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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1976, Section 2, p. 11

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Parents League Debates Policy of Education Board Ward two's newly elected Board of Education trustee, Bob Burke steppied into his position earlier than expected last Wednesday night by answering questions present- ed by members of the recently form ed Parent Action League. One of the primary concerns fabout 25 parents who gathered at the league's second meeting since its formation was the bus service provided by the Northumber- land and Newcastle Board of cording to a large per- ce-niage of those parents, transportation is not available for students who attend schools in the north and northeastern parts of town from the Waverley Gardens area. Mr. Burke said the problem was not just a concern of the board's, but was also an issue facing the municipality., The board's transportation policy restricts children living tbree miles or under from using buses provided- for students in the rural area, he said. The polièy is set by the provincial ministry of educa- tion which also subsidizes themi for transportation costs, he told the league. Students in homes east of Martin Rd. and north of the Baseline Rd. are also within town boundaries which means they are not eligible for the bus service under the present policy. But transportation services should now be a question to go before town council as well, he added. Mr. Burke pointed out that with $2 million of the board's $32 million budget spent on transportation last year, an increase in taxes would occur if service were improved in 1977. The new trustee will officiaI- ly take his position along with the present ward two repre- sentative, Andrew Thompson at the first board meeting in the new year. Put a Gift for Mental Patient on Your List Mental Health-Durham is Men's Gifts Especially launchingr its annual Christ- Needed mas appeal for 19761or gifts to There will be drop boxes at forgotten *mental patients. convenient locations: The appeal is for useful Oshawa- Mental Health- NEW ARTICLES such as one Durham, 187 Simcoe St.S., you would buy for a friend. Hope Centre (Old Police Gif ts should not be wvrapped Building behind City Hall), and for ADULTS ONLY. City Hall Cafeteria, North More than 750 gifts are Oshawa Library, 1050 Simcoe needed and they'll be wrapped St.N., Y.W.C.A., 199,Centre St. by the association's volun- S., Jury and LoveIl, Rosslyn teers. Plaza, Senior Citizens, 43 John We would like the gifts early St., Bank of Montreal, Simcoe in December so we have time St.S., and the Oshawa Centre, to. wrap and distribute them McLaughlin Public Library. before Christmas. We would Whitby-Jury and Lovell, like them available by Decem- Whîtby Public Library. ber 13 th, 1976.« Ajax-Kemp's Pharmacy, We would welcome dona- Police Station, Royal Bank of tions by cheque or cash and Canada, Ajax Library, Bank these will be used by volun- of Nova Scotia. teers to shop f or gif ts. Cheques Port Perry-Port Perry Med- can be mailed to the office of ical, Centre, Lawrence's Mental Health-Durham, 187 Pharmacy, Public Library. Simcoe St.S., Oshawa. Tele- . Brooklin-Short's Pharmacy, phone 728-9931. Harris Home Bakery. NE'WTN VILLE Recent visitors with Mrs. Ap,'(s Burley included Miss il rine Stewart of Kendal, N-L-,Gerald Zealand of Eliza- bethville, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley, Newcastle, Mr. and g HARVEY, ORONO 983-5206 ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE Mrs. Harold Burley and Doug with bis friend, Ricky Caven- augh,_ Bridgenorth and Mr. and Mrs. E. McEwen of Peterborough. M rs. Lena Clysdalè and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer were Tuesday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer. Local people attending the Senior Citizens' Christmas Party, in Newcastle Commun- ity Hall, Thursday evening included Mrs. Tva Farrow, Mrs. Amy Milligan and Ber- nice, Mrs. Winnie Elliott, Mr. R. Bruce, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher. A Pot Luck dinner was held, first, and there was the usual exchange of gifts followed by an enjoyable showîng of pictures taken abroad, in England, Ireland and Scotland. We understand well over fifty people attended. