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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1977, p. 13

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Bowmanville, January 12, 197 13 DEADLUNE FOR CLASSIFIE Tues., 12 noon - e . . e ________ ~j1 E I mt1 mi 1~'~ HAYES - Ron and Sue express their thanks ta God, the Creator 0f ail things, for the sate arrivai of their first born, Sandra Lee Margaret,' an January 5th at 8:43 a.m. Special thanks ta Dr. Syl- vester and maternity staff of BawmanviIle. Memorial. Granddaug hter of Mr. and Mrs. M. P rime 0f Hampton, and Mrs. L. Hayes of Madoc, Ontario. 2-Ix e..- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Powell wish ta annaunce the engage- ment 0f their daughter Paf- ricia Maureen ta Frederick Norman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Andrews. The 'wed- ding wiiI take place Oct aber 8, 1977 at Newcastle United Church. 2-1 Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Werry, Enniskilleni wish tc, annaunce the farthcoming marriage of their daughter Sharon Lee ta William Ray- mond Preece, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Preece, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, on February th,, 1977 at 4 p.m. in EnniskiWeén United Church, EnniskiIlen. 2-1 The family of W. Lloyd Snowden invite relatives, triends and ne! hbaurs ta an open house in honour of his 8th birfhday at St. Paul's United Church Hall, Bowman- ville on Friday, January 14, 1977 tram 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. -9 p.m. Best wishesaonIy. 1-2 GIBNER - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Friday, January 7, 1977. Gladys D. Gibner, R.R. 1, BowmanviIle in her 76th year. Be1oved wife of Henry Gi bner, ýar mother of Edith (Mrs. A. _'-boo) Bowmianville,, Iris (Urs. E. Andor) Port Perry, Wiliam a nd R ayvmnc-,n d, Oshawa, Lois (Mrs. N. Wood- cack) R.R. 1, Bowmanville, Kenneth, Port Perry, Joan (Mrs. D. Mairs) BawmanviIIe, Carole (Mrs. G. Ritter) Goad- woad, laved by 29 granchil- dren and 31 great grandchiI- dren. Service was'held in the Morris FuneraL Cha pel, Baw- manvîlle on Manday atter- noan. Interment BowmanvilIe Cemetery. 2-1 POWER - Harold Hilton. At the Oshawa General Hospital on Friday, December 31, 1976, following a lengthy illness, Harold Hilon Power, in hîs 87th year. Retired C.P.R. agent, Sudbury District and Oshawa, brother of Misses Merle and Hazel Power, Oshawa, Gordon Power, Orono and the lafe Miss Maud Power, uncle of Mrs. John Conforzi (Catherine) Toronto and James Power, Orona, great uncle of Craig, Mark and Trevor Power, and John Conforzi. Rested at the Mc- lntosh-Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King Street East, complete service and com- mitalinii the chapel Monday, January 3 at 4 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemefery.: TAIT - Arthur Gerard (Jerry). At the tamily resi- dence, Oshawa, on Monday January 3, 1977, Jerry Tait, beloved husband of Luella Myrle Chesebrough. Alsa survived by his adopted mother, Mrs. Amy Tait and the late Jack Tait. 2-1 COWAN, Rea - in loving memory of a dear mot her and grandmother who passed awyJanuary 11, 1975. Whtwe would give it we cou Id say. Hello Mom in the same aid way To hear your vaice, see your smile To sit with you and chat awhile Sa you who have a mother Cherish her with care. For you'Ii neyer knaw the 1heartache 'Till you see her vacant chair. -Always remembered by son Clifford grandaughters Donna and Carol. 2-ix ELLIS- In laving memory of Lloyd Ellis who passed away January 8, 1975. We offen sit and fhink of hlm When we are ail alone, For memory is the only thing That grief can cal itis awn. - SadlIy.missed by Trudy, Bob and Tania. 