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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Oct 1976, p. 13

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowrnanvile, October 6, 1976 13 DEADLUNE FOR CLASSIFIED l[ ADLTu*es., 12 noon 623-3303 BUMA - Albert and Donna (nee Archibaid) are pleased ta announce the bîrth of their I,,irst born, a daughter, Melissa Mrgaret Tetpje, on Friday, Sept. 24, 1976 at Oshawa General Hospital, weighing 6 lbs. 2 ozs. Proud grandparents are Mrs. Margaret Archibald of Burketon, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Buma of Enniskillen. Great grandparents are Mrs. Jeannie Englîsh, Toronto, s. Minnie Archîbald, Fen--- n Fails and Mr. and Mrs. kMbert Taisma of Bowman- ville. 40-1 DITTRICK - Donald andi Elaine (nee Highfield) are overly pleased to announce the arrivai of their lovely daughter, Anitra Olivia Lorena, who arrived Wednes- day, September 29th, 1976, 7 lbas. 10 ozs. Little sister for Trevor. Proud grandparents Are Mr . and Mrs. Lester C. Highfieid, Bowmanville, Mrs. Agfatha Dittrîck, and great grandmother Mrs. Anne Kry- hul,,Oshawa. 40-1 FINNSON - Ross and Phyllis (Emmerson) are pieased to announce the birth of their da ughter, Sally Dyrun, 8 lbs. 21/'2 ozs., on September 28 at St. Joseph's Hosptal, London, Ontario. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. E. Finnson, Rosseau, and Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Emmerson, Oshawa. 40-1ix MORTON - Gord andLois (nee Stapleton) are thrîlled to announce the birth of their second son, Dwayne Robert on Sept. 24th 1976, weighin g 9 lbs. 3/ ozs. A brother for Kevin. P roud grandparents are Mr. and rs. Don Stapleton, Newtonville and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morton, Kendai. Special thanks to Dr. Mc Kenzie and to the maternity staff of Bow- manvîlle Hospital. 40-1 McNICOL- Jim and Debi (nee Birreil) are happy to announce the arrivai of Shan- non Anne on September 26 at Memorial Hospital, Bowmfan- ville. 8 lbs. 1/2 oz. A special thank you to Dr. J.D. Rundie, Dr. A. Westgarth and the Matern ity staff. 40-1ix ADAMS, Earl (Dave) - At the Toronto General Hospital on, Saturday, Oct. 2, 1976, Earn (Dave> Adams, beloved hus- band of Leona Bradley, father of Mrs. George Barker (Bet- 4,Mrs. Frank Locke ce), Mrs. Linda Parker, of Oshawa; AI Adams, Alx, Eddy Adams, Oshawa. Brother of Mrs. David Both- well (Bernice), Bowmanville, in his 7lst year. Rested at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with funeral service in the chapel Tuesday, Oct. 5 at 1:45 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn cemetery. Memorial donations ta the charity of your 'choice would be ap- preciated. Wewould liketo express our siicere appreciatian to aur friends in The cammunity of Hampton for the lovely set of dishes and bathroomn acces- sories presented to us as wedding gifts. Jerry and Darlene Brown 40-1 1 wish ta express m y thanks to my neighbours an d friends for their kind thoughts, cards and f lawers. Alsa a special thanks to Doctors Anfossi and Long and ail the nursing staff of Memorial Hospital for the excellent care 1 received. Flarence Hawells 40-1 The family af Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kuipers invite friends and neighbaurs ta an open house at St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church Hall on Friday, Octaber 8th tram 8-10 p.m. in hanaur of their parents 4th wedding anniversary. Best wshesaonly. 