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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1976, p. 1

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Broth"ers Reunited Af ter 65 Yrs.,Ap art James H. Cookson, Mapie Grave, could not have had a better precsent-on August tb, an the occasion af his 86th birthday. At the time he was cele- brating bis birtbday, his brother Joe, 79, arrived from England. Wben they greeted eacb othen, a 65 year separa tion from each other ended. Mns. Edith Davis, Scugag 'iOndm.. r('mn,, Island, a daughter of Mr. Jamnes Cookson, told the Star on Sunday, that after the brothers got re-acquainted, they sat next to each other for twa days reminiscing. It was ln July 1911 in Haughtan, Engiand that the brothers parted company. Jamnes Cooksan, had just been married and decided-to go ta Canada. He arrived in Montreal and shortiy after settied on a farm at Ingel- wood, Ont. where he worked as a farm hand. 1During their years apart, the brothers have kept in touch witb eacb other, but had no idea at ail what the other loaked like. Joe Cooksan returned to England on Monday, but whiie here was kept busy as relatives showed him some of the many sites of Ontario, includîng a trip ta Niagara Falls, Toronto and Dorset. James also has two sisters ini England, Gertrude William- son 90, and Edith Elsan, 84. Some of thase on hand ta belp make Joe's trip to Canada a memorable one were the children of James, ~t~te~ 24 Pages PflMlM/A1%J7ILE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 1, 1976 Harry of Whitby and Vic of Maple Grave. James Cookson told the Star that he bas no plans af returning ta England for a visit, but brother Joe wouid like ta return again next year, and plans are already under- way ta have hlm back. Number 35 Post Office Durhocm County's Du*r Hours for PrnesUnSm&Fnl Labor uay The Post Office Hours on the Statutory Holiday "Labour Day" - Monday, September 6th, 1976, will be as follows: Monday, Semptember th the Post Office will be closed ail day. Wicket Service - nil, Letter Carrier Service- nil, Rural Route Service - il, Street Letter Box Collection - Holi- day Service, Lock Box Lobby - nil, Mail Receipts - Holiday Service, Mail Despatches Holiday Service. There will be no Dlespatch of Mail or Street Letter Box Collection on Sunday, Sept- ember 5th, 1976. A 19 year aid Blackstock resident bas a chance ta become this year's Ontario Dainy Princess after a prelim- mnary contest at the Canadian National Exhibition last Thursday. indy VanCamp will be competing today in the semi- finals of the competition following ber win last week. "I was reaiiy surprised. I neyer expected ta do 50 well, " Miss VanCamp said Monday. She added that everyone in the Dairy Princess, contest had ta be good just ta enter the prelimiinaries and sbe said she considers berseif very iucky. Tonight's contest, wbich gets underway in tbe CNE's main coliseum at six p.m. wiii include an impromptu speech and a milking demonstration by five dairy princesses f rom caunties across Ontario. Miss VanCamp said tbe speech will be on any topic related ta tbe dairy industry and contestants are given just one and a baif minutes 'ta coliect tbeir tbroughts bef are' speaking., The reigning princess from Durham caunty, said she isn't sure how well she'ii do wben it cames time ta give ber speech but she said she bas had about one year, ta get neady for the compeiton after winning ber Shopping Mail Plans Include Twin Cinemas James Cookson, left, has a reason to smile. That's his brother Joe, who is over fromi England, and it has been 65,yearls since the two have seen each, othec-r, Joe Cookson arri ved on August 6, the same day that brother James was celeratig hi 86h bithda. -Photo Courtesy Port Perry Star Clar1keIïg h Sehool WiIl Open Dsptt Cont rucî tion- v D elay 'ti~e t a ig oClarke with ntrlgas pressure was, tcidc;f t h e se d iffïculti1a Hig Sfiol hi ,vuliwl VThe Nrhmbradand a mê(etinglatrrsa probablj.y haive to pack a lunch. Newcast le Board of Education (Turin to Page Two) That's because the high schoiol wil Open on schedule construcetioîn means fthaftnte ~chal wil b witautcafe- ,rn aefailties untiil October The gyminasium wili have ta, dobeas a lunch roomn and it wili, aiso be used for registra- tion, maorning attendance and for igstnuction. In the home ecanomicsand industriai arts naams, instruc- tion wiil be possible but thene wili be no practical demon- stratians. In the physics labs, demionstrations must be coniducted at the teachers' desks becauise of probiems LAUNCH EXECUBUS SERVICE Today, Cbarterways will, launch a new Execubus ser-, vice between Toronto and Londoni, using ,completely re-dý,esigned luxury higbway fcoaches on the non stop trips. Facilities such as uphltered recliner chair with reading lamps and work tables, -track stereo music, morning and evening meals will be included. The illth annual Biackstock Fair was a decided success. Even the very bot and humid weatben )comiplete wjth a siidden thunderstorm accomn- According taý eariy enrol- ment figures, there wiil be fewer students la Durham Regian's eiemeatary schools this month. t is expected that 30,500, children will register for classes next week compared with 31,000 