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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Aug 1976, p. 3

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30 KING ST. WEST BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-4477 The Canacliain Statesmnan, Bowmanvjlle, August 11, 1i976 NEWTONVI LLE Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood are home again, after a three weeks' holiday trip to the West Coast. They visited Victoria and Vancouver, and spent some time with relatives, and friends in Red Deer, Aberta, and other places, en route, enjoying fine weather most of the time. On JuIy 23rd; Mrs. Iva Farrow and Mr. Reg Falls drove to Gatineau, Quebec, where Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Farrow and Karen joined them, on a trip to the east coast. In Prince Edward Island, they visited the Wood- leigli Replicas, and in New Brunswick, they visited 'the Magnetie Hill, and went through the Hartland Covered Bridge. In Nova Scotia, they went around the Cabot Traîl, among many other interesting places, returning home the past weekend, after a realiy enjoyable tour. lli OYsay prayers before eating?" the minister asked the "Nor, 1 dan't need ta," replled the chi Id. "My mother's a good cook." CLOTHES CARE HINT: GUARANTEED CLEANABLIE -'that is the assurance youý should receive from the store when you buy new garments. Plan to Attend the Bowmanville Lions Club Carnival Friday, August l3th Memorial Park - Liberty St. South Buowmanville Cleaner's Ltd. 84 King St. W. 623-5520 "We Specialize in Shirt Launderirîg" es pee ei r e pitadaepe le CLEON ARANCEAW PXEORE7-MIXED Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Saver, have been holidaying at Cobo 1conk the past couple weeks and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenc( Savery, of Oshawa, have beer looking after things at th( farm, in their absence. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher, accompanied by their grand son, Kevin, of Downsview were camping last week ai Emily Park and also visitec frîends in Peterborough.' Mr. and Mrs. L. Savery were supper guests, Tuesddy, M'With Mrs. Bea Jones. Mrs. Elva Osborne, ol Canton, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Allin Osborne and their two house guests, on a trip to St. Catharines; ard Niagara Falls, recently, where they called to see Mr. Mabelle Leusbner. Lori-Anne and Darreil Donnelly, of Port Hope, spent last week here with their grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton, who drove them home Sunday afternoon, and were supper guests with the Donnellys. Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Riese spent last weedend with Mr. and Mrs. Eberhart Riese and family, in London, Ontario. Mrs. Mary Jones and Mrs. Bea Jones were supper guests with Mrs. J. Gibby, in Oshawa, last Wednesday. Mrs. Bernice Henderson and Mrs. Marie Trim ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown, of Newcastle, and their houge-guest, Mrs. Lina 'Bowen, of Bronte, to Shelter Valley, on Wednesday, where Mrs. Margaret Wade and family were camping. -Our local Brownies are camping up north in the Halibunton Area at Camp Adelaide and we hope tohave a list of their naines later. At present we know that Mrs. Jean Kimbaîl and daughter, Vicki, are among those pre- sent and Carol Henderson, who is a Counsellor. Sympathy, of this comn- munity is expnessed to Mrs. George Stapleton of Bowman- ville, on the death of hier husband, George, in Memonial Hospital, Wednesday, Aug. 4. The funeral was heid from the Morris Funeral Home, on Friday afternoon. Mr., and Mrs. Stapleton were weil known here where they had aiways iived, prior to selling their farm, and moving to Bowmanville and both had taken an active part in church and community activities. Mr. and Mrs. Bull Hancock and daughter have been holidaying down east. Mr. and Mrs. Vauce Cooper of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. George Kimballof Newcastle, visited. Mr; andMrs. Jack Kimbaîl on Thursday, the occasion of the latter's birth- day (hier 39th of course!) Best Wishes, Wanda! Mrs, Dora DeSmit and son, Paul, are vîsiting friends and relatives across the border for a few days. Visitors with Mrs. Agnes Burley included Mr. Keith Bunley, and Arthur Clarke of Newcastlel and on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burley of' Bridgenorth and Mr. and Mrs. Earl McEwen. 