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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1976, p. 14

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14 The Canadian Statesrnan, BOWmnanville, Sept ember 2.', 'Çi( FOR CLASSUFIED Tues., 12 noo * -LI- 12 FOOT Springback alumi- numn boat and 10 horsepower Evinrude motor with tank. Both in excellent condition. $490. Phone 623-5317. 38-1 GOOD used furniture, pocket novels, ,small appliances, dkshec. trunks, iamps, collect- ible items. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temperance St., Bowmanville. 38-1 65 GALLON aquarium com- plete with dynaflo filter, heater and plants and f ish. And a beautiful stand. Phone 623-7031, 38-ix HOUSE PLANTS, variety. One Lawson chair, in good condi- tion. Phone 623-2420. 38-1 25 ACRES of Rodney oats standing. Give me an offer. Phone 987-4589. 38-1 McCLARY Sunshine Coal and Wood furnace with blower. G.S. 700-1. $255. Phone 1-986- 5517. 38-1 ALLIS-CHALMERS D17 6 cy- linder Diesel tractor, engine com pletely overhauled, tires good,' block heater, wheel weights, and pulley, also 3-point hitch, Iighfs and starter. Phone 263-2185. 38-1 '74 Lionel Camper, hard top with door, sleeps 4. Phone 623-5192. 38-1 BEDROOM suite, man's double dresser, ladies triple dresser and two night tables. $100. Phone 623-6533. 38-1 WOOLLEN car coat, satin lined, new, size 14. Caîl after noon hour. 623-2675. 38-1ix TWO1,Bowman grain bins, 10) and 12 ton capacity, complete with auqer, blower pipes and bin boot. Also 5 Keenco automatic ,poultry feeders, comolete wit h 250-300 f eet'ot chain, Several automatic poul- try W'aterers. Li ke new. Phone 1-986-4246. 38-1 WOODS, soff top, fent traiter, excellent condition. Best offer. Phone 1-983-9372. 38-1 x ON E set of goal pads, one pair goal skates, one blocker, one set of arm pads and one belly ad, ail to fit 10-12 year ol d hne 623-4867. 38-1 BASEMENT sale, exercise bike, dishes, lamps, books, glassware, trays, high chair, other miscellaneous articles. Friday 10-7, Saturday 10-5 at 715 Stevenson Rd. N., Oshawa. 38-1 1000 BALES of second cut alfalfa hay. Newtonville 786-2927. 38-1 CRESTLINER fibreglass boat, ,40 H.P. Johnson, elec- tric. Phone 263-8288. 38-1 BARLEY straw aiso pull-type plow, needs welding or' for parts. Phone 263-8288. 38-1 FOR sale. 1972 Sportscraft hardtop tent traiter, sleeps 5, table, cupboards, icebox and stove included. Also singer vacuum cleaner with power head, also baby carniage, playpen and set of men's golf clubs, 3 Woods, 9 Irons, wedge, putter, fwo way chip- per, ba g and cart. There are other articles too. Owner must seil at an y reasonable price. Apply 112 Liberty St. N. after 6 p.m. 38-1 FOR SALE Dad's Used Furniture and Antiques 15 press back rockers, 5 round 08k tables, 3 matching victor- ian chairs, 75 pc's depression glass, press back side chairs, round mahogany pedestal ta- ble with lion s feef and leaves extending to 7 ft. in length, tilt top tables, fern stands, brass beds, ginger bread dlock, drop leaf gate leg mahogany table, library table, umbrella stand, mirrors, wardrobes, 9 pc. oak dining room, suite, occasional chairs, harvest table, spool Save on EVERGREENS & 5H RU BS Phonie 987-4589 "Now is the time ta plant and save." JAMBOREE YARD SALE Sept. 23, 24, 25 45 Parkway Cres. Many unusual items con- tributed by local residents and menchants including baby crib, kitchen table, snow tires on nims, lamps, piano benich, books, radio, children's toys and games. Same items brand new. Proceeds ta be donated ta Bowmanville ist Scout Tnoop 38-1 SAILBOAT, 15' Scrroca, fibreglass, hait deck, asking $1,500, 3 h.p. Evinrude andi trailer, aptianal extras, 576- 2220 and 576-0157. 