16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvjlle. Decpmber 15, 1976 WESLEY VILLE The Sunday school's annual White-Gift service was held at Welcome United Church on Sunday morning, December l2th, with the superintendent, teachers and children con- ductîng the prepared service. The theme was, "Joy to the World", and the dialogue and hymns told how this would be. 'Mhe front pews were reserved for the Sunday school and each class with its teachers told of customs and happy times at Christmas of several nations which celebrate in different ways. Several child- ren were in costume or carrying something symbolic, and alI marched around the aisles of the church singing, 'We want, to join the great parade." The kindergarten under leadership of Janice Hender- son and Dawn Lord told of British customs where they had a tradition of saving part of the Yule log for the next vear, with one child hoidine a -Ail In Stock Carpets' piece of firewood to represent it. A stocking represented the custom of hanging ilt on Christmas Eve, and two tiny tots bearing the signs of a postman and mailman told of the customn of rememnberingý these public servants on boxing day. As was done for each country, the Union Jack was displayed. Ruth Kellogg and her class told of -the ceremnonies of Midnight mass in France and the enactment of bringing gifts of fruits of the earth by the shepherds. Phyl- lis and Carnie Lynn Symons told of the many colorful customs of the Ukraine where Can't Find a Gift f or that Special .Person? Corne in and See ( Our Selection of hond-made pottery, decoupage, macrome, apple doils, woven shoe and shopping bags, prints, watercolours and oils. Speciol gifts at reasonoble prices. While you're here, look around for our many "Santa Specials," corefully purchased and priced to make gift giving more fun! The Rowan Tree i33 Chu rch Street BowmanviIle (Opposite the Fire Hall) Invested in Order of Miitary Menit Captai n Roger Bonner, 39, Hampton, Ont., is invested in the Order of Military- Menit in the Grade of Member b>' His Excellency the Gov,,ernor Genera Jules Leger, during ceremornes in Ottawa November 26. Capt. Bonner serves with 1 Canadian Signal Regiment, Kingston, Ont. The Order of Military Menit has been established to provide a worthy means of recognizing conspicuous merit and exceptional service by members of the Canadian Forces, both Regular and Reserve. (Canadian Forces Photo). the yellow of the flag repre- sents the fields of grain and the blue of the sky is shown in the other colour. Their tree is neyer decorated until Decern- ber 24th, and the Christmas meal begins with the showing of the first star. This meal has many special foods but not meat. One child was wearing a fur cap and Ukranian em- broidered blouse and belt, made by her great grand- mother., For the unhappy country of Korea, Ward Lax read of the suffering of some of the people because of their belief.Lana Beatty and Chris- tine Wilson demonstrated the customs of Germany where the familyý comes home fron church on Christmas Day singing carols, and the girls of their class sang a carol in German. One girl was dressed in traditional costume. Little girls wearing Dutch bats with their teachers, Aileen Wilson and Cheryl Brice, told of Netherlands Christmas and the last was Poland where Christmas is a Holy day and present giving and merriment is held on December 18. Their flag and customs were shown by John Andrus. The scripture lesson from Matthew was led by Lance Payne. The junior choir sang two anthems, "Shepherds came to Worship and Adore", and "It's a small world after all". This year the white gifts were in the form of cash and the children placed their offering in a box decor- ated to receive them and will be used for some of the many .10 Off - Al In Stock Floor Tue 10% Off - Ail In Stock Vanities 10% Off - Enduro Aluminum Doors 1 % Off Reduction on Regular Prices Effective untfil Christmas OnIy STORE HOURS Froc Deliîvery on Orders i MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, over $20MOO THURS.eDAY, 9a.M.to6P.m.24KIGSRE FRIDAY 9.mA 1t09 P.m. 26VGSRE SATU RDAY 8:30 8.M. tf05 p.m.BWM VLL needs of M&S at Christmas time. This was a service of participation in which Rev. A. Bartlett shared with the Sunday sehool in the dialogue; it was joyful because of the happy faces of the children. The flowers which, were lovely at the front of the chui-cl, were there in memory of Mrs. Milton Brimacombe. The third Sunday of Advent was described in devotions at the beginning of the service with David MdHlom telling of this candle of promise, while his brother Danny lit three candles. Shelley Payne told the story of the Wisemen and Danny closed with prayer. AlI semsons seem busy but surely we have filled the pre-Christmas weeks with more activity than deys can accommodate. Mrs. F. Wilson and Blair McFadden were two of those taking part in "Pure as the Driven Snow", in Port Hope