40-1 the family af Allan A. Martin, retired inspectar af Public Schoals, invite his friends and relatives toaa receptian in his hanar an Sunday, Octaber l7th, in Simcae Street Unted Church Parlaurs, Bagat Street, Oshawa, fram 2:00 p.m. ta 5: 00p. M. 39-3x BEACOCK - Austin Howard. Suddenly at the Oshawa General Hospital as the result of an accident an Thursday, September 30, 1976, Austin H. Beacock af Blackstock, Ontario. Deary loved hus- band of Helen Whitfield, dear father af Marion (Mrs. John Mew) af Toranto. Laving grandfather af Jane (Mrs. M. Sol termann) and Robert. Brother of Edith (Mrs. Wil- fred Hobden) of Boston, Mass. In. his 81st year. Private funeral service was held at the chapel of McDermott- Panabaker, Part Perry on Saturday, October 2at 1 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery, Cadmus. 40-1 BRADLEY, Irene May - At Oshawa General Hospital on Thursday, Sept. 30, 1976. Irene May Jackman wife af the'late Charles A. Bradley, in her 89th year, mother of Howard of Oshawva, sister of- Mrs. Ruby Dunn and Mrs. Hilda Aber- nethy bath of Bowmanville, Russell Jackman, Chicago and Lamne Jackman, Bow- manville. Rested- at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with funeral service In the chapel Saturday,, Oct. 2 at Il a.m. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. 40-1 JACKSON, Leslie C. At ,Memorial Hasp ital, Bowman- ville on Tuesday, September 28, 1976. Les Jackson of 133 Church St. in his 9lst year, beloved husband of Chrissie Freeman. Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home for funeral service on Thursday afternoon. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. 40-1 For AillYour "Flowers STOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS VAN BELLE THIEY'RE HARD TO BEAT Carnaion lowerShopDAILY Dliv.ry ta.. 33ntin lwr hp Oshawa - BammanvilIe rea 3Division St. hn 6344 623-7141 Poe6344 tf 43-tf riOtbGUtt eLlott Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE Concerned people often inquire about pre-arrangement of fUneral details. ln-, formation can be simply and thoUghtfuîly obtained upon reqUest. This is part of our service to the commun ity. 53 DIVISION STRE ET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 40-1 Durham CoUnty's Oîdest FUneral1 SerV-.ce MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY .LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Onta rio LiA 3W3 High Qua ity at Reasonable Prices Phone 885-5216 Home 885-5222 WORKMANSHIP * QUALITY The family of the late Gardon James Burley would like ta express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for acts of kîndness shown in the loss of a dear husband, son, father and grandfather. Special thanks ta Rev., Long, Morris Funeral Chapel and Heather Rebekah Lodge No. 334. 40-1 i wouid like ta thank Drs. Hubbard and Sylvester and al the nurses on the third floor for the care i received while a patient in the hospital. Mrs. Brignal 40-1 x Iwish ta thank my relatives and neighbors for visits, cards and flowers while I was in the hospitai - Margaret Argue 40-1ix We wish ta extend aur sincere thanks ta everyone whose thaughtfulness was re- flected in their acts of kindness since the passing of' our belaved mother. The Overy Fami ly 40-1 ALLIN (Shaw) -In laving memory of a dear sister Edna, who passed away, Oct. l3th, 1973. Treasured memaries keep yau near As time unfolds another year No need for words except ta say Stili loved and rnissed in every way. -Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by sisters, Vera, Mabel and I na. 40-1 GARBUTT - In Ioving me- mary of dear husban d, fath er and grandfather Trueman (,arbuti Who passed away Uct. 6, 1972. Trueman, we miss you 50 Wife Ma y, son Jack, daughter- in-law Gloria, graridchildren Lisa, Michael, Gary and Kelly. LEE William H. - ln loving memory of aur dear father and grandfather, who passed away Oct. 7, 1975. As time unfolds anather year Memories keep you ever near. - Sadly missed by daughter Marie, son-in-law Alec and g randchildreni Kell~y and Shawn of St. Catharines. 