cup set RJCKABY'aS LMIT ED I Tm1HE 's CA ",Yellow Page" Classified Busines Directory THE MOST COMPLETE BIJYING GUIDE IN SOUTHERN DURHAM REGION Your Yellow Directory miIl be- delivered to you soon. See what your YeIIow Directory can do for you ... " Complete Iist of busine-sses " Comprehensive listings " Complet Iist of postal codes " Plus many more time saving features è &W YELIow FOR DIRKJTORT, HEAD OFFICE -332 KING ST. OSHAWA,ONT. 579-1668 AT LAST- The alternative you've been wating for. YelIow Directory here soon. STEAL MPP's CAR The Ontfario Provincial Police have not made any arrests to date following the thef t and destruction of ýa Voikswagon owned by Dur- ham West M.P.P. Doug Mof- fat several weeks- ago. The vehicle was totally wrecked just east of the Newcastle Golf Course on the third lino of the