last week as welJ as their many other, duties. Quilting ladieshave been demonstrat- ing that art at Canada House, Port Hope, last week, under the auspices of the Art Guild. Mrs. Marjorie Nichols is still in intensive care in Peterhorough hospitai but we are glad to report Mrs. George Tufford returned home from Port Hope hospital last. Wednesday. On Wednesday, December 8th, Wesleyville unit of the Welcome U.C.W. were enter- tained for their Christmas meeting at the manse, on the invitation of Rev. and Mrs. R. Bartlett. The business was conducted by the leader, Mrs. Clarence Nichols. An afghan, completed by Berniece Best was given to Mrs. A. Austin, Red Cross convener and offers of more work, of this nature were made. Berniece read a letter received from Luk Yun Man in Hong Kong who said she had sent a hand made Christmas card but it had not arrived. A well organized group makes plans well in advance and Mrs. Jean Payne asked for suggestions for the annual trip taken by the group each falL t was decided to co-operate with the Morrish Women's Institute in sending needed articles to another art of Canada in January. Devotions were in charge of Mrs. Nichols. After Mrs. K. Dinner read the scripture story of the Wisemen, Mrs. Nichols spoke of the gifts given to us by Christ, each one mentioned by a member of the group. Mrs, K. Dinner told of the gift of rest, legacy of peace, of living water; Mrs. J. Payne, the keys of the Kingdom and the Bread of Heaven. The description of these gifts concluded with Mrs. Payne speaking of God's love and concluding with prayer. Mrs. Dennis Croft sang, "The Virin's Slumber Song", a beautiful solo, and beautifully sung. This was the U.C.W. 's, white gift service also and gifts were presented before a decorated centre and dedicated by Mrs. Nichols. An article was read on dîfferent gift giving practtces, and on modern day gift giving. Each one present was given mater- ial to make a Christmas corsage and this was done while the group in 'charge prepared tea. This social time. concluded the last meeting of 1976, during which appreci- ation was expressed for the hospitality of Rev. and Mrs. R. Bartlett. With so many activities and the same people sharing, it is difficult to get the right people r 32OGNLY SEMI DETACHED BACK SPLITS & 2 STOREY HOMES we said Mrs,. H. Osborne and Mrs. P. Hoskin were helping with the quilting at the Port Hope Hligh School. Thev were supposed to; the threatofithe storm prevented their attend- ance but they were on hand for the work being done at Canada House. The faîl of snow besides making the country side beautiful, provides a record of the visitors during darkened hours. Rabbits are flot too plentiful here, so it is a pleasure to see somre tracks and know a few are around. Also mice journey around in the snow searching for a variety for their diet, or some cranny that would afford - entrance into the house. Dili ferent sized dogs tracks, too, will let you know which neighbours pet was caflling. Birds still seem scarce in, thîs particular place; nom'- than two or three chicka. and as many tree sparrà&-; yet the many tracks in the snow indicate there must be more, or else the few are hyper active. Lefters to Santa banta Claus, I have been a good girl. I would like a Barbie swimming pool. Thank you Melanie R.R.2 Newcastle, Ont. Dear Santa, I've been a good boy all year. I would like you to bring me a " Matchbox Rescue City", for Christmas. Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! Love s4547ý s'43,995to Me' 5 %/ DOWN TO ONE NHA MORTGAGE AI4OP FlNANCING 8%AVAILABLE TO QUALIFIED .0PURCHASER CARRIES FR $279...PIT estimoted PREVIEW THIS WEEK MINIMUM COMBINED INCOME ELLHTS BOWMANVILLE The Cezonne $45,427 Two storey, 4 bedroomis, master en suite convenience, pius 2 piece washroom on main level, kîtchen with nook, large living and dining area, large garage and sheltered enfry. THIS MODEIL ALSO AVAILABLE WITHOUT GARAGE AT $43,995. The Et Greco $45,,427 Tri level, 4 bedroomns, 4 piece bathroom plus extra 2 piece washroom, kitchen with large nook, separate dinîrtg room. living room, large garage. The Monet $45,427 Bock split, 3 bedroom, family roomn or 4th bedroom, 4 i~bathroom plus .living i ýo m garage. * ?ÇqIIr :IGKInC*WVy. 4VI I'ýCOM g E E ~uEU MUville exit 74 '(Waverly Rd.), North -ta -2md CAL 623-3393, Toronto Line 923-9174 I R~L1O ~right, follow Gallery Heights signs. After hours colt: SaeYfieae it ok ekns1 . Phyllis McRobbie 623-7159 Sales ofice pontiBill'Weens 0a..811Morris.on 623.3048 to5.m.Albert Kekes 623 e44 Christo Wlnterhlt 983.5465,% INVENTORT MY BOSS TOLD ME TO REDUCE THE INVENTORY. MERRY CHRISTMAS, BOWMANVILLE!1 -Ail In Stock Light Fixtures 120% Off -Ail ýIn Stock Ceiling Tules 10% 'Off -Ail In Stock-Furnace Filters.....20% Off -Ail In Stock-Medicine Cabinetsi10% Off -Ail 1I<n Stock Range Hoods 15% Off -Ail In Stock Power Tools, 10% Off -Ail In Stock Arborite-- 10% Off i CLEARANCE OMMM