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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1976, p. 4

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4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowrnanville, August 25, 1976 WfIII Look for Plann ert To Prepare "Skeloton Skeleton plans rnay sound drawn Up. like sometbing to do with Councillor Anin Cowman Haliowe'en but actually tbey said she thought the council are related 'to planning in was in the mood for some kind urban developrnent areas of skeieton plan. The questions within the Town of Newcastle. that needed, to be answered Council agreed at a special were: Who sbouid draw up the meeting called last Wednes- plan and How mucb wouid it day for a discussion of cost. planning matters, to shop for COMMittee consulting firrns who would be Council agreed to set up a ~qualified to draw up skeieton committee to invite qualified plans.1 firrns to present their prépo- S But, a decîsion to bire such a sais to council. firm bas not yet been made. The committee is composed The plans will relate to -,of Councillor Kirk Entwisle, areas that face development Town Clerk Joe Mcllroy, proposaIs in the near future Town Planner GeorgeHowden and are designated as urban and William McAdarns, Corn- on the region's officiai plan. missioner of planning and Included in these areas wiil development for the Durhamn be Newcastle, Bowmanville Region. and Courtice. But, any decisions on which Guidelines firm will be bired, or if a firrn The purpose of the plans is will be hîred at ail, is up to 'to provide guidelines to devel- council. oprnent until, the town cornes The. decision to consider up wîtb, a ful-scale district biring more planners was plan to rnap out development opposed by Councillor Lyall in the town. who asked for a recorded vote Councillor Kirk Entwisie on the resolution that set up said in the discussions last the cornmittee. week that the first priority in "Spending Crazed" planning sbould be the pre- The councillor described paration of such plans so that that council as "spending "the world doesn't stop in the crazed". He charged that in meantime". doing further planning stud- He added that the more ies, the council had "no complex, secondary or district consideration whatsoever for plan may take 18 rnonths to tax payers." complete, but be said he could The councillor also charged corne up with a skeleton plan that the town was in a mess for Courtice ini three weeks. and he said tbere bad been no Tbe skeleton plans would resuits in spite of the fact that belp tbe town deal witb a fantastic amount of money applications for new develop- bad been spent on planning. ýments such as subdivisions He. added that the blame that are stili being made to the should faîl on tbe shoulders of municipality even thougb a Counillor Kirk Entwisle, planning document, for the chairman of tbe planning and entire town bas not yet been developrnent committee or the ENNISKILLIEN The duties of our Manse Comrittee and assistants are nearing completion witb some minor finisbing touches to finish the ýredecorating. Then "open bouse" will follow for anyone to view a fine job and, of course, the "welcome mat" out for our minister and Manse Lady Rev. and Mrs. H. Kernpling witb induction ser- vice early in Sept. and our new rinister's first Sunday in our 'pulpits on Sept. 19. A former popular minister from 1955-58 of our Pastoral Charge and b is cbarming wife, Dr. and Mrs. R.B. Green visited last Monday and Tues- day witb a few folks in our congregation and were lunch- eon guests of Jessie Siernon, they were also given an opportunity to see the recent,, renovations in our church. Dr. Green.'s many friends will be înterested to know that he is in very good healtb again, fol- lowing deep surgery early this year. The C.N.E. executive, Tor- .onto as well as our farrn folks are ail srniles these days as they are baving 100 per cent co-operatiôn frorn the weatherman to complete win- ter wheat barvesting also cornbining oats, rnixed grains and rye as well as some second cutting well-cured hay and hopefully a large attend- ance at the Ex., Corn on the cob is on everyone's menu these days with only one report that it, is certain to maise one's avoirdupois "oops"I mean kilograrns. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Miss Betty Wright were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Axford and family, Hampton. 'Little Julie Axford spent last Thursday ~with ber grandparents,' Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright. Mr. and, Mrs. E. Wright, Miss Betty Wright , and Mrs. Frank .Spry were, Monday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright, Bowrnanvilie. Reginald Kersey frorn Gimli, Manitoba winged over- head last Tuesday night and flew so low over our little bamlet tbat be caused us to wonder and later landed at Oshawa Airport and came out by car to visît bis dad Mr. S. Kersey and Gladys and Har- old Ashton clearing the mys- tery of the low flying air craft. Mr. S. Kersey, Gladys and Harold Ashton accornpanied Douglas and Greta Ashton and Paul on a Sunday motor trip to visit Rev. Ted and Marion Kersey at their summer borne on Moira -La ke. It is witb regret we learn of the loss of Wayne and Pat Beckett, and family as tbey are moving to Port Perry this week. Mrs. G. Lyon's good health lias returned and sbe is ~enjoying life again. Vandals are rnarauding and breaking into bornes and ,ransacking in seVeral places. -Rt is good insurance to bave neighbors alerted of your absence to cheat these evil- doers and apprehend thern in 'their bad acts. Air Travel seems the best way to go over haîf way across our N.A. continent so it was selected, by Nancy Lowe and, bher four cbiidren to corne fromn California, U.S.A. for a fort nigbt's visît with grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Petbick and other relatives and on Monday evening were collected by Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick at Toronto Airport. ,Elisabeth Worden was the weekend visitor witb ber grandparents. Ten members of one of our local Jersey herds left for the Canadian Central Exhibition in Ottawa on Sunday evening with two tending herdsmen via Bragg Transport. Our Y.G. guys and dolîs are reminded of the Hay ride, corn and wiener roàst and brief business per iod on Sat., Aug. 28th at 7:30 p.m. at the Community Hall where they have completed the painting job and began the landscaping earlier ,this week. ELIZABETH VILLE Cburcb services were beld at Mr. and Mrs. M. Bickle's, Canton. Rev. Bartlett had thc service with Rev. Rex. Peters, Bowmanville as' the guest speaker. The A.T.0.S. men's club provided the mnusic and Mr. Bickle played, the organ., Rev. Peters was introduced by bis father, Mr. E. Peters. The Peters farnily originated frorn Canton wbere two brotbers settled many years ago when tbey came frorn England.. Next Suniday services will be at Mr. and Mrs. Roy McHolm's Welcome,, guest speaker Rev. G. Brown, Bowrnanville. Service at 10 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. G. Zealand and girls are back from their holiday to Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia where their daugbter Debbie is stationed near Dartmouth. Another daughter and son kept bouse while they were away. 1Mr. and Mrs. Ken Trew bave returned frorn their bolidays in the western pro- vinces. Mr. and Mrs. W. Boyko and Michael also went. Mr. and Mrs. H. Muldrew, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Aiken and called on Mr. W.Cann at Hope Haven on Sunday. Jirn Muldrew was borne on the weekend. Sympathies are extended to the farnilies of the late Inez Todd wbo passed away recent- ly. .Mr. and Mrs. J. Sevenbuy- sen, Mr. and Mrs. G. Fowler, Toronto spent the weekend in the area. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hodgins held a pool side party for Karen's and Kevin's, scbool friends on Sunday afternoon. 