2 Thse Canadian Statesm an, Ilowmanville, January 5 1977 N ESTLEONm Mr. and Mrs. Norman Joisnsto(n and Brent, Nestleton their daughter and busband M.and IMrs. Tony Zoet and Tr'icia, Osisawa spent Christ- mas Day witis Mr. and Mrs. C. B3eckstead, Alliston. Mrs. N. Johnstone, Mrs. T. Zoet and Tricia were Tuesday guests with ber sister Mrs. J. LaveIl, Barrie. Mrs. Larmen Hyland isad Christmas dinner with ber lusband -in tise Community Nursing Home,ý Port Perry. Shje was a supper guest with Mr. and Mrs. Jim McMullen. Ponitypool. On Sunday sise joined withi other members of tise famnily witis Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Samelîs, Peterbor- ough. For New Year's Day Mrs. Hyland visited with tise Jim ,McMtllen's. For dinner and supper, on Sunday of last week guests with Mr. and Mrs. Graisame Fisis were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Smith and Penny, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Corby and Paul Vaneyk, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Jacob, Risýonda and Deanna, R.R. Blackstock. OnI Friday of last week MIr. and MIrs. Fisis had supper with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leisisman, and family, Lindsay and attended tise Queen Street United CisurcisChristmas Choir Service on, Christmas Day they visited witis Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bannister and family, Reaboro. boro. Mr. Rae Cook, Port Perry was a Wednesday afternoon .visitor witis Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Robin- son, Stroud, Mr. and Mrs. G. Stainton and Annette, Lindsay were New Year's Day guests of MVr. and Mrs. Oramn Moore, David and Lynne. Mr. and Mrs, John Elliott, Toronto, are spending' a couple of weeks with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Artisur McColl and Cindy. Sympatisy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Tisompson on tise death of iis brother-mn- law, Mvr. Norman Warmington of Scarborougis. Mr. and Mrs. Les Sisoefelt of Wawa, spent Monday to Thursclay witis ber parents Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers and Earl and otiser relatives. Mrs. Lawrence Cooledge, who spent tise past week, witis hier daugister and busband, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Morris and Ronnie, Toronto returned home on New Year's Day. She and tise Morris family isad New Year's dinner witis Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cooledge and family, Caesarea. New Year's Day and Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams were Mr., and Mrs. Doug Fallis and boys, Bow- mnanville, Mr. Arnold Wil- liams and boys, Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers, Nestleton, Constable Jerry Bowers, Mill- brook, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Williams and Craig, Oshsawa, Mr. Earl Fallis, Betisany. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpis Bowers and family, Tyrone, were Sunday supper guests attise home of bis parents Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers and Earl. On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Wilson returned home following one week's, vacation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mal- colm hosted their New Year's family gathering on Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. James Kent and Katrina, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Malcolm and family, Janet- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Aylwin Homes and famfily, Mr. and Mrs. Wa yne Malcolm, Shelley and Kevin, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Malcolm and family, R.R. Nestleton. Mrs. Ed Lawson and Mr. Bruce Lawson were Sunday visitors with Miss Lillian Lawson, Lindsay., On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Dave Vivian and Adam attended tise wedding reception for bier brother Richard and bis wifeDarlene attise home of bier parents Mr. and Mrs. Richard Groves, Roseneatis. Jane and Peggy Groves spent, a tew clays witti their sister and isusband Mr. and Mrs. Vivian and Adam. Christmas Day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaugis- lin were Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe, Brian and John, R.R. Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Glover Rossý and Carolyn of Tavistock, Mr. Harry Sander- son,' Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McLaugislin, Lynn and Brent, Nestleton. Mr. and Mrs. Ross and Carolyn spent tise week-end with tise Law- rence McLaugislin family. Tise Harry and Lawrence, YeusI)vwithIl Mr, anîd Muis. (.Volle ai f anlily. New Ya' )ygue'sts wmthl Mr. and] Mrs. Neil. ee Debisie and David w%ýerc NMu- and Mrs. Don M1(cColl anid family, O)shawýa, Mr. and Mirs. John"Eliott, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Norm Hutchinson and family, R.R. Peterboroughs, Mr'. and Mrs. David Traynor, Lakefield, Cindy McCoil and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur MeCoil. This was a