last'Septemben. And, according ta Education Dinector Ken Munroe, the decline is because of, a decrease la the Durham Region's natural birtb rate. ,Mr. Munroe added, how- ever, that housing projects la panied by a severe gust of wind could not dampen that contagious enthusiasm and community 'spirit that bas been the mark of Blackstock Brock Township,, Ajax, Pic- kering and Northeast Oshawa sbouid heip baost the student numbers by the end. of this term. Familles are expected ta move inta, new bouses la those areas by late September or early October. In the secondary schoois. attendance figures this year are a different story. An 80-student increase is expect- ed in the 17 secondany schools ia the negion. A proposai for tWo, movie theatres la a shopping mal CAFETERIA PRICES RISE Bowmanville High School students will face sligbtly inflated pices la the cafeteria when they return to class- rooms after the Labour Day weekend. 1 Price increases appro;ved by the Northumberland and New- castle Board of Education at their last meeting included five cents for both coffee and ice cream. Coffiee il ost 20 cents instead of 15 cents per cup and ice cneam blas gone from 20 and 25 cents ta 25 and 30 cents. The pice of chýclate milk will stay the samre as tlhe last teoo frni, bu1t4Vie of 1lý4 carton w1ill go fo 10 ounes taj an eight oz. container.' Fair for years. As soan as the skies cleared, the remaining events continued., The colourful parade, which was better than ever, started at il a.rm., a much earlierbhour than ever before so that the expanded program of the day could be carried out. Attend- ance records were shattered by the wonderful crowds that had corne to enjoy the many attractions., After the arrivai of the parade which was led by our own Cartwright Central Pub- lic School Band and was made up of many floats, decorated bicycles, tricycles and dol carniages, many novelty en- tries, President John Woiters introduced the Honorable Wil- liam Newman, Minister of iAgriculture who officially opened 'the 1976 Biackstock Fair. Aiso participating in the (Turn ta Page Two) MinorDamage in Fire Near-Hampton Th1e Newcastle Fire Depart- bed.noam. Scugog Road. iecl ay a nirea man. ment was called ta a bouse The fine was reported short- According ta Fine Chief Jim Chief Hayman said it would north of Hampton last Satun- ly before one p.m. at a, bouse Hayman there was smoke appean as though smoking day aftennoan to extinguish a owaed by Frank Grof, on the damage to the wails of a was respansibie for the fine. iattress fine la an upstairs sixtb conceMion and the aid bedroom believed ta be accup- now under construction ln the east end of Bawmanvilie bas been accepted by thePlanning Advisory Cammittee but is now waiting for further appro- val fnom the tawn's finance committee. In a meeting on Aug. 23rd the com mittee aocepted al but one clause of a repart necommending the approvai, af a rezoning application which would aiiow the propo- sai ta go abead. Before the developin$ firmî, LDCM, can begin construction on the second phase af the $2 million shopping compiex, the finance com..mittee will look aven a recomnidatian that, the campanyj prov1ide a letten of credit for the town. Ti.e report fom te Ne castie Planning Department' 1 states that "entertalament facilities in Bowmanviiie are badiy needed, particuianiy by Bowmanviiie yogng people, senior citizens and others wbo do not have access to, pnivate transportation whicb enabies them ta travel ta, othen centres for -entertaiament. " Submitted ta the committee by town plannen George Howden, th.e report recom- mends a letten of credit fromn the deveiopmient firmn as a guaraIntee fan funds tbat the town is- entitiýecita based on lot levy Charges. Mn. Howden said tbat the guarantee was recommended because of an agreement that the former Town of Bowman- ville had, wýtib he development menlt, LDYCMI was ta provide (Turii ta Page Two) ~BI TS & PIECES L ETTERS COST A DIME - Don't forget to put loc postage on your letters today and in future, or the party receiving them will have to pay 4c at the other end. Between the recent jump in the price, of gasoline and heating oil plus the postal increase, the poor old cost of living index probably will show, quite a. jump for September. And, unless the, weather warmis up the où burners will be coming into.use much earlier than usual. JUST ABOUT OVER - One of the shortest and wettest summers in some time will be over next Tuesday when the sehool children head back to sehool for the fali term. It could be worse if we were ini England where rain has been a, rare item, or on that island where the volcano has erupted. NEW CATTLE DAY - Atthe Durham Central Agricultural Society Fair in Orono, Sept. 9th, 1Oth and llth, one of the new features will be a Charolais Day on Friday when that comparatively new breed of cattie for this area will be out in full force with competitions inseveral categories. Cash awards have been donated by Southview Charolais, Vanstone Flour & Feed Mill and Morton's Farmn Suppiy. This, of course, is only one new feature of this great event. For details of others see the advertisements in this edition. BIG BARBECUE -'If you receive your States- man 'early Wednesday afternoon, there may stili