8 Winter Driving Supplement of The Canadian StatesZýl November 17, 1976 Motritsrecepg-tive bo auto inspection laws Drivers learn to save on fuel; pollution levels diminished; accidents are reduced By AL1, ROTlHENBEIZG Former AtomýotiNe Editor of Lolok Maaine ow Exective D Iiretor of AtooIe nformation CouinciL. The energy crisis hasý been no bargain, but some good may corne out of it. Perhaps it alIreadcy has, as nany safety leaders traceacne in the highway accident rate to energy-forcecl lower specd ilmits. The Autonmotive Inforrnationi Concil points out higher petroleurn costs and fears of future shortages could also miake the public more favorably inclined tow-ý,ard rnotor vehicie inspection. An efficient en-gine that neets ernission stanida-rdsL delivers rnore mniles to the galion and a regular inspection is thle bestwa to deterrnine if the standards are being mnet, AIC daims Thirty-two states and the District of Columbia now have periodic motor 19 hold out vehicle inspection (PMVIF). Pcriodic mtrvehuicle The number has been vir- iseto PV)i tually constant since the iseto PV)i dawn of this decade. Vol - pacie in3 sat. untary prograrnis were the qSî-atsflotIavig mnda vogue during the '50s and to r> afeyinspectifo haif of the '60s but PMVI AlaskaAoa, Califor- generated littie support niai, Coneciculnois, because of a lack of data lw, Mr]id to show that vehicle con- Miwa, ans, Marylsoad, dition was a key safety MciaMneoa factor. Mnaa eaa ot Soliçd evidence Today, there is solid evidence that def ective vehicles have figured prominently in accidents causing deaths and in- juries: * Nebraskareported 10 per centi of fatial accvidents ivolved fault vbile prior 10 PMVI iit 1968 ami 5.6 per cent in 1972 portation) (DOT) Said b)rzke prohlemns alone ac- cotant for 1,600 tll 3,000 deathis a year. 0 Institute( for SafeIy Anjalsis 4estiiaed defec- tivelvehicle: we-e jnivolyed in more than :i,000 deaiths and 200,000 serions inijt- ries ainually. Until the passage of the Clean Air Act in 1970, safety was the only pur- pose of PMVI. Now, an inspection system is vital for-another reason, the air we breathe. Except for the state of New Jersey and a limnited number oaf corn- munities. te ernissions in- tiakota, OUio, <iregone , Total carrgitaol in thie"e states i, ncarly hiaif of thenatinw sars. Moorists livinlg in -these States wsigtJlî1avc PMVI laws ecti(ed, 41ouldwrititeir tt spection program is stil! on the launch pad, As thela now reads, two agencies of the Fed- eral Governnent are re- sponsible for periodic in- spections - the National Hlighway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), for safety; the Environ- mental Protection Agency (EPA), for emîssions. -The Automnotive Information Counicil says that adminis- tration of PMVI should be given to one agency, point- ing out that inspection for safety and emnissions could be cornpleted at one time. Certainly, that would be far more convenient for the owners ofrnore than ~NI~CANT "rA'tlf T WItt-F4rLJN POORL'/ ANP >-WA'ý ý ?FL,-TI4-CAP CARrE COLiNCIL APVIr-EEi l4A'41N6 YCR AIR FILTER EC E VEizy rP9v MOaNT 5ANP RPLACE9 IP NECESý;ARY> -m N O4 YOU ANP 'jOUg EN61NE -A e~11 -4r EALIY. 100 milion vehicles in op-,eration. Huge daily savizig, Perhaps the program woufld gain even greater acceptance if it were called "fuel economy inspection" or "engine efflcîency in- spection" with the ernpha- sis on saving gasoline and money. DOT conservative- ly estirnates that inspec- tion could save 375,000 barrels of crude oil a day. Here are some results 0f, studies that clearly demn- onstrate the Advantages of an efficient po-wer plant: 9 EPA gie 70 4cars tion and after ;adjusîiment recorded an 8.4 per centi dip in gas consuimplionà. 0 Champion spark PIng Comnpany, in lnatipon- wide eintision and fuel econmomy lests, fommnd on arage an11.7 Iper cent fuel ecollnmy IiiproveN - nlv iiealer neegded 1laie- tip. One car in eývi- 3 5 is so " il.o1I* ainti1U;a i edý thial il asefront 20 t<o 33 per cent of il- ful. * Giaif Oi ticted120,- 000 vehlicles 01er ail a f.id l23liter cent olf the cars wthinefficient en- gines e, cmlnapankl1 t maztvd Ilite aeaet car %4a>1ed a,' much ýa, 1410 gallonsof4fula ilyear, or ncarly $100 at today'S eNew York City ram lin inispection progreim on 1,200 taxis, 1'ound -g sub- stantial reduction hi l'y- drocarbon (11C)axnd car- bon monoxidü (CO) enjkissions and fuetl savings. Up to il0 per cent lifter When CO levels are ex- cessive, it fleans poor car- buretion. Sorne causes: toob rnuch fuel in the mixture, low idie speed setting, in- operative choke, clogged filter. High IC usually cornes fromn an ignition problern. Causes: ignition timning advancedl or re- tarded too miuch, poor condenser, worn out spark plugs, 10w battery voltage, vacuurn leaks. Make it nationwidec 0f course, im-prop)er car- buretion and ignition waste gasoline. Couple that with the facts that show PMVI saves lives and, there is every reason to believe that America is ready for an across the nation vehicle inspection prograrn including emis- sions of at least once- a year. S N C A A t A R'hM DýO W N S T A V EýT N liN --R ýE ~R Q4U4If-E STE-S iP S S'TAR 'l EZ-T RADIO,0 IAP ArN Lo I L R'0B8 T EIR STATS N NTS B AT T E R- y SI O 0T'CR ANDY DANIS GULF FLYING DUTCHMAN INN Gaif 40'1 LI1B E RY ST, ID 623-4181 SPECIAL Tune-ups Brakes LUCENCED MECHANIC Towing Service 7 a.m.-1i p.m. The Car YmOU Save' May Be Tour Own I * X ~ f/ty We Pick-up I_ AndI I-". DlIiver I Proteet Your Investment - Rustproof with SUPERIOR RUSTPROOFINGg GUARANTEED on wri itng for 10 years -SERVUNG THE DURHAM REGION Car-uTruck Rustproofing 140 Russett Oshawva I Phone 576-m6141 PFmm mmSMm mmmm mm mm mm mu