2 The Canadian Statesmnan, B'iwmanvile, January 12, 1976 Clos Laurent ln Quebec. Tbis Storn Clo es imaginative pro ject bas trans- (Frnm PaRe One) formed the two homnes of about 2:30 p.m. and nigbt former prime mninister St. shifts were cancelled, a GM Laurent (bis winter residence officiai said. in Quebec and bis summner aBiotIhfactory and office staff place near Riviere-du-Loup) Bowmianville aiso went home works of Canadians, togetber a fter tbe day was cut short at wvitb an art scbool focusing on ,noon hour, painting, ceramics, drawings Arenas Close and watercoiours. Both the Orono and Vilage Last Fali the Arts Councîl of of Newcastle arenas were Ontario sponsored an Ontario forced ta close wbeni monitors tour, in wbicb Mr. Labelle showed that tbe amaount of presented an illustrated and snow on 'the roofs were over 35 animated project entitled, pounds per square foot. "Communication - Artist - New,,castle's recreation Painting." In this very per- department director Bud Fa-n- sonal demonstratian of an ning said the arenas were artist at work, be makes good elosed only as a safety use of bis-teacbing skilis to precaution.. persuade, tempt and, hope- Classes at public schoois in fully, convince is audiences the town went on generaliy as tbat painting is a mode of scheduled with the majority of self-expression wbicb every- students an-d teachers present. one can enjoy. At Bowmaavilie Senior In tbe past, Canadian Club Puiblic Schooi, the regular speakers from French Canada routine continued witb be- bave largely com-e fromr the tween 50 and 75 students ranks of politics and govern- absent. ment. Mr. Labelle, therefore, The roil caîl at Centrai provides an interesting Public School showed 5-0 per change of pace, speaking,ý in cent attendance from grades Englisb, but unitiag both one to six and about 40 per cultures in bis approacb to art. cent in the kindergarten class. This meeting is open to At the school's aninex in everyone ut $2.00 ($1.00 stu- Waverley Gardens, -about 50 dents). For furtber -informa- per cent of the students tion please cal D. Hately showedi up in the miornin,,g and (623-2883) or Mrs. J. Coomrbes 33' ýper 'n in the af ternoon. (263 -2063) îi 'LoId Elgin Public, oniy 10 of their 265 students -were Eldorado aen One Student (From Page One) The stormn caused greateýr ask questions, and have a cup difficulties for students in of coffee. rural ureas of the townvr. Were not hiere to seilIyou Even witb the miajority of anyting," said Eldorado em- Pines Senior Pulic Scbaol ployee Percy Pbillips last teachers present, scbool wâas week. "We're just bere- to dismiissed wben the oiyv commrun-ýicate." student within ,al.k'ing dis- Mr. Phillips is an Eldorado tance was the school's soie employee witb 44j years of pupil. experience at Eldorado. 11e Attendance ut 1M.J. Hoebbs began workîng for the corpor- Senior Public Scba>ol in Hamp - ation in 1933 and bie bas been ton was even more sparse witb involved in ail kinds of none of the sbo~ 484 refinery operations at Port studeats and only eigbt staff Hope. members sbowing up. Frank Melvanin, Eldorado's Both Clarke Higb Scbool and senior advisor of technology Courtice ScnaySbo was anotber Eldorad em- reported only a few students in ployee ut the informationi classes Lbecause of canceiied centre last week. bus service, responsible for Information bringîing ta mnost students. H1e said that the public may HighWays Dangerous bave some concerns about Poor visibiiity on the igb- nuclear industries but be saidl ways was reported, by the thut somne of the cancera mnay OPP, but oaily a few incidents be due to, a lack of informa- including four min.-or acci- t ion. dents occurred. Information is wbut the The weather lsa force'd the office on Waverley Road is al Bowmanville Lions Club ta about.' postpone their annual Rural - Tbere are models of the Urban Night unrtil next Mon- proposed refiaery, a wbole dlay,.January l7tb whencondi- sheif of booklets on the tions hiopefuilly will bave projects as well as -a 15 minute imiproved. film and a slde presentation. Some of Eldoýruýdo's key Can.Clubstaff members will take a tura Lli'rom i>age One) at the centre, iacluding El- bora la uornwall, attended doradio's refinery manager, hlgh scbool in Otawa, then Gardon Coîbourne. proceeded ta a B.A. in Wbile Eldorado bas publicly Political Science ut the Uni- declared tha t it bopes ta bui ld versity of Ottawa.