38-i PADDY'S Market now ha8 new furniîture, appliances, T.V.'s andý stereos and alsc used f urniture and appliances. Will accept trade-ins. Paddy's Manket, Hampton, phone 2631 2241. 33t USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26tfI Pure Pine Shavings Baied, Dust-free Phone 723-6660 29-tf SI1NGi1NG baby cananies, van- ious colours. Phone 623-5692. 38- ix Maie tabby caf, dark striped, rings on tail, 1 yean aid, wýeaning collar and tags. Lost in Sopen Park area. If found, please caîl 623-4962 or 623-5221. Sîzeable reward fa finder. 38-i ORANGE fluffy cat, someone's pet. Phone 62a-5264. 38-i Councillor Kenneth Lyall has opened a municipal office at 57 King Street East, Bow- manville. Anyone needing help with a municipal problem is invited to cail 623-6744 or if no aniswer 987-5020. 34-tf NOTICE Ail Rusting Car w n er s Join national group taking legal action fa recover losses from Ford, G.M.C., Chrysîer. WRITE: RUST GROUP BOX 164, Station N New Toronto 14, Ont. 35-4 Senior Citizens, 10 per cent off all hair services. M on day, Tesday and Wd 0saYony Kuri Beauty Shop, 71 King St. EPhone 623-501ý9. "A very friendly atmosphere." 38-4 WINNER otSt.,Marys Cement Juvenile Gate Draw was Brian Reeves, Ajax. 38-1 x Karen Tordiff is pleased to announce the opening on OCTOBER 4th,, 1976 "f Country Roads Nursery School at Shaw's School on Highway No. 2 For Registrations Cali 987-4960 38-1 Harry Voermnan Insurance, 181 Church St., Bowmanville; Ont. Phone 623-4428 Res. 623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE INSU RANC E 28-tf EAR PlIERCINC SERVICE Hooper's Jewellh Ltd. Re&ular Price $12.00 NoW 10,00 with studs Special110 per cent neduct an f irst purchase of earnir with the release farm. Phone 623-5747 For Appaîntment ANN BRADLE) Permanent Hair Remov 136 Simncoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 INFORMATIC RAPE A crisis intervention c fan vicfims of nape an s, assault, CAL L 623-7273 on 623- RAPIE 24 hour answering servi COUPLE vwim new inant Onono an Newcastle anea. Phone 1-983-9300. 38-i ELDERLY Dutch lady wishes ta nent one bedroom apant- ment. Phone 623-3075. 38x iilike commuting distance of Osh awa, 1-705-292-7121.> 35-8x s :tion ngs WANTYEDI Couples interested in good fellowship. Learn modemn square dancing and basic round dance steps. No previous experience required. Modemn music on record. Come and loin our winter program. Ontario St. School, Bowmanville. Thursday 8:00 - 10: 30 p.m. starfing September 23rd. For information caîl 623-5811 or 728-5042. 37-2 WANTED! Ride for 4 year old frota vicinity of Twin Oaks Motel to Ontario Sf. Public School. Arrivîng at school at 9:00 a.m., leaving at 11:40 a.m. Either pay for ride or will consider car pool. Phone 1 -983-5961.- GARAGE, f rorr Aprîl 1 in Bovi car storage. F affer 5. APPLE GI Again buying liL large volume bi also peelers. Cé and prom ptpic Raymnor 416-753. FREE REMO 1 Nov. 1 until THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD, 0F EDUCATION OUTBOARD MOTORS The Northumberlandi and Newcastle Board of Education invites seaied bids on the following Outboard Motors: 2 - 1976 Johnson 6 H. P. Outboard Motors 3 -1976 Evinrude 6 H.P. Outboard Matons The matons may be seen at C.D.C.l. East by contacting Mn. George Davis at the school for an appointmenf. There is a neserve bid,on these motors. Bids should then be mailed to the undersigned no later than 4:00 p.m., Friday, Octoben 1, 1976. Ail envelo pes must be plainly marked -Ouf- board Motors". 