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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1976, p. 15

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ENNISKILLEN " And a Ilittie child shall lead them" is a familiar quote from the Good Book which was emphatically carried out on Sunday morning at the annual White Gift Service for a capacity filled sanctuary in our church when the church and Sunday sehool services were combined ànd conducted almost entirely by the Sunday school pupils. Ulah Chambers was pleasant to ear and eye as she presided at the Hammond Organ and directed the 22 GIVE A PLANT A DAD. 2$and You know he appre- dlates color grandfather or father-in- law, eîther. We have lively ideas in every- thing from office plants to house plants. Just stop by or cali1. Flowers and plants are for Christmas. Naturally. Make an arrangement with: Yu letide Flower ShoDs 1EAST No. 2 Highway 623-4441 WE ST 292 King St.W À579-1118 lm NORTH 1124 Simcoe VAKI EI., St., N. voiced choir of the Jr. and Intermediate classes. The Kindergarten class was super- vised by teachers Merle Avery and Shirley Stainton and occupied front pews also the 2 Senior classes who participat- ed in the service. Leading in the service were our minister and Allan Ashton from the Lectern, also Glady's Ashton and Susan Werry from the pulpit. Allan Ashton as leader opened the service foilowing the organ prelude of Christmas music. In a dial- ogue with the children, Glady's Ashton explained the reasons for birthdays. Allan Ashton read the story of Jesus' birth from Luke, Rev. Kemp- ling briefly explained the Lîghtîng of the 3rd Advent Candle which was lighted by Scott Kossatz. Gladys Ashton in hier inimitable story telling manner played the role of Jesus. During the Hymn "O Corne Ahl Ye Faîthful, ahl groups processed to their respective places and Leader Allan Ashton invited all to join in celebrating Jesus' birthday by singing, "We Want to Join the Great Parade" and al participapts formed a proces- sion once around the sanctu- ary. Giadys Ashton, as Jesus, invited representatives to corne forward to explain the Christmas customs of 7 differ- ent countries and display their flags 14 representatives and flag bearers were as follows: Great Britain-Janet Sharp and Beverley Stainton, France- Kelly Simpson and Randv Polh1rd. Ukraine-Kim Pollard and Scott Kossatz, Korea-Don- na Lamb and Judy Virtue, Gerrnany-Debbie Pollard and Susan Nielson, Netherlands- Brian McGill and James Werry, Donald Rowan and Scott Werry. Each represent- ative lighted one of the 7 white candies on, the Communion Table. Gladys Ashton com- mented on the variety of bîrthday celebrations as well as Jesus' life on earth, which was followed by a birthday song. The Hymn "Away In a Manger" was announced by Susan Werry.. .Litany Prayer for the World was led by Rev. Kempling. White gifts were brought forward to the Chancel step to fill 3 large white baskets one each, for children's Aid, 2 homes for handicapped child- ren in Orillia and Barrie, also White Gif t offering was re- ceived by Donald Rowan and Brian McGill and dedicated by our minister. The gesture of "Passing the Peace" by handshaking and saying to one's neighbour "The Love of God go with you". In the Processional Hyrnn "Joy to the World" ail in the chancel and Choir alcove formed a processional. The sanctuary was beautifuiiy en- hanced with appropriate dec- orations, arranged by our artistic expertiser Veirna Griffin, Diane Werry and Joyce Virtue. The festive Christmas Tree was provided by the Youth Group Guy and decorated by the Y.G. Dolis. Christmas events continue both in church and Public Schoois as 1 Next Sunday, Dec. 19 are 3 speciais viz: Christmas Service in the sanctuary, with a tîme of informai fellowship and re- freshments in the S.S. RoomI and of, interest to the younger E set a brief visit from SantaE Claus. time of informai fellowship 9 and refreshments in the S.S. - Room and of interest to the y ounger set a brief visît from Santa Claus. Il The Annual Christmas Concert in the Public School Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Tues- day, Dec. 2lst, for free, to parents, grandparents, great grandparents and friends of the pupils. III Dec. 22 and 23 homes wiii be serenaded by the Youth Group caroling, with dona- tions for the M&S Fund. IV Dec. 24 Christmas Eve at 7:30 you are warmly urged to bring the whole family from both congtegations (Enniskii- len and Tyrone) to a service of carois and a presentation of the theme: "Christmas Ac- corting to Peanuts,", pro- duced by the Tyrone Choir and Young people from the S.S. in the sanctuary at Tyrone church. New Year's Events are: A. January 2, 1977 New Year's Communion will be celebrated at the regular church hours. Any wishing to join the church1 by letter of Transfer please contact the minister. B. A Concert in the P. School Auditorium sponsored by the F stewards