12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmniljiip. Janirv 19. 1977 CORNER 0F BOND & RITSON ýwI576-9700 TYRONE, acreage 11¾ 4acres for the small farmer or gardener to fight inflation, summer residence now permitted, springs and sparse bush at a Iow price of $27,000.00. MORGANDALE CRES.- 2 storey home featuring double attached garage, 3 bedrooms, 4 pc. and 2 pc. bath, paved drive, family room with f ireplace and a large pie shaped lot. Asking only $63,700,00. 137 king st. PUU phono East 623-7694 Bowmanville Iii i 1 623-7661 $2,500 dlown for this 3 year old, 3 bedroom, brick and aluminum bungalow with attached garage, close to schools, churches and shopping, ail you have to do is quaiify, HURRY AND MAKE AN OFFER. OSHAWA, REGISTERED TOWNHOUSE has 2 bedrooms, living roomr has walkout to cedar hedged yard, panielled rec room, Asking only $38,900. $2,500 DOWN, no qualîfying required for' this 2 bedroom brick home in a sma Il village, good location, we can do the financing, make an offer on-this one now, [ Asking orily $33,900. MAKE VOUR NEXT ADDRÏESS Leskard Rd., Orono - Comfortable spacious well decorated 2 bedroom bungalow. 3rd in basement. Attached heated garage and extra storage shed. On 11/2 acres. $56,900.00. 70 ACRE FARM - in the Kendal area. 4 bedroom homne complately renovated. 160x40, modemn barn. Stocked pond. $109,000.00. Financing available. BRIGHT AND CLEAN -- this 3 bedroom brick home with beautiful rec room has beamed ceiling, work shop area, laundry. room and fruit cellar. North end Bowmanvil le. Must be seen. $55,900.00. GET STARTED - Only $38,900.00 for this fully detached home with 3 bedrooms, and workshop. Bowmanville. Don't wait. GEO)RGE BLYLEVEN Phone 623-5300 This-,' roomI brick and stone 5 year old bungalow is located in thie north end of Newcaste.T The large family room with tire place has an excellent unobstructed view into the country. The house is priced to seli and must be seen before you buy. This two storey oldier but well kept brick hom e s centrally located, commercial zoned and divided into two apartmý-ents, w ich helps pa y the mortgage. The price is ver~y reasonable and lOcI udes a brick garage and a large secluded lot, Asking $59,500. PHONE DICK WOUDSTRA983-5915 GEO. BLYLEVEN 623-5300 NE WTON VILLE Mrs. Iva Farrow was onîe of our local ladies attending the Hymn-Sing, at Kendal, a week ago Sunday. Sorry we ween't able to be there, but we enjoyed heaing the taped recording of the event, kind- ness of Lena and Lloyd ('lysdale. Mr. Jim Adams, has retumn- ed home af ter a month's visit, with relatives and fiends in the West, including his daugh- ter, Mrs. Joyce Agostinone, in Vancouver, and his niece, Mrs. Keuleman, in Tarzana, Los Angeles, where he spent New Yeam's. Visitors during last week, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Paeden, weme Mr. and, Mrs. Clarence Paeden, of Oscoda, Michigan. Callers during the week, included Mrý. and Mms. Harvey Paeden of Corona De] Mar, California, Lorne Pae- den of Crooked Ceek, Hemb Paeden of Newcastle and Mr. and Mms. B. Holbmook of Peterborough. There were 7 tables in play at th~e Card Party in Commun- ity hall, Friday night with these winnems: High lady- Lena Clysdale, Low lady- Shelly Tompkins, High man- Edgar Milîson, Low man-D. Tompkins, 50-50 draw-Alvin Yeo. Mr. and Mrs. John Veldhuis and family spent the Christ- mias holidays in Florida near Disneyland, with his parents, Mm. and Mrs. H.J. Veldhuis. The next Professional Activ- ity Day will be observed at Newtonville School on Thurs- day Jan. 27. A donation of Sixty-One dollars was sent from the school, to Rev. Ludford, on Christian Island, where it was used to buy fruit, and hymn books3 in the Objibway lang- uiage. A note of thanký has been received for the donation. Local school children have formied "Pen Pals", with some of those at Nippers Bay, on the east Coast of. Newfound- - land and are learning more about their habits and lang- uage. Parents of pre-school child- ren are informed that they shouid be encouraged to try to read, more, as this will help them to progress, much more rapidly, at school. Mm. andMrs. Ken Fletcher were among