38-i %hne 623-6045 SNOW PLOWING 37t Applications wili be receivec by the undersigned until ow E RS Friday, October 8, 1976, for snow rmoval nd sa io uice apples in school driveways and parking ulk at farm, aneas. ash payment Apply in writing stating the ick-up units. type of equipment and the md i nch number of units available 3-2246 schiools in which you are 36-4 interested in servicing. M.A. MacLeod Business Administrator and ~ C Treasurer The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education DVAL OF COBOURG K9A 4L2 FRESH, DEAU. and DISABLED FARM STOCK, SCA LL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 30-tf GUITAR LESSONS Aîso4string Banjo Tommy Cinnamon 623-5060 38-3 WESTERN CANADA SCHOOL OF AUCTIONEERING LTD. Canada's first, and the oniy completely Canadian course offered anywhere, Licensed under the Trade Schools Licensing Acf, R.S.A. 1970, C.366. For particulars of the neýxt course vwrite: Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta or Phone 782-6215 36-9 FULL lime work wanted by Grade 12g raduafe in an office or store. Phone 623-7620. 38-1 LADY will do lighf house- cleaning in Bowmanvillearea. 623-2996. 38-ix DRYWALL BOARDING and TAPING PAINTING - CERAMIC TILE GENERAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS Phone 987-5474 .38-2x THE "AD-E LS" MODERN BANO AVAI LABLE NOW TO PROVIDE MUSIC FOR ANY SOCIAL FUNCTION Telephone 723-6514 or 723-0089 37-3 WILL babysif in my own home, in Maple Grove area, hot l unches. Phone 623-4623. ALL IN COL E'S MOBI LE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS (Tune-ups - Brakes - Etc.) Ail work done by Licensed Class "A" Mechanic At your home or place of business. Ail1 parts and labor guaranteed. Terms cash. PHONE 623-5045 Bowmanville e, * -s NEED help in my fast F roing cosmetic business. uI ,train!ig provided. No areas, quotas, or initial invest- ment. F or appointment cali 623-3072. 37-2 GOOD apple ickers needed. Appiy E.MQserf, N ewcast le, No. 2 ighway, f irst farm soufh-east of su bway. 37-2 SECRETARY for doctor's office. Reply stafing qualifica- tions to Advertiser 638 c-o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvilîe, LIC 3 K9. 37-ff BABYSITTER wanted, 7-3, 3-11, Church St. area. Phone 623-005.38-1 WAITRESS wanted, exper- ience not necessary, but need someone ta depend on for last 4-fminute notice, someone who is not tied dlown to certain hours y or certain days, Coach &Four, y Restaurant, Hwy. i15 and 35, ai 983-5560, Ben or Lisa. 3- 38- INFORMATION RAPE -37-tf CRISIS CE NTRE - , urgentîy need )IN, Vôlunteers Over 18 Moral support ta victims. entre Cali1623-7273 exual or 623- RA PE 24 hour answering service. E 36-4 rice. 36-4 COOK and waitress. il p.m. to 7 a.m. Apply directly to Fifth Wheel R1estaurant, Highway 115 and 35, north of Newcastle. Expenience an asset, but we mq will train if no experience. wish Permanent help. 54 n35-4 Heip! Heip! Help! Leaders for BROWNIE ANDGUIDE MOV EMENTS in Hampton and Courtice anea PLEASE CONTACT: Shirley Jarvis 263-8158 CAR ETAKE R Applications wilI be recei by the undersignedu Thursdayi, Septem ber 30,1 for the position of Caretal 40 hours per week at Newcast le Public School. Good knowledge of sc caretaking proced ures dleaning methodS. Abilit, work from oral and wni Instructions and ta comr icate well with others. Reply in wrîting stating qu fications, address and f phone numnber to: M.A. Mac Leod, Business Administrator and Treasui The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educal Box 470 COBOURG K9A41L2 SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Part Time C HART E RWAYS TRANSPORTATION LT nequine nesponsible persor! train as school bus drivers the area of Bowmanvi Newcastle and Orono.F training by quaiified persc cast of license paid, company. For interview Ca 1CHARTE RWAYS TRANSPORTATION LTE 248 Simpson Ave. Bowmanville, Ont. 623-3811 or 723-717 ATTENTION FARM WORKERS! Apple Picking. Register with us now. NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM FARM LABOUR POOL 7A DIVISION ST. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 623-3880 aved until 1976, ker, the hool and BUTCHER CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING WM. HENDERSON 2,63-8072 34-Il Lawn and Garden Ca re Grass cuttlng, rota tilling and lawn raliing with a commer- cial machine. Seedinu down new iawns and aid, tree cutting, painting, and odd lobs dleann up. 500 lbs. pressure washn for farm equipmnent trucks, etc. Robert Jones 987-5222 -987-4098 27-tf, INSTALL an Esso furnace, boiler, humidifier, heater or air cleaner. Combination wood and ail. Financing avaîl- able. Furnaces cleaned. Parts and service policy. Cali Harvey . Partner, y ur Esso service dealer. F ree esti- mates. Orono 983-5206 or Zenith 14620. 24 hour service. 36-tf MOTHER willing to give loving day cane in my home ta children and infants, aiso willing ta fake schoal children firsf th ing in morning, faor lunches, and affer schooi for working parents. Reasonable. References if required. Waverly Gardens area. Cali 623-9277 atter 6 p.m. 3- Ail-Type Painting & Roof i ng Fiats, tar and gravei, metal, cold process, leaks, repairs, shingles, interier and exterior painting. Free estimates. PHONE 623-5038 9f Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Siding - Soffit - Facer Eavestrough - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 For Free Estimate 22-tf CUSTOM SILO FILLING PHONE ORONO Doug and Bruce Cathcart 983-5697 or 983-507Y 37-2x Lloyd Barnes Piumbing Carpentry, Renavating Ail Generai Repairs REASONABLE RATES' 263-2288 27-tf C &C JAN IYOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery Professionally Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVILLE OXFORD Brick layers and Stonemnasons (Our fireplaces do not smoke) 1-983-5606 25-tf Prof essiona i Stea m Cîeaning Services Commercial - Industnial Residentia I Wall-to-Wall Broadloom Carpets, Rugs & Upholstery CALI BOB AT 623-2383 ýyý JACK BURGESS nun- OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED uaîî- PLUMBING REPAIRS tele- PHON'IE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: iieP.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville tion 30-tf BOB BEERS' 38-i 137 ELGIN STREET - Pîumbing - Heati'ng Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Calil 623-2641 'D. 33-tf s ta sfor 'ille, Ful ans, by -ail: 'D. 71 Bilis GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bawmanville Ontario. Phone 621-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Strm Windows Store Fronts- Float Minrors Patterned and Colored Glass- and Glazing. 17ff 38-i NVA-]I:R Wells bored, 30" - Ward's Well Boring. T phone 342-2030. Represe tive Harny L. Wade. T Phone 987-4531.1 D. Beers & Soni CONSTRUCTION New Hiomes - Renovî< Rec Rooms Repa irs of a Il types. PHONE 623-2263 Ref rigeration and Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refngeaion - MiIk Coolers =HN BERT SYER Days .............. 623-5774 ights ........ 623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tf Durham Masonry Contractors Ltd. Bricks - Logs Field Stonework Speciaiizing in Fireplaces Phone 576-0230 Night 439-6516 38-tf J. A. HAYES (SMOKEY) MEATS Custom Cutting FREEZER ORDERS 174 Ritson Rd, S. Oshawa Phone 579-8011 or 623-7056 36-tf DARLINGION MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf Monte Hennessey Carpentry and Trim - Industrial, Commercial, Residential Maintenance Phone 579-5957 or 623-4581 37-ff INSTALLING or renovating a bathroomn, kitchen, laundry roomn, etc. Pipes, valves and fiftings f romn Harvey Partner. We service ail makes. Cail Orono 983-5206 or Zen ith 14620. 