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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1977, Section 2, p. 4

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James ns urance Agency Limited 24 King St. E. Bowmanville For ail your insuranCe needs Nesto Akey or Doug James at 623-4406 SmXithX for the AJR.WE. It WiI oe dedicated in the church at a later date. Pictures taken of the Cen- tennial events will be display- ed and later sent to the Toronto Archives. Greg Wood is to be hired to remove the garbage for the Parish Hall. The January meeting is to be at Mrs. Ina Palmer's on January l7th. The group then made up some plates of goodies for the Anglican members who are shut-ins - Senior Citizens The Golden Star Senior Citizens enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner catered to' by the Bethany Women's Institute with the 4-H girls as waitresses - Although a number of mem- bers decided to go home early because of treacherous roads due to the first heavy snow- storm of the season, fourteen tables of euchre was played. Winners were Gerald Stap- les taking a female role, and Stan Wright, and low score went to Marlon Staples and Ina Palmer. On December 15, a regular meeting began with the theme song. Minutes were read and a treasurer's report was given. Letters from the new presi- dent of U.S.C.O., Mr. Tom Smith, was read and greetings were forwarded from Mr. Marc Lalonde and Trentway Tours. Members were advised to watch for good entertainment MONEY ON QUALi fY DX PREMIUM j W LIL FUEL QIL and STOVE OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CAIL COLLECT, Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dial11-668-3381 CALL US MIKefuoe TODYu FumE L 0I1L FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE new d oors Z to sjnllw% Mrs. W. E. Clifford one of our representatIves wiII be at Flying Dutchman Motor Inn, Highway 401, Bowmanville, Ontario on January l2th, 1977 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cali 623-3373 for appoint ment. Ontaro. Te . 76680 lets good littie products compete with the biggies! CANADcAN ADVERTISING AD\ ISOPV BOARDc Business Directory Accountancy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 D. V. SNODDON 212 Liberty St. North Bookkeeping and Tax Service Business: 623-7950 Residence: 623-7308 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 67 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 HAAR, CHAPMAN & FLETT Chartered Accountants Suite 202, 54 Centre St. N., Oshawa, 728-7363 133 Church St., Bowmanville 623-6868 JOHN P. WINTERS Chartered Accountant 20 Col borne St. W. Oshawa, Ontario Phone 579-5659 or 623-5828 Chiropractic LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropractic 270 King St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgi Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment Dental1 DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D.D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE ' Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional Bldg. Office Hours: Weekdays 9 -5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D. D.S. 222 King S. E.,Suite 106 ProfsinlBldg. Bowmanville, Telephone 623-7349 Office Hours: 8:30 -5: 00Weekdays Cîosed Friday Aternoons DR. W. M. RUDELL D. D.S. 75 King St. E., Bowmanviîle Office H ou rs: Mon., Tues., and Thurs., 9 'fil 5 Wednesday - 9 'tiI 2 Friday - 9 'tii 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Offilce Phone 623-5790 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 36 King St. W. Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fni. 8:30'tiî15:00 Wednesday 8:30'til1 12: 00 Saturda y- By appoi ntment only Phone 623-4473 Makes 'Great Strides During First Skating Lesson 4 The Canadian Statesman, BowXanville, January 5, 1977 Section Two a( thi ' Keete Cente, and the gro(up is again considering BETH A N Iattending a taping at C.B.C if Prbbvsome of the folks SC. 1'aul's ..A.ME-S. Jean Capling suggest- in the village have seen the The A.C.W. of St. Paul's, ed basket weaving as a project notice advertising the fact Bethany, enjoyed a luncheon after Christmfias. A number that 1 arn giving up writing meeting at the home of Mrs. showed an interest. this column. 