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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1976, p. 17

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TPhe Canadian Statesmran,. Bowrnanvillel Jm>e .,, î197C 17 , DEADLINE FOR CLASSUFUE Tues., 12 noon 623-3303 CONAHAN - Tom and Cindy (Masters), are proud ta an- naunce the birth of their daughter Alisha Kelly, weigh- ing 8 ibs., on December 1sf, 1976 at Memorial Hospital, SBowmanvilie. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. E. Masters, and Mrs. Paf Conahan, ail of Bowmanvi lie. DEAN - Glenn and Glenna -'ýLawery) are pleased ta inaunce the birth of their _---aughter Michelle Beverley at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville on December 11, 1976 weighing 6 ibs. 15 ozs. Proud grand parents are Mr. and Mrs.G len Lowery, Burketon. Speciai thanks ta Dr. McKen- zie and staff on maternity f bar. LAVENDER - Clancy and Wendy' are deiighted ta an- nounce ýthe birth of their first chîld, Amy Heather, born November 23, 1976, 11:25 a.m. at Oshawa Generai1 Hospital, 8 Ibs. 4 oz. Proud grand parents are Mr. -and Mrs. W. McGhee, Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. G. Lavender, Enfield. Great g randparents are Mrs. Cay, Oshawa, Mrs. Phair, Caurtice. Special thanks ta staff on 4A and Dr. Beckett. KELLY-Keith and Penny (Westiake) are pleased ta annaunce the safe arrivai of their daughter Jennifer Melis- sa born on Decem ber 2nd, 1976 at Memorial Hospital, Bow- manvilie, weighing in at 9 lbs., 6 azs. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ray Westlake and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kelly, Bowmanviîle. Many thanks ta Dr. JohnRùndie and Dr. H. B. Rundie and maternitY staff. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Bender, 189 Lakeview Rd., Newcastle announce the engagement of their daughter Darolyn Marie ta Philip Charles son of Mr. and Mrs. Rai ph Janies, R.R.2, Newcastl e.Co n grat ulations and best wishes ta you bath. 50-1 Jerry and Joan Gray of Newcastle are happy to an- noince the engagement of their daughter Karen Joan ta Brian Johns, son of Lea and Florence Johns of Cobourg. 'dding ta take place June 4, 17. 50-1 ADAMS, Isaac Oscar In laving memory of a dear father who passed away Dec. 18, 1974. Deep in the heart lies a picture, Of a loved one laid ta rest, In memuries frame we shahl keep it Because he was one of the best. - AIways remembered by his tam ily. ARMSTRONG, Beatrice - In Iaving memory of Nonie who passed away December 19, 1973. Please God, forgive a sulent tea r, A fervent wish aur Nanie was here; There are others, yes we knaw But she was ours and we loved her sa. Sa please take a message To aur Grandmother, 'in heaven above, Tell her how much we miss her, And gîve her ail aur lave. - Lovingly remembered by the grandchildren and great grandchildren. BEGLEY-In laving memory of a dear dad, William (Bill) Begley wha passed away Dec. 17, 1973. Tho' we were many miles apart Yauwere always in aur heart No one can take your memory away We think of you each and every day. -Every remembered and sadly missed by daughter Carale and Larry, Beimant, Ont. 50-x WYNN - Mar jarie H. Peace- fully at her hame, 24 Egerton Street, Brantford, on Tuesday, November 30, 1976. Marlorie H. Wynn (Galbraith) in her 85th year. Beloved wife of A.R. (Rex) Wynn. Dear mother of J. Arfhur Wynn, Brantford and Geoffrey G. Wynn, R.R.1, Bath. Laving grandmother of five grand- children. Sister of Mrs. Harold (Vivian) Mattson, Oshawa. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Duncan James Gal- braith, Newcastle. Funeral service was heId at Grace, Church, Brantford on Thurs- day, December 2. Inferment St. Georg e's Cemetery, New- castle. Donations ta Grace Church Memoriai Endowment Fund or the charity of your chice. I..ýý BUMA-Sam. At Bradenton, Fia., on Fridey, Dec. 10, 1976. Sam Buma of R.R. 4, Bow' manville, in his 77th year, 'ýloved husband of Elizabeth leadear father of Mrs. J. >1Kapteyn (Hattie), Mrs. J. Reyenga (Shirley), Mrs. W. Piersma (Rose), Peter, Bill, Mrs. G. Zekveld (Gertrude), Mrs. R. Bouma (Trix), Mrs. P. Feddema (Tina), Mrs. J. Thies (Evelyn). Rested at the Northcutt- Elliatt Funeral Home from 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Funeral service was held Monday, Maranatha Church. Interment Bowman- vil le Cemetery. 