Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Sept. 1, 1976 9 ****** ***Il*-4r I Pro grams, Wed., Sept.* lst te Tues., Sept. 7th, 1976. Cable- cast 6, Oshawa, Whitby, Bow- nianville and Brooklin. dnesday, Sept. 1 "-.-0 Junior Olympie Competi- tion from Civic Fields 4:0O.F.F.A. Opening Cere- mones 4 4:30 Whitby Then and Now, with Brian Winter and Jim Quail 5:00 O.F.F.A. Parade Cover- age 6: 00 Whitby '9311', a Fire Pre- vention Series 7:00 Rescue, with the 7th Day Adventists 7:30 Sign Off Thursday, Sept. 2 2:30 Junior Olympic Cempeti- tien 4: 00 Shalom 5:00 Whitby '9311' 5:30 M.J.'s Place 6:00 Community Law 6:30 Whitby Trade Fair Hfigh- lights 7: 00 Rescue 7:30 Greek Panoraman 8: 00 Sign Off MARINA DIVISION R.R.2 HOTEL DIVISION R.R.21 SEPT. FRIDAY AFTERNOON Ope"Mu0 School Parade at 1.30 p.m. VA eFeaturinflç Pizes for Floats, Decoraed Bicycles M.C. Pet Show and Contes? I Durhali' Dairy PrincessShow Tam Sheep Show F., H.a 4 -H Club Day Fat Caîif Show a? 3.30 P. M. Sale a? 6.30 p.m Fun fer evervone a? Robertson Midway SATU RDAY AFTE RNOON Miss Durham Central Pageant Lgt& Heavy Horse Show > Guernseys -,Ayrshires- Jerseys Beef Cattle Show Gnat Show Gordie Tapp Show Tug of War Finals MacDonald's Farm Friday, Sept. 3 4: 00 What Dees the Bible Say? 4:30 Whitby Then and New 5:00 Vita Italiana 6:00 Whitby Report, with Blake Purdy and'Steve Porter 6:30 Sign Off Monday, Sept. 6th Closed for the Holiday Tuesday, Sept. 7 2:00 Miss Ceunty Town Carni- val Highlights 3:00 Whitby Mock Council Meeting for 1976 5:30 Shalom 6:30 Vita Italiana, with Ercele Foresta 7:30 M.J.'s Place 8:00 Sign Off Note:, Ail programs subject te change without notice. RED CROSS Blood Donor 91 623-3501 623-4925 i Rabbits, PoultrY, Baking, Flowers, Needlework, Junior Work, Machinery TORONTO-With school opening, and 600,000 "Ontario sehool children getting ready te ride sehool buses, drivers should remember they must stop for sehool buses, says 'Minister of Transportation and Com- munications James Snow. This school year it is, also mandatory te stop for school crossing guards guidiiîg school children across the road. Previ- ously,, it was a matter of' safety and courtesy, with no penalty "Rîght now, before sehool openis, motorists should acquaint or reac- quaint themselves wîth these regulations," said Mr. Snow. The sehool bus stopping law, under Section 120 of The Highway Traffic Act, requires traffic travelling in both directions to haIt when a stopped school bus flashes its alternating r-,d signal lights, regardless of the posted speed limit. Traffic may flot proceed until the school bus re- sumes motion or its red lights-at the front and rear of the bus-stop flashing. Failure to stop for a sch ool bus with its alter- fiating red signal lighls flashing' carnies a penalty of four riemerît points and -a maximum fine of $100. The law applies regard- less of the posted -speed limit-on highways, coun- try roads, city, town and village streets. The only exception is on highways divided by a median strip. Then, only vehicles behind the school bus must stop upon seeing the flashing red lights. On- comîng traffic on the op- posite side of the median may proceed. What is a median strip? It's defined in The High- way, Traffic Act as "a physical bannier or an un- paved strip of ground separating traffic trav- elling in one direction from traffic travelling in the opposite direction." Each municipality has the authority t0 enactby- laws designating local school bus loading zones. In these loading zones, the school bus driver is flot permitted to flash the vehicle's alternating red lights. Loading zones have identifying signs. They can be located only on the same side of the road as a sehool or non-school facil- ity oftenvisited by school, children and teachers- for example, the Royal Ontario Museum in To- ronto, where many school bus loads of students and teachers arrive from al