1Mrs, Robt. Westheuser, girls and Mrs. Tbickson spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. DeKoker, Sunderland. Several in the area attended the Savory Sale at Shilob on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Trew, Millbrook visited at Mr. and Mrs. K. Trew's on Sunday. ,Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, Fenelon Falls visited witb Mr. and Mrs. C. Beatty. Other callers were Mr. and Mrs. J,. Barkwell and a friend of bers and Doris Beatty. Fores t Fires A total of 2,058 forest fires, affecting 971,000 acres, were reported across Canada during the month of June, according to the Canadian Forestry Service. The figures are, compared with 1,220 fires affecting 166,000 acres during June 1975, and an average of 1,465 fires and 983,000 acres for the sarne monitb during the past decade. To date this season, a total of 4,709 fires bave been reported, -affecting 1,335,000 acres of forest. Altbough the total acreage burned is about six times that for the same period last year (226,000), it is close to the average for tbe past decade (1,269,000). These statistics are compil- ed montbly frorn April to October by Envîronment Canada's Forest Fire Re- search Institute in Ottawa. Plans", town planner, George How- den. Political Cowardice Councillor Entwisle replied that be didn't mnd, taking responsibility for the planning situation in tbe town, but he said it was an act of "political cowardice" for Counillor Ly- ahl to infer publicly that he was absolved of any blame. Councillor Cowman agreed that if anythîng is wrong in the administration of the town, then tbe whole council is responsible. The debate continued, wben Councillor Lyaîl said he sat on the planning advisory com- mittee until he bad sickened and left it. Mayor Rickard then asked the councillor when he was going to get sick of council. Councillor Entwisle charged that Councillor: Lyail was not going to get sick'of council so long as he can "slurp $20,000 per year frorn the public trough". At about this point, the excbange ended, with Council- lor Lyall remarking that his salary was $15,000. per year, not $20,000. Sbortly after the debate, the council went into camera to discuss a personnel matter and then adjourned around moon. ALL PRICES SHOWN MN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGI4 SATURDAY, AUGUST-28th, 1976. WINTARIO & OLYMPIC LOTTERY TICKETS AVAILABLE AT A&P FOOD STORESI R1-1EDEEMCOUPON SELOW&SA VE! FINE GRANULATED 2 kg BAG WITH COUPON BELOW WITI4 THIS COUPONI ON THE PURCHASE 0F !WHITE m SUwGAR oi7yl *WITH A PURCHASE 0F $1000 OR MORE i E EXCLUDING CIGARETTES. COUPON VALID *UNTII. SATURDAY, AUGUST 28TH, 1976. #69 M EVERYBODYS - ORANGE, GRAPE, FRUIT PUNCH, PINEFPL-GRAEPRI FRUIT DRINK 48-FL-OZW TIN, 9 (PREPRICED) r SAVE iO1g A SUPERE BLENO, RICH IN BRAZILIAN COMFES 8 O'CLOC3K COFFEE BA B BAG $4.99 BAG SAVE 60c ACTION PRICED! LINSTANT COFFEE MnaX WELL$V H OUSE lO-OZJAR, Retired Runner Keeps UF Still running at 65.. R.ay Lewis doesn't run for Olympics medals anymore. But if you tbink at 65 he's slowed down, guess again. Forty years ago Ray Lewis was a front-runner in 'track and field, coilecting literally bhundreds of trophies and bonors. His collection includes an Olympie bronze and a silver medal from tbe Britisb Empire Games but be says bis proudest moment came in 1929 at the Canadian Scboolboy Cbampionsbips. In a single Pace day be won the 100, 220 and 440-yard dash and the mile relay. Today tbe oniy, kind of running Ray does is behind the wbeel of a car as Ontario Envirônment Minister George Kerr's driver.> But thé pace, Ray says, i.s as bectic as ever: "I keep a packed bag with me at all times," Ray says, "bec-ause I neyer know frorn one minute to the next where I'm going to be driving or wben V'Il get home. I've got to MEAN SAVIG 3 LES & UNDER FROZEN PORK SPARE RIBS "GREAT ON A GRILLV" CENTRE CUT "GREAT ON A GRILL!" Pork Loin Chopslb $1.78 SUPER-RI'GHT QUALITY, SMOKED, PICNIC STYLE (SLICED LB 790> Poork Shoulders ib69< SWIFT PREMIUM, LAZY MAPLE OR SUGAR PLUM - SLICED Side Bacon 1-lb Vc Pc$1.78 SUPER-RIGHT OUALITY SliCed Beefo Liver b48<, PARTLY SNIMMED FRESH 2% MILK 3-OT BAG 10$ OR JUGPLS1 .1 (LSJUG DEPOSIT r ACTION PRICED! LCASE 0F 24 '9 Z 1O-FL-OZ k, ZIPTOPIS RED MOTS, DUTCH TREAT "GREAT ON A GRILL!