1Mrs. S. Gordon of Orono spent Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boughen. Mr. and Mrs. Rod Gilmour, of Cooksville, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence White, Mapie Grove, were -recent callers with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones. Mrs. Emily Ogden, of Bow- rnanville spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ogden and family. Mrs. Mary Wade and son, Grant, were clown fromn Bar- rie, on Sunday, guests of Mrs. Leone Lane. Jean and Jack Ogden greet- eour Sunday morning con- gregation at the church doors,- and Rev. Tizzard's topic was, 'Keep) On Tryingy." He stress- Henry St. George's Anglican Churcb, Oshawa, formed the setting for the marriage of Cathy Leah, daughten of Mn. and Mrs. Paul Gulenchyn, Oshawa, and Terren Cecil, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Henry, R.R. 2 Bowmanvilie, on Saturday, dune 26th, 1976, witb Reverend Ongley, of- ficiating., The bride chose a formai bridai gown of white organza over taffeta, wbich was fasbioned witb a high neckline trimmed with lace, and Em- pire waistiine, and full A une skirt! ending in a cathedral train. Long organza sleeves wene gathered into lace cuffs. A lace Juliet cap beid a fingentip veil. Weahng a heirioomr necklace that be- longe,,d to ber maternai grand- moth-I, ler,h carried a cascade bouquet of coral roses, spider mums, baby's breatb and ivy. The matron of honon was Mrs. Eva Henry, sister-in-iaw of the groom of R.R. 2 Bocwmanviile, and thnee sistens of the bride, Mrs. Nancy Hanlock, Oshawa, Mrs. Paulette Dyer, Marathon, and Mns. Gloria McMurtry, Tren- on Sunday, the Gilmer family picnic scheduied for that day at the Cbemong cottage of Mn. and Mns. Phil Gilmen had to be postponed.* Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Far- row were supper guests, Saturday, witb Mn. and Mrs. Aif Alfin. Mr. Don Fletcher of Oshawa visited bis parents, Mr. and Mns. Ken Fletcher, on Sunday, and on Monday the Fletchens took thein grandson, Kevin, home to Downsview. On Decoration Day, after placing the fiowers at Wel- corne and Port Hope Ceme- tenies, Mns. Iva Farrow and Mr. Reg Falls drove to Bowmanviie to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Farrow for the annual family picnic. Those attending included Mn. and Mns. Jim Farrow, Doug, Don, and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow, Mn. and Mrs. Cari Farrow, Mn. ancl Mrs. Gien Farrow, and Jan, Mn. and Mns David Byers, Susan and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bignali, and Melissa, Mrs. Iva Farrow, and Mn. Reg Falls. Mns. Wm. Milligan and daugbter, Bernice, were guests at the wedding of Miss Katby Pollîtt, in Knox United Chuncb, Peterborough,, iast Saturday. Mn. and Mrs. Trueman Hendenson were Sunday after- - Gulenehyn Wedding ton, were bridesmaids. Tbey, were gowned alike in formai gowns of coral polyester, witb white pictune bats, trimmed with coral and carried cas- cade bouquets of white spider mums, coral roses, baby's breath and ivy. The flower girl was Miss Robyn McMutry in an identical gown and with identical flowers as the senior attendants. Best man was the grooms brother Mn. Randy Henry, R.R. 2 Bowmanville and tbe ushens Messrs Robert' Har- lock, Oshawa, Derek Dyer, Marathon, and Robent Me- ,Murtny, Trenton, Brothers-in- iaw of the bride. Ringbeanen was Master Terry Ormiston. Ail wene attired as was the groom, in clark brown tuxedos. Th e mother of the bride received the guests at the neception beld at the Credit Union Hall, Osbawa, in a beige for mal gown and a corsage of pink roses. The groomIs mother assisted in a shell pink formal gown and a- corsage of wbite roses. For a honeymoon- in the Babamas the bride's going noon visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade, and boys, at their Shelten Valley Camp. A famiiy panty, celebrating tbe 50th Wedding. Anniversany of Mr. and Mns. R. E. 0. Coatham, of Orono, was held, Sunday afternoon, at the home of Mr. and'Mrs. Dick Mar- tinell, Port Hope. QOthens present, besides the Coathams and the Martinelîs, included Mn. and Mns. Cecil Stapleton, Mn. and Mrs. Glen Stapieton, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stapleton, and family. Rev, and 'Mns. Audrey Tizzard, and son Michael, and Mn. Jim Adams wene dinnen guests with Mn.. and Mns.,S. J. Lancaster, Sunday evening. Sunday aftennoon cailers with Mr. and Mns. Art McAdam, of Cameron, and Mn. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer, daughten, Lynn and friend, Ken Swales, of Port Hope. Sorny to hear Mn. Bert Reid is a patient in Bowmanvilie Hospital. We wish him a, speedy necoveny. Paris, France is named from the ancient Celtic tribe, the Panisî, whose capital' was known to the Romans as Mudtown. MISS G. ZIEGLER DISPENSJING OPTICIANS away outfit was a street- lengtb dress, matching jacket of coral polyester, white accessories, and a corsage of white roses., Showers in honon of the bride were given by Mrs Keith Ormiston, R. R. 2 Bowman- ville; Mrs. Randy Henry, R.R. 2 Bowmanvilie; Mrs. Helen Hruska, Oshawa; Mrs. Mar- garet Killen, Carol and Sue, Mns. Pearl Gulenchyn andl Mrs. Nancy Hariock; an, afternoon tea by Mrs. William Henry; a presentation by co-workers of bride at Pilot Insurance, Oshawa, and a presentation by co-workers of the gro om at Henry Buildail, Whitby., -,Photo by Ireland Studio Lawrence, Fiena and Vin- cent Bisschop had an enjoy- able trip to the Canadjan Maritimes in mid July. They took in many of the points of interest, tasted the lobsters and camped in a different spotý each night of their trip so they saw life on the East Coast first hand. Two area boys returned from an enjoyable two week stay at the Howie Meeker Hockey Sehool at Trinity College, Port Hope. Steve Wood and Robbie Green participated in the many recreational activities which' made use of the time not spent, on the ice. They met many boys from across Canada and the U.S. