T he Newcastle Indepei Editors: Jack and Hazel Crago Tel Q ~oeta To ail our neac wishes are for y( healtb and happines 1Mrs. Irene Robert Christmas with ber '-M.and Mrs. JohnJ and famiiy, Bowmai Mn. and Mrs. Geo bahl and daugbter, IMns. Dan Norton spe 'mas Day with Mr. tfowand Gordon, Po Mr. and Mns. B. M famiiy, Mrs. Howai Mr. and Mrs. Murn son and family spe mas Day with M' Wallace and family, Mr. and Mrs. Geoc ley enjoyed Christr the Charles Buckley' daie. During Christmî visitons with Mrs. Harmen were Mr. borne Le Grou, Tor and Mrs. John Schm: and Cory, Kitchener Mrs. Gordon Le famiiy, Pickering. Mr. and Mrs. Ea and farniiy visited( Day and Boxing Daý parents, Mr. and Munro, Sonya. Beiated birtbday to Scott Fosten. To his birthday, the far ed dinner at theF and visited after witi Boyd's and the Gor rod's. Mrs. Aice Quînne Cristmas dinner daughter and son-il and Mrs. Harvey Pa family, Orono. Or Day, Mrs. Quinne with daughter, Mn. Murray Adarns an( Bowmanviile and enj pen with anotheri Mr. and Mrs. BillSE famiiy, Bowrnanvil Lillian Seiiers waý guest. Birthday greeting. Wiida Johnson and]A Quinney. Christmas visitors and Mrs. Williaru included Mn. and. M IF IPronr IRE tders, our Peterman, Toronto, Mr. and 'our good Mrs. Jimmy Lee, Oshawa, ,ss in 1977. Mrs. Russell Storks and Mr. ts enjoyed Fred Green, Oshawa, Mrs. F. daughter, Butler and Misses Candy James Jr. Storks and Linda Williams, anville. Rexdale. ýorge Kim- Recent overnight gue-sts ,Mr. and with Mr. and Mrs. Harry )ent Christ- Wade were Mr. and Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Chriswell, Cambridge. ort Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade Wagar and spent Christmas with their son ard Toms, and daughter-in-law, Mr. and ray Pater- Mrs. Williamn Wade and boys. .nt Christ- Mr. and Mrs. Neil Britton Urs. Tom and family, Belleville, were îToronto. Christmas visitors with Mr. >rge Buck- and Mrs. barye Britton. tmas with With Mrs. Howard Pearce es, Wiliow- and Ronald on Christmas Day were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald as week,' Garnier, Brownsville and Mr. Dorothy and Mrs. Verne Rowe, Lorie and Mrs. and Rober t. ronto, Mr. Christmas Sunday visitors nidt, TPerry with Mr. and Mrs. Norman r, Mr. and Rudman were Mr. and Mrs. Grou and Don Rudman and Brian, Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Del ýa Foster Rudman, Courtice, Mr. and Christmas Mrs. Bill Joli and Kenny, 'y with ber Owen Sound, Mr. and M rs. Mrs. F. Dennis Rudman and Christa and Mn. Everard Joli. gneetings Christmas visitors with Mn. celebrate and Mrs. Alfred Graharn were niiy enjoy- Mn. and Mrs. Bill bodsoii, Pondenosa Ottawa and Miss Marjorie th the Ross- Spragge, Owen Sound. )rdon Gar-- Christrnas Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johnson ey enjoyed wene bis mother and sister,, with her Mrs. Jobnson and Mrs. Fen- n-law, Mr. nelI, Belleville, Gary and 'artner and Glenda Johnson and friend, n Boxing Brian Rumbles, Belleville, ey visited Mr. and Mrs. Eari Johnson, .and Mrs. Stirling, Downsview and Bow- id famiiy, manvilie Trimble's and Mr. joyd sp-Eric Wicks. dauhte, Mrs. Gordon baking spent 'ellers and Christmas with ber daughter, lle. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Sheehan is aiso a and children, Bowrnanvilie and Mrs. Vi Osborne, Bow- s to Mrs. manvilie., Mvrs. Kaye Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Buckley, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Aldred, , witb Mr. Oshdwa, and Mr. and Mrs. n Storks Reginaid Woodharn, Toronto Wns. Allan were Wednesday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred, bake Shore. ý 7 -Christrnas dinnen guests R IA witb the Alidred's wene their S ION son, Mr. and ,VIs. Bruce ~pairs Alidned, Bowmanville and epairs daughter, Mn. and Mlrs. Doug- tion las Rowe, Annette, Donna