10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Sept. 1, 1976 Section Two Use of Arena For Orono Fair Awaits Decision The Durham Central Agri- cultural» Society will decide whether to use the Orono arena during their annual fair wi C.gn as soon as the resulits of an inspection done last week are available,' society president Jim Rickard said on Monday. The inspection of the arena' by the engineering firmn of Totten, Sims and Hubicki began last Thursday, Aug. 19, hie said. The study, financed by the ffC.a Ip society, was undertaken to fînd out whether the 50-year- old arena can be repaired for temporary use until after the Orono Fair, running from Sept. 9 - 11, is over. Mr. Rickard said the Orono Fair Board hopes that the arena can meet building code standards for temporary usef under certain wind speeds, possibly by ad ding supports and bracîng to the structure. The arena has bheen the main'site for exhibitions and entertainment during the fair held annually in Orono. An inspection done earlier byý another engineering firm founid the arena unsafe for public occupancy ia strong wind' and heavy snow condi- tions. The arena was forced to close down at that time by an order of the Ministry of Labour. Enjoy the Town Waverly PK friendly mer ToI toFrIom take- Fix to shop. Airena A letter from the Ontario Ministry of Labour and sent to the Town of Newcastle last week says the Newcastle Village arena must be repair- ed by October 15 or closed. The letter, which is similar to the Ministry of, Labour correspondence on the Bow- manville arena, stated that the Newcastle building can operate until October 15 so long as a statement from a qualified engineer is provided. lX:'$<~ ' But beyond that date, there ~ can be no arena operation , ;4" , The letter is the r-esponse to a recent report from the engineering firm of Leighton and Kidd. Acodn o the report, the structure does not4 comply with building code standards, and is therefore unsafe in its present conditionk. H4owever, thIe Newcastle T'owýn counct i as hired a new firmn Lo conduct a new study of both arenas. Engineers working for the firm of Totten, Sims, Hubicki As sociates were at the arenas last Thursday and Friday and this week too. The new arena investigation will include an instpection by mechanical, electrical and structural engneers and it is ports will be looked at one-by-one. The resuits of the Totten Sms Hubicki study are ex- pected some time in Septem-* Liz s ber. Should be i ïI Ter e un bstue or germ. HoWever, if there is immedmate oc only a small quantity left over, burn it, thug ensuring the destruction of the insects. Mr. Pridham recommends that bin surfaces be carefully and thoroughly swept, taking extra pains with the ceiling, cracks and other, crevices.fo,1- rm t i These sweepings should be burned,' otherwise they are hiable to infest the new grain. Feed grinding or grain handling areas should also be carefully swept, because they provide places for grain andw insects to hide. Once there, it does not take the insects long toget into the stored grain. Wile the bins are empty and dlean make those neces- sary repairs. Often the grain leaks into hard-to-get-at BFO V V places, and this provides ideal conditions for new insect infestations to begin. At least two weeks before filing the bin, spray the walls, floor and ceiling with an insecticide.'PR5 51