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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Oct 1976, p. 1

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EliasIt Beach Woman Hooks a Whopper A proposal for an inc pool and squash court c( plex locafed next f0 Bowmanvilie High Schooli approved by Newca Council on Monday. In their acceptance of estimated $600,000 propo: council agreed f0 maintain complefed facility if funds raised and if proceeds. The council's approval lowed a recommendation the commiftee 'organi2 fund-raising for the propo the Town of Newca SPLASH committee. Volume 12 rVe Idoor Sponsors twj loor SPLAS11I representative Paf and squash court complex fion tc ýom-, Rundie outfined the commit- would compare witb maintain- requir the fee's proposais included in a ing an! arena, Mrs. Rundie greaf, was brief presenfed f0 the council. said. Figures obtained fronm Cow istie The commiittee has already other areas where the munici- suppci applied to the Departmenf of 'palify, and local education view,i the National Revenue for a, Il boards operate sîmilar pro- the1 sal, cence f0 collect funds as a jecfs show the facility's main- airead the charitable organizafion, the tenance would cost an average increa are brief states. But before the of $30,000 per year, she said. Cou department will grant thaf 'The proposai raised a mix-, all the fol- permission, under the income fure of reaction from counicil be ex] iby fax act fbey mrusf have a mnembers. operat zing guarantee that the town will Councillor Ann Cowman manvi sal, take over the fadflity when if is opposed the recommendation DirE stie finished. alfhougb 'she said if would of Re The cost of running a pool mnake an admirable contribu- said t 20e Per Copy Pool Project ,.aise Fun s to the à ired f0 .she sa mcnillor orted( adding town's idydis ases., en. Ent% le town' Epected ting a ,ille. rector oc tecreafic '.t -0 town. The amlount proposal and that the fown project operafe it 15 f00 could have used the facility grant aid. even three years ago. Recrea rKirk Entwisle Ait hough recognzingf haf 1possib] Coun. Cowman's the fax load was becoming fo g that a number of beavier, Ma yor Garnet $30- aresîdents are Rickard said he would also contrit sturbed by, tax support SPLASH's recomn- munity w isle.also asked if mendation because of the need Affei 's esient shuld for the recreational icomplex. rcm 1 f0, contribute to Before casting a vote in ed, th( faciityin ow-favor of the proposal, council- SPLA: lor Don Allun said if was fime counci. f the Deparfment the municipality had facilifies KirkE ion Bud Fanning for'sports other than hockey. if. s in favor of the Funding for a $600,OOO 26 Pages f would include a $75,OOO under the CommunitY ition Centres Acf, and a le subsidy of $175,000 Wintar-io,- leaving 00 f0 be raised through butions from the com- er a motion to table the imenidatiîon was defleat- .e council accepted the LH proplosai with two ,ilors, Anin Cowmran and Entwisle voting- against Number 40 8O-earOId Dies Tra ic cien Mayor Off iciates at- Sod Turning for VeltriComplex A terrifie sigh of relief must have followed the landing of the salmon shown above. The 291/2lb. fish caught in the Bowmanville Creek at East Beach was a fair sied challenge for Delores'McMillan when she hauled it in on Monday. AlSo holding the heavy catch was another proud fisherman, Murray McMillan. An 80-year-oid man was killed last week when he fried- fo cross a streef near bis home in Biackstoek. Dead is Austin Howard' Beacock, of 12 Church St., East, Blackstock. Police say the vîcfim was crossing Church Street just easf of the main four corners when he was struck by a westbound vehicle driven by John Andrew Cross, ofR.R. 1, Nestlefon. The Newcastle OPP reports thaf charges ar7e pending. The accident is being in4ýes- figafed by Constable R. J. McLeod.' Oshawa Symphony Holds Exoýrtic Aucti on J ust for Demr One Tousan Signture To PotstHihLocal Tax Agasros petifion pro- Newcasfle andi Darlingfon mafely Me same1 festiug thewhîopping increase being bit the hardest. the residents of in ocal taxes bas spread Dated September l4th and' are withouf sewi rapidly fbrough the inunîci- addressed to Mr. Doug Mof- sysfem, sidewý '-ýaIiy of Newcastle during the fatt, Member of Parliament, ligbfs, or paved r 1st few weeks Durham Region, the protest areas. Fire proi A figiLaIy 9 f the niimb)er oi leffer reads as follows v7ufer eso