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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1976, p. 13

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iviiie, September 22, 1976r BRIGNALL - Ken and Frances announce the arrivai af their daughter, Angela at Oshawa Generai Hospital on Sept. 10, 1976. Proud grand- pr ents are Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stacey and Mrs. Roy Farrow, ail of Newtonville. Speciai thanks to Doctors Lai and Routedge. 38-1 COLES-Stephen and Aiianah (nee Sturgeon) are ha pp to announce the birth o f thir first ctild, a daughter, Kristina Lynne, born on Sept. 14, 1976 weighing 5 ibs. 5 ozs. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Coies and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sturgeon, aul of Scarborough. Many thanks to Drs. Hender- son, Stephenson and Giichrist and to the Maternity Staff of Oshawa Generai Hospital. 138-1 HARGEST-To Donald and Linda (nee Ciare), a son, Charles Alian born Sept. 18, 1976, 2351 hrs., 7 lbs., 121/2 oz. in Oshawa. A brother for Bradley. Many thanks to Dr. A.T. Spear. 38-1 MERRITHEW -Wib and Sue are pieased touannounce the birth f a daghter, Jaime Brooke, born on Septem ber 18, 1976, we i ghi1ng 8 1lbs. 61/2 0zs. i n Oshawa Generai Hospital. Proud grandparents* are Mr. and Mrs. William Corbett, London and Mr. and Mrs. John Merrithew, Oshawa. NAGARAJAN - Roger, Anne and Deiphine are thriiled to, announice the arrivai of a son and brother, Mark Ernest Ganesan on Sept. 16, 1976. Pleased g randparents are Mrs. E. L. Giibank, Orono and Mr. and Mrs. M. Ganesan, Madras, India. Another great 9Frandchild for Mrs. H.G. Freeman, JMaple Grove. 38-1 x OLDEJANS-Hi! My name is Jason George. i was born on Sept. 17, 1976. Tipping the scale at 6 lbs., 4 oz., M y mom and dad, Rose and George, brother Marvin and sisters Eunice and Kimberly are very happy with me. i surprised them by arriving a littie earl1 i bet my diapers will be f lufly and dry thanks to s0 many ~ar friends, neighbours and ,atives. And a big thank you -,rm mom and me to Dr. H. B. Ruidie and staff at Memorial Hospital for the very good care. 38-1 LDER, Ronald S.- At ,,_ýha wa General Hospital on unday, Sept. 19, 1976, Ron Aider of 42 Centre Street, Bowmanviile, in his 65th year. Beloved husband of Evelyn Taylor, dear father of Mrs. Wayne Devitt (Patti) and Warren. "Gramps" of Melissa and Michael. Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Funeral service 2 o'cdock, Tuesday afternoon. 38-1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Muir announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Linda Dianne to Steven James, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Jefferys, Hampton. Wedding is to take place October 16, 1976 at 3 o'clock in Ebenezer United Church. 38-1 The family of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Copping invite friends and neighbors to-an Open House at the Oddlfellows Hall in Orono on Octaber 3rd from 2 to 5 p.m. in honour of their parents Sth Wedding Anniversary. Best wishes on ly. 38-2 OPEN HOUSE The Ormistons (Dorothy and Earl) of "The Ponderosa' Kendal invite their friends and relatives to an Open House in honor of their 25th Wedding Anniversary on Sun., Oct. 3rd, 1976 From 2 - 5:30 p.m. andi S6 -9 p.m. at their home in Kendal1. BEST WISHES ONLY 38-2x Howard and Florence Cryderman wish ta invite relatives and friends to an At Home on the occasion of their 4th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday, October 2, 1976 f rom 2 - 4and 7- 9, tobe held at their home, Base Line Rd., R.R. 2, Bowmanvîlle. Best wishes