40-1 LEE, William H. - hlnalving memory of aur dear father and grandfather who passed away, Oct. 7, 1975. God grant us the serenity To accept the things we cannot change. -Sadly missed by daughter, Betty, son-in-law Ed and grandchildren Caroline and andra. 4- LEE, William Henry - In loving memory of my dear husband who passed away Oct. lth,, 1975. i cannot corne ta see you For there is no address Only a beautiful garden Wherey ou have gone ta rest But if R oses g row in Hpaven Oh Lord Please pick a bunch tram there Put them in his laving arms Ta tell hlm how much i care. - Always remembered and sadly missed, his loving wife Betty. 40 lx MIDDLETON - In loving memory of my dear wife, Zella C. who entered into rest one year aga October 8, 1975. One year has passed si nce that sad day The one-i ioved was called away God took her home, it was his will But in my heart, she liveth ~still - Lavingly remembered and sadiy missed by husband Jim. 40-1 x MONTGOMERY - In ioving memory of a dear father, Gardon, wbo passed away, October 5, 1971. Loving and kind in ail his ways, Upright and Iust to the end of his days, Sincere and kind in heart and mind, What a beautiful memory he left behind. - Remembered by daughter, Helen and granidsan, John and wife, Mary. 0l Duplicate Bridge, every Tuesday night at the Library - 7:30. $1 per night includes light refreshments. Ail bridge players most welcame. 40-1 x Hadassah .Uphoîstery Fabri Sa le Tuesday and Wednesda) October 12th and l3th 9 a.m.to 9 pm. 144 King St. East Oshawa NEWSUPPLY OF LOVEI FABRICS. GOOD NEW AND USE[ ME RCHAN DIS E. T HANKSGIVINI CRAFT Friday, Oct. 8,M1 4 P. M. CH 1LDREN AGE 6AND FREE 0F CHARGE Bowmanviîe Public Libri 62 Temperance St. 623-7322 KEEN -, n laoving memor, Robert S. Keen, wha c October 7th, 1974. Though absent you are v~ near Stili loved, stili rnissedi very dear. - Loving remembemed by wife Winifred. 4( MONTGOMERY - n 0vi memory of a dear husba and falher, Gardon, w passed away, October 5, 19 The face I loved is now lI low, His loving voîce is stili, The hand so otten claspeci mine, Lies now in death's cold ch i often sit and think of hir When i arn aIl!alone; For memory is the only th That grief can cali its owî -Ever rernembered by wi Elsie and son, Ron. 40 MERCER, Jane- In merni of a dean wife who pass away Oct. 7, 1973 As time unfolds anot'her ye 1MI'emanies keep yau ever ne Sulent thoughts of times« gether Hold memories that will Ié farevèr. -Remembered by husbar Roy.M MERCER, Jane- In mern of a dean mother and grar mother, who passed aw; Oct. 7, 1973. We moumn for hem in silenc No eyes can see us weep But many a sulent tear is si While others are asleep. -Remembered by Dav Kathy and children. 4 FOSTER - n memory of beloved mothen and gran mother Evelyn M. Foster w passed away October 12, 19; The months have grawn di by day. Its now two years sinces went away Thoughts are full and hear do weigh Without hem here ta sharet way Time may duil the hand of f But memory torever w recali this date You stili live on, in the heai and minds 0f the loving family you 1 behind. - Veny sadly missed daugter Barbara, son-mn-l Don Cochrane, grandchildr Craig, Donna and K Thomnas. 