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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Oct 1976, p. 3

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Rideau Park United Church in Ottawa, formed an elegant setting for the marriage of Elizabeth Jane Bennett ýand Hans George Rietmulier, on Saturday, August 14th, 1976. The officiating clergymen were Dr. O. R. McKennitt and the Royal Miitary Coliege Chaplain, Father Doyon. The organist was Mrs. Audrey Foster and the soloist, Miss Judy Matheson. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bennett, Ottawa and the groom is the eldest son of Mrs. Murray O. Wood and the late Mr. Egon Rietmuller, Bowmanville. Given in' marriage by her father, the bride was radiant in a gown of white nylon sheer over silk and fashioned with a high neckline and Bishop sleeves. The neckiine, sieeves Corne in and look over our greot selection Iof exclusive pant suifs. Many are one-of-a-kind. sizes 5 to 20 OSHAWA Bond Towers Shopping Mal 44 Bond St.W. Downtown Oshawa 576-7152 sQuARE A Speciol Shop for Speciol Women- and bodice of the gown were of Chantilly lace. The dress was enchanced further by a long chapel train. The bride was attended by the maid of honor, Miss Janet- Dudgeon and bridesmaids. Miss, Irene Rietmuller and Miss Nancy Rietmuller. They were ail dressed alike in jade green Jersey gowns. The flower girl was Miss Laura Bennett. Their fiowers were yellow centered daisies and scattered baby's breath. Best man was Mr. Kevin Smith who wore a navy blue uniform. Mr. John Wood and Mr. David Bennett, ushers, and the ring bearer, Mr. Perry James Rietmuhher, were dres- sed ln black tuxedos. The mother of, the bride wore a two piece Jersey ensemble, with a w\hitehack- ground and accentuated with shades of green. The sleeve- less dress was completed with a matching hong-sleeved jac- ket. The mother of the groom wore a Champagne, Jersey gown and matching shawl. The wedding guests were received at a reception held in the Renaissance Suite of the Chateau Laurier in Ottawa. Leaving for a honeymoon in the, Muskoka Lakes area, the bride wore a red, two piece outfit. Mr. and Mrs. Rietmuiier are now residing in Kingston, Ontario. -Photo by Thomas Studio, Ottawa. SALEM The Salem unit of St. Paul's U.C.W.* met la the church on Wednesday October the l3th. Unit leader Mrs. Ruby Shack- leton opened the meeting with an Autumn poem. and then conducted the business. Mrs. Audrey Shirk read the min- utes of the last meeting, the Presbytery meeting was an- nounced for October the l9th at Ebenezer church, the arts and crafts show la St. Paul's on Saturday and our own bazaar in November. Mrs. Milliken fromn St. Paul's told us more about the craft show. Mrs, Shackleton then called on three ladies from St. Paul's, Mrs. Schamerhorn, Mrs. Daîrymple and Mrs. Gillespie, who had attended a weekend camp at Quin-Mo- Lac, to tell us about their experiences there. They pro- vided atmosphere with a camp fire and camp clothing and put on a skit that Oshawa ladies had originated, about the church crest turning up in unexpected places in Centen- nial year. Tbey were much inpressed hy the guest speak- er, the Rev. Gordon C. Hunter and gave a synopsis of his four sermons, which were typed out and a copy given to each member to take home. Other happenings at camp proved very amusing to aIl of US. Mrs. Iva Twist then took charge of the devotional, the theme was thanksgiving, and Mrs. Twist gave, a reading about the healing of the first leper by Jesus, after which hymn No. 577 was sung. Mrs. Shirk bad a reading about the first Thanksgiving and Mrs. Doris Craig, about the trials of Job, other readings were interspersed With Tbanksgiv- ing hymns and this part of'the program closed with prayer by Mrs. Shackleton. Mrs. Evelyn Buttery gave a detail- ed treasurer's report during the business. Newcastle United Church was the scene of a pretty summer wedding on August 28, 1976 when Reverend David Spivey united in marriage, Cathy Dawne Ogden and Bradley Dale Adams. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lhyhhe Carrohl, Kendal, Ontario. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Adams of Bowman- ville, Ontario. ' Given in marriage by ber father, the bride wore a floor length, white jersey knit gown and matching veil. She car- ried a cascade of orange roses, white daisies and baby's breath. Brenda Canwell, Newcastle, was maid of honor. Lori Ogden, Kendal, Ontario sister of the bride, Mrs. Valerie Rudman, sister of the groom and Mrs. Karen Ramn ess both of Newcastle and Anne Todd of Newtonvilie were bridesmaids. Margaret Bajorek, Kendal, Ontario was the flowergirl.. Jason Carroll, brother of the bride, acted as ring bearer. Don Piper of Bowmanville was best man. The ushers were Greg Adams, brother of Latimer - Will Wedd A pretty fali wedding waý when Sharon Rùby Will, be solemnized on Saturday, Octa came the bride of Rober ber 2nd, 1976, in St. Paul'.ç Michael Latimer. Reverenc United Church, Bowmanville N.E, Schamerhorn officiated cDkg &~antt~ hueQQe Every morning for years, at about 11:30, the telephone operator in a smnall Sierra-Nevada town received a cali from a man asking the exact timne. One day the operator sumnmed up enough nerve f0 ask himn why the regularity. "l'ni foremnan of the local sawmnill," he explained. Every day 1 have to blow the whistle at noon so 1 cail you to get the exact time." The operator g îggied. "That's really frnny," she said. "Alil this time we've been setting ourclock by your whistle." CLOTHES CARE HINT: PAPER BACKED BELTS are unserviceable and cannot be cleaned. DRY CLEANII » ~V'y ~r "V. Cleaners Ltd. 84 King St. W. 623- 5520 ,"We Specialize ini Shirt Liiundering" the groom, Rick Forsey, Leonard Eldridge ail of Bow- manville and Bob Harness of Newcastle. The bride's mother assisted by the mother of the groom received guests at the New- castle Town Hall. Sam Adams, uncle of the groom of Bowmanville acted as Master of Ceremonies. Guests fromn afar included several aunts and uncles of the bride from the Maritime Provinces. The young couple honey- mooned at Niagara Falls and are now residing in Bowman- ville. Jing The brides parents are Mr. and Mrs, Frank Mohun, Bow- manville, and the groom'5 parents are Mr. and Mrs, Robert Latimer, Scarborough. The bride wore a formai gown of embroidered nylon with seed pearls over satin. A tulle illusion veil fell from a headband of petals and she carried a cascade bouquet of white orchids and carnations. Miss Laura Will, sister of the bride was the maid of honor and the bridesmaids were Misses Sheily Martin, and Janaka Wilson. Mr. Brian Fullerton was the best man, and the ushers were Messrs. Brian Will and John Latimer., Following a reception held at the Bowmanville Golf and Country Club, the happy couple left on a honeymoon in Hawaii, the bride travelling in a black pantsuit, with a white blouse and hat. Mr. and Mrs. Latimer are now residing in Oakville. -MeRobbie Photography Advertising... keeps peopeI working. CAAIN ADVERTI ING ABVISORY BOA 1 SHA Two very interesting groups of students visited in our community last week in their preparations for Autumn. The Grade one class from Newcastle and the Kindergar- teners from Vincent Massey School in Bowmanviiie were superintended by teachers and available parents to participate in a field tour through the pumpkins at Ceresmore Farms. Over at the duck pond on which 10 "quackers" were floating about and then the groups went on to the appie orchards nearby where the laden branches of semi-dwarf Courtiands were bent right to the ground. All the while a herd of cattle of ail sizes stayed near the fence to gaze with curiosity at the small visitors who were equally entranced with the animais. The Shaw's