only. 38-2 ABERNETHY, Alexander Ferguson - At his home R.R. 1, Oakwoad, Ont. on Friday, Spebr 17, 1976, Alexander FegsnAbernethy in his 74th year. Beloved husband of Edythe Samis. Laving father of Ellen (Mrs. Murray Van Blarcam) of Kentville, Nova Scotia, Joyce (Mrs. Donald Taylar) of R.R. 1, Ham pton and Alex (Sandy) of R.R. 1, Oakwood. Deanly remember- ed by 12 grandchildren, one sister, Margaret (Mrs. A.E. DeNune) of Peterboroug h and four brathers, James, Wilson, Gardon, al of Bowmanville and Frank of Holland Land- ing. Predeceased by one brother, Archie. Funeral ser- vice was held tram the Thorne Funerai Home in Cannington on Sunday, Septemben 19. Cremation follawing. 38-1 POPOVICH- At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilie, Sun- day, Sept. l9th, 1976, Irene Greer, 32 Victoria St., Bow- manville, belaved wife of John Popavich, dear mther of Virginia and Joseph, dear sister of Marjorie (Mrs. Rob- ent Kennett) and Norman Greer. Service was held in the Mrris Funeral Cha peu, Bow- manvilie, an Wednesdlay morn interment Bowman- ville eetery. 38-1 CARNATION "Flowers Say it iBest" VAN BELLE DAILY D.livery'fo... Oshawa - Bmmanville Arta Phone 623-4441 For AIl Your Flower Needs STOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARO TO BEAT Carnation Flower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 tf Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICI Your thoughtfulness for others isc first concern. We wiII arrange charitable foundation donations (such Heart or Cancer Society) to be acknc ledged anywhere in Canada with1 appropriate acknowledgement card p sent on the same day, with the oti tributes. This is part of our service to i community. 53 DIVISION STRE ET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 Durham County's Oldfest Funeral Servil MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET' PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or N ghtl Serving this district for 96 years. RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Ontario LiA 3W3 High Qua lity at Reasonable Pices Phone 885-5216 Home 885-5222 WORKMANSHP - QUALITY E, uv r for as ADAMS - In 1 ving memory of a dear father and grand- father Charles, who passed away Sept. 17, '74, dear brother Ronald (Red) who passeel away Sefpt. 2. '61. Gdsaw you getting weary So did what He thouaht best He came and stood beside you And whis pered, come and rest You wiShed no one a last farewel i Nor even said goodbye You had gone before we knew it And only God knows why. - Sadly missed by Bob, Rena and Bobby. 38-lx ALLIN, Clifford - ln loving miemory of a great father-in- law and grandfather who passed away September 24, 1971. Days of sadness stil I come o'er us, Tears of sorrow often f low, Memory keeps our loved one near us, Whom God called five years Sago. - adiy missed by daughter- in-law Mary and grand- daughter Carol. 38-1ix IVES - ln loving, memory of a dear mother, Tryp hena Ives, who passed 'away Sept. 20, 1975. Quietly remembered every- day, Sadly mîssed along life's way, Just as you are, You will always be, Ever remembered in my memory. -Sadly missed by daughter Annie Fowler. 38-1 BIRD, John - At Civic Hospital, Peterborough on Friday, Sept. 17, 1976, Jack Bird of 182 Dumble' Ave., Peterboroug h in his 78th year (ormerlyof Bawmanville and R.R. 2, Peterborough). Dearly belaved husband of Myrtie Fowler (Smith) and the late Manjarie Alldread.. Dear father of Robert, Toronto; Mrs. Ronald Wright (Jacque- uine), Oshawa; dearest sTep- father of Wilis Fowler, Bow- manville; Mrs. Milton Terry (Katheline), and Joan Fowler, bath of Oshawa. Laving grand- father of il grandchildren. Rested atthe Northcutt Elliatt Funeral Home tram Sunday,. attemnoon. Funeral services at 1 :30 p.m. Manday attemnoon. interment Orano Cemetery. Donations ta the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. 