I ~ IL! iJ-~ ~juh ~Li ~ i a i a Mayor Swings into Action for Newcastle Te am The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville,- August 25, 1976M Pine Ridge Art Shoppe Now Open PRIVATE SALE' 1 Yeau- old, 3 bedroom bunga- low wth double gara ge. Paved =rvea, f ieldstone fireplace. ,opeey broadloomed. For particulars write: Advertiser 634 c-o Canadian Statesman P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Ont. 34-1 j 477 Rifson Rd. S. 4 Bedroom Home $4 1,900.00 Totally redecorated with plush carpe?, recreation room, large kitchen,,large lot with double size driveway. $2,000 $ 3,000 down. 34-1 How To Choose Ontario Peaches According to the Ontario 'Food Coundil, judge the ripe- mness cf an Ontario peach by the background color. Look for a creamy yellow tinge behind the blush and at the stem end. Choose peaches that are well-rounded and show no signs of bruising or splitting. Avoid peaches that have a green coloring in the Back- ground - this usually indicates j LàC e eaches were im- m * e e - REALTORS REAL ESTATE LIMITEDj 181 CHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LIC MT 623-4428 1-omne in the Country -' 3 bed room, 2 yr. old. home, separatE dining roomn on 1/2 acre wooded lot. 20 minutes from town. Only $39,500-00 For the Large Family - 4 bed. room, 2 storey, finished rec. room and St9 bed room in basement. Above ground, kid- ney shaped pool on large lot in Newcastle. Asking $54,900.00 Scugog St. - $49,900-00 - Lovely 3 bedroom home on large lot, separate dining room, detach- ed -garage has heated work- shop. A pl easure to show. Low Priced - 50 acre lot with excellentý building sites, 1/2 cleared, 1/2 bush. Asking only $35,000-00. Make us anOffer. matur e whenharvested and will probable neyer mature. Instead choose those which are firm-ripe but flot hard. Once yuu get the peaches home, sort them carefully. Keep underripe peaches uncovered at room, tempera- ture, but flot in direct sunlight. Refrigerate fully ripe, peaches uncovered. Use within three to five days. DYKSTRA'S DELICATESSEN "The World of Foods" SWe Feature les CANADA'S FINEST GRA DE-A-BEEF AS ON DISPLAY AT THE C.N.E. "'CANADA PACK ERS EXHIBIT"I Taste the Finest Beef Produced in Canada SWIFT.PREMIUM 6 BACON Save 20c Lb. FRESH PRODUCE DEPARTMENT DIRECT Fr4OM "NIAGARA", Ideal for Cann4ng- FRE E STON E PEACHES R*** 4 Qt. Basket Heaping 6 Qt. Basket Fresh Local Produce Arriving Daily TOMATOES - POTATOES CORN - CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER - BEANS ETC. FROM OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT TOAsTMASTER Pkg. FRENCH PASTRY Oc RASP. OR APPLE Save20c 5 MARGARET'S 1DEMPSTER JELLY MALT BREAD DONUTS' 2)Loaves89 Save C Pkg. f 20c 65 f 6 TRY SOME Save ____________ 1__ ELIClOUS!H 21 c OLO SOUTH FROZEN AAC12 Oz. ORANGE JUICE '79 Tin SAVE!! DEEP CUT SPECIAL!! SAVE!! PENNY WORTH __ Rl TOILET TISSUE y Pc SAVE!! SAVE!! TOASTMASTER CHAPMANS WHITE SLICED ICE CREAM BRE AD$ 01 24 0 1/2 Gai1. 2Loaves Ass't. Flavours MONARCH (100 PER CENT PURE VEGETABL 'E 010) W4 MARGARINE 4TLb. "L-ARGEST SELECTION" of IEXOTIC AND ORIENTAL FOODS Indonesian Foods West Indies Tropical Foods German Style Rye Bread Fancy Butter Creamn Cake f rom Rudolph's or Dimpf îmeier Bakeries "Corne in and browse around.," DYK(STRAl'S Delicatessen, Food Market "19Home of Quality" 73-77 King St. W., Bowmanville PRIVATE SÂ LE, JAN ETVILLE On 1/2 acre lot. 3 bedroom side-spîli, bull? in self-cleaning oven and hot plates. Basement almost total1ly completed. Hardwood and broadloomed floors. Ail electric heating. 9' x 9' metal garden shed in rear with paving stone patio. Lot la ndscaped a? front. 