50-1 ~"Flowers Say it Best" VAN BELLE DAILY Dlivery to.. . Oshawa - Bmmanvî le Are& Phone 623-4441 143-tf LIGHTFOOT - Suddenly at Scarborough General Hos pi- faI, Tuesday, December 1 4th, 1976, Jessie Aitken, 142 King St. E., Bowmanville. Beloved wife of the late Joseph Li ghtfoot. Dear sister of Anne (Mrs. Albert Piper), Bowman- ville and Ella (Mrs. Robert Redpath), Bobcayqeon.- Rest- ing at thie Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Funer- aI arrangements incomplete. PANCHUK - At Nelgor Nursing Home, Newcastle, Sunda y December 12th, 1976, Steve Panchuk, aged 79 years. Son of the late Jo hn Panchuk. Service was held In the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Tuesday morning. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. CARNATION For Al Yaur x~!~U~F lawer Needs ALLCANDLES 1/2 Prici BABY'S TEARS 69C or 2 for $1.09 Carnation Flower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 e Durham County's Oldest Funeral Service MOR~RIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Ph one 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. t. Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN- SERVICE Concerned people often inquire about pý-arrangement of funeral details. L -rmation can be simply and thoughtf ul- ïy obtained upon request. Th is is part of our service to the commun ity. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 5 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Ontario LiA 3W High Quality at Reasônable Prices Phone 885-5216 Home 885-5222 WORKMANSHIP * QUALITY 24-tf BECKETT-In iaving memory of a dear mother who passed away December 18, 1956. Wonderful memories of one so dear, Are treasured stili with a love sincere. In aur hearts she is living yet, We loved her fao dearly to forget. -Always remembered by the family. 50 lx BEGLEY-In loving memory of E.W. Begley who passed away so suddenly December 17, 1973. As we loved you so we miss you n aur memory, you are near. Loved, remembered, and langed for always Treasured with a love sincere. -Sadly missed by wife Marie and family. 50-1 BICKELL, Irene (Barrett) n loving memory of my dear mother who passed away December lth, 1954. You are not forgýotten, Mther, Nor ever shah yau be, As long as life and memory ast. I will remember thee. -Ever remembered by son Ken. HOL ROYD - ln memary af a loving grandsan Ronald wha left us on Dec. 15, 1968. -AIways remembered by Nanna Holroyd. 50-1 HOLROYD - ln laving mem- ary of aur dear grandson Ronald Holroyd who died December 15, 1968. Sulent thoughts, tear's unseen Wishing your absence was anly a dream, Remem ber dear, how we used ta pray and sing yaur littie sangs You're alwa ys very near Sa dear Gad may your perpetual light shine upan him, 'may you rest in peace. -Remembered by his Nana and Granpa Lawrie. 50-1 JONES - ln lavîng memory of aur dear mother Catharine Jones who passed away De- cember 23, 1970. Those we lave, we neyer lose, For always they wiil be, Loved, remembered, trea- sured Always in our memory. -Lovingly remembered by daughters Helen and Winni- fred 50-1 JOHNS - In ioving memory of a dear father and grand- father, George, who passed away, Dec. 17, 1972 and mother and grandmather, Maud, who passed away on Jan. 4, 1972. Beautiful memories, are wonderf ul1. th ings, They last tili the langest day, They neyer wear ouf, They neyer get lost, and can neyer be given away. Ta some you may be forgotten To others a part of the past But ta us who loved you and last you Your memaries will aiways iast. -Sadly missed by son Bill, daughter-in-law Betty, grand- children Ian, Blaine, Alex, Harlow, Heather and Ken. 50-1 Thanks toalal the people in Ward IV Scugog for support- in g me in the recent electian. Season's Greetings. Sincerely Neil McLaughlin My sincere thanks to friends and neighbours who sent me tf cards and gifts while I was in -the hospitai also Dr. Hubbard and the third floor staff of Memorial