38-1 CASEMENT, Shirley Eliza- beth - At Trenton Memorial Hos pitai an Thursday, Sep- t m ber 16, 1976. Shirley (Large) Casement, beloved wife of Ivan Casement, 13 Ontario St., Brighton, in her 46th year. Dear mother of Debbie (Mrs. Gerald Coe), Briahton, alsa survived by one grandson Jamie, dean sister ot rzleen Large, Mrs. Elsie Murphy, Mrs. Fern Allaway and Joyce (Mrs. Gardon Major), ail of Bowmanville. Helen, (Mrs. Bil Moore), Oshawa; Mrs. Lis Charle- bois, Belleville gnd Jack Large, Bowmanville. Rested at the R.W. Mackey Funeral Home, Brighton. Interment Bowmanville Cem- etery. 38-1 GREGG - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Satur- day, Sept. l8th, 1976, Edrie Gregg, aged 71 years, wife of the 1ate Harry Courtney Gregg, dear mother of Marjonie Mrs. E.D. Kear- ney) hawa. Resedath Morris F unera1 Cha pel, Baw- manville. Interment Halley- bury, Ontario. 38-1 mm=> 1 LJVU HAMILTON - In loving ithe memory of a dean father and re- gnandfather George Hamilton wha passed away Sept. 25, her 1962. Loving memonies neyer due, As years rall an, and days pass the Yby. un aur hearts a memary is kept. 0f the one we laved, end wili neyer forget. 38-1 - Lovingly remembered by - thefamily. ,ice 38-1ix SMALE - In loving memory of dear Sharon who was taken tram us Sept. 23, 1975.* A golden heart stapped beat- ing Two busy hands at rest God brake aur heants ta prove ta us He only takes the best t's lanely here without you - Sharon, We miss you more each day, For lite is nat the same ta us Since yau were called away A mill1ion ti mes we needed you A million times we cied If lave could have saved you You neyer would have died If we couid have one lifetime, wish One dream that could came tn ue W'd pray ta Gad with ail aur heants For yesterday and you. - Sadly missed and always loved, Gardon, Brent and Mary-Lynn, Mom and Dad and tamil les. 38-1ix AL LIN -In loving memory of our dear father and' grand- father, Clifford Aluin who left us suddenly Sept. 24, 1971.' Memories are treasures no one can steal, Death is a heartache nothing can heal,, It happened s0 suddenly and you were gone, But we will remem ber you, no matter how long, You left the ones, you loved the best, Without a last goodbye, And in our sad and lonely hearts We keep on asking why? The reason hidden somewhere In the pattern God has planned, We must believe and trust Him As some day we wiil under- stand. -Sadiy missed and remem- bered by daughter Beveriy, son-in-iaw Gordie and grand- children Brian, Brenda, Terry and Danny. 38-1 ALLIN- In loving memory of a dear father andg randfather, Clifford, who suddenly passed away Sept. 24, 1971. He left us quietly, His thoughts unknown, But left us a memory, jWe are proud to own So treasure hlm, Lord, ln your garden of rest For when on earth He was one of the best. - Always loved and remem- bered by d aughter Dorene, son-in-law Lloyd ad gand- children GaryWndy, Ran dy, Barbie. 