1PHONE 1-705-324-9656 33-3 Pat Marierrison Dollie Davey i 623-4115 786-2256> (Newtonville)' ý'Two Blocks From schooi _,,Spaciaus four bedroom brick home on Iandscaped lot. Separate dining room, 11/2 baths, rec. room with fire- ,2ý,place. A good buy at $54,900. Hetherington Drive This two storey home is suburban living at its best. A large sunny kitchen leads out to a deck- and patio. With 4 ibedrooms and finished rec, room. This home is a -buy at $61,000. Terms. Newtonville Area 2 acre wooded residential lot, luuy4 bedroom home, 2, car attached garage, family room with fireplace - $69,900. 34-1 C&LIEQb ýE.4_'ESTATE kW. Rea itor, MAnCLEOn CENTURY HOME Newcastle, 3 bedroom brick home on 1/2 acre, ing 1round pool, 2 washrooms, totally renovated. Asking $55,900. Joanne Swadron 983-9133, 579- 5497. ORONO COUNTRY LIVING Three bedroom brick bunga- low on one acre with panor- amîc vîew of Lake Ontario and Ganaraska Forest. Rec. room with fireplace, double garage, aski ng $59,900. Joanne Swad- ron 983-9133, 579-5497. 91/4 PER CENT MORTGAGE Roomy three bedroom home in Oshawa, beautiful decor, full basement. Single garage. $47,900. Jim Harbinson 579- 5497, 983-9133. IMMACIJtATE HOME Spacious 3 bedroom backsplit -semi in North-Oshawa. Ultra modemn kitchen with break- fast nook overlooking large -family room. 93/ per cent mortgage. Asking $48,500. Jo- anne Swadron 579-5497, 983- 9133. NEWCASTLE 3 bedroom home on fuîîy fenced pool size lot. 2 baths, rec room with stone fireplace and wet bar. Asking $56,000. Iris Fowler 579-5497, 983-9133. MAIN STREET, ORONO Spacious three bedroom bungalow, family room, extra large Iandscaped lot with enough. room for a, pool. $39,900. 579-5497, 983-9133. 1/2 ACRE - NEWTONVILLE Elegant older 4 bedroom home. Famîly room, newty decorated. Asking $39,900. 579-5497, 983-9133. SFIVE BEDROOMS OnIy one minute from lake. Older 11/2 storey partially renovated home on well1 treed oversized property. Asking $43,900. 579-5497, 983-9133. CALI FORN IA BUNGALOW Spacîous 2100 square foot home nestled on 41 acres of land. 2 walkaround fireplaces. This 11/2 year old beauty needs finishing. Brian Stevenson 579-5497, 983-9133. 34-1 EAR PIERCING SERVICE Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. Regular Price $12.00 NOW $10.00 with studs Special 10 per cent reduct ion on f irst pu,-chase of earrings with the release form. Phone 623-5747 For Appointmen't 45 tf ANN BRADLEY Perernanent Hair Removal 90 Simrcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHARGEX RESULTS COUNT!' Multiple Listing Service Oshawa & District Real Estate Board WiHlit keep Even with strong hitters such as Mayor Garnet Rickard, the Town of Newcastle Council and Recreation Department team lost 10-5 against the Orono Amateur Athietie Association in the softball game held after Orono 's beef barbecue last Wednesday night. Councillor Ken LyalI remained on the sidelines for the game, supporting the Newcastle'team through his coaching effort. Reports received from. eye- witnesses tell of widespread persecution of Jehovah's Wit- nesses throughout, Malawi during September and Octo- ber, 1975. They have been beaten, raped, robbed driven from their homes, publicly abused by Malawi Congress Party members anid even -by government officials. Parents have been forcibly separated from young children, even infants, and placed in deten- tion. From. the Malawian govern- ment's point of view, the issue is over buying, the- Malawi congress Party card, which- bears the picture of Dr. H. Kamuzu Banda, Life Presi- dent of the country. Without this card Jehovah's Witnesses in many areas are not allowed to buy food, draw water from wells, live in their homes or even have police protection. From the point of view of Jehovah'e-Witnesses in- the country, about 30,000 adults and children, the issue is one of