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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Oct 1976, Section 2, p. 3

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Sauina W.I, Honors Sixty-Year Member Mrs. Gordon Leask' The Solina Women's InStit- ute made a special event of honoring a 60-year member Mrs. Gordon Leask, on Wed- nesday, Oct. 13 in the com- munity Hall. Also as guests, were Mr. Leask, Dr. and Mrs. Allan Stocks and our hus- bands. The- meeting opened with the Ode and Collect with Mrs. Fred Watson, President, pre- siding. She read an approp- riate Thanksgiving poem. Mrs. Howard Milison, Sect. Treas. then read our minutes and correspondence. Tbank you letters were read fromn Miss Ruth Milîson, Mr. Ross Page and Miss Susan Vice, on behaif of the girl's bail team. There wilI he a Training Sehool on a 'Festival of Dairy Foods' in the Agriculture Office in Bowmanville on Nov. 16 and 17. We hope to have two leaders attend and then bring ,the course back to our own branch. 1Mrs. Russel Best will be our delegate to the Area Conven- LEV7 O 7ICTORIA Expert Repairs and Installation PONTY POOL PHlON E 277-2461 Rg tien with aiternate Mrs. Ralpb Davis, Reports were given by Mrs. R. Rowseil on the tropby purchased for the Girls Soft Bail team and Mrs. Wm. Ashton reported on the dinner and program given te ail the Solina teams, who again won their league tep honor. We now have a ne wl ecern made by Mr. Fred Watson. was immediately put te use, and I'm sure it wiil prove most convenient, Thank you to Fred. Mrs. Pat Best gave the report on our Consumer mag- azine Articles touched on inflat ion, children's eye siglit, the uranium atom, abolishing unnecessary goods, vitamin C in many foods, and sizing of toddler's clothes. Mrs. Wesley Hilîs will give the Consumers Report at the November meeting. Mrs. Bruce Tink, District Directer, reported on the recent District Executive meeting, held at the home of our, District, President, Mrs. Marguerite Fraser. She told bow we are te use our talent money in varieus ways to raise money for the- areas 75tb anniversary coming up next year. Also, our District is holding their 3rd Fun Fair at Nestie- ten Community Centre on Oct. 26 at 2 p.m. Eacb brancb will assist. Tbere will be a country store, 'crafts displayed, pro- gram, draw and lunch. We decided to send $10 to the Scholarship Fund establisbed this year in Miss McKercher's name. She is retiring from ber C-~~Çgitn Phone 623-7312 UN ISEX Tricho-Ana lysis Facials andMake-up edken Hair and Skin Products 40 -lb. Box $"900 position as Director of Home Economics Branch. Our former adopted daugbt- er Lao Cbing, Hong Kong, now a nurse, wili receive $10 from our branch as a Christmas gif t. The Roll Caîl - The Most Interesting Place I've Visited, was well responded to by over 20 members. Mrs. Watson then calied on Mrs. Howard Milîson, leader of Baker's group on World Affairs, te take the chair. After weicoming ail, Mrs. Milîson calied on four of our own fine vocalists, for a quartette - Mrs. Wesley His, -Mr. Donald Taylor, Mr. Bruce Taylor and Mr. Harvey Yei- iowlees. They were accom- panied by Mrs. Donald Taylor. Tbey sang "Steai Away" and "Stars of the Summer Nigbt. " We do appreciate these busy gentlemen and Joyce taking time to give us this weicome treat in music. Mrs. R. Rowsell, assistant leader of the group in charge, presented the Motto - The World is my Country, Man- kind is my friend. She mentioned the fact that no matter how far we may travel, we wili fînd a friend. She especially mentioned Dr. Robert McLure, being a friend to mankind in many countries. At this point Mrs. Wesley Yellowlees was asked to read a short Address and make a presenta tien to Mrs. Gordon Leask, our 60-year member. This gift was a plaque with inscription "Mrs. G. Leask, Solina W.I. 1916-1976." Mrs. Leask responded with grateful tbanks. She said ber member- sbip over the years had always been a pleasure. Very humbly, she said she didn't feel deserving of such an, bonor but we wbo bave known ber over the years, tbink she weli-deserved this special bon- or. We sincerely