la Th Canaian tatesmn owmanville, October 20, 1976 One resuit, of a bright andl beautiful autumn Sunday a.m. was very few, empty front pews in the santuary for aur autumn Thank-Offering ser- vice. Presiding at the organ was "pinch-hitting" Velma Stainton who produced. de- lightful music and accampan- led the 10 voice choir for two musical messages i.e. Choral anthem "God Who Touchest Earth With Beauty" and the sweetest of salas "A Prayen of Thanks" given by Ruth Steng- er. Judy Virtue was the Jr. Congregation's leader in the S.S. room. The generousthank-affering was received by Eiders Allan Werry and Keith McGihh, Our Minister's Chidren's Story "'How the Flowers Grow" dealt especially with petunias whose mother plant warned of wind danger and 3 seeds paid no heed unfortunately but a 4th seed did isten and flourished lîke Jesus' Parable of the sower. Rev. Kempling's PIVATE COU; NTRY PROPERTY About 50 acres, house, pond, trout stream, north-east of Oshawa. AVAILABLE OCTOBER 1977 Alpply Advertiser 650 c-o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontarlo. 52 King St. West Bowmanville 623-2453 7 UNITS, SELF CONTAINED . .. Hot water heating with ail. AIl units in roasonabIy good condition. Pricod ta seli at $87,500. Caîl for more deails. SPLIT LEVEIL HOME IN PONTYPOOL . , . 2 car garage, paved drive, roughed-in fireplace, waikout tram future roc. rbam ta large patio. "A beautiful home" focr $59,800. Terms. Will trade for home in Bowmanvî le. K 1 L L E N lm1EALTOI sermon titie asked "Is a Healing Faith a Saving Faith? " and in bis answer he mentioned St. Lukes healing Faith through healing and added that certain influences contribute ta a saving faith, flattery, idolizing, prayer and concluded that God is revealed ta us in Jesus as proof of bis goodness ta us and is really everything for us. Notices for this week Sun- day 7:30 p.m. The Hospital Chaplaincy Assoc. (Oshawa) invites you ta attend the lst annual St. Luke's Service in S t. George's Anglican Church, Oshawa Centre at Bagot St. Monday in Port Perry U.C. Regional U.C.W. Presbyterîal and again Tuesday 9 a.m. U.C.W. Area Rally registra- tion will begin in Ebenezer U.C. The Rev. Jas. Sunerine of the Div. of World Outreacli will be guest speaker. >Also Tuesday evening at 6 Oshawa Presbytery will meet in St. Stephen's U.C. Oshawa, when the record books of this p astoral charge are called for Presbytery review. Wednesday 8 p.m. Enniskil- len U.C.W. wîll, meet, in the home of Mrs. Joyce Virtue ta enjoy a white Elephant sale. Further donations will be appreciated. Thursday the Youth Group, clean community Hall at 7 p.m. and sod turning for free planting project. Friday 8 p.m. a Hallowe'en Masquerade party and dance sponsored by the Enniskillen Y.G. will be held in Enniskil- len Community Hall. See group members for tickets or purchase tham at the door. Games, dancing, prizes and lunch. See coming events in this issue for further details and please come. Saturday, Ennîskihlen Ste- ward's vegetable and bake sale will be held at Pethick's Sale Barn. Phease leave bak- ing wrapped and labehhed with Mrs. L. Stainton or Mrs. John Slemon by 4 p.m. Saturday. Vegetables may be left wîth Keith McGihl or Mrs. Staînton. Monday, November lst at 8 p.m., the session of the Pastoral Charge is called ta meet in, Enniskillen Church Hall. Monday, October 25, Y.G. meet at 7 p.m. at James Werry's home. , Our Youth Group was at Debbie and Kim Pohard's home on Thursday evening with Pres. Barbara Ashton in "'ENHOCKIN KI F LESFI' REALTGR 100 rolling acres, Northumberland His, 6 room farm house, barn, spring fed pond -579,900. GARDEN HILL Starter home - 1 acre lot, older 11/2 storey house. Ideal for handyman - $29,900. LAKEFRONT COTTAGE LOT 100' lake frontage on Rice Lake, narth shore, high wooded lot.