T 1he C anadian Statesman, BjýliaîxîIe ii* 121977'l?? , 'io ua, Provincial Court January ith, 1977 Judge Bark presided with Assistant Crown Attorney A. Sosna and duty counsel D. Barber. SA. lgneczi, 1284 Danforth Ave., Scarborough, pleaded 'guilty' to a June 18 charge of driving after consuming over .08. Const. Cook was patrolling highway 35' and came upon him driving in an erratic manner. Tests were *.22. The fine xvns $250 and costs, in default 14 days. Given one month to pay. Murray E. McNutt, 28, R.R.2, Bowrpanville, was charged October 9th with havîng in bis possession a stereo exceeding $200 in value, knowing it ýto have been obtained contrary to tbe C.C. He pleaded 'guilty'. It had been taken from an apartment in Witby during Septenîber and was recovered. He was placed on suspended sentence for one year and to report to offi>cer as required. Francis Twaddell, 28, Osb- awa, pleaded 'guilty' to criving October 23rd after consuming over .08. Const. Hlawrychuk wbile patrolling in Bowmanville observed him driving east. When stopped he tried to escape on foot and was recaptured. Tests were .20 and 18. Couhsel stated he bas an alicoholic problem. The crown asked for a jail sentence. His prvosrecord was read to ,.he court. The crown also asked for a longer driving suspension. He was sentenced to 30 days to be served under the Temporary Absence Pro- gram. His license was sus- pended for 18 montbs. During that time be is to go to AA to get bis problem under control. Bench warrants were issued for, Robert V. Umphrey, A. Mallette and J. Sellick. Raymnond A. Walker, 22, Bowmaaville, was cbarged November 12 with driving with over .08. He pleaded guilty'. Const. Basic observed him on Queen St. Just pre- vious to being stopped he had struck a bydro pole with damage $600 and bad just driven away. He bas' a previous record. He wa s sentenced to 14 days in jail with recommendation to be served under Temporary Ab- sence Program. Wayne S. Wrigbt, 29, Bow- manville, was charged Octo- ber 2lst with driving after consumaing over .08, He plead- ed 'gulty'. He was involved in an accident on Prestonvale road wbere he swerved to avoid bittïng an animal. Tests were .11. Tbe fine was $200 and costs, in default 14 days with automnatic, license suspension. Odessa, pleaded 'guilty'to a October lst charge 'did drive wbile impaired by alcobol or drug' . As he lives in the Kingston area, tbe case was transferred to that cour t. Shoulld Stress A lîst of parents' basic concerns for thir ehildren's ediucation would probably cover ail tbe general subjects ranging fromn math and science to French and English courses. Witb all these subjects clamoring for the attention of teachers, parents and stu- dents alike, priorities may become lost ini the over-riding concern for, bigb marks. For snirpublic scbhool teacber HrV Webster, how- ever, the problemn bas been simplified into an overal princîple. A Bowmanville Kinsmnan who was the club's guest speaker last week, Mr. Web- cating, he added. In the past, Mr. Webster bas shown that bis interest and entbusiasm for comÎmuni- cating witb students bas been maintained. After several years exper- ience as a principal in various