- After grad- the Part Granby refinery, uate wvork ut the Sorbonnelhe Eldorado officiais are stres- returned to Ottawa Universîty sing the fact that the project for bis MVl.A. and then pursued must get appravals framn courses in teacbing science ut federal and provincial gavera- bat th lXivesit ofMo- ments and it must ulso be treal and O.C.E. in Toronto. approved by the public la 11e tuught la Ottawa tram general. 1958 ta 1967 and, during tis Centre Open period hie- began to paint The Part Granby Informa- seriously. His first Ottawa tion Centre is open afternoons exhibition was held in 1969. and evenings on week days Since thea be bas participated and ail day Saturday. in more than forty exhibitions Hours are as follows: * in Canada, France and the Monday ta Friday United States, including the 12 noon to 9 p.m. Palmàe d'Or in Monte Caria. Satuirday 9 a.m. taS5 p.m. - In July 1975, hie was appoint- The centre is in the Waver- - d the first Director Of the ley Plaza at 94 Waverley Maison des Arts, Louis St. Road.., WESLEY VILLE Ia spite of the cold day and frosted car windows, there was a weli attended cburch service at Welcomne on Sunduy morning. The cboir's anthem, inspiring as ever, was, "God ,will bless bis people withr Peace.- Welcamned into the cburch feIlowsbip by buptismn was Debarah Lyna Durke, daugbhter if Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Darke of Toronto. Carroll Nichais presented the certifi- Icate and welcomned the wee lady on bebaîf of the congre- gatian. Rev. R. Bartlett used an antique silver vessel ta pour water la tbe font. Tis vessel is inscribed witb the numne "Bible Christian Church Welcome". This nume disap- peared ut the timne of a cburch union la 1884, Relatives ut the service were the baby's gradmothier M1r. H. Durke, bratber's Mic-hael and Glen, Mr. aad Mrs. jas. Adamson, Toronto and Mrs. H. Wakely, Port Hope. The word for cbiidren empbasized the meaning af buptismn andi a special hyma for tbem was "Peace is flawing like a river". Rev. Bartlett's ser- mon, "God sa loved the w.orld" wËfs a study of the worl1d's question, "How does an ail powerful God of love, ullow sufferiag". Man bias been shown God lanfthe lite of Jesus, and ma has been gîven the power of choice. Ushiers for the morning were Mý,essrs. Allia Osborne, Gor- don Clarke and Gien and Ron Tbampson. Last week bad a full quota of meetings. The of ficiai board of the Hope township Pastor 1 charge was beid ut Canton on Moýnday nigbt with a good representation from ail three churches. On Tuesday evealng the AOTS men ofl Hope chaurge began practicing for a future production wbich is causiag greut expectation amoag thase famniliar witb the talent of this group. The executive of the Wel- cam-e UCW met in the Sunday Scbýoal room on Wednesday, 16,0O0 Fire (From Page One) Newcastle Fire Chief, Jim Haym an. The chiet said repairs wilI also be needed ta the roof at thl-e front of the building where 12 skylights were destroyed aiaag ;witb lasulation tlround somne af the ductwark. The chief said it waould appeur us thoýugb a furnace on the arenu rojof was badiy fooded witb fuel ail before it caught fire. H1e added that sufetyý contrais on the furnace sbould have prevented the furnace tfram igniting when it was fiooded. Apparenitly these contrais failed ta operate, Cief Hay- man said. The chiet ulso said that be understood repairs to the furnace bud been underwuy since Dec. 9th. The urenu's second furnace, whicb beuts the dressing rooms ut the centre was apparently nat damaged. Tbree recreutian depart- ment warkers were in the arenu when the fire started but tbey lef t the building safelv. -1 Junuary 5th under tbe leader- ship of president, Mrs. Gwen Newtn. Programmes were suggested for general meet- ings af 1977 work of the previaus year was reviewec and financial allocation set for approval of the generai meet- ing. That samne eveaing mem- bers of the Wesleyville ceme- tery board met ut the home af Mrs. E. Burrawclaugb tc review work of the preceding yeur and heur the financia]. repart as received fromn the public trustee who manages the perpetuity fund. The purchase of a aew lawn mower was approveci and a tentative date set for the spring dlean up bee. Those present were Mrs. A. Ford, and Messrs. A. Thoradyke, chairman, and Clarence Nich- ols, Len Oughtred and George Tuf fard. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hawarth af Toranto visited with cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Fard during the weekend. Their daughter who was married recently is touring India witb ber husband by bicycle. On Wednesday Januury Controct (From Page One) castie jurisdictian. The committee would aim ut resolving diffîculties that pre- viousiy were only brought aut during contract negotiations. The new committee, requir- ed ta meet by Feb. 15'under the settiement, would discuss such problems as the arrivai and departure of buses at rural schools, yard duty, lunch hour supervision and prepara- tion time for teachers. Negatiations for next year's contract should begin by the end of January, Mr. Carman said. Council Briefs (IFrom Page One) investigate the possibilities. The commnittee will discuss the namne witb the Ministry of Treasuiry andi Intergovera- mental Affairs, according toaa resolutian pussed by council Monday afteraoon and it will make a report of its findings. In addition, members of Town staff will investigate the coat of a name-change. Couacillar Bruce Taylor o ted out that there would acertain amouat of expense iavolved la chaagiag suich thiags as letterheads andi sigpn on trucks, A report from the Towni of Newcastle Ratepayers Assoc- iation asked that counceil tcansider changiiig the iname. The ratdpayers stàted that thxe namne Town of Newcastle is causing an upset in identity. Investigate Transit Meanwhile, ànother com- mittee will be appoiated to look itt the question of public transportation la Bawman. ville and ather areas of the municipality. The group will be selected by Mayor Rickard and it will ,report ta council ut a later date. Ift was Bowmaniville Coun- cillor Bob Dykstra Who sug- gested that a committee look inito the public transportation.' H1e suggested that the coim- mitte ould cansider the feasibility of runniag a mini bus service for senior citizens ini Bowmaaville or even a regular bus service ta the outlyinig areas of Bowmaaville twice a, day. Cauncillor Dykstra pointed out that it is ùimpossible for a mother living in Roser Cres- cent ta push a baby carniage to Bowmianville's downtowa. H1e added that there was a dire need for senior citizeas' transportatian. Councillor Dykstra, suggest- ed that Charterways, could passibly supply the extra bus service. According ta a letter before council Monday, the Ministry of 'Transportation and Coin- nunication is lookiag for approval in priaciple of the 401 project., The 401 wideniag scheme would tura the bighway into a six lane road as far as the jinction of highway 115 and 35. Approve Lion's Raffle Coundil hxas given its bless- ig ta a Lion's Club Raffle ich will take place Friday, Fmne 24th. Tue raffle wilI take place trough tfie sale ai a maxi- mum of 14,000 tickets ut $1.00 Bach. Tue przeis a 1977 Monte Carlo vle ut $5,900. l2tb, a large flock of snow- birds was seen near the Wesleyviile exchanige at 401. In spite of severai flurries .of *snow there is stili no great depth in the lakeshore areas, but more birds are coming to *the feeder. Especially the blue jays are voracious eaters, a flock of mnorê than a dozen rsoon pick the platter dlean. *Others report many doves as well as the usual tree spar- *rows, woodpeckers and cbick- *adees. Somie are fortunate fenough to have several car- dinals, a cbeery sight. They al provide many moments of entertainment. ELIZABETH VILLE Church services were beid as usual. Little Scott Robert Munroe son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Munroe was baptized. He is *the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. H. Sheppard and the Munroes. Next, Sunday services wil fbe at 9:15 a.m. as usual. Mr. and Mrs. H. Snowden 1have sold their home at Osaca, .1 and moved to Bowmanviile 1iast week. Tbey are living at 143 Wellington St.. in Bowman- ville. M Yr. Phiiip Mercer bas a new snowmobile and spent a couple of days witb the White boys at Lindsay recent- ly. Mr, and Mrs. i O. Mercer visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Provost, Lindsav last week. Mrs. W. Lewko is out of the hospitai now. Mr. Tom Woods is stili in Port Hope hospitai. Mrs. Clarence Beatty is under the weatber. She bas a bad leg and is to stay off it. Mrs. Robert Westbeuser and Alyson were with Thick- son's on Sunday. Mvr. and Mrs. W. Deremo and Ben, Orono spent Sunday in the village. The boys had several good skidoo runs. 1 do't expect this news to go far today as the stoirm bas ciosed a num-ber of roads in the area. Mr. G. Fowi er got as far as bere Monday morning on bis way to MontIreal. He expects to go on tomorrow. Mir. and Mrs. A. Peacock, Bolton were at Mir. and