- $15,900. WE HAVE SEVERAL FAIRM & COUNTRY PRO- PERTIES LISTED IN THE COBOURG AREA. CALL FOR DETA ILS. Bowmanville -623-3911 At Only 1,M,500.00 - This home affers seclusion on 1/2 acre lot bordered by mature trees. 3 bedrooms, diniing room, fuil unspoiled basement. Drive a littie, Save a lot.I CENTRAL BOWMANVILLE - This cozy 3 bedroomn thome w ûli separafe diningroom is abounding with cnaracîer. Gjood size lot. Asking $41,900.00. 3 FIREPLACES PLUS lots otroom for entertaining in this spaclocus 3 bedroom home with den, sunen familyroom wvith walkout. On treed 1/2 acre lot. Stuated in beautiful Cavan. Cali office or Darlene Prager (705) 277-2861. 5 ACRES Indoor whiri pool are only 2 of the features this lovel y bedroom home has to affer. Just off 115, close to Mili brook. Cali office or Darlene Prager (705) 277-W,6 PONTYPOOL - 4 bedrooms and soparafo D.R., an lot 262' deep with smalI barn, asking $38,900. We have 4 or 5 othrsimilar starter homes priced up ta $42,500 in Oshawa, Bowmanville, Blackstack &Newtonvillo. Why not cali and check them ouf today? NEWCASTLE - new 3 bedraam bungalow, with Hollywood kitchen and" choice of broadloomn, lot 55, x 125'. f ELIZABETH VILLE charge of Worship. Rail cal answer "A mast embarassing moment for me"! by Sec. Kim Pollard also reading of min- utes. Some future plans were made for dance and trip and canvass for Blind which was done by 3 teams in 60 homes witb gratifying response in contributions. The Enniskillen Handi- Dozen met a R. Howe's. on Tuesday, October 5th for their third meeting. t was called "'Learnîng through Leisure". Gwen read the minutes of the hast meeting, and then we discussed eisure activities such as: Photography, read- ing, indoor gardening, music, art, historie interests and live theatre. Mrs. Howe set up a disphay of, books, ' records, rocks, shelîs, pamphlets and plants. Debbie Howe demon- strated broom-stick lace. We finished off by discussing the play we attended calhed "Goofus and the Golden Goose" put on by Enniskillen public school. The Enniskîllen Handi- Dozen met at M. Pollard's on Tuesday, October l2th for their fourtb meeting called "Food and Fitness". Susan read the minutes of the hast meeting. We discussed such subjects as: Why keep fit, how ta keep fit, what ta eat and why and guidelines ta meal planning. For a better under- standing of this meeting we played a game calhed "The Key ta Good Health" which was found in aur members pamphlet. We ended by work- ing on aur skit for achieve- ment Day. We extend a hearty wel- came ta Mr. and Mrs. Suess and children wha resîde now in the south end ai aur hamhet in the home formerly owned by Pat and Wayne Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor were Wednesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Moore, Shirley Road. Mr. Michael Holmes, St. Cather.ines was a week-end visitor with Mrs. 'Gertie Lyons, Mrs. Jenny Basker- ville and girl friend, Weston were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Lyans. Mn. and Mrs. Milton Stain- ton were Sunday visitors with Chaude Smith, Oshawa Gener- ah Hospital also visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright were Wednesday evening visitors with Mrs. Dave Adams, Oshawa, Miss Betty Thos. N. Shea Ltd. Realtor 221 King Street East Osha wa Phono 623-6622 OSHAWA - 3 bedroorn alumi- num home maintenance free, large kitchen, finishod base- ment with rec. raom or extra bedroomn with 3 pc. bath in quiet residential area. OnIy $46,900.00., Cali Shirley Hogg 623-6622 or 623-3500. JUST REDUCED 39,900.00 - Convenience with only $4,000 dlown. Good residential section of Bowmanville, 3 bedrooms, full basement & low main- tenance. 