2-1ix HOLROYD - ]n loving me- mary of a dear father and grandfather, Fred, wha died January lSth, 1969. We miss your smile, Your happy face. But we know that With Jesus yau've Found your place. -Lovingly remembered by Bill, Jean, Ja-Anne, Judy. 2-1 JACKSON - In lovîng me- mary at aur dear son-in-law, Ronnie who passed away January 17, 1976. The thing swe feel mostdeeply Are the hardest things ta say Our dearest one we loved you n a very secial way. If we coul1d have one lifetime wish One, dream f hat would came frue We waulId pray ta God wifh ailI aur hearts For yesterday and you. - Loved and sadly missed by Alice, and Gerald McGill and faiIy. 2-lx DRUMMOND - Arthur Alexander at Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanville on Sa- turday, January 8, 1977. Arthur Drummond, Orano, Ontario, aged 85 years, dearly loved husband of Lueila Buchanan, dear father of Alex, Thorn.hill and brother 0f Ethel and <enneth 0of Toronto. Rested at the Barlow Funerai Home, Orono. Service, was heîd tram Orono United Church on Tuesday at 2 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. 2-1 WILLIAMS - Carl Edward. Suddenly af Oshawa General H ospiftal on Saturday, January 8, 1977 Carl Edward Williams in his 69th year.' Beloved husband of Lillian Dicksan. Father of Richard E. Oshawa-, and Mrs. Wallace H. Cain (Joan), Hampton. Grandfather of Glen and Janet. Resfing af the Mc- lntosh-Andersan Funeral Home, 152 Kirýg St. E., Oshawa. Service in the Cha- pel, Tuesday, January il af 1:30 pm. Interment Union Cemetery. 2-1 'Flowers à, Say it Best" V/AN BELLE DAI LY Delivery ta ... Oshawa - Bowmanville Area Phone .623-4441 43-tf We wish to extend OUR SINCERE THANKS TO EVERYONE Who contributed in making the holiday season so enjoyable the residents of Strathaven and Beau Vil1la. THE MANAGEMENT 2-1 Many thanks ta everyone for kînd affers, flawers, cards, phone calis,,also Rev. Peters, Rev. Amacher, Capt. Perry, for visits, in the sudden passing of aur adapted son Jerry. Mrs. Amy Tait 2-1 Our sincere thanks ta rela- tives, friends and neighbours for their many kindnesses and expressions of sympathy and comfort in the lass of a dear wife, mother and grand- mother, Beatrice Os borne. Special thanks ta Dr. Ewart,, the nurses and staff on the second and third flbar of Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Ta the Reverend Amacher, Reverend Peters, Reverend Corvers and the Elliitt Funeral Home. Orvil le Osborne Lillian and AlexWight Harold and Helen Hammand and familles 2-1 We would like ta say 'thank yau' ta the Past Noble Grand Club 62 of the Orono Rebekah Ladge - ta the Brothers of Orona Oddfeliows Ladge, ta the Canadian Legian Baw- manvîlle Branch, for aur gifts at Christmas time. Happy and Healthy 1977 toalal. Sincereiy Calvin and Hazel Myles. 2-1 x We would like ta thank aur friends for making aur 6th wedding anniversary such a memoroble occasion. Aisa for gifts, flowers and cards. A special 'thank you' ta Miss K. MacDonald, Activities Direc- tor at Hi1isda le Manor and her staff for planning and serving such a lovely afternoan tea. Rev. and Mrs. W. Rackham and Family. 