double celebration as it was also a surprise party for M-rs. Lee's parents, Mr. and Airs. Mc- Coll's fortieth wedding anni- versary. The traditional wed- ding cakie was presented by Mrs. Lee (Marg) and beauti- fully iced by her aunit Mrs. Hutchinson. The happy couple received many lovely gifts. Best wvishes are extended for mnany years of continued healtis and happiness. Recent visitors witis Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hleaslip were Mr. and Mrs. Ralpis Robinson, Doug, Cathy and Tom, Oak- ville also their niece and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Irvine, R.R. Nestletoni-Cartwrigist Dynos, Snowmoisile Club M1onday, December 27th, was a crisp clear sparkling dlay but tise cold was no deterrent for the more than onle hundred snowmobile fans who met attise home of Lloyd Gilbank. This was the day wisen tise young partîcipated in competitive events. Tisese would have to be seen to be appreciated-(skill and speed). Winners in tise "Shovel Race" were Men's first-Bal Priebe, second-Peter Mantel, third-A',ndy Visser, Ladies' first-iMadeline Leatherdale, second-Zoe Roirer, third- Cheryl Graham, senior child (13-16 years) first-Kim Weese, second-Ted Wilkinson, tiird- Mike Gould, Under 12 years first-Doug Roirer, second- Nancy Leatiserdale, third- Stephanie Rohrer. For tise "Pick-Up Race" winners were Men's first- Blair Grahsam, second-Henry Wygerde, third-Don Jamie- san, Ladies' first-Cheryl Graham, second-Zoe Robrer; third-Lynda Jenkins, children 13-16 first-Mark' Grahsam, second-David Green, third- Mike Gould. This was a fun packed afternoon and tise Gilbank's very graciously provided shel- ter from tise wintry weather. Hot dogs. isot cisocolate and coffee warmed tise inner man. Tisere are eîghty members in this entisusiastic club. They are looking forward to the bus trip to Peterborougis, January 8th, as spectators in tiseir Snowmobile Rally. On Jan- ary 16ttisey will participate in tise Dynos' Rally. Advertising1 helps you I compare. Mazyor Outine ( Froiri Page 011C) u-egioiial 4>1' local could b chneldand answers coul, be 1-eadily and satjsfactor-il. giveni," he explained. T1 alking about taxes, th' mayor said tisat tisey sisould d something about inequality i: assessment from which taxe are collected,' Unfair Taxes "From tise four forme municîpalities we inherite, four different assessmer factors wisicis cause unfair ness in taxes, he stated. Tise mayor called tise prE sent tax system "-antiquated' and ise said that he will b, asking council to undertake; complete review of tise taxinj structure., While tise mayor stated the~ tise complete refurbisisingo King Street in Bowmanvill, should be done without delay he added tisat attention sisouli also be directed to Orono aný Newcastle Village. Wisile lie noted tisat ti repair of arenas in Orono an( Newcastle is one more issu, tacing tise new council, he stated that council must meec tise needs of people of all ages "There is a need for senioi citizens botis in isousing and ir tiseir recreationalfacilities,' ie said. Otiser needs mentioned b Mayor Rickard included tis neeci for a fire hall in tis( Courtice area and tise need t( expand services in tise town'c public works departmnent. Tise speech concluded on ar, optomistic note, witis tis mayor saying tisat in spite oi tise com.plex times in whicis wE live and in spite of tis confusion of change, "tisis iç stili a bea\utiful area in whicl to live." Witistise swearing in cere- moines on Monday, Garnet Rickard steps into his second termi as Mayor of Newcastle. Business Was (From Page One) by-law before it goes tc council. Thsis is to make sure that no by-law will come before coun- cil witisout'council members understanding wisat it is ail about. Tise town's personnel comn- mittee isas been sligistly cisanged tisis year. Lt is now tise personnel and property committee wisicis means tisai it will look after spàce and equipment as well as town personnel. Mayor Rickard said that tise composition of tise committees had been decided during informal meetings of council members. Will Take Tw-ns If tise mayor is il or absent from council, it was decided tisat eacis councillor will take a turn acting as deputy mayor. Councillor Don Allun is eligible to act as deputy mayor from January 1 to April 30. Next in line is Bob Dykstra, wiso can serve from May 1 to August 31. Alf Gray will be eligible from September 1 to December 31. Tise next meeting of tise new council isas been slated for Monday, January lots. Two Town (From Page One) goat or two, sometimes even à stray cow. And now and tiserf tise animal control officer may face tise tricky problem of catching a live skunk. Catching Skunks Mr. Barchard explained last week that a skunk' can be taken alive witisout isarm to eitiser tise skunk or tise animal officer. Skunks really can't stand their own smell, ie explained, and said tisey'don't like to spray anybody unless tisey have.to. cat. And of course, if