and Banry, Newcastle. Mrs. Nellie Spencer spent the Christmas holiday with her daugbter, Mr. and Mns. Ray Bennett and Jon. Orne- mee. Miss Louise Hancock enjoy- ed Cbristrnas with ber bro-_ ther, Mr. and Mns. Lloyd PREMIUM D QUALITY "e IELOILmI AND D VfEOIm%-1L ,Courteous'Service. Ut-of-town calis, ease cal l col lect. ONABLE PRICES 568-3381 0 lu npi 0S1 DI ,.As Mob Ithe co-operator LARRY AUSTIN These are j ust two cf ou r Representatives who can ta ke care of ail your, Insurance Needs LIFE - FIRE -AUTO - R.R.S.P. Give u&sa call or Drop in to see us EAST MAL 600 KING ST. E. - 728-1661 , Hancock, Bowmanville. Christmas Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Walton, Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pearce, Vicki and Kirk, Bethany, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pearce and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Rick Pearce and Kevin, Town. Christmas Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown and famiiy, Newton- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Henderson and family, New- tonville, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson, Newtonviile, Mrs. Marie Trim, Newtonville, Mr. and Mrs. Jjm Gilmer and family, Port Hope and Mr. and Mrs. Willaim Wade. Christmas dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin, Lake Shore, were Mr. Andy Taylor and Mr. Stanley Taylor, Courtice and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Murray and Col- leen. Frankford. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hockin and famiiy, London, spent Christmas with her mother, Mrs., Rose Osborne. Mr. Samuel Powell, a patient in Bowmanviile Mem- orial Hospital, was home for Christmas Day. On Sunday with Mrs. Sam Powell, Floyd and Dorrene were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rudge, Dale, David and Doug, Maiton, Mrs. D. Coulter, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sherman, bisa and Donald, Downsview, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Powell and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Couch, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Powell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell included Mr. and Mrs. Terry Garwood, Beaconsfield, Miss Terry Lynn Garwood and Mr. Allan Milhench, Ottawa, Miss Marion Fisher, Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Markle, Alyssa and Andrew, Alliston, Miss Judy Powell, Cobourg, Mr. Wayne Hunt, Pontypool and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Virtue and Nathan, Campbell- croft. Thursday visitors were Mrs. Paul Shetler and Wendy and Mrs. Roger Dewal, Osha- wa. Christmas Day dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Flintoff were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Flintoff and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilson and boys, Newtonville, Mr. and Mrs. John Wight, Jeremy and Julie, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Floyd, Kelly and Leanne, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Don Burley an-d family, Wingham were Christmas visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Burley. On Monday evening, -Dec. 2th, the nurses enjoyed their Christmas Pot Luck dinner party at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson. Mr. Calvin Murray, Osha- wa, took bis father, Mr. Jim Murray to Toronto recently to visit Mr. Murray's brother, Gilbert. Misses Frances and Hea- ther Hoar, Toronto, enjoyed Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoar. Mr. John Hoar is holidaying in Florida. MissFlossie Graham enjoy- ed Christmas with ber niece and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reid, Bowmanville. Mrs. Rachel Dennis. enjoyed Christmas Eve dinner