- SCHNEIDERS -1-LB WIENERS pc7 SPER-RIGHT, SLICEDI S ide Bacon 1-lb Vc Pc$168 BURNS CAMPFIRE BRAND, VAC FAC Bologna Chunks 1 b59< MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, 4 VARIETIES Cooked Meats 12 ozVacPac 8 9 MPLE LEAF, REGUAR OR THICK Sliced Bologna 1-lb VcPa94< -Ato be- prepared to pick upMr. Kerr and be on the road in 10 minutes notice."! That road has taken Ray nearly a quarter million miles during more than six years' service as Mr. Kerr's driver, including 1,600 round trips betweeni Queen's Park and Mr. Kerr's Burlington home. In rush-hour traffic that trip can take anywhere from 50 minutes to two hours. Ray says it's the toughest part of bis day which ends 16 bours laterwhen the Legisiature is in session.1 "People who wonder about ministers needing a, car and driver should see what kind of days they put in," says Ray. "If Mr. Kerr had to drive himself, he'd surely faîl asleep at the wheel." As far as the personal dernands of' bis job are concerned, Ray said athletic competition was a good train- ing ground: "In my running days learned how to get along with people," says Ray, "all kinds of people from different back- grounds. 0f course, proper eating habits and staying healthy are important to any job. I don't work out any more but I'm still disgustingly heaithy. I haven't rnissed a day on the job yet. Although Mr. Kerr is an active skier and swirnmer, Ray says, "neither Mr. Kerr nor I get involved in much exercise - - we don't have time to get out of shape." I FOWR When flot running behind the wheel, Ray finds time to officiate at several amateur athletic meets. "Tracks are faster. Train- ing is better and conditions are conducive to better times," explains Ray. "But our young athietes get toc, much publicity too soon. I read the other day where a young girl'is retiring - - at the age of 21! " At that age Ray was an Olympie bronze medalist. This year he'll travel to Montreal to rev;isit the spec- tacle for the first time in 44 years. "It's going to, be a heck of a reunion," says Ray. YOD "GREAT ON A GRILLi' COUNTRYSTYLE$ SPARE RIRS lb1.e38 BURNS Saiusaiges Beef & Pork lb 89< SHOPSYS - COLE SLAW OR Potato Salad 24-. car49< TOWN CLUB, F.OZEN "GREAT, ON A GRILL!" 2-LB PKG Hamburg Patties $1t.58 FROZEN, BOSTON (5 LB Box $2.99) Bluefish; Fillets 1b65< A S a, SAVE 50e IHUMPTY DUMPTY PRCDi 39 IPOTATO -~ ~CHIPS 1PKG y ___________________________________________________ I IINU L35 4-qlr l:KeT * % UL M [)e lrS jro NO. 1 GRADE, LARGE SIZE, FRESN DAILY NO. 1 GRADE, ONTARIO, LARGE SIZE, FRESH DAILY MARVEIL BRAND, SLICED, WHITE Celery Stalks each39< Cabbage 3 for$1.00 SA E 10cNO 1GAE NTRO EW C P SOUTH AFRICAN, GRANNY SMITH AP LE B RA DT c.2-icellobag AVAILABLE IN ALL STORES. LOFWESTGATE VANILLA, CHOCOLATE Rt PPLE, BUTTERSCOTCN Rt PPLE 2 Litre99 LNRNEFLAVOUR SAVE 2&c WHITE, PINK, YELLOW-- ACTION PRICED' POLY PKG OF 4ÔO91 tt B ailTse"'OX F Tang Crystals31/-OZ ENV I JAEýRE AVINcCIKE ODE HI NRCVEEAL EFTOMATO SAUCE 14-FL-OZ TON ACTION PRICED! PLASTIC ACTION PRICEDI Twin Rolis pgf29 Heinz Soups 41oîz$,0 Heinz Spaghetti 3/si.O Handi Wrap 20otoi9 JANE PARKER SAVE 14c STAFFORDS SAVE 20c 6 Varieties Including Assorted Cremes ACTION PRICEDI LIQUID (SAVE 14c) ACTION PRICEDI PEACH OR i * tn6lk r a isut 4-..tin 7f-ztn ., â Angel Cake large size cake 75< 'Pie Fillers fioz li 69< eek ren iscuits ,89< Aerowax 2-i-zyn 15 JANE PARKER, PLAIN, SUGAR, CINNAMON SAVE 10c PLASTIC (pREPRICED) KRAFT (SAVE 30c) ACTION PRICED!- KRAFT (4 VARIETIES) LIQUID, Cake Donuts pkg of12 59< A&P Garbage Bag 9 gf 779! Peanut Butter ba$2099 Salad'Dressings 8f-zt 9 MOMS - PARCHMENT WRAP ACTION PRICEDI ASSORTED) FLAVOURS Margarine 1-lb pkg 39< _Borden's Yogurt 4 6-oz cîris $1 .00 VALUES' LIKE THESE,

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