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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1976, p. 9

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McGregor IDA Bantams Impr in Every Game Defeat Uxbridge 4 to 2 With each passing game the Broome anti Paton assisteti on McGregor IDA Bantams are the seconti. Other scorers playing better hockey and are were Garf MeQuaiti from becoming much stronger Brian Canfielti anti Jeff Sal- through effort. iows, Len Dyck from Steve On Saturday, Nov. 27 at Huisman and Tony Clieff. Darlington Arena the Toros At one time the IDA crew beat the harti hitting Uxbritige helti a 4-0 leati anti were Bantams 4 to 2. getting strong goaltentiîng from Mark Doyle. A gooti Kevin Tink bati two goals for comeback by Uxbritige nar- Bowmanville. Andy Paton roweti the gap but fell short icked up an'assist on the first though they were stili pressing of Tink's goals while Dale at the final buzzer. Mary Brown's Novices 2-Way Tie for Second MaryBron's ovies pay- seconti perioti with two goals, eti an exhibition game on miue1seotsart Thurday ightin iampton The start of the thirti period Thra n ighPteroruh n belongeti to the Toros as Jay were edgeti by a 1-0 score. Kelly was stantiing ahl alone at The two clubs playeti great the net when Sbawn'Rekker hockey as both teams showed relayeti as pass over to Ian some great puck control and, Wbeelock and Ian set Jay up defensive and offensive hock-, perfect for the Toros lst goal. ey skills. The Toros tying goal was a The Toros out shot Peterbor- real pretty goal as Shawn ough by a big margin of 17-7 Rekker shot a long pass across but were unable to beat their etoefWigran he- goaltender. The only goal ock. Ian spotted Chris Beck scored for the Toros was from breaking over Lindsay's blue Mark Hicky but it was ruleti and was sent in ail alone and no goal as Mark kicked in bis picked the bottom ieft corner own rebound. to gain the tie with Lindsay. In Saturday, the Toros played net for Mary Brown's Toros host to Lindsay and managed was Troy Harmer and he to battie for a 2-2 tie. Lindsay handieti 10 shots and only two opened the scoring in the got by after he matie the initial Argo/Chaparral SUPER SHARK available with 340c.c. and 440c.c. <iquid cooled engine. Argo SHARK, with 400c.c. and 440c.c. fan cooled engine. TEST DRIVE A SHARK TODAY AT: OSHAâWA SNOWlMOfBILE CLINIC King St. E. 1/4,mile east of Town Uine Telephone Oshawa 723-8861 AoeShark Manufactursd by Ontario Drive and Gear Lid. New Hamburg, Ont. ýtPERSHARK440-. OnIy $1695 340-»...OnIy $154.5 ARGO 440 OnIy $1095 oi400 OnIy $104,5 BgeRail Suspension ALSO USED SNOWMOBILES PARTS- CLOTHING-ACCESSORIESI Corne in and see our selection of Ski W 'ear i Cross Country and Need Stocking Stuffers? Toques-Scarvesi ISun Glasses, etc. T-S ïtCrestin*g Makes an Interestlng giff i STHE ISporting Gesture e S67 King St. West 623-9222 9 Cummings Major Bantams Gain Two Big V*ictoriles Over Lindsay On Wetinestiay, Dec. 8, the he was ieft alone in front of the Jones. Lintisay scoreti to spoil Toros tiefeateti Lindsay by the net. Chuck Welsh anti Clemens Storgarrti's, shutout biti to score of 4-1. The visitors assisteti on the goal. Final make the score 4-1 at the endi starteti the scoring with a goal score Toros 4 Lintisay 1. of -the seconti perioti. in the second perioti whiie the On Suntiay, Dec. 12, the Toros were shorthandeti but Toros paiti a return visit to The Toros explotiet for 4 from there to the end it was ail Lindisay anti came away with unanswered goals in the thirti for the Toros. a convincing 8-1 victory. perioti. Clemens scoreti from Rob DeBoo got the equalizer Simpson scoreti the first goal Greenham anti Simpson. when he was set up by Stan assisteti by Brati Hockin anti Ciemens scoreti again when he Greenham anti Randy Mac- Carl Chambers. DeBoo scoreti was set up by Greenham anti Donald. Captain Rick Simpson on a harti shot from the point. WehglsheKene scoreti te got what proved to be the He was set up by Simpson anti 7hgadhnh ifett winning goal when he was set Ciemens. Chambers then de- Simpson's shot into the, net. up by Brati Hockin anti Ken flecteti another bard point shot