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Farrow, of Toronto, were Saturday evening callers with Mr. Tva Farrow, whîle 'Sunday callers were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brignaîl, Melissa and Angela of Bowmanville. Doris Chrysler and Lloyd Clysdale were the greeters at our church door, Sunday Let us help you STOP SMOKING 'Countdown on smoking' SMOKER'S WITHDRAWAL CLINIC Beginning January lO0th. at 7:30 p.rn. Seven evening sessionis January lOth, 1llth, l2th, January 17, 20, 24 R.S. McLAUGHLIN COLLEGIATE Stevenson Rd. N. & Rossland Rd. VA Oshawa Ontario Sponsored by the; Lung Association Heart Foundation Cancer Society To register, mail to; Durham Region Lung Assoc %Oshawa General Hospital ~-4 Aima St.,Rm. 465 Oshawa Ontario LlG 21 Narne...................................... Address ..................................... Telephone ......... ...... Postal Code... Registration tee enclosed- $5.00 Students and senior citizens f ree. 1 arn a senior citizen [_J Iarn a student It's no0 wonder the event cieared more than $6100 at the recent Knox Christian Schooi Bazaar, and Auction Sale ... they had so many unusual attractions the huge crowd couldn't resist them. In the top picture, Principal Fred Bonsma, Mrs. Henry De Jong and Mrs. Jan Oegema are busy preparingY Que Boilens, a Dutch Christmas treat resembling a doughnut but without a hole. That booth made $108.' In the next photo, Tony Klompmaker and Mrs. Ed Van Hamburg volunteered their serviceto eut hair. Lower left, Pete Vermeulen is trying his hand at driving a nail, and aiongside, Lloyd Devries has, paid for the privilege of climbing the rope that had prize envelopes at the top. In the evening, Auctioneers Ed Van Hamburg and Jan Oegema sold produce, clothing and ail manner of articles for fabulous prices. They also organized audience participation -in the dunkin' booth with several prominent members being soaked in the water to help raise $740. Ail in ail, the affair was a great financial success and those present seemed to enjoy parting with their hard earned cash for a goodcause. ýB9 morning, and Rev. Tizzard's message was based on "The Word", (Advent 3). ...... The candle lighting cere- mony was carried out with ...... Marleneý Stacey reading the introduction, and Robbie Tompkins and Drew McQuat assisting with the candles. The ...... choir sang "The First Noel", and several other Christmas hymns, were sung by al present. Next Sunday, there will be a L Reception of Church members at our morning service, and we are to hear the Boys and Girls Choir, under the leader- ship of Carol Gardner. Remember the Christmi-as Eve Candle Light Service in our church Friday, Dec. 24, at 7:30 p.m. There will be a New Year's Eve supper in the Church Hll, Newtonville, with enter- tainment, following ýin our Community Hall. Mrs. Alice Austin, of Can- ton, is visîting Mr. and Mrs. RayTompkins and family for, a few weeks. Mr. Don Fletcher, Oshawa, was an over-night visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher, Friday wbile Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Craig, of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith, and Stevie of Oshawa., An early family Christmas Party was held in our Com- hmity Hall, Sunday, by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Milîson, and family, third line. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson were supper guests, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Henderson in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mer- nul of Warkworth, were Sun- day supper guests. here with his sister Mrs. Bea Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Nornian Heard of Peterborough were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Agnes Burley. Supper guests, Sun&day -w it I Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkie, were Mr. and M1rs. Poti McI)onad and boys, of Jaoie ville, Mr~. and Mrs. ('M. Joues and Mrs. Bea J1oncs were guesîs of Mr. ani Mirs. l)enzil [Dale, 0shawa, Sunday even- in, tteidiing the (Oshawa Choir Concert of Festival Section Two The Canadian Statesmnan, Bownianville, Decembe)r 15, 1976 I YELVERTON Municipal Elections have been decided; the tumult and the shouting dies, the captains and the clowns depart to paraphrase an old cliche. Although much interest was generated not only by our own Manvers election but by ail those neighbouring municipal- dties, admittedly it is a relief flot to be confronted by Rickard's halding pate or Eagcr Beaver Ken Lyall on every other page of the Statesman or Country Cour- ier. Congratulations are extend- ed to aIl the lucky winners. T<> those whose vest buttons are extended to the limit with pride of acomplishment we remind them that, the voting public is a very fickle and unpredictable lot. You can be a hero today and a bumn tomorrow or vice-versa. Here in Manvers we welcome back former Reeve Bob Brown and Singers, in Bowmanville High School. The Dales' twin daughters were ini the chorus while an older daughter was an accompanyist, for this very enjoyable event. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer, of Port Hope,, were Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr., and Mrs. F. Gilmer. Congratulations to two "Young Couples", celebrating Wedding Anniversaries, this week, namely Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boughen on Monday, and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer on Wednesday. Many more of them!! The Christmas meeting of Newtonville Women's Insti- tute was held at the Home of Mrs. Florence Ferguson, Newcastle, last Wednesday as has been the custom since the year 1960. President Amelia Lancaster openëed with the singing of the Institute Ode, followed by the Mary Stewart Collect. Minutes of the previous meeting were read, by Secre- tary-Treasurer Madeline Buckley and adopted, followed by the financial statement. A motion was passed, that, in future, the transportation expenses of, a group to Conventions, such as the District Annual, or Fun Fairs be pa id, as well as expenses in connection with a Demonstra-, tion, following a Short Course. Bernice Milligan's offer to have such a Demonstration at her home, between Christmas and New Year's was accepted on motion-date to be decided, later and ail Leaders notified. Roll Call-which has more influence on a child's upbring- ing, the home, school, or~ church? This was answered by the twenty-two ladies present with various views though ail agreed that the house,, was usually the most, important influence, in the long, run. A sing 'song of Christmas Carols was enjoyed with Violet Gilmer at the piano, after which the box of wrap- ped gifts was passed around, Santa Claus (Bea Jones) seeing that each one present, received something., Grace was sung, and lunch then serv- ed by the group. Sorry our Unit Leader, May Burley was unable to be present. Appreciation for ber hospit- ality was expreïssed to Mrs. Ferguson whose home, as always,- was gaily trimmed with Christmas symbols. congratulate him on heading the poil. Likewise to Mr. Lewis McGill who we believe will be starting his 4lst year in municipal politics. We believe Lewis-our ovine tonsorial art- ist, was first introduced to municipal politics back in 1936 or thereabouts. Mr. Marshall, who was a candidate for the fîrst time and narrowly missed a seat on Council is to be commended for his fine showîng. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mal- colm have been attending a Hog Conference in Winnipeg this week. Welcome home to Mr. Robert Burns and Mr. Bryce Jimmo who flew home from Edmonton this week where they have been employed over the past several months. 1We, the Harvey Malcolms, are looking forward to attend- ing the United Co-operative of Ontario convention to be held in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore, Mr. and ýMrs. Oram Moore and family were guests Wide Choice of Attractions at Knox Christian School Bczaar of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Moore and family of LIindsay on Saturday everling for a Moore family get-to-gether. I)inner at the BUBQ at Lindsay was followed-hy a social evening later at the Moore domicile. Wonder if they sang "The Moore we get together" etc. To those who had the opportunity to hear Mr. Allan Lawrence on Question Period on Channel 9, Sunday evening, must have found the program very interesting. Personally, we were quite impressed with the manner in which he conducted hîmself during the question period. DRINKING & DRIVING DONT MIX I wish f0 thank the voters of Ward I[E for electing me Trustee on the Northumberland-Newcastle Board of Education. 1 wiII attempt to follow up onl the tIiree issues that I. stressed through- out the election campaign. If you-have a problem, please feel free to cali me any time. MARG IBBOTSQN Thoey'19re here!. Christa Books CANADIAN PAPE RBACKLS Margareti.Atwood Pierre Berton Margaret Laurence -Farley-Mowat John Diefenbaker Korn & Children's Almanacs Jacob Two Two Weaving Inventions Books', books- aiîid miore books aind, ail o hmCairadiali TLHE BOO K NO OK at KENDAL HI.S 'ANTIQUES Highway 115 at Kirby 983-5476 Open Daily 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sundays Noon - 4 p.m.

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