religion and conscience, respect for which Malawi as a member of the United Nations avows. Jesus said in the Holy Bible (John 17:16) concerning his followers: "They are no, part of the world, just as I am no part of the world." Hence Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to become members of the Malawi Congress Party or any other political party, but insist on a- politically neutral stand, although thîs position has caused problems for them in many parts of the world. Nonetheless, they are recog- nized as model citîzens, by obeying the law, paying their taxes, willingly accepting ser- vice in community improve- ment programs, but refusing to have anything to do with membership in the political party, putting faith instead in a' heavenly government by Jehovah God.' The issue became critical in Malawi when, in September 1972, the Malawi Congress Party, at its annual conven- tion in Zomba, adopted a series of resolutions aimed at Jehovah's Witnesses, whose religion had been banned, resolving that those employed in commerce, industry and by the government be dismissed, that those in business or farming have- such activities discouraged, that ail mem- bers living in villages should be chased away, and that the Government would give maximum protection to mem- bers of the party who wouid take sucb oppressive actions. The Young Pioneers, a politi- cal youth group, were used to enforce this decree against ahl persons known to be Jeho- vah's Witnesses in Malawi. As reported by The World in Johiannesburg, October 12, 1972, the party's youth "began systematically beating up and otherwise intimidating mem- bers of the banned Jehovah's Witness sect who refused to buy cards because of their creed. " 1t About 19,000 of Jehovah's Witnesses fled to Zambia in- the fail of 1972 where Dr. Hugo Idoyaga, United Nations High Commission representative, reported: "Many of the refu- gees bore cuts and gashes apparently inflicted by pan- gas, the hug knives common to East Africa." After confer- ences hetween Zambia go- vernment spokesmen and the Malawi Government, the refugees were 'repatriated, only t> face conlinued abuse and harassmenl. From Malawi lhey fled to Mozanihique where over. 34,000) were kindiy cared f'or in r-elugee camps by government administrat>rs and by mcm- bers of' their owfl faith who providc<I food and clothing during the next few years. Ilowever, with the 1975 change in g ,overnment in Mozambique, pressures against Jehovah's Witnesses began anew as ail the people were called upon to take sides politically by shouting politi- cal slogans and singing polîti- cal songs. President Samora Machel, according to the Rhodesia Herald,, October il, 1975, "warned the Jehovah's Witness sect in Mozambique that it must obey Government directives." No religious free- dom or freedomz of conscience for them there either! In fact, beginning on August 19, 1975, Witnesses began to be repa- triated to Malawi. Soon the Malawi Young One of the many students involved in an enterprising project at Pine Ridge Sehool, Danny displays his handiwork in the show room of the Pirie Ridge Art -Shoppe, located on the second floor of the main administration building at the sehool on Concession StreetEast, Since the shop opened last week, the students have been doing a steady business in silkscreen T-shirts, carved wooden toys, hand strung beads, macrame wall hangings and flower pot holders. Several of the items can be made to order, and the prices are reasonable. Shop hours are from 1 - 3 p.m. from Monday to Friday, and student clerks work under the direction of Assistant Volunteer Co-ordinator Gisele Pageau. ORONO SGARDEN IX= L td. SODDING COM PLETE LANDSCAPING Free Estimates phone 983-930 s e REALTOR