MacDonalid wrappeti up the Hoy. Brent Ciemens com- from DeBoo into the net. scoring. Assists on the play pleteti the second perioti Simpson also receiveti an Welsn al o s ev oros 8n scoring when be was set up by assist on Chamber's goal. Wlh ia cr oo Neil Jones. Simpson scoreti the fourth Lindisay 1. Next game is Greenham scoreti the only goal, a powerpiay, when he Saturtiay, Dec. 18, at 8:00 in goal of the third perioti when was set up by Chambers, anti Bowmanvile against Oshawa. Kramps bSalvage Tile with Hoo pers County Chrysler By John Vance saivageti a3 Hooper's openeti the scoring Vance tookî at the 3 minute mark by blue line thî tiefenceman Guy Parks assist- Wiloughby's eti by "Clean" Phil Johnson The second anti Ray Piekeil. Before the ty waik over first perioti endeti Brian victory. It wý Bradley waiketi in to tuck gailery onB away a taliy, assisteti by Guy Lockes weri Parks anti Roy Pickle givinýg defencemen Hooper's a 2-0 leati entering botiies on for the second period. their first3 Midway through the second, Osbourne, Sý Gary Wilson turneti the reti Rob Donog] light on with the help of Kerry endeti with Milner anti Ted Brown, Mike Hewer making the score 3-0. Minutes 3-1. The sec later Irv Gi took the rubber Santiy Browi from the face-off to skate in, to anti Jason M~ start the scoring for Kramps. a tally each The rest of the game was tight into a 6-1 lea hockey until the 10 minute thirti. mark of the third period, when First 2 gc Irv Gil got bis second goal of thirti were the night assis ted by Rick Skirving anc Sbackleton. Kramp's finally Lockes. Then Rmp 3ail tie when John a slap shot at the hat went off Dave s skate. d game saw Coun- rw Lockes in a 10-4 'as a real shooting Kirk Vanstone as ce missing their nas weII as a few ,rward. County got 3 goals by Bruce Sandy Brown and ,hue. First period a goal by rookie, rmaking the score econd period saw 'n, Rob Donoghue MacDonald getting I, moving County cad, going into the oais scoreti in the claimed by Rod d Rick Woolner for m, before the dlock Over Locke couiti go arounti 60 seconds, County bati marked up 4 more goals by Barry Virtue, Rob Donoghue thirti for the night, Tim Prout anti rookie defence- man Rob Wilson. Until now with the game being a runaway there wasn't much excitement until Kerry Dick- ens lineti Joe Caruana up at the ret i ne for a sandwich job. Dickens succeetiet in putting Caruana tiown with the bard- est check of the night, as weli as Dicken's team-mate "Queen" Howie Edmonston, ieaving him on bis back to count stars. Lockes finisheti the scoring witb minutes left to play by Rick Woolner assisteti by Joe Caruana anti "Knob" Wayne Hunt. Next week Lockes T.V. bost Krdnlp's Fui niture at 7.00 p.m. Hooper's challenge Coun- ty 8:30 p.m. S;pen cer's M ajor M idgets Wîn 3 Ouf of 4 Encounters Over the past week the Spencer Major Mitigets were kept quite busy, playing five games of wbich they won 3, tieti 1 anti iost one. 1On Montiay night tbe Toros traveileti to the Brooklin-Whit- by Arena to lose their first game in three years against Whitby, by a score of 5-4. Whitby were the first to score, giving them a 1-0 leati early in the first perioti. Forty-two seconds later the Toros retaliateti on a goal by Gary Dusseidorp. Paul Reidi anti Dan Strike worketi bard in setting Gary up for his goal. In the second perioti the Toros went to sieep as Whitby quickly tucked away three goals. Leaving the Toro team in a state of shdck in beîng down three goals, the second perioti expîreti. Receiving a short "pep" taik in the diressing room between the second anti third perioti, the Toros came out ini the third perioti determineti to win the game. As the thirti perioti commenceti the Whitby team quickiy poked another goal home to leave the Toros tiown 4 goals. The rest of the third perioti was controlleti by the Toros in an effort to win their game. Scott Stevens was the first one to score for the Toros as Rick Bain receiveti a assist. Brati Gotifrey soon followed witb another two goals, exhibiting some fine manoeuvres anti executing two excellent piays to score bis goals. With five minutes remaining in the third period ahl the Toros efforts