1 can no longer Belle Smith. Bowlers who plan on being devote the time reqXiire'd to The president, Mrs. Ren e absent or on holidays will have attend the meetings, showers Smelt, opened the meeting the opportunity to bowl their and special parties that I readXng frorn St: Luke 2:10-14. games at an earlier date. should be attending in order to Her re-ading was most thought The meeting in January, gather pertinent facts relating provoking by a poem: Small under the convenorship of to such events. tbem Beginnings. saîBb Janet Spenceley, will have Therelore this stbem He came as a very m ay some of the Grandview pupils last column and hopefully in a very small manger to entertain the Senior Cîti- someone with- a little more in a very small stable zens. time on his or her hands will in a very small town Marion Fishers group was be writîng the next coluimn in a very small country responsible for the pro- which will be in the new year. but he grew gramme, and had Wes Mc- I'd like to take this oppor- and he told about Mahon show some of his sldes tunity to thank Mrs. Belle a very small piece of leaven with his wife, Jeanne, giving'a Smith for her terrific reports and a very small mustard most interesting commentary. on Senior Citizen activities 'seed He gave us some beautiful and A.C.W., Mrs. Irene Mac- and a very small spark of scenes from Nova Scotia and Donald for the bowling news faith of a trip to Pennsylvania, and and all the other contributors that would grow then concluded with slides of who are too numerous to and He influenced familiar faces of the Senior mention. Also thanks to the a very small handful of Citizens enjoying their Christ- editor and staff of this paper people mas party. Wes is to be for putting up with my terrible but they grew commended on his fine typing and neyer so much as a and so photography. squeek. I know Winnifred Strong gave two May 1 also take this oppor- that even my very small faith readings: "An Old Fashioned tunity to wish each and ahl a and my very small hope Christmas" and "Just before very Happy New Year. and my very small love Christmas".- Editor's note: Sorry to will grow Carols were sung withi receive the bad news, but for this is the way Jessie Ellicott accompanying many thanks Mrs. Neals for of the Kingdomn of Heaven at the piano. your efforts in keeping the Euchre was played with Bethany folks informed. Best A note of appreciation from high scores going to Jessie of luck, we'll miss you! We'd' Mrs. L. Porter re: good Ellicott and Lila Kerr and low be happy to hear from anyone organization of the Centennial to Mildred Brîtton and Ken who would like to carry on. In programme. with special men- Syer. the meantime, please send tion for Chris and Debbie Christmas cake and tea was any news direct to the Wood. enjoyed and served by the Canadian Statesman, P. O. A thank you note for the bale group. Box 190, Bowmanville and it sent was read. Next meeting will be De- will be taken care of. A plaque is being ordered to cember 29th. be placed on the book sheif. t whchwa mdebyCalAdvertising.1 Pick Up a Treot at The Produce Counter There are treats to be had at the produce counter. That's right, treats for you and for children. One of these is a heavy globe with a purple top protected by wax. It's called a rutabaga, a yellow table turnip. Food specialists at the Ontario Food Council, Minis- try of Agriculture and Food say it's a treat because of its nutritional value, keeping qualities and interesting flavor. Cut haîf a rutabaga into interesting shapes then bag and refrigerate it. Whenever you get hungry