38-1 AL LIN -In loving memory of a dear husband, Clifford who passed away Sept. 24, 1971. His farewell kiss was neyer given His last godcbye was neyer said For none could know that death lay waiting For hlm when he went ta bed And though our grief was sharp and lasting We thanked God then and do to-day That by Our Father's love and boundless mercy In painless sleep he passed away. - Lovin gly remembered by hiswife, E Isie. 38-1 ALLIN- In loving memoryaof our g randtather andg reat gran dfather, Clifford AItin, who suddenly passed away September 24, 1971. t only takes a littie space to write How much we miss1 you Bttit wiIl take the rest of aur lives To forget the day we lost you. We think of you in silence And often repeat your namre But ail that's left to answer s your picture in a trame. -Always loved and remem- bered by granddaughter Linda, husband' Lloyd and g reat grandchildrery Dean and Vicki. 38-1 COX - In loving memory of aur dear cousins, John Cox who died Sept. 27th, 1965 and wife Annie wha died Sept. il, 1975. Loving and kind in ail their ways Upri g ht and just to the end of th eir days Sincere and kind in heart and mi nd What a beautif ul memory they left behind. î -Lovingly rernembered by 1Reginald and Frances Suttoni 38-1 DUNN - In laving memory of a ur dear son and brother, -Larry, also his friend Alian Linton, who passed away Sept. 2lst, 1969. He is gone but nat forgotten And, as dawns another year, n our lanely hours of thinking Thoughts of him are always near. Da Ys of sadness will came over us, Many think the wound is healed, But they 1littie know the sorrow That lies in the heart conceal- ed. - Lavingly remembered and sadi y missed by Mom, Dad and Rannie. 38-ix FLINTOFF- In laving mem- ary of aur daughter, Shelley Leanne, who passed away September 16, 1975. A bud the Gardener gave us, A pure and Iovely chîld, He gave it to our keeping Ta cherish undefiled; And just as it was opening Ta the glary af the day, Down came the heavenly Father And took aur bud away. - Ever remembered by Mammy and Daddy. 38-1 We wish ta express aur deepest appreciation and thanks ta aur ne g hbours, friends and relatives f or their cards, flowers and donations ta the Heart Fund and Diabetic Association during aur recent sorraw with the death of' aur dear husband, tather and grandfather. peilthanks ta Fathers LycMireault and Wilson and Jewell Funeral Home. The Verleysen Family 38-1 x Thanks ta my friends and ne!g hbours for their cards, calfIs 'and cancemn for my well-being. Alsa ta my family wha gave me such a wonderful surprise-a complete face-lift ta my kitchen. It's iust wonderful. Mrs. W.F. Cameron 1 would like ta thank the Hampton Community for their thoughtfulness at the recent bridaI shawer. It was very much appreciated. Thank you sincerelIy. April Robinson 38-1 leom. Garage sale SatýurdJay, Oct. 2 tram 10 a.m. ta 4 p.m., 103 Scugog Street, Bowmanville. 38-2x BAZAAR and GIANT AUCTION St. Joseph's Catholic Womnen's League Saturday, Oct. 23rd Bazaar 10 a.m. - 4 1p.m. Auction - in evening. Seeaur Farm Booth, 38-1 Garag e Sale, Sat., Sept. 25, 9-5,aon Base Line Rd. 21/2 miles west of Waverley Road. Most items $5 or less. Goodies galare. Don't miss them. 38-1 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel SN EWCASTL E BOB ADAMS AND HIS BLUE RIVER BOYS Friday - Saturday Septemnber 24 - 25 Dancing 9 - 1 38-1 1 Pick Your Own Fresh Vegetables FRED EYMAN FARM COU RTICIE From Hwy. 2 take l3th Line north one block. 33-tf 600 BALES of straw for sale. Phone Pontypool 705-277-2933. 37-2 APPLES, seconds $2.50 bush- el. Feddema Orchards. Phone 263-2074. No Sunday sales. 37-10 Em The Orono and area Cham- ber ot Commerce wouid like to thank ail those who helped in any wa y to make the annual Beef Barbecue and the Morg an Horse Draw 50 suc- cesstul. Both these events will help greatly to pay for the new park lighting. We wili look forward to seeing each and everyone again next year. Once again thank you. Doug Simpson, Chamber of Commerce President. 