to score proveti fruitiess, ieaving the Toros with their first loss. On December lst, Bowman- ville playeti hosts to Markham anti earnedti temselves a 4-1 victory. Bowmanville scoreti the qnly goal of the first perioti as Paul Reiti produceti the goal assisteti by Dan Strike. The second perioti saw Bowmanviiie increase their score by scoring three goals. Brent Badour, was crediteti with Bowmanville's second goal of the game with Eti anti Ron Visser assisting. Brent's goal was folioweti by a goal from Scott Stevens assisteti by Brati Godfrey. This increaseti Bowmanvilie's leati to 3-O. Before the endi of the perioti, captain Dan Strike stretcheti Bowmanviiie's leati to four. AI Brunt was crediteti with the ione assist. Britt Murphy's shut-out hopes were spoileti by Mark- ham in the third stanza. Ken Ray scoreti unassisteti at 10:05. The game at times was scrappy with a total of 75 minutes in penalties assesseti by the referee, 22 to Bowman- ville anti 53 to Markham, which inclutiet two 10 min. miscontiucts. The following Sunday the Major Mitigets travelieti to Trenton to chokeout a 4-4 tie. The first perioti openeti up with Trenton scoring at the 1:50 mark. This Trenton goal sparketi life into the Toros for the next perioti as well as the rest of the first.- Here they scoreti their 4 goals uninter- rupteti by the efforts of the Trenton squad. Gary Dussel- dorp scoreti the first on a play set-up by Eti Visser. The first perioti then terminateti, ieav- ing the game in a 1-1 tie. The second perioti now began folioweti by Dan Strike's goal to give the Toros the leati. Peter Nemisz foiiow- eti in succession to atit to the teams leati. Assisting on the play was Don Farrow. To complete the second perioti Gary Dusseidorp once again tiecideti to tuck the puck home, leaving the Toros faceti with a 4-1 leati. Returning to the ice after a short break between the second anti third perioti, saw the Toros go in a state of tiormancy leaving Trenton to go on a scoring parade. Trenton scoreti three goals anti striVeti for their fifth, but they came up empty. This left the game in the 4-4 tie when tbe thirti perioti expireti. After Suntiay's game against Trenton the Toros went to Richmondi Hill on Montiay. Here the Toros éntiet their dump as they defeateti the Richmond team 5-3. Richmond Hill scoreti the first anti oniy two goals to tie the game up into a 2-2 tie. The third, perioti was tc decitie who would win the game. The Toros scored tbe first of the third on a goal by Gary Dusseldorp, after re-, ceiving a pass from linemate Brati Gotifrey. This was fol- iowed by a short perioti of time while both teams fought relentlessly in the corners for puck possession. Richmondi 1Hl1 seored once more to end their scoring for, the night. Don Farrow followeti with a goal as he gliet the puck into Richmondi Hill, Gary Dussel- dorp assisting on this anti the foilowing goal. Brad Godfrey OWAC VOLKSWAGEN'LTD. Porsche + Audi1 "1The. Playeýr ote Week"' RORY GIBBS Rory hati a big weekend starting on Friday night in Frankford. With the Redi Eagles winning 12-6 over their hosts, Rory scored three goals and assisted on four more. On Sunday niqht, Port Hope defeateti the locals here 7-6. In this contest, Rory scoreti a goal andi picked Up two more assists. OUR BODY SHOP IS MODERN, BUT WE TAKE OLD FASHIONED PRIDE IN OUR WORKMANSHIP. 1425 Dundas St. E. 668-9383 Whitby The "77's"oGre Horel scoreti the final goal of the game, giving the Toros the 5-3 victory. Once again the Toros were on the roati, as they playeti at Markham Arena. Here they compietely tiestroyed the Markham team by a score of 7-0. Only one goal was distributeti in the first period anti Gary Dusseltiorp accept- eti the cretiit with Brati Gotifrey andEti Visser assist- ing. The seconti perioti repeated the first as Gary Dusseldorp scoreti once, more with Brati Gotifrey assisting. The third period was an eiîtirely different situation as the Toros scoret i fve goals. Pete Nemisz scoreti the first, deflectîng a slap shot from Scott Stevens. Waytie Preston scoreti next with Dan Strike assisting. AI Brunt was the next one to score as he let a blistering slap shot go from the