between meals, reach for a handful of good nibbles. Three-quarters of a cup of raw rutabaga yields only 46 calories. That's a lot of nibbling for so few calories. Oh, and there's an added bonus too! You also get 4.3 milligrams of Vitamin C. That's more than the recom- mended daily intake. What a treat!Il Just before marketing, rut- abagas are washed and dried. Then they are waxed to protect the outer surface from damage and disease organ- isms. The wax also keeps them clean and slows down water loss. A waxed rutabaga won't shrink when exposed to air because the moisture from within can't get out. There's an added treat for you, the consumer. Stored in a cool, moist place-the crisper of your fridge-a rutabaga will keep several weeks. But it probably won't last that long. You likely will have nibbled it ail up! OHARVEY ORONO983-5206 ESSO HOME:HEAT SERVI-CE Mioney Saving coupons at IGA ON THE PURCHASE OF A LIGNT POWOERSCENTEX OR UNSCENTEX ARRID EXTRA DRY: Ch olt 0 c Antiperspirant AEJO, AN $1.29 Chip Biscuits. * EFFECTIVE IJNTIL CLOSINE SUPER BLENDO. 1OW30X Aumy817 Quaker State Motor Dii 1Tl N 79e - ATRAYJAURIS ON THE PURCHASE OFEA I48-Fi. DZ TIN OF VAN CAMPSI I <N TOMATO SAUCE)* Beans: ~ , ~ with Pork I SATURDAYJAUAY . I7 JiWITH THfIS COUPONI OTH UCHASE OF * 100% VEGETABLE I14-F CaICU Crisco Dessert Pears OZ.¶rT' : aladOit, E FFECTIVE UNTIL CIOSIpj I Karn Luncheon lYeal TN8 ca IGA. INSTANT CANADA NO. 1 GRADE ;189"' OTOTOIOmCOPON Skim MiIk Powder El x 1.8 Nestlé's Hoti BOX OF 1* ONTTIPUO INSTANT Chocolate ENVELOPES 99' Nestié i ' Ho Chocolates * EFFECTIVE URIIL CLOSING I PEACH, PINEAPPLE, RASPSERRY OR STRAWBERRY JOLLY MILER, FLAVORED BRIM, OECAFFEINATED OGA Berrybox a24f1 Q range- POLOAG OF E l: Instant Jamfs PECTHNY JRu ~ Crystals " 59 e Coffee IGA DEMFSTER S (lic OFF LABEO IGA PKG p" 99C Sugared, Donuts OF 12 49e.' Kaiser RoIls OF 12 Cheese Logs 77 King Street East Bowmanvil le Values Effective at SBOWMANVILLE STORE ON LY r ONTARIO GROWN PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. CANADA FANCY GRADE 1» FLO RIDA MARSH SEEDLESS Mclntosh Rged or W h&ite RODUCE DF CANADA CAAANO, 1 GRADE Gvrapefrut Onons CANADA FANCY GRADE SIZE4S MAnjou. FOR % 1ePears ý 59: Four BAG PKq G O 25- 59c McCORMICK'S CANOY A. B. Gums PRI 8BAG89e FI BAG3 3tB 9~ - PRICES EFFECTIVE WED., JAN. 5, T0 SAT.. JAN. 8,1977. , WE RESERVE THE RIGHI TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. SWIH THISCOUPN *ABOXOF120 "EORFOSE. * RANSE PENDE * * Tea * Ba gs * EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING LSATURDAY. IANUARY S.1911 *49 IONTHEPURCHASEOFA I6.5-DZ. AERD CANDOF luiAero 79c FurniturePolishi PKG EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING XAkTURO)AYJANUARTU 1911' am- ---m-m- - - . M h »1@"-W-I-H-T--S-C-U- - ON THE PURCEOASE OEA 2 x 4-Ft Dz ETLS 0E I WTESWAN - : Liqid :Detergent * EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOXINEi SATRDAYJANUARYSIVIî - 0OH P EN THEPURCHASE OFA g 12 -OZ. WEOGE OF MIOO MEDIUM DR OLOCOLDRED iSchneider's DUCE0F US.A Cheddar Cheeses ODC OFUSA EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING * SATURODAYJANXAAT R 1911 8 o rid aWiTH THIS COUPON n ge « OTPURCHASEOA ~ I 229 ml i TOF DEANY I s WV.O. 5 H SIZE12b ~ *Shampoo l - ---- - - - ONEPURHASE F A 1OmlO ITUBE,100 MIJAR DR 175 MiI Head&ShouIders iShamlpoo * EFFECTIVE ENTIE CLOSINE XATURDAYJANUARYS,19771 The distance from Mom to Dad seemed a littie longer than usual for three-year-old Tera Cooper when she went skating for the first time ever last week. But she made it across, showing real talent for the winter sport when she tried it out on ice that formed at Memorial Park after a rain earlier in the week. The natural ice made it perfect for parents, Lanny and Judy Cooper, to give her the first skating lesson.' SPAGHEl-ri oàk .. . ..... . ..... . . ... -f.. eý. Y . . . . . . . . . . .

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