Hospital for their care and kindness ta me. Bob Barrabaîl 50-1ix To ail those who were s0 kind while I was a patient in Memorial Hospital and since my return home, thank you sincerely.' Mrs. Percy Lunn 50-1 I wish fa thank friends, relatives and neighbours for ail their cards, gifts and fiowers. Also nurses on the Sth f baor and Dr. Stocks, Dr. Shaw and Dr. Gurschon for kindness shown me while in Oshawa General Hospital and since caming hame. Lamne Hoskin 50-1 Mm. and Mrs. Charles Johns, wouid like ta thank- their family and ail who helped in any way in making their 6th Wedding Anniversamy'such a greaf success. A speciai thank vou fa Unit 6 of Trinity U.C.W. for providing lunch. AIso ta those who sent f lowers, Vgifts and cards- as well as those who called. 50-1x The family of the late Mrs. Clama Roblin wish to express their sincere thanks fo rela- tives, friends and neighbours for floral tributes, cards, charify donations, and lunch served etc. Speciai thanks ta Dr. Sylvester and nurses af Memorial Hospital for came given while she was a patient there. Jack Sinclair and Boys 50-1 The farnily of the late Charity Parker, wish ta ex- press their many thanks ta friends and neighbours for floral tributes, cards. dona- tions ta the Heart Fund, in the loss of their dear mother. Special thanks ta Marnwood Nursing Home, the Morris Funeral ChaoeI aisa FMther Frank Mihelic for his pray- ers and to Rev. Len Straker 'of Christ Anglican Church, Bob- caygeon, for his words of comtort-aiso the ladies of the Parish for their lunch and kind hospitality. 50-1 We wouId like ta thank aur daucihters Lenore (Mrs. Lamne Traves), Shariene (Mrs. Ken Dehart), Sandra and Lori for making our 3th wedding anniversary an occasion ta be remembered, also alilaur friends who dropped by with their good wishes. Murray and Kay Cain 50-1 We wouId like ta thank aur daughters and their familles and all aur friends and relatives for the cards, gifts, and flowers we received and for making aur Sth Annivers- ary a very memorable oc- casian. Lydia and Jim Kane 50-1 My sincere thanks ta rela- tives, friends and neighibours for cards, flowers, gifts and visits during my stay in Bowmanville Hospital and at home. A special thank you ta Dr. Ewert, Dr. Singal, nurses and staff of surgical floor far the excellent care given ta me. Madeline Hall man 50-1lx The famiIy of the late Mrs. Howeil Rowland wish ta express their appreciatian ta relatives, friends and argan- izations for visits, flowers and messages ta thei r dea r mother duringher retirement and for floral tributes, sympathy and memorial donations at the time of her passing. A special thanks ta Rev. Basil Long, Orano, Dr.' A.F. McKenzie, The Morris Funeral Home and the staff of Marnwoad Nursing Home. Bill and Pat Rowland Jim and Hilda Tamblyn and familles 50-1 I wish ta thank ai l those who hel ped, in any way, ta celebr-ate with me my 9Oth bf rihday. If was a p[easure, indeed ta receive s50 many triends and relatives and renew acquaintances and re- vive memories. Thank you 50 much. To ail m y relatives, friends, and neigh bours i wish you one and ail a very Merry Christmas and ail the best in 1977. Lola Freeman 50-1 x A sincere thank you to my friends, members Branch 178, Royal Canadian Legion; Club 21, Haydan for visits, cards and flowers while in haspital. very secial thanks ta Ermie and Mary Topple and the nurses and staff of third floor, Memorial Hospital, alsa Drs. Wesfgarth and Clark. Don Cameron 50-1 x i wi'sh ta thank ail the friends and neighbours who remembered Davey and me for aur SOth Wedding Anniver- sary. If was indieed a very nice gesture and we do appreciate if. Aiso "thank you" for your cards and good wishes ta me when i spent a couple of weeks in fthe hospital in November. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. ElIsie and David AlIidread Wish ing famnily, friends and nelghbors a MERRY CHRISTMAS a nd HAPPY NEW YEAR Russell and Marie Tabb WewoulId liketowish ail laur neighbours, friends and rela- tives a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prasperaus New, Year. Perc and Elva, Leach 50 lx MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPYNEWYEAR ta aur friends and relatives Bill, MolIy, and Bonnie Mairs 50-1 We wlsh aillaur friends and relatives the SEASON'S GREETINGS Frank and Vi Carter 50-1lx Wishing you ail the joys of the HOLIDAY SE ASON anda HAPPYNEWYEAR The Ji m Ni ckersons 50-1 We like ta wish aur relatives, friends and neighbaurs a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Lelarid and Doris Milison. easonS..ýe @ma Club Annrene Scugog Island Ab and Anne Piper My Sincere Merry Christ- Wewouldhiketowish ail our FALDNEBD mas Greetings toa aIl my many ALDNEBD send friends, relatives and, neigh. friends, relatives and SCHEDULE, SEASON'SGREETINGS bars and may God grant - neighbors a Dec. 18 -"Par Four" to alour friends, neighbours peace, love and friendship ta MrrNErisma " AmetingBleV and relatives, ail in the New Year. MryCrsms"oehn le 50-1ix Grace Smith and INFORMATION: LJý_r%% Klnâl anrDON ARMSTRONG MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEWYEAR jo my family and friends. Betty Brown . 1 cannat send Christmas Cards this year but 1 wauld like ta wish a Il my friends and relatives a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Harvey Hardy 98 Church St. Bowmanville 50-1ix MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEWYEAR ta ail my family and f riends in Bowmanville and Orona District L. A. Squair 98 Church St. Bowma nvi île 50-1ix MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEWYEAR ta aur friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton 50-1 MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEWYEAR ta friends and relatives Gordon and Theresa Martin 50-1 x MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR ta aur neighbours, friends and relatives. Aif and, Betty Brown 50-1 We wish ail aur friends and ail aur neighbars a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a prasperaus NEWYEAR Bill and Mary Bates 50-1ix SËASON'S GREETINGS ta relatives, neighbaurs and friends alsa B EST WISH ES for a HAPPY N EW YEAR Roy and Elsie McGiII 50-1 Ta aur relatives, f riends and neighbours, we wauld like ta bring CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR'SGREETINGS fram aur tiause ta yaur house. George and Kay Kimbail 50-i I wish a Il my friends a BLESSED CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEWYEAR filled with happiness. Laverne Orchard 50-1 x Ta ail aur friends, relatives and neighbours, we wish yau a' MERRY CHRISTMAS and a prasperaus and happy NEWYEAR George and Mill11e, Stan, Sandy and Deb Read 50-1 SEASON'S GRE ETI NGS ta aur friends, neighbaurs and relatives Ma ur ice, Mary Anne Linda & Brett Richards We wadt tawishaIllaur friends, relatives r and neighbaurs a very 1- MERRY CHRISTMAS s and a s HAPPY NEWYEAR Jack, Gloria, KHeather and Wendy Brown 50-1 A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEWYEAR ta aillaur relatives, friends and neighbors. Norm, Joan, Wayne, Ross, Dale and Debbie Avery Merry Christmas a nd Happy New Year To aîoaIl my friends and 1DORIS IIOLROY D We take this opportunity ta wish aur relatives, friends and 1.neighbors a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Wes and Madeline K Martin and'Famnily Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ta aur custamners, friends and neighbors Lloyd and Betty Barnes Hampton 50 0.-1 Merry Christmas - and a Happy New Year ta ail aur f riends, relatives and neighbors. Lloyd, Sandra, Suzanne, and Paul Stainton 50-1l To ail aur friends, neighbars and relatives lt's "thaf time". again - Too nice a time ta miss, Sending special wishes To the ones who are reading this! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Too! (You too AI. Os.) Frank and Mary Blunt 50-1 Ha~ppyrNewv Y e< Allen and Fern Faster and Mrs. Ida Marlatt Merry Christma and a Happy New Yea toall our friends, relativ, and neighbors. John, Heather, Lisa and Marcy Lyle ar 725-4344 or 576-6599 r 50-1 50 lx APPEARING AT The Queen'ls Hotel NE WCASTL E as 'BOB ADAMS and HIS BLUE RIVER BOYS Elr Friday -Saturday ves DANCE CALENDAR Tyrone Community Centre December 1 itti "The Sun" $5- couple 8 pan. - 1 a.m. GALA NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE WAYNE GORING D.J. $25 couple Hats, horns, favours, lunch. T ICKETS-AVAI LABLE AT BYAM'S GENERAL STORE TYRONE COMMUN ITY CENTRE 48-4 50-if To aur friends, neighbours 1and relatives a MERRY CHRISITMAS anda HAPPY NEWYEAR. John, Darleen, Jeremy and Julie Wight 50 MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR TO OUR FAMILY ANO FR1ENDS Joe, Diane, Scott K and Lisa Rekker 50-1 I wish ail my friends and neighbors a n MERRY CHRISTMAS anda HAPPY NEW YEAR Love Nellie Deeley 50-1 x MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR ta aur relatives, friends and neighbaurs, from the Adams' Bruce, Diane, Bradley, Kevin andiJeff 50-1 MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEWYEAR ta aillaur relatives and friends, far and near, xincluding the Editar and Staff of The Canadian Statesman! Frank and Violet Gilmer Newtonville 50-2f We wish aur friends and relatives a very MERRYCHRISTMAS and a H EALTH and HAPPY NEWYEAR Clarence, Merle, JQhn and James x Avery 50-1 Toaail my gaad friends, neighbaurs and relatives and enemies too, a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and the best for the NEWYEAR. Ken Kilmer and family 50-1 x MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEWYEAR ta friends, relatives, and neighbors. Les lie Morgan 5- To ail aur friends, relatives * and neighbars a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEWYEAR Harry and Mabel K ~ Wade 5- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk wish ail their friends and neighbars a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY N EW YEAR. 50-1 We would like tawish friends, relatives and neighbars a HAPPY CHRISTMAS and a HEALTHY, HAPPY, NEW YEAR Sincerely Sheldon and Rena Pethick 50-1 REM- THE SOLINA SCHOOL INVITE YOU TO ATTEND AN OId Fashion Christmas Concert on Tuesda Y, Dec. 2lst atl7 p.m. at the Sauina Community Hall (Silver Collection) 50-4 DANCE Saturday, Dec. 18 LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRE Bowmanvil le Dancing fram 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Proceeds ta Lions Convention Comm ittee RECORDED MUSIC Admission --..-$3 per couple Tickets avalilable at the door. 50-1 WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY. 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 -tf Special Christmas, Story Hour For chuldren ayge 3 and up TUESDAY, DEC EMBER 21 st at 2p.m. Bawmanville Public Library 62 Temperance St. 623-7322 50-1 BowmanviIIe Legion Christ- mas Dance this Sat. Dec. 18. Country music by Fay Adams and The Country Hits. Square Dance caIler-Llayd "Clem" Brawn. 50-1 x Christmas Program of Friday Night Bible Schaol wiII be held this Friday, Dec. 17, at 7:00 p.m. in the basement of the' Rehoboth Church. Came join us in this celebration af the birth of aur Lord. 50-1 Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Department of Parks and Recreatian Christmas Baton and Dance Review WED. DEC. 15th Bowmanville High School Auditorium 7:30 p.M. NO ADMISSION CHARGE 49-2 MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY -7:30 p.m. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Sot tball JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHAWA 48 tf SUNSHINE TOURS to Florida àand Texas BY MOTORCOACH 34 Days Florida Winter Vacation January 27th - March 1sf, '77 at a beautif ul beach resort on the Gulf (alsa Feb. 24th - Mar. 29th,'77) 16 Day Florida Circle Tours February 5Sf1- 2Oth 24 Day Sauthern Texas Tour March 1isf- March 24th, '77 10 Day Midtermn Florida Ma rch l8th - 27th, '77 FOR INFORMATION TO ABOVE TOURS PHONE OR 1WRITE: SUNSMINE PARTY TOURS 36 King St., Cobourg 372-9961 49-5 long -x 16"-culvert $40. Victor Z M Adding Machine electronic s tape calculatar like new $110. G 983-5790. 50-1ix Pure Pine Shavings ~ Ba led, Dust-f ree Phone 723-6660 OSHAWA SCREENED SAND GRAVEL & STONE LIMESTONE FROOUCTS ALL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL & DIRT F111 lZJL DELIVERED OR REMOVED TRUJCKS & LOADERS FOR RE<NT ÎNOW REMOvAL 0 *Apartn me-nét & Homes Pre-Wired kAbout Our 3uarantee Phone 576-5606- E. WHITE COU RT IC E 30-tf SAND -& GRAVEL SUPPLY Phone Oshawa 725-0232 SOLlIJA RD. N. -4 I MILE NORTH 0F I-IWAY 2. 