blueline, with Brati God- frey anti Et Visser assîstîng. Now Brati tecitieti to score when he, was set-up by Gary Dusseltiorp antiEti Visser. Bowmanville's final goal was received hy Scott Stevens hreezing the puck by the Markham goaltender. Bowmanville's goaltender was Britt Murphy who playeti excellent anti making some fine saves to leati his team to victory. Preston the Mover Atoms Pres ton the Mover Atom Toros hati a successful week- enti of hockey which starteti when they defeateti Lintisay 10-0 on Sa turtiay af ternoon. At the enti of the first perioti they helti a 5-0 leati which witieneti to a 7 point spreati by the time the second perioti buzzer soundeti. Three more goals in the final perioti completeti the count. The big scorer of the afternoon was Danny Weir who hati a hat trick. Other marksmen for the Toros were day Sweet 2, Chuck Nash, Kelly Matthews, Scott Mas- ters, Gortion Rogers and Raymondi Cummings, with assists going to Matthews 4, The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviile, December 15, 1976 9 Rogers 3, Doug Brown 2, ence was returned to me with Deryk Clark 2, Robert Geiti- no note or explanation. 1 can linger, Chris Michelson andi oly conclude that the letters Sweet. were flot read. Un Suniday, the Toros met 'kI there anyone in the Davis Markham and defeated their government who listens? hosis 4-2. The game remained 1 wonder if' the premier scoreless until 8:27 of the would accept the letters and middle period when Ray pay some attention to a Cummings connected on a genuine concern? pass from Scott Heard anti scored before the end of the Adrisn . period to put the Toros aheadI heips you find 2-0. i exactlyg In the lastperioti the scoring what you- need.j see-sawed back and forth hetween the two clubs with For love in bloom each team hitting the score- Nothing hoard twice. Danny Weir put says love another marker past Mark- t1ike f low- hMuttoChis Mic heoRay- es Ti 4th anti final goal to Wayne Christmas mo>nd (ummings, anti Scott 1 lea rd. George Kennett tended - goal for both of these encount- ers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-~ Who Listens? Statement by Doug Moffatt, MPP, Durham East On Monday, November 15, while speaking in the debate on the Private Memnber's Bill to Amenti' the Region of Durham Act 1 bati- the origi nals of hundretis of letters placeti on the Treasurer's (Mr. McKeough) desk. These, were unsoliciteti letters fromn resitients of the Town of Newcastle protesting the ef- fects of Regionai Government. Mr. McKeough was not in bis seat ail tbrougb that tiebate anti the bouse atijourn- eti at 6 p.m. On Tuestiay, when the bouse openet i al of the correspond- Great Gift I1 from- D&-R Sportsa Team Canada Sweater Backgammon Sets NewII Flexi g- Dai will ot damnage floors or walls Board and 2 sets of darts Corne in and say hellol Pick up sorne free balloc 85 King St. W. 623-3421 Ide nd 5 Che $9,0 Swe Fleece $ êTON RA' Dto$4 Skis and 1$ ions f or fi let a fresh bouquet or a p lant speak for you. We've got some el o- quent suggestions. Just caîl or stop by. Flowers and plants are for Christmas. Natura lly. Make an arrangement with: Yu letide F lower Shops EAST No. 2 Highway 623-4441 WEST 292 King St. W. 579-1118 NORTH 1124 Simcoe St., N. VJAN BELLE 728-5159 aS Ïki Shop ss Sets 95 and 3at Suits a Lîned Nylon 14,95 CQUETS .0.00 1Skates 9.é35 ie kidsl Bowma nvi lie SAVENOW SAVE NOW SAVE NOW SAVE NOW SAVE NOW-SAVE h BzOOK YOUR SKI VACATION NOW and SAVEII SKI UTAH Feb. 118-25 $379.00 each. Save $80.00 per couple. SKI MONT ORFORD Maorch 4-6 $115.00 each, SKI FARI -,Western Canada - Banff, Jasper. SKI OUI - SKI Q'UEBEC - Laurentians, Eastern Townships SKI EUROPE - Swissair, Lufthansa Book any of the above ski packages between Dec. 1 and Dec. 24 and Save two wayse 110% discount coupon for ski wear f rom "The, Sporting Gesture" -1 Bowmanville' 2. 10%/1 discount coupon for ski equipment af "D & R Sports and Ski, Shop" - Bowmanville Cail 623-3182 aind Save BOWMANVILLE TRAVEL -CENTRE 47 King St. W.k NOW m z o m z o z o m z o Bowmanviîle SAVE NOW SAVE NOW SAVE NOW SAVE NOW SAVE NOW-SAVE NOW OMM

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