2-1 x i wauld like ta thank the nurses and staff an the lst floor and a special thank you ta Dr. Mosienko for the care I received wtiil a patient ln- Memnorial Hospital. Alsa, thanks ta relatives and for visits and cards. Walter T. Pingle 2-1 RE iMli£1 I REGISTER NOW for Weaving and Quilting Classes Weaving beginning Tues., Jan. 18 QuiIting beginning Thurs., Jan. 20 8 lessons $25. Ail materials supplied for weaving, at 7p.m. at PATCHWORK 31 King St. West 623-6543 Waverley Community Association Ge'nera I Memnbership Meeting Januar y l2th, 1977 COURT ROOM 1, COUNCIL CHAMBERS at 8: 00 p.m,. A Chair representative from the Block Parents Pro- gramme in Oshawa wiIl be there ta give a presentation and answer any questions you may have on Block Parents. 1-2 Durham County'"s Oldest Funeral Service The Happy Daze Review MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. tf Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNES S - CONCERN - SERVICE Concerned people often inqUire about pre-arrangement of funeral details. Information can be simpîy and thoughtful- I obtained upon request. This is part of our service to the community., 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-3668 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope Ontario LiA 3eW3 WORKMANSHIP - OUALITY Reasonabie Prices Phone 885-5216 II Home 885-5222 L 24-ff by ,St. PauI's Church, Bowmanville at SOLINA COMMUNITY HALL ON Friday, January 14 f at 8 p.m. Adu Its - $2. 00 Students - $1.00 1-2 Town of Newcastle Rate- payers' Association. Public Mètng, Manday, January 17, councîl chamber, Bowman- ville. Tentative agenda: elec- flan of officers, Eldarado, Block Parents Pro gram, atter schaol child care, 'help' office, public washrooms. 2-1 MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time iTHURSDAY .-7:30 p.m. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softbalî JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHA WA 48-tf If you are bored and wouîd, like a new hobby Try Ceramics. Classes are fiîling up, don'? delay, caîl 623-3868. 2- The annual meeting of the Durham Central Agricuitural Socet wllbe held on Saturday, January 22nd at 1:30 p.m., Main Hall of Orono United Church.> 2-1 BINGO NE WCAST LE COMMUNITY HALL Tues., Jan. 18, 1977 Early Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS BINGO TYRONE COMMUNITY CENTRE Wed., January 26 8 P.M. Sponsored by TYRONE SENIOR Citizens N. H.L. OLD-TIMERS VS. KINSMEN ALL-STARS sponsored by Bowmanville Kinsmen Club Sun.; Feb. 6th, 1977 2: 00 p. m. BOWMANVI LLE MEMORIAL ARENA Aduits $2. - Children $1. Tickets available from Kinsmen Members 22 LUCKY LU NCH EON at MEMORIAL PARK C LU BHOUS E on January 25th at 6:30 p. m. Sponsored by 3rd Brawnie and lst Guide Mothers. Tickets available. Phone 623-3746. 2-1 WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY RED iiw- vAN T O(,SHAWA 21 -tf ÀADULT COU NSE LLING WILL BE AVAILABLE EVERY THURSDAY STARTING JANUARY l3th AT BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL for people who have discontinued their formai education and are thinking of retraining or resuming their formai education. No appointmnent necessary. No charge. For further information Contact Miss Hughes or Mr. Schwal m at the High School. The Annual Meeting of the Durham East Branch, The Canadian Red Cross Society will be heId Thursday, January 13, 1977, 8 p.m. at 28 Division St., Bowmanville. Ail welcame. 1-2 Ice FaIllies, bus tours ta Toronto, January 21, 22, 23 and 29. Chaice seats available. For information phone or write Sunshine Party Tours, 36 King St., Cobourg. 372-9961. 2-2 Sunshine Tours to Florida and Texas 34 day winter vacation January 27 - March 1 at a beautif ul beach resort on the gulf. ALSO 16 day Florida Circle Tour February 5 - 20. 24 day Southern Texas Tour March 1 -24 ALSO' 10 day Mid-term Florida Tour March 17 -27. For information caîIl or write: Sunshine Party Tours 36 King St. Cobourg 372-9961 2-6 Basic Scottish country dancing, seven cansecutive Fridays starting January 14, 7:30 p.m., raom C249, Durham Col leqe. Na part ner needed, $1 p er ni ght, For more informa- tion call 728-4539. 