6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 15, 1976 J- ~~r~r- ~ ~ D' & R Sports Atoms Dump Oshawa 6 to Edge Peterborough Part of the long line up at Newcastle Community Hall on Saturday, waits to talk to Santa and receive a bag of goodies, courtesy of the Lions Club. Santa Claus made an earlier than expected appearance at the Newcastle Lions Club's annual Christmas party in the Community Hall on Saturday af ternoon. The entertainer who had been booked for the occasion didn't arrive and several hundred youngsters and their parents were becoming impatient. An urgent message was sent to Santa (Dick Loreesin) and hie was soon on the job talking to the children and handing out bags of goodies. He is shown here with two-year-old Shawna Henderson. FESETI IS * Saturday FESTIE DINERSSupper Dancing Are Now Seing Taken Dec. 18, 1976 CRSM SDAY Tewith CHRISTMA Big Town Boys NEW YEAR'S EVE JOHN McGEE NEW YIAR'S DAY Dec. 13th - 17th HRS. DININO ROM Christmas Doy 12 noon t 9 p.m. Saturday Specia I New Yrs Eve 5 pm to9 pm New Veor's Day 12 noon ta 9 p.m. BAKED ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___VIRGINIA HAM $5.25 '.""JuBt North of the 401 on Ubo*fY S-423373& -ftMOTOR IN,> mowmonuiIe Lberty S. Sout h t 401 Bowmanville * * Phone 62.3-3373 FINE F000 LIVE'ENTERTAINMENT Country and Western and Popular music Beginning January 7th and 8th (Every Weekend) IWE CATER TO WEDDINGSI MEETINGS, IICHRISTMA S PARTIES PHON E 983-9545 at OASIS Restaurant and'Tavern S Hwy. 115 &35< North of Orono Cablecast Listings Wednesday, Dec. 15 2:30 Family Life Series, "Changing Roles" 4: 00 Awareness 4:30 Saleil, with the French Canadian Club af Osh- awa 5:00 To Be Announced 5:30 Children's Christmas Stories 6:00 Evening Report 6:30 Talk About, with the University Women's Club 7:00 Music 30, with local Artists 7:30 Educatian Scene, with George Pearce 8:00 Hatline ta Heaven 9:00 Rescue, with local Guests Thursday, Dec. 16 3:30 What Does the Bible Say? 4:00 Hatha Yoga 4:30 Book Alive Club Pre- senits: "Thie Necklace ff Princess Flani- 5:00 Education Scene 5:30 Talk AÂbout 6:00 Evening Report 6:30 Rescue 7:30 Soleil 8:00 The 3R's, with Seperate Schaol Activities 8:30 County Town Singers Present: "A County Town Christmas 10:30 Sign Off 1Friday, Dec. 17 3:00 Whitby Then & Now 3:30 What Does the Bible Say? 4:00 Christmas Stories for Children 4:,30 Book Alive Club 5:00 Vita Italiana 6:00 Whitby Report, with Blake Purdy 6:30 The 3R's 7:00 Siga Off Sunday, Dec. 19 11:00 Vita Italiana, with Ercole Foresta 12:00 Rescue, topical inter- view 1:00 Hatline ta Heaven, religiaus issues 1:30 Ritson Road Alliance Church Service 2:30 What Does the Bible. Say? with Bob & Ron Kirkland 3:00 Siga Off Monday, Dec. 20 4:00 Co-Operative Housing? For Reservations Cali 983-9545 The Bowmanville D&R Sports Minor Atoms had a busy weekend, playing an exhibition game on Saturday in Bowmanville, defeating the Bruins fromn the Oshawa Little 4:30 Expression, a Variety of Topics 5:00 Whitby Then & Now, with Brian Winter & Jim Quail 5:30 M.J.'s Place, with Mur- iel Jane Weber 6:00 Evening Report,ý with Wally Donalson & Dave Stewart 6:30 Awareness, with Bill Emmerton 7:00 Counterpoint, wîth a Christmas program 7:30 Whitby Jaycee Santa Claus Parade 8:00 Oshawa City Council Meeting Coverage 11:00 Sign Off Tuesday, Dec. 21 1: 00 Oshawa Council Meeting Highlights 3:30 Consumers! "What's the Best Beef Buy"' 5:30 Counterpoint 6: 00 Evening Report 6:30 Vita Italiana 7:30 To Be Announced 8:00 M.J.'s Place 8:30 Hatha Yoga, with Jan Hewlett 9:00 Hotline ta Heaven 9:30 Sign Off Note: All pragrams are sub- ject ta change without notice. N.H.L. 6-1 in an ex encaunter, and on Sun( Taras travelled ta P( ough for an O.M.H.A.- game where they defei Petes 3-1 in a very hard contest. On Saturday, Bren opened the game's when he scored, assi his linemates Ton Laughlin and Chris I This was the only goal in the first period. Bawmanville score more in the middle star Clieff picking up asitdby Captain Whitmarsh. Clieff scored, this time the gaing ta Jeff Dawsc defenceman Glenn I Paul Robichaud stru< dirt, tne'assists going to, his linemnates Brad Bamsey and Brett Blundeil. Dreossi scored the fîfth Bowmanville goal assisted by his rightwinger McLaughlin. The Bruins scored their only goal of the game at the 5:15 mark of the final period ta spail Toros' goaltender Alan :hibition Ulrich's shutout. bid. Blundell iday, the scored the last goal of the leterbor- game, assisted by defence- League man Brian Heard. ated the Dump Peterborough l-hitting On Sunday, the Toros travel- led to the Kinsmen Civie nt Neil Ceflre in Peterborough and scoring handed the hast a club a 3-1 isted by defeat in an extremely hard- n Me- hitting game. The game's Dreostsi. scoring was opencd by Bow- [scored manville's Jon Clieff who has turned into a most prolifie d four scorer, the assist on the play nza, Jon going to his centreman Greg a goal Watson who is playing ex- Lorne tremely well this year. again Peterborough tied the score assists at the 59 mark of the middle on and, period. At the 1: 10 mark of the Duncan. same period, Tom Me- ek pay- Laughlin sent the D&R Sports &Mcw 'jJeah'" SPue RESERVATIONS "Main DeckIl $40.00 P er couple "Brig" $30.OO per'tcoupie Phone 623-4925 Lake Road off Liberty St. S. SExit 75 - Hwy. 401 - Bowmanville gang into the lead again alter being set up by defenceman Pierre St. Amand. Both squads had several scoring chances but both goaltenders were extremely sharp, particularly the Peter- borough netminder. Chris Dreossi finally notched the insurance goal for Bowman- ville after being sent in by his rightwinger Mcbaughlin. This game featured extremely heavy checking by bath teams and some beautiful passing plays by these well-balanced hockey teams. Richard Smith was ln the net for the Toros and pflayed an exceptionally fine game, coming up witli many key saves to earn a very well-deserved victory for his team-mates. Bowmanville's next game wiill be in Memorial Arena C C orOrtOf RESTAURANT MON DAY- TH URSDAY 6 a.m. - 12 p.m. FRI1DAY - SATU RDAY 6a.m.-la.m. SUN DAY 7 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. SERVING DELICIQUS CHINESE FOOD TAKE-OUT ORDERS A SPECIALTY Free Delivery in Bowmanville on al1 Orders of $7.50 or More i Fui'l Course Meals in a Home- Like Atmosphere ~e'vtt~ CotfroQCfin~ chh 9 King St. W. 623-5412 If mmmmommummn" 1 * *****- --- 0 lý - 10 1 lm 1 Il q Ill ic ****** **** ** *** ** * **** ~ -* L'a 623-54.12 1