36-tf Ron's Floor Care Commercial and hausehoid dleaning. Dry foam rug and carpet shampooing. Wax ne- moval, walI washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 33-tf NEED a pressure systemn? Water Soffeners? Repairs f0 ail makes. Harvey Partner, ®rono 983-5206 or Zenith 14620. 36-tf ýRiding lessons given by qualified instructan equita- tion, jumping, basic dressage. Use your own hanse on we have good hanses available/ Also hunses broken ignd train- ed. Cal 1623-4558. 25-tf SOWS fon sale due in about 2 weeks. Phone 263-2344. 38-1ix NUBIAN billy goat, 2 years aId. Phone 1-786-2671. 38-i EQU ESTR 'AN TRAINING CENTRE LURGE INDOOR ARENA BOARDING instruction in Jumping Dressage Schooling of Hunte(s & Jumpers Hunters & Jumpeirs Bought & SoId RR 3 BowmAN vILLE 623,~7336 e * e * e, nta- URGENTLY REQUIRED!! Fele- We have cash buyers for 16-tf homes in the Bowmanvîlle - area. Perhaps your home IS would brlng top dollar? We'Il be pleased fa appraise if for, ating yOu, and help you locate the "home of your dreams". For friendly efficient sale of your home, cal P. & R. Realty Company, Realtor, Bennett Rd. and No. 2 Hwy., Bowman 20-tf ville5766120. i7tf BUILIDING, indcownitown area of Bowmanville, in commer- cial zone, could be used for office space. For further information please cal 623-7865, evenings only. 38-1 THREE bedroom house, two sforey, immediate possession. Phone 623-4749. 38- THREE bedroom home, fully broadloomed, finished family room. Available Oct. lst. Phone 623-9515. 38-1 BOWMANVILLE - fwo bed-_ room apartment, living room, kitchen and bath. Immediate possession. Reasonable. Heat- ed. Cable TV. Phone 623-7523. 38tf SIX room house, near to shopping. $270 per monfh. Adluits preferred. No pets. Cal1 623-3764 after f ive. 38-2 FOUR bedroom Townhouse,' fully broadloomed, garage, balcony, in Port Hope. Occu- pancy October 1. Phone 1-416- 447-2659 after 5 p.m. 37-4x BOAT STORAG E October to May OSHAWA NORTH 14 ft. high x 12 ft. wide door. Cali Evenings 263-2591 36-3 FEMALE wanted ta shane 2 bedroom apant ment with teacher. Rent easonable. Phon'e 623-6848 affer 4. 38-i Storage spa ce for BOATS AND TRAILERS Phone 623-5428 2nd and 3rd MORTGAGE MONEY A VA ILABL E - 5 year termn - Open Mortgages - No 'payments 'for three months , - No bonuses - No Credif Checks - No inquiry from neighbors - Confidenfial arrangements made in your home - Borrow as low as $1,600 - Fast service Cali Mr. Wilks Mortgages bought and sold (Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax) 683-2611 699-1211 (Toronto) 33-tf 1973 GRAND Prix, aIl power, air conditioning, buckets, $3750 firm. Mike 623-3416. 38-1 1974 CHEVROLET Impala, P.S., P.B., tinted glass, vinyl roof, other options. 623-5179. 38-1 1971 RED Toyota Corolla. Phone 623-5869. 38-1 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, good condition. Will certify. Phone 623-5089 atter 5 p.m. 38-1 CONVERTIBLE, 1969 Pontiac Parisienne, automatic, p.s. and p.b. Phone 263-8288. 38-1 GOOD used furniture. Phone Towne Used Fumniture, 623-4681, Bowmanvil le. 38-1 TOP CASH PAID FOR USED PIANOS Player Piano Lotis 0f used pianos in stock, organs too I OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE 16 Simcoe N. (at King) 728-1675 25 tf 1972 CUTLASS Sports Su- preme, V-8, buckets, console, rear -defrost, stereo, low mileage, Ziebarted and cerf!i- tied. Excellent condition. 623-6002. 38-if \/ITALIZING! Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofing on new or used vehicles. Wnitten war- ranty. Durham Vitalizing, phone 723-1155. 25-tf 1970 CAMARO, super sport, 350, p.s., p.b., $1700 firm. Phone 7232136. Au.ct, on sale, choice antiques, valuable collection of 55 antique dlocks. Many preciaus Cranbery ware and fine china. Select assortment of antique furniture. For ex- am ple: One Jacobian Setee - 3 pc.-rocker - armchaîr, Orlthophonic Victrola, rare replica of Antonius Stradi- varius, curved glass corner china cabinet, Limoges porce- lain, lamps, lanfernis, one excellent quality Solid Oak round table dining room suite (51If.) Buffet and S erving table p lus 6 chairs (beautiful condi- ,ion). Edison cvlinder (etc.) Gramaphones, CLOCKS: Pequegnat Canadian, Seth Thomas, Banjo, Marbie, carniage, Mantel, Ginger- bread, Hall Canadian, Mun- deli, Grandfather (3 or 4), Regu lator, Calendar school, ornate, wag, inlaid, carved, Pendulum; Rocking chairs, wicker carria ge, beaver Seal- er, Vienna Pitcher, antique smoke stand, antique cradie, Wooden washing machine, crocks, nice olde love seat, tables, olde butter dishes and prints, very ornate tea silver urn, blue glass pitcher, Boston Rock 'er, Brass bed, smal11 wal11 walnut cabinet, China, Amberina pitcher, carnival g lass, Wedgewood china, Olde transfer print vase, Cranberry items (many), Aladdin Iamp (marbie base), Gilt Alabaster picture frames, hanging Iamp with prisms, wooden coffee miii1, etc., etc. Please note thaf this is a mere partial'list. Also some 2Oth century domestic chattel and expedients. Satur- day, September 25, 1:00 p.m. in the Antique Gallery, Liptay Antique Auct ion- Centre, Peterborough, Hi ghway No. 7 and Bensfort Road, at fi ashing light just east of the Otonabee River. Sale conducted bly Liptay Auctioneers. Ltd. Auctioneer Steve Liptay, 1976 W.ýorld_ Champiýon Auctianeer. LOOKI1 NG to buy a 1965 Chevy Il for parts. Phone 987-4077 affer 5. 38-1 CASH register for retail sales. Please phone 987-4563. 38-1 '67 BUICK Skylark, 6 cyl. or '67 Malibu. Phone 623-4749. 38-1 '(ÏSÉDT Furniture and ApplG ances. Paddy's Marke-t Hampton 263-2241. 33-tf CASH for, goid, silver, coins, guns, cloËks, ieweilery, dish- es, furniture, cracks, paint- ings, sealers, appliances.ý Friendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 38-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors', Motorcf-cîes-. Snowmnobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE 'PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-tl '71 CHEVY Van, 6 c y i., standard, 74,000 miles. Radil tires, radio, insulated. Phone 1-983-9558. 38-1 1968 CHEVROLET 1/2 ton, 6 cylinder standard, $1100 or best offer. Phone 987-5226. 38-1 1975 GMC one ton window van,, 350 - 4 barrel, 12,000 miles, chrome bumpers, radio, car- 9 etng extra snow tires, ail avy'duty, like new. Price $5,400. Phone 987-5215. 38-1 1967 VOLKSWAGEN, 1971 Meteor Rideau. As is. Phone 623-6952. 38-1 1973 PONTIAC Catalina, cerfi- f led, A-i condition, must be sold this week. Best offer accepted. Calil623-3258. 38-1 '69 CHEVELLE, good condi- tion, as is. Phone 62J-4294. 38-1 '71 FORD Customn 500, cerfi- fied, A-I shape. Phone 1-932- 2149. 38-1 x 1974 ASTRA Hatchback for parts, good motor and trans- mission, body rustproofed. Besf offer 983-9391. 38-1 '76 CHEV. IMPALA, 2 door hardtop, vinyl top, many options, 10,000 miles, $4800. Phone 576-2851. 38-i 1968 FORD 1/2 ton, mechani- cally AI. Body needs repair- ing. Best offer. Phone 987-4589. 38-i 1972 VEGA GT, 4 speed, new motor and tires, $700. Phone 623-5427. 