2-1 HORSE DRAWN SLEIGH RIDES By the hour, by appointment Phone 728-809 10 2-2 DANCE Sat., Jan. 15, 1977 LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRE Bowma nvillie Dancing f rom 9 p.m.- 1 a.m. Proceeds ta Lions Convention Comm ittee RECORDED MUSIC Admission._$5 per couple Tickets available at the door. 1-2 Teenage Dance at Canadian Legion January 14, 1977 8 p.m.- 11 P.M. 52-3 Euchre Party, Newtonville Hall, Friday, January l4fh, - 8:15 p.m., ladies brîng lunch. Everyane weIcomie. 2-1 Monthly Dance - at Legion Dancing 9 - 1 a.m. January 15, 1977 Music by "CARMAN SH I RK" Admission f ree 52-3 e -, Information Rape Centre A crisis centre for rape or sexual assault victims. Confi- dentially guaranteed. 24 Hour Answering Service. Vol unteers over 18 needed. 623-7273 or 623- RAP E. 4- Harry Voermnan Insurance 181 Church St., Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-4428 Res. 623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND PIRE INSU RANC E 28-tf Senior Citizens 10 per cent off ali hair services, Manday, Tuesday, Wednesday anly. Kut'n'Kurl Beauty Shap, 71 King St. E., Bowmanviile. Cali 623-5019 (open 6 days a week). î2-3- APARTMENT size Ennis piano, full keybaard. Phone 623-9442. 2-1 SIDES of be, 6gclb.ct wrape and- frazen. Cali 1-9M35445 or- after 5 caîl 623-5540. 52-5 ALL kinds of machinery. Sales and rentais. Ace Ma- chiner y, 859 Nelson St., Osh- awa. Phone 723-0933. 1-tf 5,000 BALES top quality horse hay, neyer rained on. 85 cents depending on quantity. Phone 987-4865. 1-3 Pineridge Tire Sales TIRESANDWHEELS To fit your car ortruck. Phone 623-4866 BOWMANVI LLE. 23-tf BAS EMENT Sale - January 12 - 15 t ram 10 a. m. ta 8: 30 p. m. OId dishes, glassware, Occ. Japan gramophones, waoden chairs, ail lamps, crac.ks, household articles camping equif ment, l0015 and han d- craf , different articles every day. Phone 728-9397, 313 Drew St., Oshawa.- 2-ix DOUBLE concrete laundry tub, with fixtures. Phone 623-3802 after 5 p.m. 2-1 ANTIQUES and coliectibles. Bisque figurines, Chinese export dishes, Bristol vases, Nippon, Noritake, smoathing irons, cracks, paintings, quan- ttiof brass and capper articles, desks, chairs, tables, etc. Seen by appointment only. Dealers weIcame. No Sunday sales. Phone 987-5205. 2-1 HAY for sale. Phone 623-2171. 2-1 x '72 SNOW Jet, 18 horse, $250. Also 399 Ski-Dao $450 or best affer. Phone 263-2009 after 6. 2-1 FRESH eggs for sale. 80c dozen and 65c for small and cracked. WiIl deliver. 1-786- 2694. 2-2 APPLES, Maclratosh, Deli- ci ous, Spy, Co Id Starage, tirst road east of zoo. Turn norfh, third house, east side. No Sunday sales, H. Bandsfra. Phone 623-2106. 2-4x 300 BALES of good hay. $1 a baie. Phone 1-786-2637. 2-1 O0%S HAW A SCREENED SAND GRAvEL & STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCIS ALE, SîZES FOR DRIVEWAYS &PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL & DIRI FILI DELIVERED OR REMOVED TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR RENýT" SNOW REMOVAL 1971 MONTE Caria, good condition, new tires and paint, p.s., p.b., certified, 350 motor. Phone 623-9318. 2-1 '76 CHEV. van, Beauvilie, 3/ ton, finished interior, power steering and brakes, automa- tic, curtains, tinted glass, undercoated, $1400 off sug- gested retaîl price. Newcastl[e 987-5325. 2-tf 1976 CHEVROLET Impala wagon, 3 seat, ail papular optons plus air conditioning (1977 plates), $5400. Call 725-1969. 