Mrs. V. Peacock's in the wieek. Mr. and Mrs. G. Fowler were homne on Friday night and went back early on Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. H. Tbickson spent an evening and had tea with Mr. and Mrs. W. Lewko recently. Council Votes (From Page One) by Newcastle Mayor Garnet *Riekard, councli Voted to adjourn its eveniing meetings *at 10: 30. May Extend Adjourrument If councîl members want to extend the meeting beyond that time, tbey wiiI need a two thirds vote, according to the resolution passed on Monday afternoon. Afternoon council meetings will also have a fixed hour of adjournment. Uniess mem- bers of council vote otherwise, the afternoon meetings wil end at 4:45 p.m. Regular meetings of council will take place twice a mionth la the evenings and after- noons. Evening council meetings will start at seven and wiil be held on the first Monday of the montb. Afternoon council meetings wili start at 1: 15 and take place every third Monday of the montb. The following is the sche- dule of committee meetings: Legisiation and by-laws committee: second and, fourth Mondays from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Finance Committee: second and fourth Monday of each they plan to move the business to 26 King St.W. now occupied as Durham East MPP Doug Moffatt's office and formerly Frank Petbick's and later Merv Brock's Barber Shop. Bowmanville Sports, Cycle and Toys manager, Stuart Wright, said the shop wauld move to 34 King St.W., wbere the Bowmanviile Pet Shop is currentiy located. No plans for relocatiag have been settied yet by either the Jury and Loveli drugstore of- Kaye'sdress sbop, managers for both businesses said. The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce bas bad an office in Bowmanville since 188, witb the site of the main brancb dating back to the depression, Mr. Zinn said. N ESTLETO Friends are pleased that Mrs. Orval Quackenbush re- turned home from Port Perry Hospital on Sunday. Mrs. Harold Crawford has spent the past week in the Hospital in Port Perry but is looking forward to returning home soon. Mr. Bruce Heaslip was hospitalized on Thursday but he also may be home soion. Mr. and Mrs. Don Frew spent the week-end visiting the Frew families at Scotland and also Mr. Walter Burrage at Oakland. On New Year's Eve, Mir. and Mrs. Grahamne Fish, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Corby and Paul Vanevk hadý dinner at the Rockhaven Restaurant, Peterborough. Later in the evening they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fish, Oshawa. This was in honour of the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Fish, senior. Mr. and Mrs. Fish attended the funeral service on Wednes- day in memory of the late Mr. Stan Wooldridge in Lindsay, On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Fish were evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mirs. Jim Leishman and boys, Reaboro. Jennifer Scott, Corbyville, spent a week at Christmas with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadler. On Sunday eveniing the Saclers were dinner guests of ,Mr. and Mrs. Normnan Mairs. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Clarke, Oshawa, visited on Tuesday evening witb Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams. On Tuesday Mrs. Grant Thompson and her daughters Mrs. Neil Werry and Mrs. Neil Bailey. visited witb Mr. Thompson's, sister, Mrs. Nor- man Warmington, Scarbor- ough in respect for ber husband who died Friday, December 31. The memnorial service was Wedniesday Janu- ary 5th. Mayor and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolmn attended the Inaug- ural meeting of Scugog Coun- cil in Port Perry on Monday afternoon and the School Board Inaugural in Oshawa on Monday evening. On Saturday they attended the Inaugurai meeting ol Wh itby Council anci the opening of their new Municipal building. Mr. Barry Malcolm bas been transferred from the Walkerton office of the Farm Recommend (From -Page One) iserney stated in his brief. "We, therefore, respectfuily request a commnittee of coun- cil meet with this organization as soon as possible in regards to the building of our facili- ties", he added. Mr. Berniey aiso stated that time is extremely important if normal arena operations are to resumne in the '77-78 season. Councii votedt to refer the request of the funding organ- ization to the Community Services Comnmittee. Arenas in Newcastle Village and Orono were deciared structurally unsound accord- ing to a