40 MIDDLETON l n lovir rnemory of a dear'mother ar grandmather Zella C. wl entened inta rest, one yeam eý iOctober 8, 1975. ntears we saw yau sinkin, We watched you fade away Our heants were almast bnm en You fought so hard to stay fBut when we saw yau sleepr Sa peacetully, fmee franm pa 1We could not wish you bacl To suffer that again. - Always remembered ar sadiy missed by daught Enid, son-in-iaw Bmuc gnandsons Randy and CraIý 40_ ic, ýy LY D 40- G C£, Club Annrene Scugog Island Fail Dance Band Schedule Oct.9-"Something Blue" Fr1 .,Oct. 15-"'Lockerbie" Oct. 16-"The Shadows" Oct.23-"Somethina Blue" Oct. 30 --"Par Four" Nov.6-"Sun" Nov. 13-" Positive Outlook" 1Nov.20-"'Par Four" Nov.27-"Little Caesar and the Consuls" Dec.4-" Positive Outlook" Dec.1 -"Lockerbie" Dec. 182' Par Four" New Yetr's Eve "Somnefhing Blue" INFORMATION: Don Armstrong 725-4344 or 576-6599 40-1 16 EBENEZER TURKEY SUPPER UP Sat., Oct. 23rd ýary SettingS: 4:30 p.M. -6:15 p.m. Ad Uîts $4.50 40-- Chiîdren (11 and under> $200 FOR TICKETS CALL: 728-2172 af ter 5 p. m. 40-3 -yof GIANT YARD ied 1SAL E ery Saturday, October 9th Monday, October 1 îth and 10Oa.m. - 6 pm. Lakeshore Road, 14 mile east his Hope Cia rke Line jo-lx Antiques, Pine, Oak, Victorian treasu es. 40-1 ring and Tyrane L.O.B.A. 1244 vho Euchre and Penny Sale, 971. Wednesda y, Oct. 27, 1976 at 8 laid pmrnin the Tyrone Layai Orange Hall. Admission 50c Penny Sale tickets available j n tram members and at Hall that night. 40-3 Long Sault Club 50 Penny ing Sale, Bake Sale and Aftemnoon n ' Tea, Wednesday, Nov. 10 fife starting at 2 p m. in Tyrane Carnmunity Centre. Admis- lix sion 50c. Door Prizes. 4- oxy TyroneThUnited Church ,sed specal Takg iving Day ed Service, Sunda y, October 10 at 11 I: 15 arn. Reverend Harold ear -empling, speaker. Everyone ta- welcome. 40-1 last ind, St. Johns 40-1 Martha Group - FALL RUMMAGE r SA LE 1Onr4 Thursday, Oct. 14th ay, ,from9a.m.to9p.m. ce "ONE DAY ON LY" Coffee & Cook les ,hd 40-2 .id, 40-1 fa nd- ho 74. day she rts the fate arts eftt by -law ren Ken 0 lx ýing mnd vho ago >1 ýing in ind der ig. 1-lx APPEARING AT The Queený's Hotel NEWCASTLE JASON DAVID REVUE Friday - Saturday October 8 - 9 Dancing 9-1 40-1 THIS FRIDAY OCT. 8 - 7:30 p.m. The Saîvation army 35 DivisianSt. WELCOMES BRIGADIER WILLIAM RICH! from Great Britain Preaching the Gospel "WITH AN E LOQU ENC E THAT IS EXCEPTIONAL" UNITING CONGREGATIONS 0F FENELON FALLS LIN DSAY-OSHAWA &WH iTBY - FOR -GREAT SINGING! - GREAT PREACHING! - -GREAT FELLOWSHIP! You are Welcome!! 40-1 Bowmanvilie Museum open daily 2 ta 5 now through Thanksgivinjg including Sunday and Mnda y, closed thereatter except for g roups and classes b y a ppointment, phone 623-3427. 40-1 MONSTER BINGO NeW Starting Time THURSDAY - 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softbail JUBILE E PAVILlON OSHAWA 50-tf Don't miss Yelverton's Beef Dinner on Thanksgiving Mon- day, Sept. llth, commencing at 3 p.m. Aduits $3.75, Child- ren under 12 $1.50, Preschool free. 40-1 STORY HOUR for chi ldren age 3- 5 TU ESDAYS AT 2 p.m. beginning Tues., October 5 BOOK REVIEWS second and.fourth Tuesdays offthe month beginning TUES., OCTO BER 12 Cof tee, Evenyone Weîcome Bowmanville Public Library 62 Temperance St. 623-7322 House of Amber, Antique and Gift Shop, pre-Christmas Tea, October 15, 16 and 17 tram 9 a.m.- 9 p.m. North end Hampton Village. Shop in the relaxing atmosphere of our home an d country gift shop. Phone 263-2981. 38-4 Dance in Kendal Orange Hall, Saturday, October 9th. Sponsored by the Orange Lodge. Music by Audrey Gilmours Orchestra. Every-' one welcome. 