fa"t§ hb ~Ô D- )er Sir: rteto iîsprr ed b sinin a ette adrsW e do we, the taxpayers of Ontario provin-cî se l ic 7 âP.P flnD o ffatis Durham Rfegion, pay approxi- (Turn To Pa not yet knowni, but if isý estimnated f0 b'Goell ver 1,0,and possiblydosrLf The letter of prfetcn- onids that tax'payers in Dur- am are pyigan annuai inj_ýcrease of 3-50 percent in thýeir ftax b)ilis. A hiefty growth in botb fhe region and educa- tion share of the levy accounts for the greafesf percentage of the fax J ump, with residents in the, oid townships of Clarke, fax dollars as, Oshawa? We vers, a water alks, street roads in many Lection is by sad po i ce Lai Police. I ige Two) The Oshawa Symphony Or- chestra will help make the dreams of a f ew people come true fhrough a Dream Aucf ion scheduied for Oct. 6-9 from 10 a.m. f0 10 p.m., The variefy of goods and services sponsored by a num- ber of Oshawa businesses for the orchestra's auction will go f0 the highesf bids af the end of each day. Some of thefntse that theorhsriselig cud Oshaw's Parkwood 1state wifh the meai prepared by, execufive chef of Toronto's Harbor Castie Hotel, Tonyý Roldan; a bot air balloon ride over the région; a dream ski weekend for two people at a resorf; a sailing cruise on Lake Ont ario aboard a yacht; or anl evening as fthe conductor of the Oshawa Symphony Orchestra. For those who want f0 have one of their wishes fulfilled, there are 461 dream items'tf0 choose from isfed in a 16-page c cauiIogLýt, or fhe ' ids- will be re'c-ieCî over the felephone or ini person ai the aucton's haqaresici the Several local officiais were turned the sod f0 officially bedroomn apartmnents when Company representatives, present on Monday morning1 to start work at the site. The fine completed sometime in the Gerry Gi and John Dicinso-,n mark the beginning of con- story building financedby the summer of 1977. Also in and from CMIHC, Bil] Rusk. In strud--ion on the Veltri apart- ictoria and Grey Trust attenidance, fromr left f0rih front, are councillors Ann miea comlpd1e( loctecî on Uhe Conpany and insured iby n te phloto (bjack rOw) w;eîe Gow*ý,iw)ani,Do Allin, Biue corner of George St. and King- Central Mortgage and Hous- ar'citect Aldo Riva, Durham Tink and Town Clerk Jûe St. in Bowmanville. Mayo)r ing Corporation (CMVHC) will East MPP Doug, Moffatt, Mcllroy. Garnet Rckard, alongs;de include 51 one and f wo Victoria and Grey Trust - Photo by Shawn Marshall. S ervce Cl ubs Rai toLtLvMyLwPse mu 10 - BITS&PIECESà- -MLTowr in ouInei proved adevelonment charges or -lot new development site wil VUëg ago ~nTr? TI£ For Up g radingAr Bell Wo n't Trade Bowmanvlle L'and Bell Telephone bas told the The commit tee vofed f0 take Town of Newcasfle thaf if isn'f no action on the letter. inferesfed in a property frade. The fown had asked Bell if if But,' if woutld be willing f0 would be inferesfed in trading sel the bilding if owns on the ifs Bowmanvîlle properfy, cornIer 0'f Church and Tem- across from the fown hall, for perance St. iin Bowmanville if the. piece of town-owned pro- the tow,,n wer-e willing f0 pay perfy locafed on land where mrarket prî. ce. the old Newvcasfle Village fire Bel's positin waqs explain- haill s locafed. ed in a,3e eý zr deai ifhby the The iBowmanville, building c mieeof thie whole on could hjave been used as an Monday, Seýptembe-r 27. annex to thýe own hall offices. Bowmanville's service clubs. have piedged f0 contri- bute funds for repairing the fown's arena which will pro- SCUBA DIVING MISHAP 1A 51 year-old Oshawa scuba driver, suffering from decompression after coming up f00 quickly from a dive off Bowman- ville was rushed f0 Toronto for freat ment last Sunday. Nick Kostasashuck was reporfed in satisfactory condition in Toronto tieneral Hospital follow- ing the accident which occurred late in the affer- noon on Oct. 3. bably require approximately $11,250 in public donations. Wile the Rotary Club has already coitributed fa the, repair project,local Kinismen, Lions and Legion represenfa- tives also railied together promising their support at a public meeting called by town council lasf week. 0f the esfimated $45,000 cost fe, bring the structure up fo provincial building code sftan- dards, 25 per cent is paid by a community centres grant while a further 25 per cent must come from the public sector f0 allow for a Wifario grant whîch wouid cover the rest. (Turn To Page Two) 85,00 Wach JmesHunt Win Lobatt's 50 at