1 - lll--- - Il Il il J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre, 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf SCRAP PAPER for 'sale. Available at Statesman Of- fice', 62', King St. W. Suitable for notes, homework, memos, letter writing etc. etc. 50-1 NEW Simplicity wringer washer, used twice with pump. Two burner hot plates. Glass washboard. Electric deep fryer. Curtain tracks 6 and 8 foot. Best offer. Caîl anytime 623-2317. 50-1 EXCELLENT ski package $200, consisting of Fischer Superglass RSL "195" c.m. Marker Rotomat "Step-in" bindings. Koflach buckle boots and poles. Phone 987-4872. SO-ix TWO infra red gas heaters, $80 each. Lincoln welder 225 amps, new, $188. 1/2 HP. air compressor, new, $185. Ace Machinery 723-0933. 50-1 ONE 9 x 12 rug, 11/2 years old underlay included, ends are bound, mixture of brown, orange and gold $130. Phone 50-1 1 972 ARTIC Cat Cheetah 440 and double trailer. Best offer. Phone 263-2304. 50-1 BARN boards 1"x8", ail lenciths. 35 cents runnino foot. Phone 623-9204 or 728-0884. 50-1 HAY for sale. Good quality. 70 cents a bale. Phone 623-5180 after 5p.m. 50-1 TWOsnow tires and rims 550 x 12". Two 600 x 13" Uniroyal snow tires and rims. 12 volt battery, about one month oId. Phone 623-2874. 50-ix THOMAS Electric Organ, luminated upper and lower keyboard, 8 pedal, rhythm, .used once, cost $,1800, sacra- tice $1200. Orono 983-5444. 50-2 SNOWMOBILES, used Ski- Doo; Moto Ski; Sno-Jet, Yamaha; Johnson; $395 each. Evinrude Mercury $995; New Yamaha 340 - $1200. Suifs, haif price; I-ieles, $10; partçs, enrgines, 'tracks, Orono ,,3-5444. 50-2 COLOR TV, 20" Admirai, table model, like new $275. Orona 983-5444. 50-2 PEARS $3 bushel, Macs (seconds) $2.50 bushel. Mon- days, Wednesdays and Satur- days. Caîl Bill Feddema 263-2074. No Sunday sales. 49-5 FRESH CUT CHRISTMAS TREES Scatch Pine and Spruce 16 .Jackman Raad Phone 623-4550 Alsa at Martin Raad, North First Farm an Right Handi Sideaofthe Raad. (Apprax. 1 mile) FIRE PLACE WOOD (Apple) 49- TEAKWOOD, Burma, Scand- inavian, Danish, bedbroom - 8 piece, dining room, 9' pieces, living room, wall unit, caffe W end tables, new furniture, very reasonable. 1-247-4377. 46-tf COLD starage, Spy, Delicious, and Mac apples.' Bring your own containers. Frank Hiemn- stra, R.R. 1, Enniskillen 263-2260. 49-tf 6,500 BALES of hay, and 13 tons of oats . Tysan Farms, Nlewtnvýille 786-297. Pineridge Tire Sales TIRES AN DWH EE LS Ta fit your car or truck. Phone 623-4866 BOWMANVI LLE 23-tf APPLES, Macintosh, Delic- ious, Spy, Cold Storage, f irst road east of zoo, turn north, third hause, east side. No Sunday sales. H. Bandstra. Phone 623-2106. 50-4 CARPETSof ail kinds, custom made drapes and sheers, hard ýf-surace flooring, profes- sionally insfalled. Free esti- mates . Your one stop shop- ping. F.A. Kramp, 37-41 King St. E., Bowmanviile. Furni- ture, Carpet and Drapes. 13-tf FRESH brown eggs. J.-Goid, Concession St. E., 623-2730. 47-tf CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE Bring your family and, cut your awn. 3 miles east af Bethany an Hwy. 7A. FoIIow signs an Hwys. 35 or 115 starting Dec. 4th. Sat, and Sun. only. 50-1 5 ROLLS feit tar paper $25, 18' Dancing 9-1 50-1, HOUSE of AMBER PRESENTS Evening Classes ON 'Make-Up and You' Register at House of Amber Gift Shop, Ham pton Village. Learn today to b e a prettier you - Excellent uine of cosmetics will be available for these classes. Registratian fram: DECEMBER 6 - JANUARY 31 Classes begin: ,FEBRUARY 3 and run for four week periads. Cail1263-2981 Monthly dance at Legian Hall Dec. 18-Christmas dance- dancing 9-1 arn. Fay Adams. Everyone welcome. $5.00 couple. 48-3 SA LE U P to 40 per cent off Creative supplies including easels, paint markers, glue, paint brushes, pastels, etc. a lsa Wooden toys, puppets and books WED. DEC. 15 and THUR. DEC. 16 Creative Fun For Little Ones 88 Queen St. 623-2570 50-1 Christmas Crafts- for Children Ages Six and Up Sat., December l8th 2: 00 P. m. FREE -ALL WELCOME Bawmanville Public Library- 62 Temperance Street 623-7322

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