2-1 1976 CATALINA, 9 passenger wagon, 15,000 miles, excellent condition, many ektras. Certi- f ied.ý Phone 623-7489. 2-1 1976 CAPRICE, 4 door hard- top, 12,000 miles, loaded '77 new price' $8,800, asking $5,950. Phone 725-8393. 2-1 176 BLAZER, 4 wheeler, V8, full power, rear seat, multi- plex stereo, step bumper, 5 snow tires, gauges, Ziebarted. 623-6002. 2-lx '75 VEGA Hatchback, low mileage, excellent condition. Phone 987-4817. 2-2 1976 CHEVETTE, black, white interior, rear defogger, radio, 4 cylinder, stan dard transmission. To view phone 623-6234. 2-1 1974 MONTE CARLO, 350 engine, 31,000 miles, AM-FM 8 track, raily rims, $3295. Phone 623-4862. 2-1 1976 G.M.C. Funcraft 3/4 ton van, compietely equipped with many options. Only 1779 actual miles. Balance of warranty. Phone (416) 983- 5032 or 983-5754. 2-1 1972 OLYMPIC Skidaa, 20 horse power. $450 or best affer. Phone 987-4382. 2-1 CAR PETS of ail kinds, custom made drapes and sheers, hard-surfacefIoaring, prof es- sionally installed. F ree esti- mates. Yaur one-stop shop- ping. F. A. Kramp, 37-41 King St. E., Bowmanville. Furni- ture, Carpetý and Drapes. 13-tf Pure Pîne Shavings Baled, Dust-free Phone 723-6660 29-tf 6,500 BALES of hay, and 13 tons of aats, Tysan Farms, Newtanville 786-2927. 47-tf PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and also used furniture and appliances. Will accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf J and M, TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre, 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf TWO 1973 Ski-daosý T.N.T., 340, F.A., good condition. CalI Newcastle 987-4243. 2-1 TRACTOR chains, fit 10x28 tires, $50. Phone 1-786-2368. 2-1 COLD starage, Spy, Deliciaus, and Mac apples.' Bring your own containers. Frank Hiem- stra, R.R. 1, Enniskillen 263-2260. 4P-tff WHITE'S Towers, UHF,VHF Aerials, Rotors & Repairs Apartment & Homes Pre-Wired Guarantee Phone 576-5606 E. WH ITE tf SAND& GRAVEL SUPPLY Phone Oshawau 725-0232, SOLINA RD. N. 1 Mile North of Hwy. 2 J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-sfop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf VITALIZING! Phane 723-1155 for Rustproofin g on new or used vehicles. Wriffen war- ranty. Durham Vitalizing,' phone 723-1155. 47-tf 1972 PONTIAC LeMans statianwagan, good condition, 350 automatic, certified, $1400 or best offer. Newfonville 786-2609. 2-1 z=.. 2nd and 3rd MORTGAG E MONEY AVAILABLE - 5 year term - Open Mortgages - No payments for three months, - No bonuses - No Credif Checks - Na inquiry tram neighbors - Confidenfial arrangements mnade in your home - Borrow as low as $1,600 - Fast service Caîl Mr. Wilks Mortgages bought and soîd (Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax) 683-2611' SEVEN room, 2 storey, white trame house in Bethany, lacated on highway 7A. 3 piece bath, hot and cold running water, oul heat. Phone 705- 277-2813. 2-1 THREE bedroom tawnhouse on a quiet court in Bowman- ville. Close to schools,,shop- ping. Immediate occupancy. Monthly rent of $300.00. Cali Marilyn Simpson from 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Toronto: 923-9174, Bowmanville: 623-3393. W. Frank Real Estate Ltd., Reaitor. 2-1 BOWMANVILLE, 2500 square feet, liiht industrial space, East Beach Road. Cal 623-7591, Manday ta Friday. 2-1 TWO bedroam house, wlth dining roam, Mapie Grave area, large back yard with shed, immediate possession, $275 a month. Phone 263-2009 aftfer 6. 2-1 ONE bedroam a pa rtment, two months in advance, heat included. Phone 623-4387 after 6., 47-tf BOWMANVILLE - Apart- ment, 4 rocims and bath, central location, available naw, heated. Phone 623-7523. 