4 The Canadian Statesman, BoWnanville, January 5, 1977 LONG SAULT 'Christmas Mr. and Mrs. H. Baker and family, County Rd. 57, Mr. and Mrs. Keith* Goble and boys, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Baker and Pam, Black- stock, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hall and Lisa, Janetville and Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and boys were Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker and family. Mrs. E. Goodali and family, New Park were Christmas Day luncheon guests of the G. Baker's. Mrs. Sophie Kovacs spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs and girls. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk were Christmas Day dinner guests of Mr. andMrs. Paul Vanieyk and family and Christ- mas supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. DeMille and family, Bowmanville. Mrs. George Armour, Miss Bertha Armour, Hampton were Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Cornish and. family were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cornish, 'Mary and Wendy. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson, Blackstock, Mr. and, Mrs. Norman Stiles, Manilla, Mr. and Mrs. Ugene Bent, New- castle, Mrs. Fletcher, Mr. John Johnson, Oshawa were Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson. -Mr. and Mrs., F.O. Smith, Bowmanville and Mr.- and Mrs. J.C. Cook were Christ- mas Eve supper guests of Miss Grace Smith. Miss Grace Smith was a Christmas Day guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith and family, Bowmanville and a Christmas Sunday supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker and family. Mr, and Mrs. Don Stephen- son and boys, Newcastle spent the Christmas and New Year weekends with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy and Trevor. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and boys were Christmas Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hall, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk attended the Vaneyk family Christmas party held Sunday afternoon. and ev ening in Tyrone Loyal Orange Associa- tion Hall and on, Tuesday evening were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Milîson. Club 50 ladies meet Tuesday evening January il at the home of Mrs. Fred Janssen. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Corn- ish, Misses'Mary and Wendy Cornish spent New Year's Day with Mrs. George Armour and. Miss Bertha rmrour, Hanip- ton. Mr. and M\rs. Gordon Baker, Garry and Ruth were New Vear's Day supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Goble and bdys, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Cook were New Year's Day supper guests of Miss Grace Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk were New Year's eve guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. De Mille, Bowmanville and New Year's Day supper guests of Mr. and MLvrs. Wmq. De Mille, Bowman- ville. M1r. and Mrs. Gabriel Ko- vacs and girls were New Year's Day guest of Mrs. Sophie Kovacs. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ercego- vac and Anna were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs and girls. Miss Altena, Cliton and Mr. Blair Vanileyk, were Thursday even- inig visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. Mr* and Mrs. G. Baker entertained their family on New Year's Sunday. Purdy. Teamr 7. Donna Harness, Flo Lanid, Sue Rutty, Charlie Biers, Johin Greenfield, Alf Millson. Team 8. George Piper, Hilda Brock, Bill Burgess, Val Miller, Mike Kirkton, Thelma Bennett. Team 9. Ray VanMeer, Mar y Kirkton, Cheryl Wray, Bob Mitchell, Brian Purdy, Linda Biers. Team 10. Helen Reynolds, Marilyn Flintoff,, Wayne H.arness, Joe Nowlan, Lyle Milsn Eleanor VanMeer. Teamf 11, Ron Selleck, Mary Ann Richard , Ted Miller, Dirk VanAbýbema, Carol Har- ris, Joan Enigley. Team 12. Ron Richards, Ian Weton, Pat Milîson, Briar Harris Marion Burgess, Lor- raine Greenifield. Gr~A" N'beef Liquid PALMOLIVE DETERG ENT 32 FL. OZ. BTL. Powdered A.B.C. DETERGENT 5LB. BOX York~ Smoolh PEANUT BUTTER 48 OZ. JAR 1.9 Mira Mari EBLUEBERRY MUFFINS PKG. 0F 6 Nol Avalable Mandays 2% Partly Sklmmed FRESH MILK 3OT. BAG OR JUG (Plus 40c deposit on jug) Assorted Venielles LIPTON CU P-A-SOU P PKG. 0F 4 ENV. -G 'at, weekly specials. Stei nberg CAKE MIXES 190OZ. PKG. T-Bone or PORTERHOUSE LOIN STEAKS LBi5S, Cul f rom Canada "GRADE A" Beef Rupert Pan Ready RAINBOW, TROUT 10 OZ. PKG. 1M28 Blade Bone Removed BLADE ROASTS L .I w Cut tram Canada "GRADE A" Beef Pot or Oven CROSS RIB ROASTS LB. Cut f rom Canada "GRADE A" Beefý. BoneIess Beef ROUND STEAK ROASTS BOTTOM CUT Cul f rom Canada "GRADE A" Beef Round Bone Shoulder or SHORT RIB ROASTS LB. Cut f rom Canada "GRADE A" Beef Full Cul RUMP ROASTS BON E-IN LBiMIS1 Cut from Canada "GRADE A" Beef Famous for OuAty Wieners SCHNEIDER'S RED HOTS 1 LB. PKG. Maple Leaf GOLDEN FRY SAUSAGES 1 LB. PKG. MIRACLE FOOD MART STORE LOCATIONS EAST MALL 600-ing St. E. - Oshawa ROSSLND SUAREWE REDEEM ALL SUPERMARKET COUPONS, PRICES EFFECTIVE IN THE OSHAWA AREA JAN. 11, IW77 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Sav o: Items yo u'use everyday- Canad Canada Grade A LARGE WHITE EGGS DOZEN Gold Soal FLAKED LIGHT TUNA 6 OZ. TIN Empire or Pioneer CANADIAN SIDE BACON SLICED 1 LB. PKG. Produot of U.S.A. FLORIDA ORANG ES 5 LB. VEXAR BAG Assorted Colog..s 2 ply Delsey BATH ROOM TISSUE 4 ROLL PKG. Whole or Haif PACIFIC REDSALMON 2-4 LB. AVG. LBIM99 Famfous or ouaIly SCHNEIDER'S SKILLET STRIPS SLICED 16 OZ. PKG. 1M2 MMMUMMÉ mamd MMwMý