Mosport This photo shows how packed the race fans were on tne tîrst turn at Mosport on Sunday afternoon, al 85,000 of them, for the biggest attendance since the track opened. They saw what they came for, James Hunt of Great Britain in a McLaren Mariboro, win the Labatt's 50 Canadian Grand Prix to gain fine points and put him only eight behind front runner for the World Driving titie, Niki Laudla, who finished eight after experiencing car trouble. In second place was Patrick Depallier of France (4) who pushed the 1Xeader ail the way after Hunftf ook over the lead from Ronnie Pederson of Sweden. Marjoa Andreffi was third. -Photo by Rick James HAPPY THANKSGIVING - May each and every one of you have a pleasanit holiday weekend. The colors should be, magnificent and' our res.-dent weather forecaster (who is neyer right) advises that the summner weather wilI continue until February and then it will warm up. So, don't bother putting on the storm windows, cleaning up the yard or doing any chores around the house. Just relax, take the wife out for dinner and have a good time. Af ter ail the nasty things most of us were saying about the climate ail summer, it might be a good idea to attend church and give thanks for the recent balrny spell. WELCOME CANVASSERS- Tonight, stu- dents from BHS will be hitting the canvassing trailt contacting every homne in town to raise funds for the Arthritis Society's program. If you have ever had a touch of that particular malady, you'1l appreciate what they are trying to do, and hope they can corne up with a cure soon. So, sheli out for Arthritis tonight. GOING OUT - President Ron Robinson of CUPE Local 74 advises that theclerical and outside union workers of the Town of Newcastle voted 77 per cent in favor of joining the CLC's Day of Protest on October l4th. That's, next Thursday. Looks as though members of council and the administrative staff may be busy that day answering the phones, sweeping the streets ana pîclung up the garbage. Remînds us of the time we asked how much the garbage men were paid and the quick answer was '$4 an hour and ail you can eat." Any volunteers? VETERANS CALENDARS - The Royal Canadian Legion advises the public that-;!the person selling Veterans calendars in the area does flot belong to the local Branch 178 and has no connection with the Royal Canadian Legion in any way. Govern yourselves accordingly. AMBITTOUS PROGRAM - Incidentally, ýan advertisement in this edition gives details of an extensive program the Legion is launching to contact every home in the area to find veterans and their dependents. They will leave questionnaires and advise themn of the rights and- benefits they have. Welcome them to your home, if you are a veteran or a deDendent, it could be worthwhile. SUPER CONFUSION- As many know, we at The Statesýman are in the midst of a major changeover and renovation program that has been going on for months but is nearing coin- pletion, thankfully. This week, new phones, have been installed with flashing lights, and a couple of jazzy awnings have been installed over the front doors and we've been going wacky with ail the hubbub. Hopefully, we should be back to a semblance of normal shortly when phone customers won't be cut off and visitors will find an attractive and conveniýent front office ready to greet them. new way of raising money this week and local taxpayers wili probably be overjoyed f0 know' that this money raising plan îsn't supposed to 'increase taxes. The newest scheme to belp liiil the town coffers involves evies" for 'reside'ntiaà1i and.'- The levies will be placed on new bouses and aparfments when tbey are buiit in the towvn. And fhey mean, for example that a developer building a single family home or semi-detached home on a il1 pay a $1500 fee. For aparfments under four sforeys, there is a $1200 fee for each unit and for apartments over four stories the fee is reduced f0 $1000 per unit. The fee for housing projects for (Turn To Page -Two) Thot's a Lot of Pickles Garden produce around the area has been measurinig up to high standards lately with some exceptional results. The la test poss;'Èile recoýrd-bre-,aker is the 21/2 foot cucumber shown above bU Bill Malley of Boûwmanivilie. Mr. Malley brought the cucumber fromi Peterborough after a recent visit there: BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6,1976 ie wac 1

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