over the province. School bus drivers can- flot stop a -bus to drop off or pick up school children on a road or highway op- posite a designated load- ing zone. And at the zone, the bus must be as close as practicabie te the right curb or edge of the noad- way. A school bus is defined under the The Highway Traffic Act as a bus used for the transportation of children to and from school that: bears on the rear the, words DO NOT PASS WHEN SIGNALS FLASHING; carnes two red signal lights on the front and rear; is painted chrome yellow with black Iettering and trim. No bus other than a school bus may be painted chrome yellow. No motor vehicle other than a school bus may bear the words "Do net pass when signals flashing" or "School Bus." A new regulation effec- tive Septemben 1 requires motorists te stop when they see a school cross ing guard displaying a stop sign while guiding school children across the road. The stop signs the mu- nîcipality-employed schoel crossing' guards carry are to be used only on roads with speed limits of 40 mph or less. Ne one other than one of these guards can use such signs. Failure te stop for the sign could make a driver subject te the general pe- nalty of $20 te $100. "Ontario lest four chil- dren iast scheol year crossing to or leaving their school buses. That's four precieus lives too many. We aIl hope this will be a fatality-free and injury- free year for our young school bus passengers," said Mn. Snow. SHAW'S Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hen- drikx and family have been pleased te have as their guest, for the month of August, Walter's mother - Mrs. Cor- nelia Hendrikx of Geer- truidenberg, Heolland. She enjoys travelling and bas been te Germany, Italy, France and this is her third visit te Canada. During this stay in Canada she was most impressed by the, Canadian film shown on the. six stery high screen in the Cinesphere at Ontario Place. She aise enjoyed the ballet, Swan Lake, which was per- formed in the Forum that evening by the National Ballet of Canada. Music, of course, is an international language and Mrs. Hendrikx was as stirred by the Scottish World Festival Tattoe at the C.N.E. as anyone else. She compared out Royal Ontario Museum with the large Reichsmuseumi which she visited, for a day, while in Germany. With her, she brough mevie films, which thrilled her Canadian relatives. The grandehilciren saw their little Dutch cousins as they watch- ed, wide-eyed, the arrivai of St. Nicholas by boat from Spain and they enjoyed view- ing the colourful costumes of the Carnival which takes place each year, in Holland, seven weeks before Easter. Most impressive were the pictures of the Efteling ' at Kaatsheuvel, a very realistie reproduction of Fairy Tales where a child can see animat- ed scenes of Hansel and Gretel, Red Riding Hood etc. while actually walking along a winding paýth cemplete with an underground grotte where thunder relis and flowers open te the soundof flWtes played by large animated frogs. 1Mrs. Hendrikx appreciated Ontario roads and the dis- tances Canadians travel just te, shep and visit. She plans te return te ,Halland early in September te, tell Walter's sister and brether-in-law of the exciting thinigs they can expeet when they visit Canada next year. Corolnatif RESTA URANT MON DAY --THU RSDAY V, 6 am.-l2 p.m FRIDAY -SATURDAY 6 a.m.-la.m. SUN DAY 7 a.m.