'Contact Jean Orton 623-6622 or 623-9159. ORONO - 4 bedroams, den, family room with fireplace and patio doors, g ames room, main floor laundry room, a il fully broadloomed. Full base- ment work shop with entrance ta 2 car garage. Garage has cement roof and sundeck. All in attractive Tudor Style. A builder's home- of the finest quality. Only $79,900.00. Caîl Ed Jeans 623-6622 or 623-7152. BOWMANVILLE - 4 bed- room home, attractively de- corated, broadloom, patio aoors ta balcony, garage, fenced lot.* As king only $46,900.00. Call Ed Jeans 623-6622 or 623-7152. HOLGATE CRES. - 4 bed- raom, 2 storey home with double attached garage, famiiy room with f ireplace, finished rec room, built in dishwasher and a 16 x 32 inground vinyl pool, tenced yard. Asking $66,350.00., CARLISLE AVE. - OnIy $39,500 for this 3 bedromr aider semi detached home, dining roam, detached gar- age, patio with roaf and excellent financing at 101/2 per cent. ANDREW ST. NEWCASTLE - beautiful 3 bedroom bungalow with attached breezeway and f arage, large 62.5 x 150 lot, own sewers and wator. Pric- ed ta seli at 547,430. Our annual fall anniversary services were held on Sunday with a ful bouse. F. Banister brought us an excellent mess- age on, "Christ's great Comn- mandment," Lave one an- other. Rev. Bartlett conducted the services, Mr. Bob Grandy was aur guest organist, Mr. and Mrs. Carr and family, Miss McGillis and others assisted in the choir. Another surprising event was the arrivai of a bus load of young people'from Manitoba which was unexpected and kept the stewards busy bringing up extra chairs from the Sunday school for a few minutes before the service got started. Wright spent the evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanderson at Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Good- ridge, Mississauga were with Mr. and Mrs. F. Draper. Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and boys were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker and family, New- castle. Week-end visitors with Margaret and Orville Ashton were Lois Warden, Richard and Elizabeth. Mr. F.W. Werry is recover- ing nicely and'may be home this week. The death of Mrs. Lillian Aunger, a former resident was last week. Our sympathy is extended ta relatives bath near and far. On Saturday evening Octo- ber 9th, a farewell party was held for Pa t and Wayne Beckett and family. They are now residing in Port Perry. The very able MC. was Mr. E.R. Taylor who, after his opening remarks, favoured the guests with sonie excellent recitations. Clever readings were given by Joyce Virtue and Gladys Ashton. Judy Virtue played a lovely piano solo and Eric Bowman enter- tained with singing which hie accampanied on bis guitar and a sing sang of aid favourites. Much enjoyed by ahl Linda Sharp read the address which was very well written by lier mother, Marie Sharp assisted by Margaret Stainton. Shirley Pollard and bier daughters, Debbie and -Kim, did the honours for the community by presentîng the gifts of a lovely fait scene for Pat and Wayne, piggy banks in the formn of Raggedy Anne and Andy dolîs for Penny and Pauline and Jeff enjoyed bis stuffed lamb. After the presentation a lunch was served and everyone had a nice visit. Many thanks ta al who helped make this a mernarable occasion for the Beckett family. We missed Don Morton in the chair, hie feil in the silo Friday and was injured quite badly and will be in Peterborough Hospital for some time. A dedicatian of a silver chalhice was held in honor of the late Lloyd Peacock donated by Mrs. Peacock. She had also purchased a large bouquet of flowers whîch àlong with 2 tiered candlestick holders which decorated the church for the services as well as the wedding of Miss Debbie In-, gram which was held at 7 p.m. the night before. A baptismal