you've lost your dog, tise pound is onie place you may find isim. Stray dogs are kept attse pound for three days and if ;isey are not claimed by tiseir )wner, they go up for adoption for five to 10 days. Dog For Adoption Last Tisursday, tisere were ;even animals up for adoption at tise pound, including a curious Doberman Pinscer isat kept looking in tise vindow wtmile Mvr. Barchard was explaining tise operations of tise Animal Conrol Depart- nent. Tisere was also a terrier puppy small enougis to fit into aCisri stmas stocking. Mr. Barcisard explained that tise terrier isad, been bougist as a Christmas present but tise family who bougist it îad a change of iseart tise day At tise Legion Hall on Dec. litis, Lydia and Jim Kane celebrated their 50tis wedding anniversary. On band to belp them celebrate were tiseir six daugisters and families, also Mrs. Kane's sister, Mrs. Sue Frenchs, wiso came over from England to surprise tise couple. Tisey sat down to a before Christmas. Tise terrier was taken to the pound on December 24tis. *Costs Only $5 * Tise price of dogs at tise *pound is $5 pAlus a $10 fee for tise license. "Tise've got to be licensed before they leave tis1e pound," M. ,Bar-cliard ex- plaîned. Cats cost $2 and tiey don't require a license. Mr. Barcisard also pointed out tisat tise pound can take tise name and pisone number of a person looking for a specific kind of dog and then contact that person when tise pound bas tise breed of dog be's looking for. 4 "We try our best to get homes for tise anim-als", Mr. Barchard said last wveek. But, tisere is a sad part to tise dog pound operations. Mr. Barcisard pointed out that if animaIs are not adopted tisen tisey must eitiser be sent away for researchs purposes or destroyed by a veterinary. However, one of tise ways tisat a dog owner can'make sure bis pet doesn't end up as an unclaimed animal in tise pound is to buy a license. t is' easier to. find tise owners of a dog witis a tag and municipal by-laws state that aIl dogs must be licensed. Licenses on local dogs must be purcisased by January ists., If you can provide a good bome for a dog, you may want to caîl tise animal control officers at 623-7651 or pay a visit to tise pound. Whitby Man (From Page One) Walker of 90 Elgin St. Bowmanville. Sellers' Prizes for 2nd, 3rd, 4tis and 5tis Prizes were as follows: Paul Laprade, 14 Victoria St., Bowmanville $15.00, Jimr Fair, 107 Scugog St., Bowmnanville $1000 Clar- ence Tbertell, Kendal $5.00, Roland Bate, 27 Orcisardview Blvd., Bowmanville $500. During tise montis donations were made from fîtise Fund as foUlows: Legion Club Pack $41.72 Cuis Leaders Jackets, Salvation Armyv $100.00. Total Sales for tise montis amounted to $243000 wicbf was down $42600 from Dec. 1975 figures. Total Sailes for 1976i ainounted to $34!,455.00 as comipared to $38,122.00f during 1975. Tl'ise new tickets are niow out on tise programn witbi Prizes being split by Cash anid the same value iii Provincial and ,Wintario Trickets. Tise next Legion Loittery Draw is Janu- ary 26t1h, 1977-make sure you have your ticket, as you miay be a Winner- of $500.00 Cash, 50 Provincial Tickets on tise February 28tis Drawv or 250 tickets on tise Winitario Draw of Feb, 3rd, 1977'. Get your ticket from Leg;ýinmembers or one of tise many busin)ess locations on King St., Bowv- manville. You also bave a chance to win one of tise ot her 4 prizes wbicis could lead to a furtiser win of $1,000.,000 in tise Provincial Draw or $100,000 in tise Wintario Draw for tise cost of $1 per ticket. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kane family supper at 5 p.m. served by the Ladies Auxiliary. Their guests started to arrive around 8 p.m. for a dance. During tise evening, M.P.P. Doug Moffatt dropped in and presented tise couple witis a plaque from Premier Bill Davis. Mayor Riekard also came by to congratulate tise couple and they also Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey, celebrating New Year's and Allan's birtb- day were Mr. and Mrs. Hect or Sisortridge, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sbortridge, Miss Judy Rus- sell, Richsmond Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bailey and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Short- ridge entertained on Chsrist- mas Day Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shgrtridge, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bailey and girls. Mrs. W. Archer spent Christmas and New Years weekend witb -Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Archer and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Archer, Wiitby and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Fleming, Oshawa. received congratulations from Prime Minister Trudeau, M.P. Allan Lawrence, the Governor-General, and nephew John French. They would like to thank everyone for coming out, also for the money tree, gifts, flowers and cards and for making their anniversary a very happy occasion. -McRobbie Photograpis Mr. and Mrs. Steven Meary, Downsview, were Wednesday guests of Mrs. W. Archser. Mrs,' W.W. Van Camp is iMp)roving following surgery in Oshsawa Hospital. We wisis bier a speedy recovery. Mrs. Austin Beacock spent the isolidays witis ber daugister Mr. and Mrs. John~ Mew, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and girls attended a family gatisering wîth Mr. andeMrs. Ernie Hargrave, Woodville on New Year's day. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bryans spent Christmas Day witb Mr. and Mrs. George Bryans and boys at Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bryans Celebrote 5Oth Wedding Anniversory We of fer a good Paint Job at a reasonable Price! Dur eus tomers include: Dur services include: CN Tower- super graphics brush, rouler and Royal Bank - rarncrhes spray painting Mapl Lef Miis lar & ofics ysuper graphics M a p l L e a M i l S - p l n t o f f c e s( y o u r d e s ig n o r o u r s ) Government Budiîngs I/y texru reid and Schools / Churches / Stores special coatings LIMUMU UO.91LTU.M p AI1NT 1N G CO0NT RA CT 0R S TIORONTO: 423-2898 OSHAWA: 723-2005 ask for an estimator, Vou'// bhe g/ad you ca/led! GANARASKA REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY requests, the presence of al1 interested 1individuals or groups at a PUBLIC MEETING on January 25, 1977 at the GANARASKA FOREST CENTER (formerîy Cold Springs Camip) Topic: THE GANARASKA FOREST STUDY A progress report wili be presented providing background ,information anid a preîiminary developmnént plan. Briefs wil be requested to be submitted at a later date. FOR INFORMATION REGARDING THIS MEETING T EL E P HON E 416-885-6067 spent Boxing Day with Mr, and Mrs. Wilf Brown, Cour- tice. Gord Malcolm, Edmonton, spent a few days at Christmas witis bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bryans were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ahf Tomcission, Danny and Karen, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm and family were Christmas day guests of Mirs. Louella Cook, Brooklin. Mr. Gord Bryans was a Sunday supper, gue(st of Mr. and Mrs. H. ýAistein and family. MVr. an-d Mrs. Neil Malcolm had as guests New Year's Day Mrs. L. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cook, Mrs. Evelyn Croxaîl, Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Crozier, Scugog Island, MIr. and Mfýrs. Alan Carter, and Miss Jeninifer Sweetmani. The Ferguson Clan held their annual gathering attise Rec., Centre on New Year's Day. Those enjoying tise day were Mr. and Mrs. Keitis Johnston, Belleville, Mr. and Mi's. E. MacNeil, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrel, Mrs. Jim Willis, Kenora, Heather Dorrel, Chatham, Janice Dor- rel, Ottawa, MIr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskini, Mr. and Mrs. iMurray Byers, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mountjoy, MIr. andc Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy, Mr. and Mý,rs. HarveyGrahamn and family, ,Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fletcher and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hoskin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Les Busisfield, London, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Byers and January ClearanceI M THE a John&Judy * BUNTING BAGS- SNOW SUITS à DRESS COATS L3I f I Dresses (Long and Short) * Long Skirts Pant Suits IJump Suits Pullovers - T-Sh'irts I 30% Off *Skirts. 4-6x; 7-14 and Tqe n itn Blouses -4-6x; 7.14 Tons Tqe n ifn i ~Boys" Shirts . 7-16 Ht n cre * 1/2 Price20Ofi "ONE RACK 0F SWEATERS - Vests and Pullovers - 1/2 Price * ALL TEEN MERCHANDISE - Skirts, Blouses, Pants- 1/2 Price M Ail Sales Final - No Exchanges or Refunds :5 King Street East 623-3293 Bowmanvilei Ammmmmmmmmmm mm mm mmm W m Mountjoý)y and famnily, Stouff- ville, Gary and P-au] IMount- joy, Mr and Mrs, Brian Mountjoy ani famnily, Mr. and Mrs (Carlý Gilhank and famnily, Mr' and TMvrs flot) Kyte, Harry Sanusson Ms.Bonnie Hud- "on and boys. WAInnîe-s at the Citizen Card P'artyw with 19 tables were; lst. Ernie Luke 85, nd Will For- der P-', 3rd-Everett Watson 84, 4th-Býelle Wr m , Charlie McLaughlin i71,, 6th-Bruce Bright 78, Lo\w,-Georgina Me- Laughin. PRINCE ANDREW 1ARRIVES The news media have been, having a good time Welcoming Prince An- drew who wil be attend- ing school in Lakefielki Soon the welcome Wi1k be finished and heliI be hiting the 'books like everybady else. it would be interesting to see bis5 mother's reaction when tise first report card is sent home. Quite an ad- justment for a If-year- old. FLOWERS *DRIED *FRESH *TROPICAL *GREEN PLANTS 3 STORES; r<~ Higfway Plu.2 ml..Kinlg St. E.,, Oshawa W Simcoe S.N ~--Oshawa 70PEINING ANNOUNCEMENT THAPAR DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC Complet. Denture Service 163 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Telephone 579-8752 Hours - Mon. thru Sat. evenings by a ppointment only Blackstock