with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pollard, Courtice, Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. AI Pollard, Oshawa and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pollard, Uxbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chard, Johnna Lyn and Delann and Mr. Harry Hodgson enjoyed Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster. On Boxing Day the Cbard's visited with the R.Wagar family. Christmas dinner guests Farrow and Jan, Newtonviile, and Mn. Keith Caîl and girl friend Miss Linda Flintoff, Whitby. Christmas dinner was enjoyed at the Glen Fannaw's, Newtonviile. With Mn. and Mns. William Allin for Christmnas dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Allin, Mn. and Mns. bugh Aluin, banne Allin and friend, and Mn. and Mns. boward Allin. Mn. Grant bendry, Univers- ity of New Brnlswick, is spending the Christmas vaca- tion witb Mn. and Mns. Alex [-endry in their new home on Caroline St. Mn. and -Mns. G~eorge bendry, Chnistophen and Mattbew, Ottawa, and M'r. and Mns. Frank bendny, Peterborough spent Chnis- iNurse of the Year ridentI lephone 987-42011I and iamiiy, Port Hope, Ivin. and Mrs. Wallace Couch and famiiy and Mn. and Mns. Bill Couch and family, Mn. and Mrs. Joe Danrach and famiiy and Mn. and Mrs. Bill Couch, Bowrnanvilie and Miss Rosie Nicholson. Mn. and Mns. Harold bannis spent Christmas with thein daughter, Mn. and Mns. Bill Fenguson and family, Osha- wa. On Sunday, Dec. l9th, tbe William Lake family were ail at home ta enjoy a farnily get-togethen., On Christrnas Eve, Mn. and Mrs. William bake visited Mn. and Mrs. Evenett Lake and family and Christmas Day was enjoyed with Mn. and Mrs. Don Lake and farnily. Mn. and Mrs. Thomas Spen- cen enjoyed Christmnas Day with thein son, Mn. and Mns. Rowland Spencen and family, Bowmanville. On Sunday, Dec. l9th, Mn. and Mns. Robent bagerman and Pamela, Oshawa and Mn. and Mns. Lanny Woods and family, Niagara Falls visited with Mn. and Mrs. Walter Hagerman. Sympathy is extended ta, Mns. Walter Hagerman on the death of ber step-rnother, Mns. Annie Seanles, Belleville. Mns. Marion Richards, Fenelon Falls, spent a few days with ber brother, Mn. and Mns. Talbot Alldnead and Jeffney and enjoyed Christ- mas dinnen witb ahl the boys and thein familles, Mn. and Mrs. Alfred Alldnead, Mn. and Mrs. Jimmy Aildnead, New- tonville, Mn. and Mns. Tommy Alldread and Kevin. Mn. and Mns. Donald Colwill and girls, bondon, spent Christmas Day witb bis mother and brother, Mrs. Inwin Coiwill and Jim. Mn. and Mrs. Sid Fenguson and Mrs. Florence Ferguson enjoyed Christmas Day with Mn. and Mrs. Don Sykes and boys, Elona. Christmas Day visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Verne Kent and family were ber mother, Mn. and Mns. Wilfned Hawke. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. barye Bnitton wbo cele- bnated their 56th wedding anniversary on Tuesday, Dec. 28th. On Saturday, Dec. 18th, Mrs. Austin Turner and Misses Norma and Beulah Halloweli visited with Mn. and Mrs. Wilfned Wood. Thirty-foun members of the Wilfned Wood family enjoyed CJbistmnas Day witb themi-Mn. and Mrs. jack Pye-Finch and Mn. and Mrs. Andenn, Scar- barough, Mn. and Mrs. George Felgate, Unionville, Mn. and Mrs. Ken Smith, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Wood and Mn. and Mrs. Steve Smith, Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. Stewart Wood and famîly, orono, Mn. and Mrs. Daug Wood, Bowmanville, Mn. and Mns. Reid Wood and family, Newtonville, and Miss Manie Andrews, Onono. Mn. and Mrs. Henry Goschl and family enjoyed Christmas dinnen with Mn. and Mns. Percy Dewell, Hampton. Mrs. Daniels and Mrs. Ed. Wanburton, Oshawa, were Christmas visitons with their brother, Mn. Charles Cowan. Mn. and Mns. Ronald Hope, Michelle and Tomm~y, spent Christmas Day witb bis par- ents, Mn. and Mns. Roy Hope, Nestleton. Christmas dinner guests with Mn. and Mrs. R. Brenton Rickand, Douglas and Robin wene Mn. and Mns. David Milis, Ottawa, Mn. and Mrs. Ken Eiaschuk, Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. George Rickand and faqmily nd Misses Ruth and1 mas at home, also. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coulter, Kevin and Keith, Toronto visited with Mrs. Sam Powell, Floyd and Donnene on Mon- day. On Satunday, Dec. lltb, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris at- tended the 5th wedding annivensary of bis second oidest brother, Mr. and Mns. Hilton Harris, this being the third fiftieth anniversany in the Harris family in three months. This party, attended by sisters and brothers and their spouses, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keitb barris, Dale Road. A loveiy lunch and social time was enjoyed by al. With Mn. and Mns. Gordon Garrod, Jr. for Christmas Day wene Mrs. Jili Christie-Brown, Mr. Ian Baron and Mrs. Raye Friedlander, Toronto, Mn. Dean Friediander, Kitchener, Mr.-Barry Norton and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Garrod, Sr.' Miss Mabel Oidfield ne- mains a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilie. Mr. and Mns. Clinton Brown enjoyed Christmas Sunday dinner with their daugbter, Mr. and Mns. Fred Hendenson, Newtonville. Miss Sue Corhett and ber parents, Port Hope, were Christmas visitors with the John Metrailler family. Mn. and Mrs. Ron Dickin- son, Oshawa, Mrs. Marjorie Pascoe, Mr. and Mns. Ron Powell and Gary, Mr. and Mns. David Rickand, Jeffrey and Janice, Mrs. Frank Rick- ard enjoyed Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dickinson of besie, Millbrook. Mns. Minnie Cutier, Bow- manville Hospital, spent Christmas Day witb ber family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barchard and Mr. Cutier. Mr. James Murray is a patient in Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanviiie. United Churcb News The poinsettias in the Sanct- uary this Christmas season were from the United Church Women, Mrs. E.A. Rupert and the Enwright family in loving memory of Thomas and Shirl- ey Enwright. Many families enjoyed the Christmas Eve Service at the Newcastle United Chunch. The four white Advent Candies of Peace, Joy, Hope and Love and the red Christmas candle were giowing as Rev. David Spivey nead the Christmas reminiscences of Dylan Thomas. Familiar Christmas canols were also enjoyed.. On Sunday, Dec. 26th, Mr. Glenn Ailin nendered the solo '0 Holy Night'. Rev. David Spivey's Christmas story for the children was advice to keep the Christmas spirit al year just as you keep the Christmas toy. Don't throw the toy away witb the wrap- pîngs. The choir sang the antbem, The Echo Sông. The sermon was titied 'Let Eanth Receive ber King." The Annual Chuncb Meeting is calied for Jan. 3th and al reports are to be in by Wednesday, Jan. l9th. Stamps from Christmas cards and cards tbernseives wiii be useful, so put them in the box at the back of the Church. Prayer for this week is: Dear Lord, may you find a throne within my heart >and corne to reign supreme in my life. Amen. 232, . Talor 10-21liL RENT-A- CAR' The Canadian Statesman, Bowmé BY THE DAY-WEEK OR MONTH AS LOW AS Per day 219 KING ST. EAST BOWMANVI LLE Hwy. No. 2 East of Liberty Phone 623-4481 "The Friendly People," A Message From Your Regional Municiopality of Durham ON DICIMBIR 31, Wo Would Like You To Rend Your Own Wator Meter. On December 31, we need your help ta bring in the new year, and send out the aid, accurateiy. Ail residents of Durham Region will soon receive a CUSTOMER WATER METER READING CARD. We would like you ta complete the information reques- ted on the card, and return it ta The Region as soon as possible., The foilowing questions and answers will help you understand the reason we request this