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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1976, p. 2

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2 The~ Caniadi an St at esn an. Bowniaiaî *lie, (vtc u 1 )76 Santa Has Coû'ncîl Clearance Bowmanville's Santa Claus Parade committee has set Saturday, Novem ber 2à, as the date when Santa Claus- will corne to town. The date was proposed in a letter before council Monday afternoon and council was agreeable., As well as approving the date for this year's Santa Claus Parade, council also gave its approval to a Booster Button Blitz to be beld in the Bowmanville and outlying areas Saturday, November 13. Agree to Study (Frorn Page One) agreed to the study. Oshawa regional councilior, John Howden, said that the durnp is proposed for a site iocated on the Oak Ridge Moraine - - - a piece of iandscape that is supposed to be preserved in the Durhamn Region Officiai Plan. "Look Funny", He said council wouid "look funny" if it were to go ahead with the dump studies and then find that a dump couldn't be built because of restrictions in the plan. Councillor Howden aiso not- ed that there were no main arteries ieading to the propos- ed site and be pointed out that the site would be iocated at the headwaters of creeks that flow to Osba wa. 1Councillor Lyaii opposed the report also, arguing that is should be tabied two weeks 50 that the local councillors in the Town of Newcastle could look at it., Councillor Lyall's motion A lettex' before cotuncil explained that the bliliz is plartned in order to raise money for the production of "a bigger and better parade for our area." In stili another letter from parade organizers, council was told that a committee is looking for land on wbich a 24 x 40 pole-type building can be built. The structure would be used to* provide storage space for the large reindeer float as well as costumes and other equip- failed, alongside a motion by Garnet Rickard that would have sent the report back to the Public Works committee for a two week period. Councillor Lvall suR2ested that people in the Town of Newcastle are wondering now if they have to stay within the Durhamn Region because their tax bis are so high thîs vear. "Garbage Capital" He added that it would appear as though the munici- pality is going to have to stay within the Municipality of Durham in, order to become "the garbage capital of the Region." Public works comrnîttee chairman, Carl Puterbough said the dump was being considered as if it were an established fact. He said this was not the case. The studies would only see if the dump would be a useable landfill site and he said the studies were needed. He noted that the municipal- ity of Whitby had only four rnonths left with its present garbage disposai arrange- ments. H1e said that if a new site were not found he didn't know what Whitby would do. Councillor Rickard was suc- cessful in. getting a clause written into the report which states that a rea municipalities where the landfill site is to be located will have a say in the study. Included in the study of a new landfill area will be an investigation of' the existing Darlington landfill site to see if it can be expanded. nient that the parade organ- izalion bias assembled. According Io the parade coimit tee, il wouid be pos- sible to finance. the building, but not the extra cost of land. The commit tee bas asked thal the Town of Newcastle pro- vide some land on the Base Line Road, somewhere behind the Works Department gar- age. The request bas been-sent to the Community Services com- mittee. Vis ual ^Arts (From Page one) with the Jaycees, but the centre's board of directors overturned that decision by a vote 4-2 last Monday. Instead, they adopted tbe position that ail four floors of the building be deveioped by tbeir group. At present, the V.A.C. controis the lower two levels of the miii, though the main floor is presentiy occupied by the department of recreation as a workshop. Though the cornmunity serýý vices committee deferred final judgrnent on the matter at Monday's meeting, they resoived to find an alternative that would satisfy both groups. And as far as the Visual Arts Centre is concerned, sharing the building with the Jaycees (or any other group for that matter) isn't the answer, so it appears the committee will look eieswhere for the Jay- cees. Can't Agree To Agree In a detaiied brief to the committee, Visuai Arts spokesman Bill Humber argued that tbe long term goal of the centre is compiete restoration of the miii and the planning as "a total