be time to head for Roy Foster's at 'Kendal where Allan Lawrence, MP Northumberland- Durham, is holding ani annual barbecue and corn roast starting at 4 p.m. and continuing until 8. TWO DAY FAIR~ - Looking for something to do' this weekend, instead of joining the crowd on the highways? Port Perry's Anuüal Fair is being held for two days this year, starting on Sunday and carrying over until Labor Day. It s usually a good show. HISTORBI SIGNING - Also, this Sunday afternoon from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9, Authors'Mrs. Helen Schmid and Sid Rutherford may end up with aching hands and fingers because they will be at the Odd Fellows' Hall in Orono to personally autograph, purchased copies of Clarke's history. The book on which they have --been working for many moons is entitled "Out of the Mists", After picking up a copy visitors will be able to touie the Clarke Museum free of charge. Don't miss it! BIG WEEKEND IN KENDAL - Inside this issuèý readers wiil see three photos of Kendal's younger citizens who outdid themseives on the weekend. It could have been four, but the Junior Royais had, dispersed after defeating Smniths Falls and weren't availabie for pictures. In the pictures that appear, ol-le group raised nearly $90' for Muscular Dystrophy, the Senior Eagles won their playoff series over Beeton and the, Pee Wees won the 1Recreation tournament played -in Bowmanville. That's a pretty good show for one weekend. Durham County title iast September.1 Five more princesses will compete in the semi-finais tomorrow evening and on Friday night, Ontario's dairy princess wili be chosen ini the final competition. Break-in At VPU C Garage, Vandals broke into the Temperance St. Garage of the Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission Saturday 'night, causing an estîmated $300 damage. PUC manager, Morley Wat- son said Monday that articles of clothing worn by PUC empioyees were stolen, fire extinguishens were turned on and paint was sprayed on equipment in the garage. ,Mr. Watson said he suspects juvenilies were responsibie for the damages, and he said (Turn ta Page Two) FRANKS TIE SERIES Last night at Memonial Park, Frank's Variety came through with an 8-3 win over Tim's Rent-AIi in Men's Town League'Softball ta tie the semi-final senies at, two games each. The fifth and deciding game will be play- ed on Thursday 2(t 6:30. in the meantîie, Stephen's Fuels are waiting ta take on the winner, after defeating Kramrp's ýFurniture laqt Thursday in tiree straight Vouie 22zure-upyIV tiNV .21 l "7 Have You Seen This Youtnir On Wednesday, August 25, 1976, at approximately 2:30 p.m. a female attendant at Darlington Provincial Park was accosted at knife point by a youth 14 to 15 years old, dragged into a nearby bush where she was assaulted. A, second youth meanwhile entered the gate toil booth and stoÏe the attendant's purse and cash box containinig $86.54. The cash box and attendant's purse was later foùnd in a nearby bush. The attendant did not require any medical attention. Suspects: 1) 5'7" - chubby, build, 160 lbs., sandy brown collar length hair, fair complexion, freckles; 2) No identification. Any personwith inf-ormnation concerning the above, kindly contact Pro.-vincial Conistable Kealy, Newcastle Ontario Poica Police a t 6î3-3384 -or 987-4060.1 Discuss Sbdviion Agreement The Town of Newcastle is text 'duringa probabiy one or two council iasted about th meetings away from a new haurs. subdivision agreement design- The dacumr ed ta help contrai development referned back within the town. staff and 50I In a speciai meeting, iast aiteratiansc Monday afternoon, members befare a final of the town's legal firm and an agreement is officiai with the Ontario Minis- council, pass try of Hausing had the chance September. ta suggest changes in the new D. J. D. Sin agreement.11 sents the towi About 14 changes on dele- told the people tions were made in the 15 page that the new a, in Couincil ameeting that three and a haif nent bas been kta the town's licitor 50 that can be, made il' draft of the .presented ta sibiy in, mid- ims, wha repre- wn'ý legal firm, le at-the meeting igreement is only a draft an guidelîne. lHe said that as each developer pre- sented bis proposais ta the (Turn to Page Twa)_ Accordingto a story in this week's Orono times, Kelth Barr of Newcastle is planning to contest the cauna il seat vacated by Councillor Kirk Entwisle who will be running for a regional council post, held now by Councillor Ken Lyall.___ Minister Has Firm Grip on MiIking Titie You've got to have determination and a lot of pull to win a hand mr.ilking contest, and provincial Minister of Agriculture Bill Newman showed both qualities at the Blackstock Fair on Saturday as he outciassed his oppositionb country ie othmeln-Durham M.P. Allan Lawrence came secony andthrdplace was a toss-up between C.F.R.B.'s Bill Deegan an.d Billy the Clown, Even with thie help, of Durham County Dairy Princess hopefuls MaryLou Malcolm and Louise VanCamp, Mr. Deegan's attempt to win the contest was, as they say, udderiy in vain. lelth Successful, Fair Tak!ýes Place in Blackstock Fewer Students In, EleentrySchools 24 Pages 1 'PubJan

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