51 tf TWO larg'e 3 bedroom apart- ments available. Phono, 728- 4411. 45-tf oeTHE Stonegate. Very nice 1 and 2 bedroom aparfments with view and many feafures 48-tf in Part Hope - 885-6500. 47-10 EAR PIERCING SERVICE Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. Reg ar Price $12.00 No W 10.00 with studs Special 10 per cent reduction on first purchase of earrings with the release form. Phone 623-5747 For Appointment 45-tf AN N BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removal 136 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 37-tf Raberta McCann, C.E. Per- manent hair removal. Free consultations. Phone 623-6214. 19 Burk Court, Bowmanville. 45-tf R.0. P. tested purebred Yorkshire boars, ready ta use soan. Tom Pleasance 263-2719. Il 2-1 GEESE and ducks for sale. Phone 987-4077. 2-1 '/2 ARAB GeIding, 2 yr. aid. Green broke. $600-00 or best affer. Aiso saddle. Phone evenings 623-3614. 1-f REGISTERED Afghan pups, champion bI ood. lnes, vac- cinated and dewormed. Cali 987-5152. 2-1 AFGHAN pups, blondes and blues, $l5sand $100, registered,' had shots, must selI. Cal, 623-3154 atter 5 p.m. 2-1 OSHAWA Obedience Associa- tion January classes. Puppy class, January llth. Show handling, January llth. No- vice classes, Oshawa, Janu- ary 5th, Bowmanville, Janu- ary l2th. Advanced registra- tion anIy. Phone 576-1167 or 623-7382. 47-8 FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CALL MARGWI LL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 30-tf MEe, ROOMS for rent, daily, week- ly or manfhly, reasonable rates, Castle Hofel, 54 King St. East, Bowmanville. 43-tf mm- RELIABLE aduits would like country house ta rent. Within commuting distance of Oshawa, 1-705-292-7121. 2-12x WANTED, vacation lots and acreages. 416-267-9301. Harris- Land, 2625 E gtinon Ave. E. Scarborough, Oint. 43-tf FOR rent, 2 bedroom apart- ment, Newcastle 'lakefront, rent $160 manthly. First and last month's rent required. Phone 987-5262 affer f ive. 2-1 MODE RN hairdress shap with ail equipment. Phone 623-4901 fram9ta6p.m. 2-3 BRAND New 3 bedroom home on one acre lot, outskirts of Bowmanville, carpeting throughout, garage. Refer- ences req uired. $280 manthiy. GeorgeV an Dyk Real Estate Ltd. Realtor. 623-4428. Eye glasses, in blue soff leather case, Christian Goemans printed inside case. Waverley Road area, Phone 623-7248. 2-1 LOTS for sale. Saunders Court, BowmanvilIe. For in- formation cati 723-5225 during business hours.12 RESULTS COUNT! Multiple Listing Service Oshawa & District Real Estate Board tf EXP Erkne cIang o ldyt ork ane wmorninguor afternon er week. Ms have awn transportation. Phone 623-7385 after 6 p.m. 2-1 FULL or parttime persans ta service F uller Brush cus- tamers. For information cail callect 416-372-9969 after four or write: Patrick Wiebe, 416 WaIton St., Cobourg. 1 -4x HAIRDRESSER wanted, experienced preferred, pleasant atmosphere. Phone 623-2624. 2-1 HAIRDRESSER wanted for a busy shap. Please phone as soon as possible 623-4191. 1-2 HEAD CARETAKER Applications will be received by the undersigned until Thursday, January 20, 1977, for the position of Head Caretaker, 40 hours per week at the Waverley Road Por- tables, Applicant must have practical knowledge of mechanical1 and, electrical apparatus. Good working knowîedge of care- taking procedures. The abllity ta work harmoniousîy with oChers. The abiî,ity ta organize own work and, work of others. Repîy in writing stating qualifications, add ress, and telephone number ta: M. A. Mac Leod,- Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastîe Board of Education, Box 470, Cobourg. K9A 4L2. 