3- We wish to express Our thanks to our relatives, friends and neighbours for the cards, gîfts and best -wishes we received, to help make our 50th anniversary celebration a happy and memorable occa- sion. Irma and Stuart Morton 38-1ix We wish to thank our friends, neighbors and rela- tives for their thoughtfulness and many acts of kindness during the loss of our father and g randfather. T he f am ily of the late Norman A. Scott 38-1 Iwould like to take this apportunity to thank all friends, relatives, neighbours and General Motors workers for cards, gifts, flowers and visits while in the hospital and at 'home. Special thanks to Doctors C.W. Murphy, Long and H.B. Rundie. Aiso to nurses in intensive care and Medical.' Lewis Rundie 38-1 x A special thanks to those who arranged a 25th Wedding Anniversary party, we wilI always remember, at the McLaren Chalet, Bethany, in Our honour, al so for coming, sending cards, flowers, gifts, music and lovely wedding cake. Bob and Audrey Rutherford 38-1 MONSTER, BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY - 7:30 P.M.- Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Sot tball JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHA WA 50 tf House of Amber, Antique and Gift Shop, pre-Christmas Tea, October 15, 16 and 17 tram 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. North end Hampton Village. Shop in the relaxinrg atmosphere of our home an d country gift shop. Phone 263-2981. 38-4 STORY HOUR for chiidren age 3 -5 TU ESDAYS A T 2 p.m. beginning Tues., October 5 BOOK REVIEWS second and founth Tuesdays of the month beg inUE. C Mning TUES, OTO ER 12 Coffee, Everyone Welcome Bowmanville Public Librany 62 Tempenance St. 623-7322 38-3 .ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALE Wednesday, Sept. 29 - ip.m. tol10p.m. Thursday, Sept. 30 - 12noon to 9p.m. Kinsmen Community Centre 109 Coiborne St. West, Oshawa Admission $1.00 PRESENTED BY THE KINETTE CLUB 0F OSHAWA 38-1 TABLE patatoes, excellent quality. Joe Boumna 623-2847. 35-tf VANDA Beauty Counsellor Hamptan Village representa- tive "Mrs. Bannie Faber". Cali to-day ta view aur exciting new products. Phone 263-2981. 35-5 ELMER'S New and Used Furniture and Appliances. We buy contents of hames. Phone Hampton 263-2294. 19-tf Rebekah Lad ge "Penny Sale" Fnl day,-Septem ber 24th, Centennial Hall, Queen St. Afternoon tea at 2:30 p.m. Draw at 8p.m. 37-2)c Wanted! Couples interested in good fellowship. Learn modemn square dancing and basic round dance steps. No previous experience requîred. Modern music on record. Come and loin our winter e rogram. Ontario St. Schooi, Bowmanviile. Thursday 8:00 - 10: 30 p.m. starting Septem ber 23rd. For information cail 623-5811 or 728-5042. 37-2 Turkey Shoot, Orono Fish and Hunt Club Range, Sun., Oct. 3. 12 - 4 p.m. Folliow signs at Taunton and Leskard Roads. 12 gauge oniy. Shelis supplied. Lunch avaîlable. 38-2 Cubs Bottie Drive Sept. 25, 1976, Time-9:30- 10:OOa.m. Have ail returnable botties ready and the boys will be around to pick them up. THANK YOU Wolf Cub Boy ScQuts 1of Canada Bowmanville Area West Durham District 38-1 Club Annrene Scugog Island Fail Dance Band Schedule Sept. 25 - "Par Four" Oct. 2 - "Common Bond" Oct. 9 - "Something Blue" Fn.,, Oct. 15 - "Lockerbie" Oct. 16 - "The Shadows" Oct. 23 - "Something Blue" Oct. 30 - "Par Four" Nov. 6 - "Sun" Nov. 13 - "Positive Outlook" Nov. 20 - "Par Four" Nov. 27 - "Little Caesar and the Consuls" Dec. 4 - "Positive Outiook" Dec. 11 - "Lockerbie" Dec. 18 - "Par Four" .New Year's Eve "'Something Blue" INFORMATIrON: Dan Armstrong 725-4344 or 576-6599 "'ýLife Without Lack" (Christian Science Lecture) by Mrs. Ada P. de Mondino FR IDAY, OCT. 1, 1976 8: 15 P.M. Durham Coliege, Oshawa - FREE, PARKING - 38-2 Duplicate Bridge every Tuesdlay night at the Library - 7:30. $1 per night includes 3light refreshments. Ail bridge -players most welcome. 