service wihl be held next Sunday at 9:15 a.m. On Saturday night about 150 guests gathered ta see Miss Debbie Ingram and Mr. Harry Jeschke marny at Garden Hill, a dance and reception was hehd at Bewdhey Vincent Massey arena. Sympathies are extended ta Mrs. H. Mihdrew and famihy in the death of bier sister. Mr. H. Sowden had an operation hast week and is in the hospital. Mr. Evie Beatty is home from Port Hope hospital witb bier daugbter Mr. A. Gilmore. Mrs. Ron Provost and family have spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. O. Mercer and whihe here bas be shop- ping wilth Mrs. R. Mercer, Mrs. Mercer and ber sister Donna. They ahh had a turkey dinner at Mr. and Mrs. O.J.ý Faujt, Pontypool on Saturday and Mrs. O. Mercer took them home ta Lindsay on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mercer, Montreal were home for Miss Ingram's wedding. Bob stayed REALTOR 147 King St. E. REAL ESTATE Bomnie 623-7461 623-2492 BOWMANVILLE $2,000 down for this 3 bedroom bungalow with large garage, broadloom throughout, newly decorated, good location large corner lot a bargain at only $37,500. Easy terms. BOWMANVILLE 5 room brick bungalow, centrally located, asking only $39,000. Easy terms. BOWMANVILLE large 4 bedroom solid brick home, with famîly room with fireplace, 2 bathrooms, garage, large lot, asking only $49,900. Low down payment and easy terms. Rea Itor BOuS . 6 23-612 20 Acres PIanted in a productive apple orchard, barn with cold storage equipment, and a 3 bedroom 11/2 storey home, approxi mately 2 miles tram Bowman ville. Cottages Rice Lake area, 3 on the p'roperty with 60' lake fron- tage, may be rented ouf, includes boat house and gar- age. Only $32,900.00 for every- thing. c549,900.00 Bowmanville, 3 bedroom brick bungalow with 4th bedroom and finished roc- room in the basement, eloctric heat, carport and paved drive. Semis 2 ta choose tramn, 1 four bedromr bungalow plIan the other a 2 starey 3 bedroomn plan, take your choice at $46,900.00 and 543,900.00. $64,500.00 Brick and aiuminum side-split in BowmanvilIe, broadloomn and hardwood flbars, f ire- place, famîl y roam, bay windows, and a 9per cent mortgage. Hobby Farm 34 acres level land, ideal for cash crops or the horse laver, large barn and original farm house. Owner wiil hold a 10Oper cent first mortgage with a reasonable down paymoent. 118 King Street East, Bowmanvillie 623-2967- REDUED $0,00- ad i's abeaty, hre bedoom REuDED 51,000r ansit a balfo urwnuy,.thre ed raom now ta seli at $75,900. See it today. BOWMANVILLE - Large lot 188 x 116 goes with this twa or three bedroom, 11/2 storey aluminum home. new furnace, washer and dryer stay, built-in stove and aven, other extras. Priced ta seil at only $34,900. Cali fada y. WHY PAY RIENT - Low Down.Payment cou Id may be mave you into this four raom solid brick bungalow with new bathroom, carpet floors, wiring service and decorating. Price is only $33,900. Try your offer. otter. Oshawa 579-5497 Orono 983-9133 over tilI Monday for business in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Garry Fowler spent the week-end in the village. Mr. Don McMurray and Mr. B. Fowler were home aver the week-end. Bruce bas one week left at George Brown Colleg- iate and will be home again. Mrs. Robt. 'Westheuser and girls spent Thursday after- noon witb Mr. and Mrs. Thickson. On Tuesday evening the Canton Thank-offering of the U.C.W. was held. Not mnyof aur units were able ta attend due ta variaus reasons. