20 The Canadian Statesmati, Bowmanville, December 15, 19 76 Provincial Court Iw Decemn ber 14, 1976 Judge R.B. Baxter presided with As sistant Crown Attorn- ey A. Sosna and duty counsel M.B. Kelly. Edward Ballinger, 52, Tor- onto, was charged September 26,'did drive after consuming over .08. He pleaded 'guilty'. P.C. McDonald followed him for one mile where he was westbound from Newcastle driving in an erratie manner and going over the centre line. Tests were .14 and .13. The fine was $75,, andý costs, in default 5 days. License sus- pension for 3 months. Norman L. Campbell, 20, Toronto, was charged Novem- ber 6 with having care and "ýontrol.after consuming over .08, He pleaded 'guilty' . He was involvéd in a motor vehicle collision. Tests were .17 and .16. The fine was $200 and costs, indefal 10 days. Dale J. BaIent, 29, Bowman- ville pleaded 'guilty' to driv- ing while disqualified on October 30. He was observed by Const. Wood on Liberty St. and stopped for a minor traffic violation. The was $150 and costs, in default 7 days. License was suspended for an additional 18 months. He was given 2 weeks to pay. Paul Coswell, 17, and Steven White, 17, both of Newcastle pleaded 'guilty' to a Novem- ber 20 charge of changing a price ticket in a local store. They were observed by a security officer. They were put on probation for 2 years following which a conditional discharge will be given if no violation of probation. They are to stay out, of the store., Bench warrants were issued for Robert Ryan and William Wetterburn. Jos. McWilliams, Peterboro pleaded 'not guilty' to operat- ing a motor vehicle on 401 for compensation of goods for another person. The driver Donald Logan could not provide ownership. He was found 'guilty' as charged. The fine was $50 and costs, in default 5 days., Eighteen Young people from the area ages 16 and 17 pleaded 'guilty' to being in the Elmnhurst Hotel on November 4~ when a raid was carried out by Consts. Layton and Lath- angue. Kerry Aide, Richard Brazeau, Linda E. Conahan, Terence Deret, Cathy Mantle, Cindy Martin, Christine Mas- sey, Randy Masterson, Kelly R. Price, Joseph Ritchie, _Debbie Roberts, Caroline Steel, Janet Tighe, Jean Tighe, Penny Timoîl, Marianj Vandergaast, Eleanor War- ren, Mark Wintels. The judge told themn 'there was no hurry to get drinking, it is a breach ý(f hela, wthey do J1QL want Young people umder 19 in the hotels.' There were each fined $25 and costs in def ault 3 days. The judge commented 'if this does not deter them, it will be a jail sentence.' Ralph Mason, 34, 450 Simcoe S., Oshawa, was placed on probation for 2 years, follow- ing a conviction of taking a quantity of plywood from a construction site. The charge was laid March 9 and he pleaded 'guilty'. Dean Pascoe, Hampton, pleaded 'guilty' to driving on regional road 4 at a speed of 85 miles in a 50 mile zone. Const. Foreman was on radar patrol. The fine was $70 and costs, in default 5 days. Ronald Henry Johinston, 34, 141 Golfview Ave., Toronto pleaded 'gullty' to resisting a police officer on September 29. He also pleaded 'guilty' to having a narcotic in his possession. Const. McFeeters received a caîl of a man attempting to enter the arena. A window was broken. He refused to enter the police car and was forcibly suhdued. The crown said alcohol was no excuse for his conduct. His was put on pration ý fort- WELCH