public scbools in tbe area, be went back into teaching and is' now working wt students at M.J. Hobbs Scýhool. Teachers are Human Anther task facing teach- ers is understanding the viewpoint of parents, be said. But it works both ways, and -)ften parents fail to realize ffhat teacbiers are human too, lie said. Proper communication is just as necessary for parents 'i leara wben tbey want to undekrstand their cildrenweaknssesand trengtl e'9 h' ' o e i (UT FROMU CANADA GRADE "A "BEEF Boneless Short RIb- IBade or Shoulder Roasts FRESH ME DIUM GROUND7l BEE1b794 GRADE "A"-EVISCERATED-FROZEN-ROCK CORN ISH GamteChickensVAC A l699< o Gâreat Values!1 RANCH STYLE SIDE BACON 1-LB VAC PAC LEGS c BURNS Bee &Pork Sausages 88 lb APELEAF-SLICED--4 VARIETIES Cokd Meats 12-oz Vac Pac 89< ANE PARKER-SLICED 16-OZ LOAF BUY 2 LOAVES-SAVE 23C RAISIN FORfl BREAD 299 ANE PARKER Pngel Cake IVA NT T W L JANE PARKER SAVE 10c Pourpkin Pie Ful8inch, 24ozpie89 1.19 (UT FROM CANADA GRADE '"BEREF Stewing lb eef -R ES- IREGULAR OR AILIBEEF IC cl NM PLE LEAF iRFAT WIENERS VAC PAC7 P', WMU~E~UW M W >GRADE "A"--EVISCERATED-VAC PAC Frozen Chickeâns 3 t 4-LB 1S AVG. lb 64< FROZEN-BEEF. Schne'iders Steakettes lb 69< HIGHLINER-FROZEN Boston luje Fillets PKG 0F2 ROLLS JANE PARKER-SLICED Be adOLD-FASHIONED LireC,%à OR ITALAN STYLE BUY 2 LOAVES-SAVE 17c 24-oz loaf2 for89 FROZEN FOOD VALUES! at A&P Price & ride Get Together to Brina You These F FRC A F ARC L 6i FROZEN-PEPPERONI DELUXE 22.ZZAZ OWAkD JOHNSONS-FROZEN la-caroini & 21 OZ. -1.99 1. 79 Cheese 11 -oz PKG 6&9< OZEN-FANCY--STRAIGHT OR CRINKIE CUT-SHOESTRING L&P Frencâ%h Fries 2-bpkg59 tCTC GARDEN-FROZEN-COOKED SQUASH 14-OZ OR 1"7O PKG rench Style Beans 3 f., 1.00 ýCTIC GARDEN-FROZEN-FANCY .ia ,ean s UEWMATER-FROZEN-THRIFT PAK ish Sticks 12-oz pkg 2 for 1.00 32-oz pkg 2%.29 ECONOM Red Rc PKG OF 100 seTaua FAJRM FRESH PRODUCE! ACTION PEICEDI rCALIFORNIA, PACKED FRESH DAILY1 Brussels bSprouts LARGE, SIZE-PREMIUM QUALITY Chiqui ta Bananas CALIFORNIA-SUNKIST-LARGE SIZE Sun kist 'Lem ons PACKED FRESH OAILY Chop Sbuey Mix LOW EVERYDAY RETAIL Polping Corn 10-OZ -CELLO PICG 59%' lb 19< 5 for69< 6-oz pkg 49< cell pkg 69< j) SEVERAL POPULAR VARIETIES FOR YOUR CHOICE ASSORT!D TropiCa lnts 21/2inchpt59< WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FeAILY REQUIREMENTS r MARVEL BRAND - SIE hiïte Bread et-O 100o BUTTER TARIS (PREPRICED) PKE 0F 12 SAVE 16e large size cake 79< QIL 38-FLOBT1 4 "PRODUCT 19" SAVE 20lc ACTION PRICEDI Kelloggs ,Cereal î-oz pkg69< GAZA SAVE 2kc ACTION PRICEDI Whole Chicken 3v4.-îblt 1.79 ANti PAGE ACTION PRICEDI Peanut Butter 2-lb jar 1.59 BEEF STEW, BEEF, HORSEMEAT OR LIVEft CHUNKS 14.5-OZTIN A&P Luxury Dog Food 3 for 89< VARIETIES3 I890 IN TOMATO SAUCE ACTION PRICEDI Heinz Spaghetti 14-fi-oz lin 2 for, 69< HEINZ-RED Kidney Beans 14-fi-oz lin 2 for 69< BRAVO-PfLAIN ACTION PRICEDI Spaghetti Sauce 28-fi-oz fin 79< E. D. SMITH ACTION PRICEDI Garden Cocktail 2841î-o.zbîî59< Numibb iqbmmmmwmâý gumb lqu - ---- - ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURPAY, JAN. 15TH, 1977. LOTO CANADA, PROVINCIAL & WINTARIO TICKETS AVAILABLE'AT A&P FOOD STORESI -1-- -,u- ý lý, lui 1 1 wo lh Yb - ý- 69ý --Co-