38-1ix Hey! Country and Western music, loyers get ready ta start the dance season this Sat. niqht, Sept. 25 at Janetylille Community Hall ta the music of Fay -Adams and The Country Hits. Square Dance calier Lloyd "Clem" Brown. Dancing 9 -1. 38-1ix Snow Show 77 Annual FaIli Snow Show -Port PerryArena Friday, September 24th Saturday, September 25th Sunclay, Septem ber 26th' The Port Perry snowmobiie Club invités. the public ta view the latest in snowmobiles, motorcycles, accessaries and fashions. On display, aiso, snow remnoval and winten equipmnent. WINTER - ENJOYABLE Show Times - Friday 5 p*.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday 1 p.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday 12 noon - 6 p.m. REFRESHMENTS- DOOR PRiZE DRAWS5p.m. SUNDAY EVERYONE WELCOME, BE A PART OF WINTER-ENJOYABLE 38-1 Fuller Brush Products CONTACT Clarence Bell 137 Liberty Street North A salesman, in Darlington Township. 35-tf FOR Christmas. Fashion dol clothes. Nine outfits plus accessories. $5.00 set. Lu Bedard, 2835 Rocheleau, St. Hubert, Quebec. 38-1 ON E dark brown leather coat in perfect condition, size il. Iaîst !eng th navy blue suede coat with black fur collar, size 11-12. Phone 623-3681. 38-1 RED "Olympia"- portable typewriter and case, 3 years old, $50. Phone 623-2088. 38-1 CAR PETS of ail kinds, custom made drapes and sheers, hard- surface flooring, professionial- y înstalled. Free estimates. Your one stop shopping. F.A. Kramp, 37-41 King St. E., Bowmanville. Furniture, Car-, pet and Drapes. 13-tf SWEET corn, 18 varieties, excellent for freezing, picked fresh daily. We do not seli day aid corn. Keith Bell Farm, concession 9, one mile west of Raglan (appt-ox. 6 miles north of Oshawa on Simcoe Street). (Watch for signs.) 655-3326. 34-tf Pineridge Tire Sales TIRES AND WHEELS To fit your car or truck. Phone 623-4866 BOWMANVILLE 23-tf WHITE'S T.V.TOWERS Towers,U HF, VHF eaiRtrs Aeria Rrs& AýÏ partment & Homes Pre-Wi red Ask About Our Beauty Cauns, Demanstratiar be held in Hi FILM * g PROCESSING CHILDREN'S S PHOTOS tCameras and Photographic Supplies 78 King St. W., BQwmanviile 623-2404 35-10 RAMBLER trailers, see them at Newcastle Trailer Park and Sales, No. 2 highway, New- castle, seven days a week. 987-51~129-tf 1976 16' LARSON boat, 1976 70 hanse Evinrude motor, 1976 1600 pound tra iler, baught new in May, 1976. Many options. Sacrifice $3900 or best offer. Phone 6?3-7612 atter 6. 38-1 SEED FOR SALE Winter Wheat - Winter Barley CERESMORE FARMS LTD. 623-3552 on 623-7233 33-6 LAY ING hens, 15 months aid, $1.25 each. Phone 1-786-2932. 37-2 PICK your awn Macintosh apples, aiso Crab apples for sale at Browview Farm, junction Hwy. 2 and 115. 37-2 COME and pick your awn apples. Many varieties at Sikma's Orchards, Highway 2 in Newcastle acrass tram Lumber yard. 37-2 COMPR ESSORS Ail kinds 0f nmachinery, Seil. Buy. Trade. Rent. MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9-6 Ace Machinery 859A Nelson Street Oshawa, Ontario 723-0933 18-tf SNOWMOBILE traiter, dou- ble, excellent condition, $150. 623-2468. 38-ix Yard Sale, September 25, 1976. 10:00 a.m. at-32 Queen St., Bowmanville. 