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mrs. Nellie Barrie and the Gordon Barriefamiily in the loss of Mr. Harvey Barrie who pas- sed away on Friday last in Bowmanville Hospital. Cheryl and Kevin Brown, children of Earle and Marcia Brown, Fort Lauderdale, Fia., visited at Browview Farms and with the other 'Brown relatives in this area for the past two weeks. During their visit they saw the C. ]y. Tower, Ontario Place and the Metro Zoo and they enjoyed a day with the Everett Browns at L ONG SAULT' Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and Joan, Aldershot; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Baker, Burlington were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker. Joan remaîning for a week's holi- day with Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. George Van- dam, Pontypool were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hall and Lisa Anne, Bethany were Saturday evening visitors of Mn. and Mrs. G. Baker. Garry Baker returning home having spenit a week with the Hall's. Miss Grace Smith returned home Monday having spent several days with Dr. and Mrs. Norman Sanderson and other relatives 'at Severn Bridge at Sparrow Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Don William- son and girls were Saturday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs. Miss Susan Siemon, Haydon spent several days with Miss Ruth Baker. ,Mr. and Mrs. F.O. Smith, Bowmanville werei Monday, supper guests of Miss Grace Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mur- phy spent the weekend wîth We're Serving the Best Deals on ail USEDCA RS! 1975 Cutlass 2-Dr. Hardtop Automatic trans.,' power steerin and brakes, side mouldings, radio, whitewalls, discs. Lic. HRD629 ONLY1415O , "Flowers with Feeling- For Any Occasion Tel. 623-3377 OPEN MONDAY cRtCLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 133 Church Street Bowm a n vile Fresh Flawer and Dried Flower Arrangements for FUNERALS - WEDDINGS HOSPITAL and HOME Be sure and take a look at our Bridai Showcase. in our window. v 1974 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2-Dr. Hardtop Automatic transmission, power steering and brakes, vinyl roof, deluxe bumpers, 400, V-8, defogger, radio. Lic. HRC046 ONLY $ 40'5 0 1973 PONTIAC CATALINA 2-Dr. Hardtop Automatic transmission, power steering and brakes, vinyl roof, side mouldings, defo ger, remote mirror, radio. Lic. EBOD028 ONLY $2 900u 1974 OLDSMOB îLE ROYALE 4-Dr. 'Hardtopj Automatic transmission, power steerin g and brakes, deluxe bumpers, power windows, air conditioning, radio. Lic. HRC33O ONLY $41150' 192OLDSMOB îLE DELTA 88 2-Dr. Hardtop Automatic transmission, power steering and brakes, eiectric defroster, v inyl roof, remote mirror, deluxe bumpers, radio, Lic. E8BF628 ONLY $2750 e: e - e e as e - o o i i * - 500 O O a 0 -~ * e e . .... Mwý Î ý - -w - j ~/MOTORS T _ BQWMANVILLE COURTICE, 'COURTESY FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY" Bowmanville Harold Michelson Authorized Chevrolet - Qldsmobi le - Chevrolet Tru ck Dealer, Sales Mgr. Caurtice ,Doug Ferguson DRY CLEANING 1973 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2-Dr. Hardtop Automatic transmission, power steering and brakes, radio, rear seatspeaker, cruise contrai. Lic. DYV500 ONLY $2995 1973 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4-Dr. Hardtop Automatic transmission, power steering and brakes, radio, vinyl roof. Lic. HDW095 ONLY $3095 1973 CHEVROLET IMPALA Stationwagon Automatic transmission, power steerlng' and brakes, defogger, side mouidings, remote mirror. Lic. EBD882 ONLY $3425 1973 V EGA 4-speed transmission, radio. Lic. E BM714 ONLY $2050- 1973 CHEVELLE MAL IBU 2-Dr. Hardtop Automatie transmission, power steering and brakes, radio, dlefogger, side mouldipgs. Lic. E BF808 ONLY$25 THE OPTICALTIQ-9UElgu 1-11- -, -lu a Lake Catchacoma. 1Howard and Barbara Wood attended ber High Sehool re-union in Cobourg last Saturday when they had a good time rene wing many old acquaint.ànces. Janet Brown and John David, Killeen participated along with the 4H1 Landscape Gardeners at the Durhamn Region Gladiolus Show last the gladiolus bloom was flot ready they did manage to win a few prizes. 1 Hank and Beatri ce Van Dorp, Susan, Debra and Hank Jr. enjoyed a birthday supper, in honor of both Hank and Bea 's special day, at Killeen's last Wednesday evening. Paul Van Dorp, Holland, who bas been spending some time with his uncle Hank, also enjoyed

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