-1130Opm SERVING DELICIOUS CHINES>E FOOD TAKE-OUT ORDERS A SPECIALTY Free Deli very in Bowmanville on AI l Orders of $7.50 orMore Full Course Meals in a Home- Like Atmosphere 9 King St. W. 623-5412 THE ANNUAL MUNICIPAL ENUMERATION STATSNEXT WEEK The annual'municipal enumeration will be conducted between Tuesday, September 7 11976 and Saturday. September 18, 1976 inclusive. During those two weeksr an enumerator. carrying a proper identification card, will cail at your residence for a few minutes ta check basic information required in determining: " your eligibility ta vote in the municipal and school board elections ta be held December 6, this year: " the allocation of education property taxes between the public and separate school systems " the distrilbuion of provincial grants ta local governiments ta help 1reduce local tax bills: " the preparation of jurors' lists: and " population information neèded for other municipal programs. The enumerator must record such information as the name, age. property status (e.g. owner or tenant), school support and of ail members of the household. When the enumerator visits. please check that the information on the Enumeration Notice is correct. If it is not. revise it and verify the changes. If you are not home. a Notice will be leif for you. If changes are necessary, please make them -and mail the Enumeration Notice, as soon as possible, in the self addressed postage prepaid envelope accompanying the Notice. For any additional information, please contact the local assessment office. Ministry of Revenue Arthur Meen Minister et Revenue TM Russell Deputy Mnister Ontario Cable TV listings Drivers reminded to stop for sehool, buses TH-E NEWCASTLE GAME invites you on a WALKINýG TOUR of H ISTORIC, NEWCASTLE VILLAGE with Jack Gordon Sunday, September 5 Meet at 1:00 p.m. in front of the Community Hall- inthe Village of Newcastle. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th This Weekend at the Port Darlington Marina Htel On the Main Deck CANDLELIGHT BUFFET and dancing te MR. JOHN McKENZIE -Aiso In the Brig ACABAR ET B UF FET wfith entertainment and dancing te MvlR. DAVE DAVI1 DSON - the country cockney SJNDAY, SPTEMBER 5Yff- ABREAKFAST BRUNCH BUFFET will be servedifrom 9:00 a.m.to2:00 p.m. Regular evening menu from 5:30 p.m. te 9:00 p.m. FOR RESERVATION TELEPHONE 623-4925 Port Darlington Marina Hotel OURHAM CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY TO T-IE.eeeeeeee - - - - - - - - - - a AT RN THURSDAY. FRIDAY ANO SATURDAY This' Winter Corne Crulslng In the Caribbean wlth SkyLark We are now accepting'reservations on Canada's most popular Winter Caribbean Cruise. Book now while the most popular-departure dates and accommodations are stili available. ss Britanis Fly/Cnuise 7 D)ays -%om$459 per person INCLUDES: " Round trip jet flight (rom Toronto'to San Juan, Puerto Rico via Wardair 707 jet " Complimentary meals and drinks aboard flight " Transfers and baggage between airport and pier " Accommodation on board ship for 7 nights " Ail meals and entertainment aboard the ss Britanis * Services of SkyLark representative " SkyLark beach bag Nol arctuctd Port T-, -ard p-ar--- as$ , rpa O r 1-,sr olrill Canadran deparrura anx $8 00 per porron TWO ITINERARIES TO CHOOSE FROM (A) San Juan, St. Thomas, Martinique, St. Vincent, La Guaira, Curacao, San Juan. (B) San Juan, Guadeloupe, Barbados. Grenada. La Guaira, Curacao, San Juan. ASK FOR A SKYLARK BRITANIS FLY/CRUISE BROCHURE TODAY Please refer to the SkyLark/Britanis brochure for com- plete details regarding supplemnents for high seasoh departures and superior accommodations. D KyLar Holktiays Win A Skylark Trip for Two 1 to Nassau! Drep in and fuileut an entry form at Bowmanville Travel Namne Add ress_________ ___ Tel. No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -NO PURCHASE NECESSARY - TRVL CE N TRE * 47 RingsiS. W. 623C-31812 BsOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL 49 LIBERT STREET NORTH BOWMANVILLE School WilI Open On TUESDAY,-SEPTEMBER 7.,11976 Ti metableswill beobtained in the Main Foyer as fol lows: YEAR 1 9:e30-10:00 YEARS 2-5 10:00-10:e30 Students not able to be present thefirst day but ,who, wiIl return later are requested to contact the school no later than September 7th. Light lunches wiIl be available in the cafeteria.ý Bus routes are the same as i? J une. Busses wil ,leave the school at 2:00.p.m. on opening day.,