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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1976, p. 11

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville S 2, 1976 il The Newcastle Indepei Editors: Jack and Hazel Crago Tel Congratulations to Mr. and Powell, Calgary, Aberta. Mrs. David Hachey (nee Sympathy is extended to Barbara Ann McLean) who Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gosehi were married on Saturday, and family on the death of her Sept. 18th, at St. George's mother, Cayman Is. Anglican Church by the Rev. Mrs. Howard Pearce and Robert Hayne. Ronald were Sunday supper Mrs. Ellen Duxbury enter- guests of Mrs. Ron Garnier, tained the Ladies Euchre Club Brownsville. on Monday, Sept. 13th. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stap- Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Whit- leton, Orono, were Sunday ney, Trenton, visited on Satur- supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. day with Mrs. Bruce Whitney George Kimbaîl. and spent the remainder of the Mr and Mrs. Neil Britton weekend with their son, Mr. and family, Belleville, were and Mrs. Keith Whitney, Sunday visitors with bis Maple Grove. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harve Miss Arlene May Munro has Britton. enrolled at McArthur College, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coucb- Kingston and Miss Jennifer man, Bracebridge, and Mr. Munro is continuing her and Mrs. Roy Abra, Owen education by taking her se- Sound were recent bouse- cond year at Queen's Univer- guests of Mr. and Mrs. George sity. Buckley. Miss Judy Powell has re- Mr. and Mrs. George Buck- turned from a ten day' visit ley spent tbe weekend with witb ber brotber, Mr. Harold Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winsor, BLOCKBUSTER IBLOCKBUSTER On.noe ri e,-.- DUBLE $I2E MATTRESS Spring filled construction. ONLY AT WILSON'S $ 39.88 Bed-Chesterfield Washable cover foam cushions. Double size mattress. ONLY AT WILSON'S Kingston. Messrs. Howard Quinney, Stewart Wood, Lloyd Stephen- son and Robert Stephenson enjoyed the weekend fishing at Bayswater. Mr. Wood caught two pike - 8 and 10 lbs. Mr. George Gray has taken up residence in Scarborough and is teaching this year at Rouge Hill. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Hayne and family were Sun- day dinner guests of Dr. Geneva Turner, Mississauga. Belated birthday greetings to Mrs. Barbara Hayne and Mr. Vernon Sunday. Mrs. Dorothy Lyford, Cali- fornia, is visiting with ber cousin, Miss Irene Rinch. Miss Candy Storks, Rex- dale, spent the weekend with ber parents. Miss Cindy Garrod, who has begun ber second year of Nursing at Humber College, was home with ber parents for the weekend. Mrs. Raye Friedlander and Mrs. Ji1 Christie-Brown, Toronto, Mr. Dean Fried- lander and Jason, Kitchener, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Garrod, Jr. We acknowledge the thank you note we received from Mr. Jack Gordon who took us on the walking tour of Newcastle, which we so greatly enjoyed. Favourable comments and' words of gratitude keep us encouraged so that we con- tinue the column. Since that walking tour the store fronts have been treated to fresh coats of paint - Pauline's, Stedman's, Dr. Miklos, a new sign The Open Kitchen at Glanville's and last week, we noticed painters at Frank Hoar's Garage. then early Friday morning to offset the good work, some destructive persons broke one of the flower urns at the Community Hall. The flower-beds have been beautiful this year at the Community Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Allin attended the 25th wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pearce (nee Ruth Rob- bins). Fall Fairs are in full swing. Several local citizens enjoyed these agricultural exhibitions last weekend at Warkworth and Port Hope. Mrs. Pat Bernard, Flesher- ton, spent last Thursday with ber mother, Mrs. Nellie Spen- cer. On Sunday evening, Mr. Terry Bernard and Miss Brenda Magee visited his grandmother. Sympathy is extended to friends and relatives of Mr. Jack Bird who passed away in Peterborough on Friday and was buried in Orono Cemetery on Monday. Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. William Lake Sr., were Mrs. Peter Lake and Noel, and Mr. and -Mrs. Everett Brown, Orono. Satur- day evening visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown, Bow- manville, Mr. Vernon Sunday cele- brated his 21st birthday on Sunday. Dinner guests for the celebration were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gordon, Lisa and Julie, Oshawa and Mr. Jeff Warren, Orono. Mr. Norman Cobert, Winni- peg, is holidaying with his sister, Mrs. Gladys Pacey. Mrs. Gladys Brown and Mrs. Elsie Walton are patients in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. Twelve members of the Newcastle Lionettes met for their first Fall dinner meeting at the home of Mrs. Pauline Storks last week. Senior Citizens Meeting On Thursday, Sept. 16th, the Senior Citizens held their first regular Fall meeting with 40 members and 5 visitors pres- ent. Mr. Dormer, Vice Principal of Clarke High School, inform- ed the assembly of the Evening Class Programs available in the Northumber- land and Newcastle Board of Education Schools. These classes are free to Senior Citizens. Rev. Thomas Smith and Mn. Harry Jose showed pictures which were taken on the Agawa Canyon and Tbirty Thousand Island trips enjoyed this summer by the Senior Citizens. A discussion followed on a proposed evening out to Front Page Challenge and dinner, the details of which will be annpunced later. The usual games of Euchi-e were enjoyed, after wbich lunch was served by the committee in charge. United Churelí News On Monday, Sept. 13th, the United Churcb Women held a pot luck supper, with Unit Two in charge. Mrs. Harry Jose showed pictures of their trip to Cuba ta the 35 members who attended. Plans were discuss- ed for the Turkey Supper which will be held in Novem- ber. On Thursday evening, the choir met for their first practice of the Fall at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allin. On Sunday, Sept. 19th, Rev. David Spivey read the pas sage from John 13, verses 1-11. For the children's story, he showed a poster with these words, 'If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict ndent ephone 987-4201 you?' The sermon was titled 'Taking the Lord to Task - I Can't Accept.' To learn to be a gracious receiver one must have love, trust and faith. The prayer for the week is, May Your strength give me strength in every difficult thing I have to do. Anglican Church News On Sunday, Sept. 19th, Rev. Robert Hayne preached a sermon on The Grateful Sam- aritan. At St. George's Anglican Church two people were inducted, Miss Nicola Schmie- gelow, the first girl Server and Mrs. Penny Rolinson instal- led in the Altar Guild of St. George's. Sanctuary flowers in memory of Herbert and Thomas Brereton were placed by Mrs. Mary Garrod. The new kitchen is complet- ed, thanks to the generosity of many members, including Harper Kelsey, Art Tuson, ACW and Fellowship Mem- bers. This is a memorial to Mrs. P.F. LeGresley. The annual Synod for the Diocese of Toronto meets on Thursday, Sept. 23rd, at 8 p.m. in St. James Cathedral when the Bishop will give his Charge to the Synod. Those people in the Parish going on the Walkathon, the Rector will meet them Oct. 9th, at 9 a.m. in St. John's Church, Port Hope for a walk through the Ganaraska For- est. Rev. Robert Hayne, on Saturday afternoon baptized Philip Douglas Cunningham. The Rector also performed the marriage of Barbara Ann MeLean to David Laurie Hachey on Saturday afternoon Sept. 18th. The Anglican Church Wo- men meet this Wednesday, Sept. 22nd, at the Parish Hall to plan for the table at the Oktoberfest. Donations will be asked for, from the'ladies' St. George's Fellowship Club meets this Sunday even- ing at the Parish Hall with Robert and Barbara Hayne as hosts. Bring a few coloured slides of your holidays to share with the members. Wii it keep beating? Among those attending the Orono Fair Dance, a week ago Saturday, featuring Gordie Tapp, and the Nashville Sound, were local couples Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Jones visited Mrs. C. Moase in Burlington Hospital, last Wed- nesday. Mr. Frank Gilmer has been a patient in Memorial Hospital since early last Tuesday morning, and callers to see him, during the past week included: - Rçv. A. Tizzard, Mr. Anthony Ton, son Lau- rence, of Tonawanda, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer, Mr. Ken Fletcher, son Raymond of Islington, Mrs. Isabel Waters, Mrs. Bea Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer of Port Hope and Mrs. Lena Clysdale. The funeral of the late Norman Scott, an old-time resident of this community was held on Wednesday after- noon from the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home, Bow- manville. Tuesday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Paeden, were Mrs. Margaret Whitfield of Grafton, andf Mrs. Robert Potts, and John of Cobourg. Spending a few days with the Paedens were Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Chisholm, of Antigon- ish, Nova Scotia. Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Jones, of Port Hope, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jones, of Invermere, British Columbia were Tuesday afternoon vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. M. O'Neill. On Sunday, the O'Neills joined the Jones family ga- thering in Rotary Park, Port Hope, attended by about forty relatives. Mr. Raymond Bruce and Mrs. Isabel Waters were among tbose attending the Port Hope Fair, on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Irene Burley, of Bow- manville was a weekend guest witb Mr. and Mrs. L. Clysdale and all attended the races at Kawartha Dowis, Saturday evening, At 6 p.m., Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Rick Harris sponsored a Miracle Maid Demonstration at the home of his mother, Mrs. Myrtle Kloster, attended by several couples. Visitors with Mrs. Agnes Burley, Saturday, included Mrs. Clarence Nichols, Wes- leyville; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patterson of Lindsay, who were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zealand, of Winnipeg, and Nelson Sex- smith, of Port Hope. Mr. Jim Adams was an overnight guest, Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Adams, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Cornish and Mrs. Annie Me Nally, of Orono, enjoyed an evening of bridge, Saturday with Mrs. Bea Jones. Melville Jones and Les Peck were Greeters at our church door, Sunday morning, and Rev. Tizzard's sermon was entitled "A Clearer Under- standing." The choir sang "Trust And Obey" and the increase in attendance was mentioned by the minister, only the two front seats in botb aisles were not filled. Our U.C.W, will meet in the Sunday School hall on Wednes- day, Sept. 28 at 8 p.m. Doris Chrysler's Unit will be in charge of Devotional and program. Monday - Registration for Cubs, Scouts, and Beavers at Newtonville Public School 6:30 - 8 p.m. Tuesday Brownies meet in Sunday School hall at 6:30 p.m. Thursday Girl Guides meet in Sunday School hall at 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Emily Ogden of Bow- manville was a Sunday vis- itor with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Morton Henderson, Morrish. Mr. Raymond Gilmer of Islington spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. F. Gilmer both visiting Mr. Gilmer in Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer of Port Hope, were callers in the evening, en route to and from Memorial Hospital. Newtonville Women's In- stitute resumed the regular scheduled montbly meetings last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Bea Jones. In the absence of President Amelia Lancaster, the chair was taken by Vice-President Ber nice Milligan, wbo opened with the Institute Ode, and the Mary Stewart Collect. The financial report was given by Secty.-Treasurer Madeline Buckley including an itemized account of the recent bus trip. Corespondence including a note of appreciation was nead and various Courses available to the members were discus- sed. The Central Ontario Convention to be held in Toronto, Nov. 4 and 5 was next ,on the agenda, and the rates for delegates mentioned. Queenie Fletcher volunteer- ed to attend on Friday, and bring back a report and it is hoped others may also be able to go. to go. EachBranch is requested to take a certain number of articles for sale at the "Fun Fair" to be held in Nestleton, early in October to help raise money for the District. A report is to be brought back from the meeting with Mrs. Fraser, regarding givings for the Afghan donated by Mrs. Wiseman. Each branch is to receive a certain arffunt and in turn, is to try to increase this, by whatever means they choose. Convenor Iva Farrow pre- sented the program, opening with a humorous reading entitled "Good Medicine - Laughter." The Motto - "Agriculture is the strongest spoke in the wheel of Industry" was given by Queenie Fletcher and other readings depicting the import- ance of Agriculture, were heard from Sharon Buttery and Gladys Wood. Roll Call - "Name the uses of plastic in Agriculture", was answered by the 17 members and two visitons present, after which lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. The "Lucky Chair" prize was received by Bessie Stephenson and that for the "Nearest Birthday" by Amy Milligan. Mrs. Ken Fletcher was an afternoon visitor with Mrs. Alf Brown, Bowmanville, last week. Mrs. Bea Jones, with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones, were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harve Britton, Newcastle. Sunday visitors with Mn. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith and Stevie, of Oshawa. MAPLE GROVE w,', The September meeting of tbe Women's Institute was held on the 13th in the C.E. Hallat 8 p.m. Meeting opened with the singing of the Ode ana the repeating of the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. H. Bradley extended a welcome to all after our summer recess. The Roll Caîl was 'Name a grain, Clover or Crop used to feed livestock.' The 4H projecet for this year is 'Focus on Living' and the leaders are Mns. A. Vander- gaast and Mrs. H. Prescott. A senior course on 'Choosing and Using Fabrics will be held at Maple Grove on Nov. 25th from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. with Bowmanville as our guests. A course 'Festival of Dairy N EWTON VI LLE Foods' will hold a 2 day training course for leaders Nov. 16 and 17 and Mrs. W. Polak and Mrs. H. Eewes will be our leaders. A letter and progress report on our adopted Korean girl was read by Mrs. S. Doyle. Mrs. B. Bosgra, a former member, has asked the ladies to do a family dinner for 20 on Oct. lst. A report of the school prizes for most progress shown in Grade VI was given by Mrs. W. Brown. The winner at Maple Grove W. school was Robby Campbell and the winner at Maple Grove E. was Allison Honess. These prizes had been presented a special events held at each school and presented by Mrs. Brown, The program on Agriculture was under the leadership of Mrs. W. Polak. Mrs. L.C. Snowden gave the 'Consumer' report and told of how this was started after the war for consumer contact. The motto 'Honest labour disgraces no one" was com- mented on by Mrs. W. Brown. She said thepast generation had been taugt to revere work but now in general it is thought of as a chore to be got through as easily and quickly as possible. A workman should never be satisfied with second best for it pays to do our best whether the boss is looking or not. The Lord of Heaven came to serve and not to be served so we can neyer be demeaned but ennobled by the work or service we give. It will be a gospel of work and not a task. Mrs. L.C. Snowden introduc- ed our guest speaker Mr. Don AIl concerned citizens are invited to attend a PUBLIC MEETING Friday, Septem ber 24th, 1976 atl7:30p.m. Newcastle Community Hall Purpose: to explain the present Arena situation in the Village of Newcastle. Panel: to include members of Council, Members of Provincial Parliament, Engineering Firm Rep- resentative, Wintario Representa- tives and Representatives of the Newcastle Village and District Arena Funding Organization. Question and Answer Period to follow discussion. w ~ -I COURSE Mail To:I HENRY BUILDALL Box 368, Oshawa Please enroll me in your Family Room Course, i NAM E ...............e . ........... ADRESS ...........*.... TELEPHONE .......... .............. BS 9/76 - ------------ - --- J Welsh, a farmer who is very active in our Federation of Agriculture and other agricul- tural activities. Mr. Welsb spoke on "Marketing". He said here the farmers receive subsidies amounting to per- haps 8 per cent wheras countries get as high as 20 per cent. Food takes perhaps 20 per cent of our money, some countries take as high as 60-65 per cent. Cheap labour in some countries produces cheaper things which in turn harm our Canadian market. Mr. Welsh also answered several questions. Mrs H. Prescott moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Welsh. The repeatinm of the Collect in unison closed the meeting. A social time was enjoyed by all when the group served sandwiches and cookies, pickles, tea and coffee. A bring and buy sale was held before lunch which netted the treasury $10. Be a RED C RO0SSC Blood 'Donor INSTR CTIOI LEA R•Nh OWTOULYU OWN FAMILY ROO Four night sessions at our store in Oshawa, 100 Bond Street West. COURSE INCLUDES: OCTOBER 12P- Planning, Waterproofing, Framing OCTOBER 19 - Insulation Panelling, Windows Doors NOVEMBER 9 -Ceilings,Floors, Tri ng NOVEMBER 16 - Fiishing Touches REGISTER NOW - Fill in the coupon and drop it into your nearest Henry Buildali store or mail to Box 368, Oshawa OSHAWA 100 Bond St. W. 728-1617 COURTICE Between Oshawa and Bowmanville 728-1611 WHITBY 223 Brock St. N. 668-6821 M- 1

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