39-2 ADULT COU NS ELLING WILL BE AVAILABLE EVERY THURSDAY AT BOWMANVI LLE HIGH SCHOOL for people who have discontinued their formai education and are thinking of retrainîng or resuming their formai education. No a ppoint ment necessary. No charge. For f urther information Contact Miss Hughes or Mr. Schwaim at the High School. 37-8 WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO, NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNEST OSHAWA 21 -tf Arts 'n CraftS 76 Sf. PauI's United Church SAT.,OCT.23rd 1-8 p.m. ADMISSION 50 CENTS 39-4 OSHAWA OBEDIENCE ASSOCIATION Dog Training Classes in Oshawa and Bowmanville Novice (beginners) and Open (advanced) Classes commence October 6 in bath locations 576-1167 or 623-7382 37-4 ITALIAN provincial dining- roam suite, pedestal table, 4 chairs and buffet. Phone 623-7324. 40-1 APPLES, seconds $2.50 bushel - Pears $3.00 bushel. Feddema Orchards- Phone 263-2074. No Sunday sales. 40-8x Numerous baby articles, van- ity with sink and taps 36" x 32" x 24", Zenith floor polisher, new 4 Bay color U HF antenna, 3 new 8" trailer tires, trans- mission ail cooler, towel rack, trailer hitch. Phone 623-7387. 40 lx CRIB, playpen, high chair, baby tramner, jolly lumper, baby seat, baby bath, diaper pail, good condition. Phone 623-5039. 40-lx TWO furaw 1 H. drag plough $65; single bed, as new, $85; choice beef sides 90 cents a lb. Phone 987-4012. 1 40-1 CRIB and three dawer change table and playpen all n excellent condition. Phone 987-5192 af ter 5. 40-1 HONEY in standard contain- ens. For a bnief peiod Goidenrod and Buckwheat honey in customers -contain- ers at 70 cents a lb. Edgar James on Taunton Rd., two miles east 0f Liberty St. Phone 983-5827. 40-1 BEDROOM suites, kitcheri suites, brass beds, wash- stands, round glass china cabinets, gandmothem dlock, round ped. tables, gateleg table, press back rockers, 6 matching press back chairs, harvest tables, amoimes spoal bed,' dressers, occasionai chairs, round mahogany ped. table with lions feel and twa leaves, dishes, depression glass and much mare at Dad's Used Fumniture and Antiques, Newtonvilie. 786-2509. 40-1 BABY walkem, change table, rocker, bunting bags, and jolly jumpers. Phone 987-4283. 4- FOUR walnut Italian Provin- cial dining room chairs. Phone 623-3290. 40-1 Pure-Pine Shavings Baîed, DUst-free Phone 723-6660 OSHAWA ScREENED SAND GRAvaL & STONE LIMESTONE PRoDUCrS & PARKING LOTS TOPiSOIL & DIRT F11I DELIVEREO OR REMOVED TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR RENT sNOW REMOvAL Phone Oshawa 725-0232 Pick Your Own Fresh Vegetables FRED EYMAN FARM COU RTIC E From Hwy. 2 take l3th Line orth one block. 0t New Machinery SpecialIs 555 Forage Harvester with 72" pick-up and 2corn head..$5350 46-4F-14- Bottom mounted, plow .................... $1425. 710-4F-18" Bottom semi- mounted plaw (automatic reset)................... $3695. Knane Rotary Tiller (Working width 50")----------......$1775. Used Machinery 434D l.H. Tractor ....$3650., Model 80 .H. comnbine ... $1500. Gehi Model F B88 Forage Blower ...............$ 725. Model 575 Cockshutt 6F 16" bottom (automatic reset) plow .................... $3000. l.H. 103 spreader.......$ 600. I.H. 150 spreader.......$ 950. New Holland 131 spreader ...............$ 775. 633 Cockshutt spreader..$ 825. Farm Hand Forage Box and Wagon................... $1495. We now have Interest Free Programs on new and used tractors and most Cfher sea- sonal farm equipment. Roger Davidson is now aur Sales, Representative in fthe Bow- manville area. Customers in Bowmanville, Blackstock, Hampton, New- castle and Orono caîl ZENITH 34400. ROBINSON &KITCHEN FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. (Your International, Harvester Farm Machinery Dealer) 1/2 mile east 0f Junction 7 and 35 highways, south of Lindsay. 