concept" of ahl fourfloors of the historic structure for the arts for the people of the Town of New- castle. "LIt is our purpose to say that this building is becoming an important focal point for the arts for the whoie Town of Newcastle", he said. "This we believe can be furthered not by turning it into a muiti-use structure, but only be reaf- firming the town's support for a 'totally planned arts centre' under the direction of the Visuai Arts Centre in concert with the town." In light nf that stance, there would be no room for tbe Jaycee scbeme. The' committee considered otber possibilities for Jaycee headquarters, inciuding tbe use of a vacant scbooi portable which couid be purchased and transported to the Soper Creek site, a major redevelopmnent project sponsored by the service club. At the conclusion of the meeting, Jaycee Larry Pooler stated that in view of the wishes of the Visual Arts Centre to have sole control over the mili, be felt it wasn't worth pressing the matter further. For bis part, V.A.C. rep Bill Humber said that he hoped the Jaycees wduld be able to find a suitable alternative to serve as their beadquarters, but maintained bis position that the miii should be used and developed exclusiveiy by the Visual Arts Centre. LETTER TO EDITOR Newcastle, Ontario, September 20, 1976. Dear Sir: This letter is addressed to the parents of Courtice Secon- dary Scbool students. Recently, a controversy bas arisen over certain actions Mr. John Sylvestervich, Vice- Principal of Courtice Secon- dary Scbool, bas supposediy taken witb respect to some of your children. In support of Mr. Sylvestervicb, 1 should like to point out that he was a very capable administrator whiie be was Vice-Principal at Carke High Scbooi. To the best of my knowledge any action be took at Clarke was for tbe benefit of students. H1e is an honest and very unselfish man. Therefore, I urge you to support hlm in bis endeavours at Courtice. In the long run, I arn certain you and your cbiidren wiii be the benefac- tors of bis genuine concern fo the weifare of others. Yours truly, Paul McMackin, To The Editor: My name is Deborah Carnp- bell. 1 sent you a letter concerning your advertising our organization in your newspaper (Wbich is One Parent Famiiy Association) You agreed and I sent you our newsietters. Tbe reason 1 arn writing is because the newsietter did not state that we are having a big dispiay at Oshawa Shopping Centre on the 24-25 of Sept. We wiii be in front of Reitman's. I would appreciate it very much if you*would advertise this for us, and even corne and see wbat we are ail about. If you wouid like to speak to me personally 1 will be there on Friday morning- afternoon and tbe President will be there on Saturday afternoon. I would aiso like to thank you very much for publishing my letter in your newspaper. Yours Sincereiy Deborah Campbel Publicitv Director Port Granby (From Page One) two of the main concerns for deciding on a site, Mr. Baschenis said. 1 "The major deterrnining criteria fail into the categories of social econornics and envir- onmentai consîderations," he said. Specific site engineering tests are pianned as part of a public information prograrn on the proposai which wiii begin after a site in chosen. When completed, the new refinery wiii cali for 150 empioyees -invoived, la the piant's estîmated output of 10,000 tons of uranium hexa- flouride a year, hie said. About 300 ernployees are required for the construction stage of the $75 million project which souid begin by the next summer to reach an on- stream target date of around 1985. No short-term changes to the operation of the Port Hope plant as a resuit of the new refinery proposai are pianned, Mr. Baschenis said. "However, in the longer run, there would be a change in the configuration of activ- ities at Port Hope," he added. "There wouid be a de- ernphasis on chernicai proces- sing and more ernphasis on rnetalurgical processing." Dis t. Health (From Page One) After the cornrittee was forrned in April, the seven members arranged for public meetings in four communities inciuding Bowmanviiie to pro- vide local resîdents with 623-,4481 219 KING ST. E. BOWMA NVULLE information on the council propoqal. About 280 heaith-care agen- cies oi Durham were sent inforniation on the council proposai. About 280 heaith-care agen- cies in Durham were sent information about the propos- ai as well. Before tbe steering group can begin working on the formation of the council, they now must wait for nomina- tions to fi 14 positions open to the public on the new council. The positions are, open to seven representatives' of varlous medicai agencies, seven others representing those who use health services and tbree members of the regionai council. Wbile the provincial Minis- ter of Heaith will appoint their first çbairman, the heaith council itself xiii eleet a member to the position in the future. Although ail final decisions concerning health care in the region are the responsibility of the province, Minîstry of Healtb officiais have toidthe steering cornrittee that the health council wouid be con- suited first. 