38-1 OSHAWA OBEDIENCE ASSOC IAT ION Dog Training Classes in Oshawa and Bowmanvilie Novice (beginners) and Open (advanced) Classes commence Octaber 6 in bath locations 576-1167 or 623-7382 37-4 WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO; NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. ,OSHAWA 21-tf DANCE Music by "THE SAPPHIRES" Sat., Oct. 2, 1976 St. Joseph's Hall, Bowmanville 9 - 1 a.m. - Everybady Welcame - Maranatha Christian Re- fonmed Church invites child- ren age 5-9 ta Friday night Bible chool, October 1, 7-8:30 f .m. For information or rnsportation caîl 623-2495 or 987-5215. Calvinettes and Cadets available for aIoder children. 38-2 future. Caîl to-day for further information. Mrs. Faber, 263- 2981. 35-5 TOP soiG Leland Payne, 1-786- 2512. 17-tf Water Delivery For fiîling swimming Pools and weils. PHONE FRED WILLIS 623-2469 19-tf TEAKWOOD, Scandinavian, Danish, bedroom, complete; dining raom, 9 piece; living roam; walV unit., cottee lables, new furniture, very reason- able. Phone 1-247-4377. 10-tf ALMOST new large size clothing coats, dresses, pant suit, long uîne sweater. 623- 5022 38-ix 8,000 BALES of hay, Tysan Farms, Newtonville, 786-2927, 33-tf TURKEYS Fresh turkeys for Thanks- giving. Place your order now fnom C. Borek, Hampton. Phone 263-2297 38-1 TOMATES, TOMATOES, TOMATOE S Pick Yaun Own. $3.50 Bushel 987-4872 or 987-5289 38-1 SWEET CORN 60 cents per Doz. (10 dazen minimum) KEITH BELL FARM Concession 9, 1 mile west of Raglan (Apprax. 6 iles not th of Oshawa) Phone 655-3326 CLOSED ON SUNDAYS 38-2 New Machinery Specials 1 150 Grinder mixer ... . . . .. . . . ........ .... $3695. 555 Forage Harvester with 72" pick-up end ' 2 row corn head....... 1................... ....... $5995. 46-4F-14- Bttom mounted plow.......... ............ $1425. 710-4F-18- Bottom semi-mounted plow (autamatic reset) ....................... ......... $3695. Krone Rotary Ti ller (Working width 50")....... ....... $1775. Used Machinery 434D 1.H. Tractar ..................$3650. No. 227 l.H. 2 raw carn head for 91-93orl105 cornbine .....1.......................... $1000. Model 80 l.H. combine ............ .......... ..... $2000. GehI Madel FB88 Fora ge Blawer...................... $ 725. Model 575 Cackshutt 6F-16" battam (automatic reset) plaw ......... .......... ........ $3000. 1. H. 103 Manure spreader.................. ... ...... $ 600. 1. H. 150 Manure spreader............................ $ 950. New Hol land 131 Man ure spreader ............... .... $ 775. 633 Cockshutt Manure spreader............... ....... $ 825. Farm Hand Forage Box and Wagon ............ ...... $1495. We now have lnterest Free Pnagrams on new and used tractons and most other seasonal fanm equipment. Rager Davidson is now our Sales Representative in the Bowmanviiîe area, Customers in Bowmanvile, Blackstack, Hampton, Newcastle and Orono cal ZENITH 34400. ROBINSON &KITCHEN FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. (Your International Harvester Farm Machinery Dealer) 1/2 mile east of Junction 7 and 35 highways, south 0f Lindsay. .38-2 OSAw A SCREENED SAND GRAVEI. & STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS ALL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS c k TOPSOIL & DIRT FILI DELIVERED OR REmOV Eo E TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR RENT SNOW REMOVAL 7 2503 SOLINA RD. N. 1 MILE NORTH OF HIWAY 2. SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY 0L~L~ HIGHWAY 2 WOODS tent trailer and ac- Phone cessonies. Good condition. Phone 623-4294. 38-1 57-66 WEALTHY ' Pippins and Mac E. W i T E apples. lst and 2nd g rade quality. Roy Orchards. Phone COURTICE 263-8430. 38-1 30-tf 1972 HONDA, 750, new bars, ýellor "Make-up new header, low mileage, )n and Tea" wili excellent condition. Phone jampton, Village 623-4862., 38-1 uuaranTee

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