10The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvflle, Januaryý 19, 1 7 Spencer's Realt'or Midgets Lose Sem*i-Final, in Tourney After Beating the Favorite PlaversTake Part in Showdown Trials Representatives from each of the minor hockey teams in Bownanville were put through their paces at Darlington Sports Centre on Monday night. The program is identical to the one shown on television for NHL11 players, with participants being rated for accuracy and timing, and for, the number of stops the goalies make. Here, are some of the Atom League players doing their stuff around pylons and shooting at the goal. The players have not been identified because they were only a few of those who went through the night's- trials. The winners were selected for the next ro0und. MEN'S BASKETBALL This was the night to get the team standings in order. Hooper's tea.m walked away with a big win. Three memn- bers of their team hit double figures. The second gamewas dloser until Ken's -green team hit several long outside shot and, dumped the Coronation's team 35-23. 1The final equalization and draft will take place January iith, 1977 and the teams should remnain constant. High Scorers-1. Keith Elliott 1-149 points, 2. Larry Norton 121 3 Guy Parks 113, Dom Gailelio 88. Teamn standings-i. Ken's Men's Wear-green-18, 2. Cor- enation Cafe-yellow-16, 3. Hooper's Jewellers-blue-78, 4. Simpson's-red-6. High point men for the January 4. 1977 game: Game 1. Hooper's vs. Simpson's, J. Steenstra 15 points for Hoov- er's team, L. Norton and H. Bicker1 each 6 points for Simpson's team. Game 2 Ken's vs. Corona- tion, J. Patterson il points for Ken's team, R. Landry 9 points for the Coronation's, team. KINSMIEN ALL STARS Keith Anderson, Don Bag- neli, Gord Carnegie, Lloyd Cook, Bob. Denard,, Bob Fairey, Ted Fairey, Ross Fitchett, Eric Gareau, Ron Heooper, Ray Kichko, Doug Moore, Bob Nicholîs, Wayne Thertell, Barry Schnare, Doug Martin, Don Sturrock. Last week, the Spencer's Real Estate Major Midgets went to Georgetown for their llth annual tournament. The Toros played two impressive games as they defeated the tournament's favored Oak- ville "AAA" and also played victors to the "AAA" Brama- lea Club. Then hopes for winning thetournament were extrnguished, when they were defeated by Stratford in a sudden death overtime period. Their first encounter was against Bramalea where the Toros won by a score of 5-4. The Toros came out flying, in the first four minutes scoring three quick goals. Don Farrow scored the first goal, putting the puck pass the goaltender's stick side with Dan Strike receiving the assist. Gary Dusseldrop came back short ly afterwards to add to the Toros' lead, Brad Godfrey and Ed Visser assisting. As min- utes drifted by Paul Reid scored for the Toros, seeming- ly leaving victory out of Bramalea's sight. Here, Bramalea put their name on the score sheet. Rick Bain soon scored again for the Toros, leaving them a 4-1 lead, while Scott Stevens and Don Farrow assisted on the play. At this point the- Toros began to relax and this allowed the Bramalea team to jump right back and score three more goals, tying up the game 4-4. The Toros final goal came in the second period and was credited to Brad Godfrey with Don Farrow assisting. This lef t the game in a 5-4 situation in the Toros favor. This is the way the game ended, allowing the Toros to advance to the second round for the champ- ionship. The second game the Toros played was against the favor- ed team to win the tourna- ment, Oakville "AAA"! Here, the Toros won in a very Constitution Insurance Minor Midget ,Toros Play Exciting1 We are approaching the end of the regular season without reporting on the activities of our Minor Midget Toros. The team has been playîng soi, well- isciplined hockey under Ray Crombie and Ray Preston. To bring everyone up to date, they have played 13 league games with 7 wins, 4 losses, and 2 ties. Both tie gameés were against the Mark- ham team. Most of the boys have played together since Tyke days, and recently they defeated Markham 4-3 for the first time in 4 'years! Last Saturday's game was a hard fought affair against Bay Ridges with the Toros defeat- ing the visitors 5-3. Bay Ridges got off to a quick start to lead 2-0 early in the game, then Scott Sellers put one into Youth Bowling Tykes, Goemans 5,, Kirkton 0; Desousa 3,, Lugtenburg 2; Henriksen 5j> Coomnbes 0; McLean 5, Smith 0. Team standings-Goemans 10, Lugtenburg 7, Mcbean 7, Desousa 6, Henriksen 5, Kirk-ý ton 3, Coombes 2, Smith 0. Bantam Boys Rozema 5, Sodhi 2; Woolley 4, H. Wesselius 3; S. Wesselius 5, Smith 2. Team standings-Woolley il, H. Wesselius 10, S. Wesselius 9, Rozema à, Sodhi 2, Smith 2. High singles-E. Rozema 202. BantainGirls Knapp 7, Hancock 0; Seto 7, Cath Connelly 0; Carolyn Con- nelly 6, Desousal 1. Teamn standings-Knapp 