18 The Canadian Statesman. I3owmanvilIc., December 8, 1976 Attends Conference A four day International conference on Education and Environment brought to- gether such well-known auth- orities and educators on the environment as Captain Jaques-Yves Cousteau and Geneticist David Suzuki to Toronto's Sheraton Centre November 24 to 27. Pierce Farragher Attending the conference was Pierçe Farragher, presi- dent of the Environmental Science Teachers Association of Ontario, and a resident of Oshawa. Mr. Farragher is a vital member of the organ- izing of the most successful conference. He is also head of Environment and Canadian Resources Department at the Ontario Science Centre, and former head of Environment- ai Science at Courtice Second- ary Sehool. More that 4,000 educators from across Canada attended the conference to discuss such concerns as enviroamental ethics, pollution, the Canadian North, energy, recreation, transportation, and resource management. Astronomer WiII Lecture At Durham On Saturday, December llth, 1976, the distinguished Astronomer and Astrophysi- cist, Dr. M. Pim FitzGerald will bc presenting a lecture entitled: "Mapping the Milky Way - A Southern Observer's View. " Professor FitzGerald, a re- cognized authority on Stellar Spectroscopy and Galactic Structure, will be discussing his research into the structure, of our Milky Way Gxalaxy and will be describing his investi- gaiions with the recently cons tructed Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatories in Chule. This seminar is scheduled to begin at about 10:00 a.m.~ at Durham College and interest- ed members of the general public are welcome. Five Residents Receive R.L.A. Designot ions Five Bowmanville residents received their professional R.I.A. (Registered Industrial Accountant) designations at the recent Convocation of the Society of Industrial Account- ants of Ontario. The graduates successfully completing the Society's five year management accounting course, are J. DeGooyer, A.G.R. McKay, R.J. Petre, T.K. Reefke andR WJ. Stock- man. The RIA. program is available hy evening study at many colleges and universi- ties throughout Ontario or by correspondence. Ini addition to the core accounting subjects, the curriculum includes such management-related courses as organizational behaviour, information systems and management processes and problems. The Society of Industrial Accountants of Ontario was established ini 1941. Today it boasts more than 4200 gradu- ate R.I.A.'s among its mem- bership and has the largest student body of any account- ing association. Its head office is in Hamilton. OBITUARY EDITH HELENA MOLLON Edith Helen Mollon, aged 89, a former resident of Port n--y ddat Hil-sdle Mano vour WE RIESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FÀýMILY REQUIREMENTS. DOMINION 'STORES L[MiTED. ishas Food tm L ýA Imm a KM= EZM 7Z M -3- EMM EMM EMM 9-1-4 =-.-î Eý- Mil Eý c"m-M E-mM ELM-5 mýl