ladies who belong Ito the former group 10 of Trinity U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. Elmer Cox last week. There were 10 ladies present and they were all sorry to hear that Mrs. Orville Osborne is spending some time in Bowmanville Hospital. The ladies spent the afternoon qitilting. Misses Janet Bragg, Karen Dow and Nora Simpson were special guests at the Unit 6 U.C.W dessert supper at Trinity Church early this month. These girls spoke on their varied camping exper- iences of hast summer. Special musical numbers were provid- ed by Carol Wight accompan- ied by Cory Kuipers and Janet Bragg who played two piano solos. The 20 U.C.W. members really enjoyed this meeting which had been convened by June Bragg, Ethel Wight and their committee.« The Trinity Messenger group enjoyed an Autumn weiner roast at Barwood Farm when Doreen Barrie and Isabelle Carlson, their leaders were in charge. Have the Shaw's friends looked up their costumes for the Hallowe'en Party? We want lots of f un at the schooh on Oct. 29th. Gladiolus Society Annual Meeting The Durham Region Gladio- lus and Dahlia Society heid its annual meeting folhowing a pot huck supper in the old Baseline School iast Saturday evening. President Frank Samis wel- comed those present and called on Wm. Crowley to conduct the election of officers for next year. The following officers were elected: Presi- dent - Frank' Samis, Vice President - Harry Jose, Sec. Treas. - Margaret Killeen, Directors - Dudley Deeley, Arche Whitmee, Bertha Bar- nes, Marion Wright. 1977 Show Chairman - Archie Whitmee, Assistant - Clarence Tink. C.G.S. Director - Frank Sam- is, N.A.G.C. Director - Bertha Barnes. A short business meeting followed when Wm. Crowiey made some suggestions re- garding the annual Bulb Sale and Auction. The secretary The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanville, October 20, 1976 3 LW ge-.4prevention. Mr. Whitmee add- ed his, satisfaction with the pine needles which he bas worked into the soul now and read several suggestions for he declared that his bulbs are improving the annual flower in much better condition now show. These suggestions had than at the beginnîng of the been submitted to, the secre- season. tary on Show day and they will be examined by thé executive and deait with accordingly. Mr. Samis reported on his experîments with pine needies as a muich for his giadiolus this past summer. He is very satisfied with the resuits and is pleased to recommend this method for both retaîning moisture and as a disease Mrs,* Tink thanked the Society for its continuing support to the 4-H Landscape Gardeners Club. Members and visitors were present fromn Newmarket, Peterborough, Coiborne, Hampton, Newcastle and Bowmanville. VAN BELLE __________ 7SChe ofdijéo f COME AND BROMSE IN OUR ... ORTHO INDOOR PLANT INSECT SPRAY + EASY TO USE + CONTROLS INSECTS ON I NDOOR PLANTS 5 oz. slze 9 oz. size ORTHO HOUSE PLANT FOOD + NEW, READY TO USE, + JUST ADO DROPS TO SOI L LEAF POLISH + NEW LEAF BEAUTY + FINE FOR HARD SURFACED k EA VES Soz.size $1 .69 loz. size $2.69' HOUSE PLANTS INDOORS-OUTDOORS House plants, trees, shrubs, everblooming fiowers, bulbs. citrus 'and miniatures. Terrariums, bottie gardens, no cost green- houses, fluorescent- light gardens. ~398 VAN BELLE HOUSE PLANTS I NDOORS-OUTDOORS VAN BELLE EAST Highway No. 2 Between Oshawa and Bowmanville 623-4441 VAN BELLE WEST 292 King St. W., Oshawa 579-1118 VAN BELLE NORTH 1124 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 728-5159, M B PTICAI BOUIQUEh 30 KING ST. WEST MISS G. ZIEGLER 8OWMANVILLE DSESN PIIN PHON E 623-4477 DSESN PIIN Rietmuller - Bennett Wedding Adams - Ogden Wedding B. H.S. presents "THE ROAR 0F THE GR EASE PAI NT, THE SMELL 0F THE CROWD"' October 21, 22, 23 8: 00 p.m. at BowmanviIe High School MG >Bowmanville rý WST rWEST

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