series of engineering reports handed down in late sumnmer. At present, both buildings have been temporarily re- paired but tbey must be ciosed if high winds or large snow- fails occur. I I 39 TEMPERi Credit Corrporation ta th-eir office la S,*imcoe.lHé' aad bis brother Denaiis, of Scarbor- ougb spent the week-end witb their parents the Lawrence Mallcolms. Several -ladies tram Nestie- ton Womnen's Institute attend- eti the Dessert Luncheon spanisored, by BlackstLock Womien's Inistitute an Wednes- day. Fallowiag this there was a short business Meeting atter wbich Mrs. Roy McLuuglin and -Mrs. Harold Martin demonistrated the makïng of several delîciaus supper-I dishes using milk products as their base. Mrs. M1cLuughlin and Mrs. Martin had recently atteaded, the Scbool for Leaders and were sbowiag their expertise ta about f ifty iaterested ladies These were sampied by the guests and were most appetiz- ing. (a most deligbttul atter- faon). Mn. and Mrs. John Buchun, Caralyn and Douglas, Lindsay visited for Sunday evening dinner witb ber motber Mrs. Ivan Proutt. Mrs. Lawrence Cooledge and ber sister Mrs. Florence Tbomnpsan, Toranto, left on Tbursday morniag tram the Red Carpet Ian, Lindsay on a twenty-sîx day bus trip ta California. On Saturday about 9 u.m. a numiber of Cartwright snaw- mobile tans went by bus ta Peterborough ta watch the snowmaobile r-aces. Tbey hud a deliîgbtful time and arrived home about, 5 p.m. Do you remember about tbirty or fonty or tifty yeurs- ugo? Old times talked of those rugged Cunadian winters. Yesterday witb -16 degrees Fahrenheit and today witb a blizzard snowstarm raging tins is surely equalling if not surpassing some of those tali tales of yesten-yeurs. On' Sunday some were absent tram churcb because their cars retused ta start. In oldea times Dabbia or Prince were the aid reliables. Sunda y Services Prés hyterian In tbe Presbyterian Church, on Sý3id;iv moraine Miss Dorothy Bulmer, Deaconess read the Scripture -pasge- Mark 8:27-33. "We can only speculate wby Peter could not fully accept Jesus' description of Hàimself and His mission. Possibly Peter loved Jesus dearly, as a friend and did not waait Hlým ta speak of baving ta suffer. Maybe Peter was stiil thiniking af a great Political and military leader. Peter is nat alone in trying to inake up ais minci anout jesus. We mnust camne ta that decisian ourselves with the belp of God. 1 United Church Ia the United Church Rever- end Victar Parsons spoke on tbe theme, "The Wild Time" reading scripture passage Romans 12:1-8, Mark 10: 17-21. It is time ta take a fresh look ta see wbere we are gauîg. We mrust make that assessment. Put îmore eaergy inta aur endeuvours and work a little barder. Be dedicated la aur work and tan aur leadership. Refus Scnoi maintenance work- ers, caretakers and bus driv- ers bave rejected an affer fromn the Northumberland ad Newcastle Board of Education for a niew Cantract. Memrbers of CUPE local 1206 represeatiag the 160 warkers said they would strike if niegatiations witb the board break off. The right ta strike tukes effect 16 days after the miniistry of lubor presents their report on the contract talks. 1 Re-elect Beath as About Il a.m. to0day re 'gional council ré- elected Walter Beath as chairman of the Durham Re gion. Mr. Beath, a former Ontario County wardeïn and a native of te former East Whitby Townshi;p, will be entering bis1.,se- cond ter-M aS hed of thie regional lnciaiy The board turned down the union's bid for'a 10 per cent wage increase and offered an overail hike of seven per cent, a union officiai said. Negotiationis on the one-year contract have been i pro- gress since mid-Septe-mber. The average wage leveil for creating staff is now at $4.64 an hour with head caretakers receiving the highest salary. Next in line are the general repairmen, carpeniters anid electricians. F LO0WE RS *DRIED FRESH " 1 eTROPICAL *GREEN PLANTS. 3STORES: wl HighwayNo. 2 J King St. E., ~Oshawa .Simcoe St. N., Oeslawa W. Are Now Open Unil 6:00 every Thursday the bank where people make the difference ANCE STREET N. 6321 OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT THAPAR DENTURE THERAPY CLUNIC 163 Si mcoe St. S. Oshawa 1Telephone 579-8752 Hours: Mon. thru Sat. evencngs by appointment oly $20.00 PERM - Now $1 2-00 $35.00 PERM -Now $20,00 FALSE NAILSO l $185 Reg.. $20.W -O Iy$85 OFFER GOOD UNTIL JANUARY 29th Seniîor Citizens Mon. - Tues. - Wed. $3.50 wash and set. The Golden Sci ssors if 'yo i -need us., WleS heve