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Trew entertained their cousins Mr. and Mrs. F. Flewitt from Brandon, Manitoba, the past week. PONTYPOOL Mrs. Barbara Barsketis is living in Beeton with relatives. "Spirit of the Hilîs' is now on sale in local stores. Grant Curtis and Isabelle Challice. authors of this history of past and present churches in Man- vers Township, have compiled 179 pages of very interesting reading. Many hours of re- search have been spent in gathering all the information included in the "Spirit of the Huis". Be sure ta buy a capy! The book may also be pur- chased in Whîte's Economy Store, Lindsay and in Jahn Eakins Hairstylîng, Lindsay. The fdiendly neighbour- hood exercise. Bowmanville centrally located older 2 storey brick home with garage, apartment and large secluded lot. Home is spotless and in excellent condition. Asking $59,900. Hampton centrally lacated 8 room 11/2 storey family home, electrically heated, garage and workshop combined. Large secluded lot. Priced at $43,900. Only 3 miles north-east of Oshawa 2 acre building lot with 330 ft. frontage on paved road. Priced at $30,000. We have one and two acre building lots overlooki ng Rice Lake and Pidgeon River near Omemee. $14,000 each. Phone Dick Woudstra 983-5915t George Blyleven 623-5300 OWNER TRANSFERRED - Must sell this Bowman- ville Super Sidespiit home with everything. Famiiy raom with fîreplaco, 11/2 baths. Many extras, Must be seen. Asking only $59,995. Cail Ken Brown for appointment. COUNTRY HOME - ORONO - Lovel y 3 bedroom Sidesplît with tireplace and famiiy room, situated an 2-3 acre fully treed lot. Asking $68,900. Cali Tony Klompmaker, 10 ACR ES - STREAIot- POND - Your dream property iocated ýon gaad road in the iovely Kendal Hill district. Building- permnits available. Asking $39,600 with terms, C&ailElfie Jost., IDEAL LOCATION - CENTRAL BOWMANVILLE - Far boutique, antique etc. Next ta musoum. Good 3 bedroom home with commercial zoning al1 for the low price of $37,900. Cali Bill Grady. j 1I 10 SCENIC ACRES- Close ta Ganaraska Forest n Kendal HuIs. High and dry with beautitul view and good road. Asking $34,900. Bill Turansky. LAKEFRONT'HOME - 77' x 250' lot with laveiy 3 bedroom bungalow. Perfect starter or retirement home for anly $31,500, Terms., Bill Turansky. ADJACENT OSHAWA - 11/4 acre lct with 8 year aid Johansen built 6 room brick bungalow. La r ge unfinished rec. roam, double attached garage, nîce1y land.ýcaped. Reduced to $89,500. Cail Clare McCulI- BOWMANVILLE ---JUST LISTED- 2 store with 11/2 baths. Super location near Lord Elgin Schoo Only 11/2 years aid. Asking only $52,900. Cal I Ken Brown. I -~ LAFOY REALTOR RelEsîtteLM. -576-0791 477 Ritson Rd. S. L__à BULDING LOT -11/ ACRES Level lot Iust west of Highway 35 and Hîghway 115 cut-off. Size 192 x 396. Building permit available. 21/2 miles to Pontypool. Phone Gary after 9 p.m. 576-0791. A PIECE 0F HISTORY Newcastle - 100 year old brick home, very secluded 36 x 18 =nrund pool, double garag e, 2 baths, totally renovated. Spectacular view of Lake Onta r. Price reduced -to $54,500. 57,000 down. Joanne Swadron. ORONO Four bedroom 2 storey, 2 washrooms, walkout ta patio. 93/ per cent f irst mortgage. Paved drive. Asking $48,900. Jim Harbinson. 11 ACRES - KENDAL Th'ree bedroom cedar home, finished rec room, 2 walkouts, inground pool, bordering an the Ganaraska Forest. Asking $85,000. Jim Harbinson. BOWMANVILLE Four bedroom sidesplit, family roam with fireplace and walkout. Single attached garage. 93/ per cent f irst mortgage. $62,000, Jim Harbinson. 9 ACRES - COLBOURNE A-frame chalet. High on a hilI with panoramîc view of Lake Ontario. $5,000 down $20,900. Joanne Swadron. QUIET COURT - N EWCASTLE 3 bedroom brick bungalow, double garage, super large lot. 12 x 20 frame play house. Vendler anxious 510î,900. Joanne Swadron. GEORGE BLLEVE Do not wait fi next year. This is the right time ta buy this 5 room 6 year aid cottage with 60 ft. water frontage on Rice Lake oni y 40 minutes drive from Oshawa. Priced at $23,900. Terms.