2-1- I - Il - I . s Auctian sale, Saturday, January 15, at 1: 15 p.m. at Bannister's Auctian Hall be- side Fire Hall in BewdIey consisting of: chests of drawers, large hall table, rocking chair, round top trunk, chairs, tables, dishes, glassware, pickle cruet, pîcture frames, app liances and ather items sti I being cansigned. Rager Bannister, auctioneer. 2-1 Thursday, Jan. 13, 1 p.m., Hoîsteins Holstein cansignment sale at Malmont Sales Arena, 1/2 mile south of Blackstock, 50 head registered and grade. This is an excellent oppor- tunity ta buy a full pedigree animal or a cow readly ta milk. Several f resh and others close ta caIving. Ail blood tested. If ýa u have a consignment cali ell 1Malcolrn, -Blackstock 986-4246 or Lloyd Wilson, Auctianeer, Uxbridge 852- 3524. 1-2 Holstein and cairy' sale, Tuesday, January 18,1lpm. at the Lpay Lvestock Auction CenreHwy. 7, Peterborough. Selling springers, f resh caws, and heifers, ail checked for pregnancy and milking sound- ness. Cansignments open until sale day. Contact Liptay Auctioneers Ltd. for informa- tion. 416-263-2117 Steve Liptay, auctioneer. 1-2 Grist Mill Aucti'on Barn Newtonvil1le, Jan. 22nd, Sat. 12: 00 Noon SeIlin~ the complete con- tents o? an Oshawa home consisting af fine furnishîngs and antiques. Complete list next week. Stapletan Bras. Auctioneers. 786-2244. Around The Clock JAN ITORIAL SERVICE Greg Muscat 987-4063 1-2 HOME CAR PENTRY FOR FREE ESTIMATES No Job too SmalI Phone 668-6798 2-3x GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhanqing Ca rpentry Remodell'ing General îRepairs Interior Exterior i -4x SERVICE representative required for in plant service of tag and label' imprinting machines. Applicants should have mechanical background, Service experience preferred. Apply in persan ta Dennison Mfg. Ca. of Canada, 200 Baseline Rd., Bowmanvijle, Ontario. 2-1 The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Invites Applications for the Following Position Duties ta commence Immediately SOLINA TRAINABLE RETARDED CHILDREN'S SCHOOL 1 Part-Time Teacher (2 ha If- days per week) ta instruci trainableretarded chiIdren. Please appîy in writing stating qualifications, experience, references and' telephone number ta: Mrs. Mary Bowes, Principal, R. R. 5, Bowmanviîîe, Ontario, LOB 1J0. Tel: 416-263-2652 2-1 Auctian sale, private estate of the late Mr. Percy Acker, 60 Nassau Street, Oshawa, ta be held at Stirtevants Auction Hall, 27 Hall Street, Oshawa on Thursday January 13, 1977 at 6: 00 p.m. Furniture, automobiles and glassware: 9 piece dining roam suite (good condition) 4 piece bedroom suite, chesterfield suite, Wes- tinghouse 2 door refrigeratar, (like new), electric stove, calour T.V., black and white T.V., chrome suite, coftee and end tables, chest of drawers, dresser, 54",beds (camplete), fern stand, telephane table, magazine rack, vanity, Philco partable radio, washing, machine,' blanket box, barbeque (new), picture and trames, basket chairs, hall mirror, 9x12 red rug, T.V. trays, lawn chairs, step lad- der, Iaundry, basket, iraning board, centre table, camplete line of kitchen appliances, ga rden tools, sewing machine, tishing tackie, 1975 Cheveile Malibu, 4 door, 9,000 miles, V8 engîne, automatic transmis- sion, Bondeca undercoating, 4 Unirayal steel beltedi radiais, Plus snow tires. Termns cash, sales every Tuesday and Thur ýsday. Sale 'barn open 12:00ý - 2: 00 and 7:010 ta 9: 00 p.t'n. Monday tarday Myles King Auctioneer and Cârtage. 725-5751 and 723-0501. 1

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