2 Meetings (Frorn Page One) porariiy, at a cost of $30,000. Will Raise Money A group caiied the New- castle Village and District Funding Organization inforrn- ed council by letter on Monday that it wouid raise one quarter of the $30,000. The rernainder of the money would corne from Wintario grants and Com- rnunity Centres grants. liowever, the $:30,00 would only get the arena through the eoming season. After that, further repairs to the building wili be needed or it may be necessary to build a new arena sheli at a cost of $250,000, Repairs to Bowmanville's arena are just a matter of mathemnatics, according to Mayor Garnet Rickard. Choices The mayor said Monday that there are two choices. ]Either money can corne from taxpayers or from voluntary contributions. The mayor said that if the public were willing to, make Y F wIw L[. contributions, then only $11,250 would be needed to repair the building. The rest of the money wouid corne from Wintario grants and Com- munity Centres grants. If, however, the repaîr costs were put on tax bis, then the Wintario grants wouid not appiy and tbe rnunicipaiity would have to raise $33,750. The remaining 25 per cent wouid corne from a Commun- ity Centres grant. In making bis motion to cali a meeting in Bowmanvilie, Councillor Ivan Hobbs said he hoped organizations in the town wouid be notified of the meeting in advance. He also suggested that somne local industries couid be approaebed for donations. Plans For Courtice Council bas engaged the firrn of M.M. Dillon Lirnited to do the first phase of a planning study for the Courtice area. The same firm is doing a more detaiied study of- Bow- manvilie and Newcastle Vil- lage and the completion date for these studies is also October 31. A RESH ONE. / ::RESH FRESH FRESH FRESH FRESH FRESH RIDAY- SATURDAY - SUNDAY ' ainbow Trout - ulce, salad, rail and butter, choice of potafo, vegetables, lemon m edge, tartar sauce, dessert and beverage. - (Limited Quantity) ON LY 55o az. 7-14oaz RESH FRESH FRESH FRESH FRESH FRESHZ At U COACH &FOUR 1\-ý Restaurant & Tovern R. 2 Orono H wy., 115 & 35 Phone 983-5560 REMINDING YOU: Any day of the week we wiII supply a cake and coloured photo for anniversaries or birthdays by reservations only. COUNT DOWN, NEW CAR CLEARA ALL VEHICLES LISTED ARE 1976 A MODEL PINTO, MAVERICK MUSTANG GRANADA PONY" 2 door 3 door wagon SQU IR E GHIA m GHIA, GHIA, TORINO "G RAN" "BROUGHAM"À WAGONS2 SQU IRE WAGONS 2 door hdtp. FOR D CUSTOM 500 FOR D'S LI ST PRICE $3,305 $3,487 $3,677 $3,862 $4,149 2 door $3,660 4 door $3,729 2 door $4,057 3 door $4,279 2 doar $M,60 ACHI 1 $4,840 2 door $4,408 4 door $4,513 2 door $4,981 4 door $5,087 2 door $4,871 4 door $4,909 2 door $5,230 4 door $5,270 2door $5,825 4 door $5,842 4 door $5,582 4 door $5,949 4 daar $5,261 2 door $5,652 4 daar $5,624 LTD LTD BROUGH1 $5,787 2 doar 4 doar LTD LANDAU 2 daar 4 doar WAGONS LTD WAGONS SQUIRE WAGONS THUNDERBIRDS TRUCKS 30 DAYS IN SEPTEMBER Aprl, June and November ail the rest have 31 except at Macdonald's where there are- only 25. S25 SELLINO DAYS IN SEPTEMBER (We're open Saturdays) 394 1976 CARS and TRUCKS TO GO At our 3 locations BIG INVENTORY Ail stops pulled to move this before September 3Oth Every car and truck has been DRASTICALLY REDUCED to Macdonald's count down price Buy now while we have BIO VARIETY Save by buying at these DISCOUNTED. 1976 PRICES P.S. HOT COFFEE WILL BE SERVED TO KEEP YOU WARM CKUP $6,266 $6, 187 $6i683 $6,6 16 $5,925 $6, 156 $6,502 $9,329 $4,278 MACE SALE $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 s4 $3 $3 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $81 $3 TC HOW TO USE~ MACDONALD'S COU NTDOV 1. Choose the model yau want and select the t tram this advertisement. 2. Add the optiong. Our salesmen ail have optiai anxious ta help. 3. Deduct the allowance for your trade-in. Our will provide an evaluatian ta help yaur deal. 4. Add charge for: predelivery inspectian, freli Sales Tax and license. 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