hope she may treasure al ber W.I. memor- les at Solina. The topic of the evening was from our own brancb member and District President - Mrs. (Randy) or Marguerite Fras- er. This summer she, with three other district members, drove to Charlottetown,' P.E.I. to attend the Federated, Wo- men's Institute Convention. Mrs. Fraser tbanked the brancb for sbaring in belping to send ber to the convention. Witb the aid of a flip cbart, slides and souvenirs, she told of their interesting experien- ces. The drive down was most beautiful and accommodation excellent. She especially en- joyed meeting people from other provinces and excbang- ing entbusiasm about WI. work. She feit Ontario was nlot quite as good in this as the ether provinces, altbougb we bave the most members of branches. 11 P.E.I. was most beautiful with the red earth and green potato plants. A branch lunch- eon and bus tour visiting a lobster factory were hilites of 20 - lb. Box Section Two The Canadian Statesman. HAmP TOh N W. 1 MacDonald - Rundie Wedding Gail Margaret Rundie, Bow- manvîlle, became the bride of Leslie Lloyd MacDonald of Oshawa, on September 18, the convention. Mrs. Fraser told many more facts about speakers and reports wich took up time for them. Discussions on such a large scale seem sometimes point- less - However, sbe feit mucb was gained by members from areas so far apart, meeting on a common ground, and ex- pressing deligbtful greetings to each other. Our maie quartette again favored with two selections - My Jesus, How I' love Tbee and Tbere's a Cburcb in the Valley, Mrs. Wesley His, on bebaîf of Baker's Group thanked each one on our program, Mrs. Milîson added ber tbanks. The meeting closed witb singing tbe Queen. Mrs. Watson had made a beautîful cake to bonor'Mrs. Leask. t was decorated witb Mrs. G. Leask, Solina W.I, 1916-1976. We ail admired this greatly. At the conclusion, of our meeting the cake witb ice cream was, served for our lunch as well as seconds from another cake. Celebrctes Golden Anniversary PONTYPOOL GENERAL RPAIR GLASS AND MIRROR Ail Home Improvements Aluminum Doors and Windows, Wood Windows and Sash Replacements FREE ESTIMATES Telephone (416)983-5846 (705)277-.2178 Serving Oshawa fo Peterborough Two more good reasons for flot drinking: * * e Our experience shows that ab- stainers have fewer car accidents, fewer home tires. Se we can afford te insure for less. If y ou're a non-drinker, can you afford notto look into Abstainers' insurance for your home and your car? 1976 in the United Church, Tyrone. Rev. Paul Erb was the officiating clergyman. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Rundie, Bowmanville. The groom is tbe son of Mrs. Velda Mac- Donald, Osbawa, and Mr. Lloyd MacDonald, Summer- side, P.E.I. Given in marriage by ber parents, tbe bride wore a floor length organza over taffeta gown, long bouffant sleeves and a bigh neckline with fine lace inserts. A floral bead- dress beld ber elbow-lengtb illusion. veil. She carried a bouquet' of, orcbids, peacb roses and ivy. Mrs. Irene Carey of Oshawa was matron of bonor. Brides maids were Judy Connelly and Diane Lamnbert, botb of Bow- manville. Terry Arsenault of Osbawa, niece of the groom was flower girl and Mattbew Rundie of Bowmanville, nepbew ef the bride, was ring bearer. Bryan Carey of Osha-, wa, acted as best man. Ushers were David Bonebam of Oshawa and Richard Rundie, brother of the bride, Bowman- ville, The reception was held at Tyirone Community Hall. The couple are honeymoon- ing in Ottawa and will reside at 291 Marland, Oshawa. Showers Several sbowers were held in the brides bonor. A miscel- laneous sbower given by Mrs. Florence Oke, Oshawa. A community sbower by Mrs. Carolyn McKay. A miscel- laneous sbower beid by the b ridesmaids Diane Lambert- co-bostess-July Connelly, Bewmanville. A miscellan- eous sbower given by Mrs Evelyn Fernlund, Bowman- ville. A persenal showerby Mrs. Irene Carey and present- ation by members of the Erinli Golf Club. -Photo by Paul MeNeii 500K BEAT 44Sweet is Revenge" Lord Byron Stories of revenge. may be bitter or sweet but the one included here is