14, Seto 12, Carolyn Connelly, 6, Hancock 5, Desousa 3, Cathy Connelly 0. SJunior Boys Sutcliffe 5, Bond 2; Tippins 7, Ashurst 0; Stacey 5, Henning 2; Coombes 7, Ham- mond 0. Team stanidings-Coombes 14, Stacey .9, Henning 9, Tippins 7, Sutcliffe 5, Bond 5, flammond 4, Ashurst 3. Junior Girls Ilancock 5, McLean 2; Iiigram 7, Taylor 0; Leavis 5, Iiowe 2; Brunt 7, Williams 0. TIeaîn standings-Hancock 12, lBruiil 9ý, Ilngram 9, ltowe 7, Mcl Aeai 7, Wi lliams 7, Leavis 5, Taylo>r 0,' Ilmgh siingIes 1>. Alinond 241, it Wr-iglt2j!), B. I kavis 216.1 SenIiorm~ ixtedLeague Farrîl 7, llayward 0; itcynl(J(s 5, lfishop 2; ('how 7, oliver o; Judy Ilolroyd 7, Murphy 0, Woudstr-a 5, Stacey 2; Lane 5,'lolroyd 2. Teami standings-Chow 14, Farrell 12, Woudstra 12, Lane 10, J. Holroyd 9, Judy Holroyd 9, Bishop 7, Reynolds 5, Stacey' 2, Murphy 2, Hayward 2, Highi gaines-A. Chow 274-283 (786), R. Stacey 275 (734),, C. Mitchell (656), M. Reynolds 257 (6K4), Judy Hiolroyd (654), E. Woudstra <652)_ Hockey the Bay Ridges net on a tricky shot from the blue line, unassisted. Murray Ruddy tied the score with the assist going to the hard working Otto Geratschekiw Bay Ridges scored te tie it again at 3-3. Dean Helmes then took com- mand for the Toros 'and scored 3 unanswered goals assisted by Scott Clifton, Greg, Brunt and John Stewart. You can see the team in action at 5:30 p.m. this Saturday against Belleville in the Young Canada Day games at Bewmanville Memorial Arena. Miner Midget Toros are: Kevin Gibson, Scott Sellers, Paul Cascagnette, Dean Holmes, Bill Wright, Jody Ross, Greg Brunt, Steven Frank, Scott Cliften, John Stewart, MurrayRuddy, Otto Geratschek, Paul Bedard, Nick Nosowenko, Mike Pat- terson. exciting, fast and close game, by a score of 2-1. The Toros scored the first goal at the beginning, of the second period. This was where Brad Godfrey sclored from the slot position after receiving a pass from Ed Visser, with Ron Visser assisting. The re- mainder of the period was, very close with both sides striving to score and change the course of the game. With less than one minute remain- ing in, the, period Oakville scored to tie up the game 1-1, leaving the crowd nervous and excited for the third period te see who would be the>victors. The third period com- menced until half way through, then Rick Bain scored, giving the lead and the victory. Don Farrow and Mike Adams assisted on the play. The remainder of the period the Toros played hard and tightened up their defence, net allowing the Oakville team to score. With less than one GET UN SHAPE el PLAY BADMINTON! BADMINTON CLINIC on Monday, January 24 7: 00 to 9: 00 p. m. Peter Balson from JELINEK- with numerous racquets for you to try. THE BOWMANVILLE BADMINTON CLUB INVITES YOU TO COME OUT AND MEET PETER AND INSPEC1T THEIR FACILITIES. JUST ARRIVED ...... Nov.lty Metal Sport Pins wide selection to choose f rom ON LY 2.34each LAST CALL for SKI ORFORD TRIP We must have your deposit by January 22nd.' Hurry!, On ly a few seats leff I minute remaining, Oakville pul]ed their goaltender, leav- ing the open net for Ed Visser to shoot at, but hitting the goalpost. Britt Murphy played a good game, keeping the Toros in the game when he made some key saves. In the 'foros' third game the Toros -were playing against Stratford. Here the Toros took an upset as they lost by an overtime goal, making it 4-3 for Stratford. In the fîrst period the BowmanUile squad was caught asleep when Stratferd scored two goals giving them a commanding lead. The first perîod expired, leaving the Toros down 2 goals. In the second period Ed Visser passed Brad Godfrey the puck in the siot to score, thus establishing a 2-1 hockey game. AI Brunt also assisted. With less than 3 minutes remaining in the second period Scott Stevens scored a tip-in with lDon Farrow assist- ing. In the third period the Stratford team' scored on a break-away gdal. This left the game in 3-2 situation with Stratford Ieading until Dan Strike scored with minutes remaining. Don Farrow and Paul Reid assisted. The game extended into sudden death overtime period where the Bowmanville team had complete control of the puck and unsuccessful scoring attempts. But then when the puck was out at centre ic 'e, it took a strange bounce, giving a Stratford player a break- away, which resulted in the winning goal. This Friday. Saturday and Sunday the Toros are going to Sarnia to compete in the International Silver Stick Hockey Tournament and hope for your support. DRY WALL Installation, Taping, 1finishing Sprayed Textured Ceilings Hand Textured Stueco Plaster andDrywalî Repair 987-5474 j D R SORTSandSki Shop 85 King St. West 623-3421 25% More at No Extra Charge 20 oz. package Oniy 83e Was 83e for Regular sixe1I L package Offer ira effect One Week Onlyl TELEPHONE 623-5444 FOR HOME DELIVERY IF IT'S GlIenRue IT'S GOOD