S SPECIALI RECONSTITU 1ED 40FL GRAPE JUICE BTL ORANGE FLAVOUR 4 x 3 KCA TANG CRYSTALS PKGS 9 RUG SHAMPOO SPECIAL! SPRAY'N VAC L.1 24OZ. AERO. CONT.2 1 RICHMELLO iioz '7Qc COFFEE WHITENER JAR79 ORANGE PEKOE SPECIAL! TETLEY 8 C)7 TEA BAGS OF72 1.0 SPECIAL! CHIOUITAREFRIGERATED 64 FL àâ ORANGE JUICE BTL~ KITTY WHITE SPECIAL! Il LB.1 9 CAT LITTER BAG 11 RICHMELLO SPECIAL! BROWN & SERVE, ROLLS OFKG49 SPECIAL! RACISEIL BREAD L oz 554 ALL PURPOSE STUFFING - PAXO PKG. 6 ASST'D VARIETIES, NESTLË SPECIAL! INSTANT SOUP MIXA SUPTIME P28949C ASST'O VARIETIES SPECIAL! PALANDA 19FL A f'c PINEAPPLE TIN~ PROCESS CHEDOAR SPECIAL! CHEESE SLICES 16 OZ. 4 KRAFT SING LES PKG.4 CANADA No. 1 WHITE SPECIAL! BILLY BEE CREAMED OR _ Y 2 LB. LIQUID HONE ONT. VARIETY BAKING MI> Mona rch Tea Bisk ALLAN 6'S Candy Canes DOMINION SNACK CRACKERS INGERSOLL PROCESS CHEESE SPREAD PLANTER'S DRY ROASTED PEANUTS DOMINION MIXED NUTS DELUXE FROZEN McCAINS PIZZA ROSE BRAND BREAD AND BUTTER OR SWEET* MIXED PICKLES HIGH LINER FROZEN COOKED SHRIMP SAU-SEA FROZEN SHRIMP COCKTAIL CROSSE AND BLACKWELL SEAFOOD SAUCE MARVELLOUS BRAND DEVEINED, MEDIUM SHRIMP PARTY TYME I NSTANT OR L IQUI1D COCKTAIL MIX ASSTDbVARIETIES 255 IDRIS CORDIALL. 1.929 TUE S.- DE C. 21, 1976 exposed himself. He was on probation for a similar offense from another court. He has had psychiatric treatment but the doctor feels he has done all he can for him. The fine was $200 and costs, in default 10 days. Given 60 days to pay. ~ Donald Wm. Cole, 16, Pine-J ridge School, pleaded 'guilty' ' to activating the fire alarm a t the school on November 15. A burnt paper was found on thel floor near the alarmn. It was, started he was dissatisfied because his supper was not as hot as it should have been. He was given probation for one year, to be amenable to the discipline at the training school. A conditional dis- charge will be given if he behaves. a x PCA!DOMINION TODDLERS SPECIAL! 90 29fl4 DISPOSABLE PKG 1 P KG. I~13 IAPERS 0F12 13 SPECIAL! SPECIAL! 30z, ~RIGULAR OR FLAVOURED BOXý £.Ç TU SPK& 431ý TU S0F 10099 SPECIAL! SPECIAL! 1LULTRABRITE 2 x100 ML rý 9 BOX3 9% OOTHPASTE TUBES -0'3 SPECIAL! REGLILAR OR SPEARMINT, SPECIAL! - ~ TOOTH POLISH 61)l IJAR 'J PEARL DROPS CONT II SPECIAL! SPECIAL! 12 Z.AFTER SHAVE LOTION 4 FLý JAR 994 HAI KARATE oTL. , SPECIAL! ASST D COLOURS, BOUTIQUE SPECIAL! 16 Z,-j Z BATHROOM TISSUE 2RL TI i .b#J DELSEY P2ROL55 SPECIAL! KLEENEX BOUTIQUIE LUNCHEON r 12 99-PKG 4 SPECIAL! REYNOLDS, HEAVY DUTY 24 FLý 18 INCH WIDTH 25' oz. c ROLL ii JA 9 FOIL WRAP PKG. I @0 SPECIAL! SCHNEIDER 'S SPECIAL! 8Oz a R ISPYCRUST 1L.AOc PK.LARD PKG. 4 SPECIAL! SCHNEIDER'S SPECIAL! 4 Z. ^ CRISPYFLAKE 1 L55C SPECIAL! L à% rfc CEDARVALE REGULAR 8 FL' JAR59 HORSERADISH joz.48C SPECIAL! PRODUCER, HOLLAND 4AfI SPICED OR PLAIN OZ1.09 GOUDA CHEESE iOoz .5 SPECIAL! CANADA FANCY, DOMINION FROZEN SPECIAL! PK. JV1GREEN PEASPG CANAD FANC PRUCE 0F U.S.A. JET LIQUID IL -IIYUILI DETERGENT 43 OT. BAG OR JUG PLUS 2 X 24 FL. OZ. CONT. 9941 40e DEPOSIT ON JUG- WE REDEEM ALL FOOD STORE COUPONS e -v -m A& ÂBLÂ-KÀ WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAWILY REQUIREMENTS. DOMINION STORES LIMITED. Vour r CANADA GRADE'A', FROZEN YOUNG, EVISCERATED TmURKEYS c LB. 20 LBS. & UP REGULAR OR DIETF P EPSI% à% -ACLA CASE CF 24 10 FL. OZ. TINS LIMI:3 CASES PER CUSTOMER TOTAL EMM EMM EMMM EMM EMM Em= MM9, Eý Il j j om mil