40-1 WELL cured hay, f irst and second cutting. Phone 263-2655 Hampton.' 40-2 G.E. AUTOMATIC washer, $30. Phone 623-2907. 40-1 MEN'S extra large snowmo- bile suit, plus a number of size 48 jackeIs and coats. Phone 623-6178. 40-1 '72 SKLDOO, Nordic 440, eiectric start with extras. A-i condition $450 firm. Phone 623-7044. WHITE'S T.V. TOW ERS Towers, UHF,VHF AerialIs, Rotors& Repairs Apartment &Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee Phone 576-5606 - - E. WHITE EXCELLENT available, idez Also winter po bags. Keith Bi cession 9, 1 Raglan (Apprc of Oshawa). Water C CHESTERFIELD suites, day- venpart suite, bed chester- f ield, accasionai cha irs, trunks, suitcases, treadie sew- ing machines, high, chairs, crib, playpen, baby carniage, car bed, waiker. f ish aquar- ium, fireplace, small appli- ances, and pocket navels. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temperance Street, Baw- manville. 40- 40-1 1971 350 HONDA, gaod condi- tion $400. or best offer. Must seli1. Phone 987-4549. 40-1 01 C bumner motar and conver- ter $15. Black seai cape $50. Phone 623-5340. 40-1 ALMOST new, large size clothes. Phone 62,3-5022. 40-1 1974 HONDA 550, certified, excellent condition $1595. or best of fer. 623-5676 af ter 4 p. m. 40-1 KELVINATOR wringer wash- er $40. Bannie Brae Stroller $10. Adding- machine $20. Phone 623-7289. 40-1, ONE New Hoiland Forage Harvester No. 717. One Gehi self unloading wagon and biower. Phone 1-786-2512. 40-1 YEAR oid cut appie wood. Reasonable. Cail 987-4304 or 623-4519. 40-3 BARN boards and beams. Phone 1-786-2229. 40-1 TWO stereo radio cassette recorders, 4 band speakers Aiko Aimor make, like new, 1/2 price $175 and $185. Mantie dlock (new) cost $145, asking $95. Phone 725-9297. 40-1 BOY'S skates, size 31/2, worn twice, $10.> GirI's figure skates, size 41/2, g ood condition $3. Free to gaod home, 4 f luffy kittens. Pair of Cub Shorts for 8-10 yrs. $2.50. Phone 623-7847. 40-1 ONE Thistie baby carniage, one Argus 8 m.rn. movie camera, one pair of G-78 x 15 beited Goodyear snow tires. Phone 9,87-5065. 40-1 RAMBLER trailers, Fail clearance, save up to $600. Newcastle Trailer Park ana Sales. No. 2 highway, New- cast le, 987-5131. 40-2 PICK your own Spy's and Taiman Sweets at Browview Farm, Junction Hwy. 2 and 115. 40-1 Pineridge Tire Sales 1 TIRES AND WHEELS To fit your car or truck. Phone 623-4866 BOWMANVILLE 23-tf COMPR ESSORS AIl kinds of machinery. Sel. Buy. Trade. Rent. MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9-6 Ace Machinery 859A Nelson Street Oshawa, Ontario 723-0933 18-f COU RTICE _______ ____ 30-tf SAIL BOAT, 27', fibreglass, "Salin g", fully equipped, SeloxTrailer, $4200. Phone sweet corn sf111 623-2762 atter 7 p.m. ai for treezing. 39-2x otatoes in 75 IL el Farm, Con- CARPETSof ail kinds,custom mile west of made drapes and sheems, hard- Dx. 6 mi les north surface fîoaning, prafessional-> 392ly installed. Free estimates. 32 Your one stop shopping. F.A. Kamp, 37-41 King St. E., )elîvery Bowrnanvilie. Furniture, Car- oe nd ~raDer~s 1-t F-or s.illnguIn Pools and weîîs. PHONE FRED WILLIS 623-2469 ,19-tf, VANDA Beauty Caunsellor, Mrs. Bannie Faber, represent- ative. Cal today, 1 will be glad ta show you aur exciting new products for Christmas. Hampton 263-2981. 39-5 TEAKWOOD, Scandinavian, Danish, bedroom, compflete; dining roam, 9 piece; living room; waIl unit, cottee tabTes, new furniture, very reason- able. Phone 1-247-4377. 10O-tf Fuller Brush Products CONTACT Clarence Bell, 137 Liberty Street North Asa lesman in Darlington Township. 