ingenieus and funny. Net' a penny more, net a penny Iess by Jeffery Archer. AIl investors worry about the safety of their investments and, our four beroes also worry. However tbey are able te discover that the company they bave invested in is in a very precarieus situation so tbey take unusuai revenge - they decide to get back ail the money tbey put in - net a penny more, not a penny less. So free we seem by Jamie Brown. This sequel to Steppîng Stones is set in the depression era and is the story of tbe beir On October 5th, the Hamp- ton Women's Institute met at the C.E. wing at 1:30 and, drove over to Mr. Orville Osborne's to see bis collection of antique dlocks, driftwood, beils, and Mrs. Osborne's collection of buttons. We were astounded at the number of dlocks Mr. Osborne had col- lected. With a littie imagina- tion and an artistic hand we saw how driftwood could be made to represent animals, birds and many objects. Mrs. Osborne took us into their home to see many pieces of antique china and her button collection. Everyone agreed we had a most enjoyable afternoon and thank the Os- bornes for their kindness. Returning to the C.E. wing we enjoyed a cup of tea and fruit bread and cheese while conducting our business. The Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Roil Cail was taken and tbe Fun Fare is to be beld in October at Nestieton and the ladies are asked to meet at the C.E. wing at 1:30 p.m. The program Will be put on by the Institutes of Blackstock, Ken- dal, Maple Grove and Solina. W- are to wear our name tags. Each Institute is to donate tbree dozen cookies or squares - Mrs. Macklîn, Mrs. Allun and Mrs. Slemon agreed to supply these. to an automobile fortune who has everything yet feels he must break away from his family to see "the real world". Brown, who lives in Brant- ford, spins an interesting and complex tale of personal conflict and misunderstand- ing. The easy way to good looks by Shirley Lord. Almost every woman thinks that ber appearance could be improved. Lord, formerly edi- tor of Vogue and now witb Helena Rubenstein, offers practical, how - to advice on make-up, hair,, skin care and of course, diet. She includes tips from many top models and illustrates ber points with drawings and pbotograpbs. The 3: 10 to anywbere by Leo Rosten. Rosten bas captured some of the most hilarious moments a traveller ever experienced in this book of armcbair travels. He describes bis extensive visits to other coun- tries but instead of hearing about train scbedules and tîpping, we hear the açiventur- es and misadventures of a man who bas an eye for the unusual. The library often bas dis- plays of interest to the public. Presentiy there is a photo- graphy display as well as a showing of ceramics. Recent- ly there was an exhiibit of sketches of local landmarks. An upcoming show will in- clude work done at the Visual arts centre. For more infor- mation on wbat is on display or to arrange a show, caîl the Bowmanville Brancb at 623-7322. Ontario wants to hi the i * a Osborne & Shank, Insurance Agency Mt. 108 Liberty St. N. 623-2527 Mvr. andMi rs. H. Gibson Sunday, October 3rd was the occasion of the golden wed- ding of Herbie and Gwen Gibson of Newcastle. The re- ceptien was beld in the Churcbh Hall of St. George's Anglican Cburch, Newcastle. A com- mittee of ladies comprising Dora Kelsey, Helen Harris, Audrey Walton, Carolyn Garrod, Gladys Belsey and Alicia Spencer. Murray Wal- ton was master of ceremonies.' The table, was tastcfully decorated wîth bouquets of flowers flanked by taîl candles and a 3-tier cake. Seated at the bridai table were the bridai party, Harold Harris and Gwen's two sisters Olive and Penny. Many friends and relatives cailed during the afternoen to offer their con- gratulations te the happy couple and delicious refresh- ments were served by the, ladies of tbecemmîttee. Congratulations xý%cre re- ceived from the Governor- General of Canada and Madame Leger, Hon. Pierre Eiliott Trudeau, Prime Minis- ter of Canada, William Davis, Premier of Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Carruthers, Mr. Je Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lawrence, Mr. Garnet