Sunday, January 9, L AI Turned One Year-OId on November 13th Keith Anthony Fernlund had his first birthday celebration on November .3th. Keith and his mother and father Erie and Gail Fernlund, live in Bowmanville., His grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Fernlund, Bowmanvi11e and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Flontek from Oshawa. His great grandparents, are Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Young of Bowmanville. Celebrated His Fîrst Birthday 1A very happy one-year-old! Hi! My name is Feffrey Leigh Wilson, and 1 was one year old- on Friday, December 10, 1976. My proud parents are Leigh and Pauline Wilson of Newcastle and my )roud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson, R.R. 2 Newcastle, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sharpe, Caesarea, Ontario. 1977 given by GM. Choir Tickets available fromn church members. Watch Coming ,Events for full details in the near future. C. Sunday, January 9, 1977 is the target date for Annual reports to be turned in the congregational representa- tives on the Publication Comn- mittee, to be printed for the Annual Congregational Meet- ings, which are Enniskillen. Sunday, January I6th Tyrone Monday January 17 both at 8 p.m. Officiai Board Monday January 24, 8 p.m. in our church. The Senior SS. ciass joined their teacher Shirley Draper in hier homne for a deiicious breakfast Christmas party. On a beautiful, bright day D ec. 8th the 'Enniskillen U. C. W. ladies from neighbour- ing areas had good fellowship together, when they were served a bot turkey dînner, and plates of Christmas cake, cookies and fruit, in the S.S. room of the church. A number of ladies were missed because of iliness. Pres. Mrs. Maurice Poilard, welcomed everyone and thanked everyone who have helped in many ways through the past year. The tables were festive with lit candles for the special occa- sion. 1Mrs. Harold Kempling gave a splendid Christmas devo- tionai. Pianist Mrs. Veima Stainton and Mrs. Ruth McGill led in carol singing. Mrs. Alma Rowan read Christmas poems from the "Ildeals". Mrs. Keith McGill moved a vote of thanks to the north group, with leaders Mes- dames Dorothy Sharp and Velma Griffin, also programn converlor Mrs. Allan Werry who spent considerable time planning and preparing for the dinner. Mrs. Sharp expressed special thanks to Mrs. Russell Tabb for a favor done, aiso Mr. Ralph Virtue for snow removal around the church. An exchange of gifts added enjoyment to the party. Gifts attractively wrapped were brought to be deiivered to Ontario Whitby Hospital. This conciuded a, very worthwhîle year. The January meeting of 1977 will be held at the home of Mrs. John Slemon. The attractive new recipe books arc now avail- able. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright and Betty attended a family show- er at Maple Grove Church Hall on Sunday afternoon in bonor of Mr. and Mrs. D. McCann (nee) Janice Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dickson, Beaverton, were Sunday eveni- ing supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Howe. Miss Dee Fegan, Oshawa, M/r. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, NMr. Donald Trewin attended the family gathering at the home of Mrs. CE. Horni, Oshawa on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. Piggott and family were last Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Meta Reid, Haydon. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Spry, Penfield, N.Y. were weekend visitors of the E. Wright's. Mrs. F. Spry returned home, withthemn after spending the past month with ber sister Mrs. W. Sanderson, Colum- bus. Michael Holmes, St. Cather- mnes called on his grand- mother Mrs. Gertie Lyons on Friday. Dr. and Mrs. Clark Werry, Etobicoke were callers at their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb, Bailieboro, were Saturday, vîsîtors witfl iMr. ana ivirs. L. Lamb and supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and James were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker, Newcastle, to help celebrate Scott's 6th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Yokom and Valerie, Cavan, were Sunday guests of M. Poliard's. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Turn-, er, Oshawa were Sundayý evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Dorland. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dick- son, Bewdley, were Monday visitors with Mr. and-Mrs. R. Howe and family. Mrs. E. Wright, accompan- ied Mr. and Mrs. Glen Spry to Kingston on Saturday evening to visit Mrs. Spry's mother, Mrs. Amy Curran and her sister and family Mr. and Mrs. G. McGlynn., Master Brooks Ciemens, Hampton was a visitor with his grandparents the E. Wrigbt's. Mr. James Muller and Mr. Don Guitard, have returned home from two and a haîf wesexpedition in Ponds bnlet. 