5t SAND. & GRAVEL SUPPLY S OLINA RD. N. 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2. ELMER'S New and Used Furniture and Appliances. We buy contents of homes. Phone Hampton 2632294. 9f 8,000 BALES -of hay, Tyson Farms, Newtonvilie, 786-2927. 33-tf FILM PROCESSING CHIL DR EN 'S 5 PHOTOS enCamneras and Photographic Supplies 78 King st. W., Bowmanviîîe 623-2404 35-10 CAULIFLOWER FOR FREEZING $4 per case Phone 723-6660 40-1 Pick Your Own Apples SATURDAYS FROM9-5:30 SUNDAYS FROM 10-5:30 THANKSGIVING MONDAY F ROM 9-5:30 0 0..QLATYFARMFRESH PRODiJCE LlC 3K3 Tel.(416)623 7252 PADDY'S Market now ha2 new furMniure, appliances, T.V.'s and stereas and aisc used f urniture and appl iances, W&I!ll accepf trade-ins.* Paddy'd. Market, Hampton, phone 263 2241. 33-t' USED Furniture and Appli ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf TOP sali, Leiand Payne, 1-786- 2512. 17-tf POTATOES, Clifford Swal- low. Phone 623-2721. 40-1 THR E Epiece l iving roomn set, 8 months aid, paid $550, will seil at $450 or best affer. Phone 623-7722. 39-2 PICK your awn Macintosh apples at Browview Farm, Junction Hwy. 2 and 115, also crab apples for sale. 39-2 TABLE potatoes, excellent quality.'Joe Bouma 623-2847. 35-tf LIVE geese and ducks. G. Hartemink, R.R. 2, New- castle. Phone 987-4430. 39-2 N lyrane - Hampton area. black part Husky and ColliE dog, spayed temale friendiy, answvemsto Blackie, wîdawers dag, rewa md. Phone,263-8430 af ter 5. 40-1 MALE tabby cat, dark stripea rings on tail, 1 year aid, wearing cl an and tags. Lst 1n Sper Park area 3 weeks ago. If found please cal 623-4962 or 623-5221. Sizeable reward ta f inder. 40-1 ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removal 136 Simncoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 EAR PIERCING SERVICE Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. - Regular Price $12.00 NOW $10.00 with studs Special1 10 per cent reduction on first purchase of earrings with the release form. Phone 623-5747 For Appoint ment 45-tf kidngesso ns g iven y qualified instructar - equita- flan, jumping, basic dressage. Use your awn horse or we have, gaad harses available. Also horses broken a'nd train- ed. Cal 623-4558. 25-tf R.O.P. tested Yorkshire boars and glits. Tam Pleasance, R.R. 5 Bowmanville, 263-2719. 40-2 BOARD for 4 or 5 horses. Excellent care and riding facilities. Very reasonable. Base Line Road, Bowman- ville. Phone 623-4751. 40-I EQUESTR!AN TRAINING CENTRE LARGE ItIDOOR AReNA BOARDING instruction in Equitation Jumping Dressage Sckooling of Huaters & Jumpers Hunters & Jumpers Bought & Sold RR 3 BOWMANVILLE 623-7336 WANTED, farm home for calleand shepherd, tive years aid, excellent with children. Phone 983-9284. 40-1 GENTLEMAN boarderwant- ed, no shift working please. Phone 623-3265. 40-2 'N. In Memoriaom Inl oving memory of Roy Drew Trewin, who departed this lite four years ago, October 6, 1972. Little did we know when dawned that momning, the sorrow thatcday atuid bring. The end was sudden, the shock severe, to oart with one i laved sa dear. De;'p i n my he-t there is a picture of a ioved one laid ta rest.* Your memory ta me is a keepsake; a memory which S neyer parts. My heart stîli aches with loneliness, my eyes stili shedding tears. God only knows how much I miss you, Roy, at the end of ,four lonely years. You left behind such an aching heart that loved you s0 sincere. i neyer shahl and neyer will forget you, Roy dear. -Sadly missed by your wife, Charlie Trewin. 40-1 orne a ................. ................. Cam àiimminn MOIS

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