Ric- kard, Mayor of the Town of Newcastle and wife, and Cousin Vi, London, England. Flowers were received from the Royal Canadian Legion No. 178 and the Women's Auxiliary of the R.C.L., Rev. and Mrs. R. Hayne, Harold and Grace Gibson and St. George's Cboir. A beautiful plaque was received from the Government of Ontario and presented by Deug Moffatt, M.P.P. Community centres are the heart of the social, cultu rai and recreational life of many places in Ontario. They have been built by people in the community who have contributed their money and their labour and they are one place that everyone can share equally. Uni ortu nately, niot ail these centres were buiît to the same construction standards. Modemn engineering studies have shown that some of them contain dangerous flaws which must be corrected immediately. Happily, Ontario is able ta help municipalitiesta do this with 'extra money f rom both the Community Recreation Centres Act and Wintario. In most cases, the people in the cammunity need to raise anly 25 per cent themselves. Beca costly t( to helpi If yoi. to fix up write to: Cami Minis Quee Min ist r3 Recreai Robert Ministe Five articles for the Country Store are to be donated by each group. Mrs. Caverly, Mrs. White, Mrs. Chant, Mrs. Bryant and Mrs. Yeo offered to supply Hami. con's donaton. A Draw ---ift is te be given by each Institute, Mrs. Chant offered te make a macrame plant banger for Hampton. Mrs. Mackiin moved the material for this be bougbt out of our funds, Miss Johns seconded the motion. The ýmeeting closed by repeating our Aims and ýOb- jects in unisen. OIBITUARY Josepb Henry Whiteside A resident of Bethany for 21 years, Joseph Henry White- side aged 94 years, died suddenly on Saturday, Sep- tember l8th, 1976 in Bethany. Born and educated in Franklin, Manvers Township, ,vmanville, Octeber 20, 1976 3 be was the son of the late Robert and Marianne (Me- Neil) Wbiteside. Married in 1913, be retired from farming 30 years ago. Previously residing at R2 Bethany, be was an adherent of the United Cburch. Surviving besides bis wife, are Myra (Mrs. Gordon Fin- ney), Alma (Mrs. Gordon Stapes) and Leone (Mrs. Steve Wilson). Funerai services were held on Tuesday at Morcombe and RebilI P5arlours, Omemee with Reverend Gordon Ficko offici- ating. Paîl-bearers were grand- sons, Leonard and William Wilson, Henry McKay, Paul Dewan, Larry and Donald Staples. Floral tokens were received in bis memory fromn Bethany United Church; Union Carbide, Lindsay; Fin- ney Lumber, Lindsay; Regal Stationary, Omemee. Interment St. Mary's, Lif- WORTH LOOKING INTO' SINGLE VISION BIFOCAL Have we got a selection of smart prescription eyeglasses for you! And, at spectacular money- saving prices too. " vour choice of frame from a combinat ion of 65 styles, shapes and colours; including mods. " your prescription in white, rose or s9,nglass green lenses. " one year replacement warranty against breakage. eyour choice from a wide selection of cases. *4-oz. bottie of cleaninq solution. Extreme mod and metal styles for only $13 .00, more. Low prices on fashion tints and special types of lenses. Th ink about it. You get good looks for Iess money at King Optical. Corne in and see us today. COMPNY G22 23 Bond Street East, Oshawa 0 728-1261 elp. you ma-ke Mnost of yourf use we know somhe arenas are toô old or too 'o f ix up, we are also ready to work out a plan municipalities to build new ones. j would like to know how Ontario can help )your community centre or build a new one, rnunity Centres, ;try of Culture and Recreation, an's Park, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 2R9. 'of Culture and Mion Welch, William Davis, r! -Premier Province of Ontario AN NUAL Citrus Fruit Sale ponsored by Courtice Secondary School Band Parent Committee Super-Fresh Tree-Ripened F ROM TEXAS TO YOU IN 5 DAYS! Sale is on Oct. 12-Nov. 15 Delîvered in time for Christmas giving Proceeds for Band Exchange Trips and Competition Trips For further information cail 263-2563

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