information from you. They will aiso aid you in completing your card. WHY IS IT IMOTANT TO COMPLETE AND RETURN THE CUSTOMER WATER METER READING CARD? The information you supply will help us ta review your 1976 charges for water and sewer services. Your reading will allow us ta end 1976, and begin the new year with an actual reading. Your final billing for 1976 wili be based on the reading you suppiy ta us on your card. This last biiling will caver the period from the date of your last bill ta December 31. It will be mailed ta you early in 1977. WHEN SHOULD 1 READ MY WATER METER? We would like you ta read your water meter ON DECEMBER 31, or as close ta that date as possible. WHERE IS MY METER LOCATED? In most homes, you wîili find your water meter IN THIE BASEM ENT. Usually, t can be found attached ta a small pipe extend- ng f rom your basement floor. HOW DOI1READ IT? On some water meters, there is a protective cap on the top of the meter, simply lift this cap up, and you wilI see your dial. Your dial will resemble a speedometer, and look some- thing like this. Q9 You enter your reading (including ail zeros) in the spaces provided on the card. WHEN DO I MAIL MY WATER METER READING CARO TO THE REGION? Please mail the completed, postage paldcard to the Region no later tha:n January 7, 1977. FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS Changes are presentiy being considered which will streamline aur bill- ing procedures. Information concerning these improvements wiII be maiied to you early in 1977. THANKYQU Your Regional Munlcipality of Durham. 606 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby, Ontario. DECEMBER 1976 s M TW T F S 1 23 4 5 67 i8 910111 121314 151617 18 1920 21 2223 25 26 2728 29 30?3 Teresa St. Pierre was chosen nurse of the yea r at the Nel Gor Castie nursing home in Newcastle Village last week. The runner up was Victoria Baron. Mrs. St. Pierreis shown on the right, along with Gail Stephenson, a registered nurse at Nel Gor. Members of the nursing staff selected t he nurse of the year through a vote taken among themselves. ianville, December 29, 1976 il Tlaylor 226, G. Kimbail 205-2,42- 200, W. Flintoff 246, B. Stapleton 215, B. Farrow 224, G. Cowling 217-208, R. Sutcliff .223, H. Clark 217, J. Graham 233, T. Emnliley 224, S. Powell 205. S. Glanville 204-218-254, F. Stapleton 209-204. Happy New Year to ail] bowlers from Gladys and Merril. Anglican Church News Flowers at St. George's Anglican Chruch on Sunday, Dec. 26th were in loving memory of Me,. and Mrs. Duncan Galbraith, given by their daughters, the late Mrs. Marjorie Wynn and, Mrs. Vivian Mattson. There was a good attend- ance at the Christmas Eve Service at St. George's. Regu- lar services at 9 a.m. and 1: 15 a.m. will continue with Rev. Grant Schwartz, Whitby. Newcastle Community Bowling Youth 125 and Over M. Zegil 303, W. Dobbie 187-219. S. Quinlan 239, T. Hennesey 129, T. Dobbie 161, G. Couvier 137, M. Wiilems 146-198, V. Kidd 172, T. Wind 187-142, b. Dost 127-136, J. Boyd 148-140, W. Luke 192, J. Wind 151-200, L. Wind 136, D. Chard 172, T. Brazeau 163, S. Clark 168, M. Mallette 139-155, L. Kozak 134-204, K. O'Boyle 153, C. McLuhan 134, R. Wannamaker 131, A. Stere 158, C. Opoka 140, R. Hoogkamp 172, T. -Vohsmer 171-202, D. Burns 141-191, S. Reicheld 142, G. Martin 141-139, K. Rahme 238-175, M. Demers 123-168, D. Pacey 153-147, B. Pollock '136, M. McPhee 233-174, N. Lake 107-136, R. McKenna 141, T. Oke 135-192, K. Willems 197- 167, A. Rowe 146-175. Ladies 200 and Over T.' Langstaff 230-233-216, S. Carscadden 220, B. Petherick 228, M. Garrod 209-226, F Wright 220,,R. Couch 249-201, M. Burley 218, Y. Bentley 200, E. Perrin 228, E. Kidd 233, B. Major 226-209, M. Major 217, 1. Brown 214-207, H. Couroux 216-260, S. Foster 217. Men 200 and Over G. Watson 228-208, B. Lewis