38-1 "RESULTS COUNTI Multiple Listing îv: Oshawa & District Real Es tate Board 'M =t Saturda y, Oct. 2 - 11 a.me. Furniture andi Antiques Auction sale includîng pîne wardrobe, black waînuf but- ler's tray, sawbuck table, pine window-frame mirror, walnut bedside table, pine coat rack,, Niagara area pine plant stand,, two pine capfain's chairs, pine chest of drawers, pine bucket stand, black leather desk chair, Chippendale exec. desk (Y' x 6'), Sheraton games, table, fier table, mahogany nest tables, two wing chairs, French Prov. settee, arm; chair, Jacques and Hayes chair, solId cherry end ta ble and coffee table, table lamps (china), workshop equipmenf and tools, china and glass, garbage compactor, manual typewr iter, cedar and alum. patio f urniture, Sunbeam mix- master, oval Duncan Fyfe coffee table, garage storage, cabinet on caster, stepladder, bar-b-cue, Sinclair sleigh (Lindsay), Mott mower and other equipment, An excellent quality sale. The property of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zering, on Brock-Reach Town line, 4 miles north of Greenbank and 3 miles east, or 71/2 miles north of Port Perry, 1/2 mile west. Lloyd Wilson, Sale-Manager and Auctioneer, Uxbridge, 852-3524. 38-2 Thursday, Sept. 30 - 7:30 p.m. Hoîsteins ComplIete Barbehaven Hol- Stein DispersaI for Gerald Barber, R.R. 1, Bloomfield. Sale will be held at the new Maîmont Farms Sales Arena, 1/2 mile south of Blackstock. From Hwy. 401 take Waverly Rd. (Exit 74), go 12 miles, north to Blackstock. 50 Head R.O.P. tested,- Classified. Deep'fuli Pedigrees. 4 Very Good. Features of this sale include a 2 yr. old by "Count Crystan" due in October. Her 4 direct dams are G.P. 18000 lb., then 3 "Very Good" ail with high records. A Very Good 16000 lb. Apex just f res h with a heifer caîf by "Man-O- War", 2nd Dam G.P. by Almerson Sov. Supreme and 3rd Dam V.G. 2 star. Another feature is a Ver y Good Ideal Fury Reflector due in Febru- ary. Her 3 Dams are ail "Very Good". This sale also includes 25 fresh and close heifers and Cows from full pedîigreed herds. An excellent opportun- ity to buy milk with pedigrees. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager and Auctioneer, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 38-2 Auction sale Saturday, Sei> 25th, 1:-15 at Bannisterý- Auction Hall beside Fire Hall in Bewdley consîsting of chest of drawers, Gone-With-the- Wind lam p. tables, chairs, chiid's rocking chair,, docks, oul lamps, dishes, ý(assvare, T.V.'s, school desks, books and other items stil being consigned. Roger Bannister, auctioneer. 38-1 Auction Sale Grist Miii Auction Barn Newtonville, Fri,, Sept. 24th 7:00 P. M. Selling the contents from an Orono home inicluding RCA color T.V., beds, chests of drawers, dressers, 2 door fridge and coppertone fridge, stove with overhead oven, upright freezer, 5 pc. kitchen suite, chesterfield suite (French Prov.?,- coffee and end tables, small Duncan Phyfe knee-holedesk, library table, recliner, new bedding buffet, gingerbread dlock, crocks, old chairs, Morris, -recliner, plus hardware items, garden tools, etc. etc. This sale consists of many fine pieces. Plan to attend. Terms: Cash. Auctioneers: Stapleton Bros. 786-2244. 38-1 Auction Sale, furniture and antiques including - lamps, tables, railroad Ianternis, tele- phone, hall tree, rocking chairs, volume TP Weekl y washer, dryer, crocks, Frank- lin stove, dressers, hulch, pine, washstand, follet set, wicker, fools, numerous other articles, the property of Ross Disney, Greenwood Village, 5 miles west of Brooklin of? No. 7 highway. Watch for signs. Saturday Sept. 25 - 11:30 a.mn.. Terms cash, no reserve, lunch available, Earl Gauslin, Norm Faulkner Auctinners.r-

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