1Mr. and Mrs. Doug Park, Bradley and Kevin, Pontypool were recent visitors at W. Piggott's. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hane- wich, Oshawa were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Werry.. Rev. Ted Kersey, Dundas, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ashton and Paul, Bowmanville were Sun- * Tires That Wil 1There are many uses for discarded tires--artificial reefs, breakwaters, dock fend- ers, boat bumpers, swings and ciay guesUs at H. Asliton's., Mr. Lloyd Leadbeater, Tor- onto, was Friday evçning caller at Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater's. Mr. Joe Sweet bas returned from a very pleasant holiday at Banff Springs. Sunday visitors with Mar- garet and Orville Asbton were Lois and Keitb Worden, Rich- ard and Elisabeth, Bowman- ville R.R.2, Karen'and Charles Ashton and Tara, Oshawa. Our deep sympatby is ex- tended to the family of the late Mrs. Roblin wbo are Jack Sinclair and two sons of The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 15, 1976 15 inis, where :the rubber is 'Il N ver P IIUte knokd off the cord and the i cord is fluffed into a lintlike rflower pots--but this has flot consistency. The fabric is jaffected Goodyear's reclaim floated free of the rubber by [_operations where scrap tires an air current. Free of fabrie, dare converted to stock for use the rubber is ground into a in some of, the company's powder, further cleaned. and products. At the reclajm plant mixed with reclaiming nuls. in Bowmanville, some 750,000 devulcanized and mixed withi 9scrap tires a year are recycled 'pigments. Lt is then extruded, - and about 12 million pounds of cooled and discharged into a rubber recovered. refiner where it is milled and j The operation begins at the fed onto rollers in 3-thousands- Ilcracker", where the tires are of-an-inch layers until a de- broken into haif inch pieces. sired thickness is reached. As1 the rubber is conveyed The rubher is then cut off the from the cracker, the bead, rollers in slabs, ready for wire is removed,, the big re-use. The only reclaim *pieces by -hand and the operation of its type in smaller ones by several mag- Canada, the Bowmanville nets at strategic spots along Plant is highly automated and, the system. (The tires must be except for-the removal of bead at least two years old and well wire, the entire reclaim pro- oxidized for reclaimn pur- cess is untouched by human i3uIIkxLn. i'ubber are fed into hammer- Wingfoot Clan F "hy 3Shop OuWtof Tow? 7-Piece 4-Piece KitchenChesterf ield Suites i $159.98SuitesI Several Colors to f9 9 Choose f rom$2 9 8 ComponentConsole Stereo Stereo ,by M Includes: AM/FM radio, Morse Electrophonic 14 tpe dckGc~rardwith..Recording Unit. turntable, 2 sekr, 14stand, earphones. As Iow as $16~9s - $79 -'98 Mulder's Furniture 23 King St. E. 623-5515 Bowmanville 1 P--eACKAGE 9 Good reasons to visit MacDonald Ford Before Christmas. 1976 GRANADA 2-DR. Cornes equipped with V-8 engine, automatic transmission, power steering and brakes, AM FM radio, vinyl roof, body side mouldings, white waIl radial tires. Lic. KHY785 Lease $125.00 1976 GRAN TORINO 2-DR. 31V-8 engine, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, defroster, fender skirts, white wall Lese tires. Lc. KLB756 $ 125.00 1976 LTD BROUGHAM 4-DIR. I Equipped with V-8 engine, power 4l steering and brakes, A M FM radio Il wifh 8-track, vinyl roof, body side E mouldings, white watt radiais. Lic. I KTF515 I $ 135.00 1976 GRANADA GHIA 4-DR. 302 V-8, power steerinq, 4-wheel disc brakes, positraction, vinyl roof, mag wheels, power windows, power seat, console, power door locks, tilt wheel, AM radioý with stereo tape, remiote mirrors. Lic. KOD170 1Lease' $143. 00 1976 PI1NTO SQUI1R E WAGON 4i cyl. engine, automatic transmis- si on, lggage rack, radio, white walI tires. Lic. KTF709 Lease $1 10.00 1976 TOR INO 2-DR. V-8 engine, power steerinci, power brakes, radio, defroster, vmnyl roof, opera windows, white waII tires. Lic. JTZ140 Lease $1 15.00 1976 RANCHEROGT Equipped with V-8 engine, power steering, power brakes, radio, radialI tires. Lic. D76736 Lease $120.00 * 30 month net lease - - 40,000 miles - - no buy back requiremen?. This is a very special pre-Christmas offering designed ta take the worry ouf of yaur Christmas trip.1 21Y Kin.Ig St. East 623-4481 Lease 4h 'i p The Book Ail Canada Has Been Waiting For..,,. TheYearsot'Achievernenit 1956-1962 $J595 jThie CrtisadiingYcarsI1895-1956 $15.00) Saywell Book Store 16 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa r 728-8821 MA CDONALD'S CHRISTMAS LEASE 1976 E LITE 2-DR. 1976 C USTOM 500 2- DR. 351 V-S engine, automatic, power V-8 engine, power steering, power steering, power brakes, vinyl roof, brakes, radio, defroster, white wall radio, ldefroster, white wall radial radial tires. Lic. K0D108 tires. Lic. KOD079 Lease Lease $130.00 $120.00 MMUMUN . -»»Mmmffl LU" m l a

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