those attending the 501th Wedding Anniversary celebration for Mm. and Mrs. Harýold Cse Port Hope, held at the home of their son, Keith, last Saturday. Our congratulations also! Newtonville Womens Insti- tute will meet at the home of President Amelia Lancaster, on Weçtnesday, January 19, at 2:30 p.m. Friday, Januamy 14, was the 55th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer and callers the latter part of the week included Mr. and Mrs. George Kîmbaîl and Mrs. Lena Graham, Newcastle, Mrs. Mary Jones, Mms. Bea Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimbaîl, Lakeshore, Rev. and Mrs. Tizzard, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clysdale, Mr. Jim Adams', Mrs. Quee9ie Fletch- er, Mrs. Leone Lane, Mm. and Mrs. Jimf Gilmer, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer and family. Sunday evening, the family arranged an enjo yable dinner party at the Flying Dutchman Motel, Bowmanville. We were glad to see Mm. Johnny James there, ready to celebrate his 4th birthday, next day! Afterwamd, ail present came down to the home 'of the "Bride and Groom"', where more pictures were taken and a*social tîme enjoyed, making it a very happy occasion for all concerned. Mm. and Mrs. Clinton Far- row, and Mm. and Mrs. Glen Farrow, and Jan were Sunday suppner guests ith Mm. and Grassmne re Glen 0 e 0 e aMoving Experience - Photo by Stuart Blower, Oshawa This Week. With today's new building boom where on almost every corner you run into a new subdivision, we think we have come across one with a difference. The project is known as Grassmere Glen, This group 'of nineteen new homes in South Oshawa is pobably the city's leading example of how to best blend ne«» homes inito an established neighbourhood. It is situated at Simcoe South and Thomas Streets, two blocks below Wentworth Street and boasts a feature that many- subdivisions would dearly love to have; trees. Mm. Emnie Bloch oi Aisu Investments Ltd., Toronto, developeýs of the site insisted that "T~he trees in this charmnig neighbourhood remain", said Julius Ked- vessy, Marketing Consultant for Power Realty Limited, New Developments Division. Carryng on with this line of think:ing, dormer windows have been installed in the upper floors of some of the semi-detached units thus con- forming with the existing homes much to the delight of the present area residents. Along with the traditional and all the modemn conven- iences, that today's home buyer demands, Grassmere Glen, consisting of fourteen detached and five detached, electrically heated homes, further boasts a high quality of workmanship and Mr. Bloch's owncareful consider- ation given to colour co-ordin- ation throughout the site. Ail units have three bed- rooms plus full-size living and dining areas. The diningrooms have a full walk out; picture yourself next summer having breakfast outside your dining room surroupded by a full sweep of laWn in this pic- turesque setting. RED CROSS 'VOLU NTEER MURRAY JHSO' 1/2 YEARLY SALE US NO ORDINARY SALE But then MURRAY JOHNSTON'S lis no ordinary store-ýthe staff 15 no ordinary staff and they don't carry just ordinary merchandise. That's why you should take advantage of th 'is 1/2Yearly Sale at 8 Sirncoe Street North in Downtown Oshawa Square. ALL WINTER MEN'S WEAR IS REDUCED TO ORDINARY PRICES. FRANIX BOWMANVILLE ORONO' 623-3393 983-9547 NEWCASTLE VILLAGE Beautiful 3 bedroom sidesplit home wîth- stone front. 60'x174' lot has pool 32'x16'. Large family room with stone fireplace. 'Separate dining room. Attached garage. Many extras. Asking '6 1,900. Terms. Caîl Bill Turansky. BOWMANVILLE NORTH END Super 2 storey brick 4 bedroom home on quiet court. Large kitchen. Separate dining room. Beautîfully decorated. Close to Lord Elgin School, Asking $52,500. Terms. Cali Bill Turansky, or Ken Brown.,, ORONO AREA Modemn living, country atmosphere. 3 bedroom brick buncialow. 11/2 baths. Finished walkout rec room. Beautiful ravine lot 75'x200' $52,900 with terms. Cal Pat Yeo. BOWMANVILLE-JUST LISTEDI Superb bungalow in north end on lovel y court. Near Lord Elgin School.'Asking only $48,500. F or details cal Ken Brown, or Bill Turansky. 623-3393. OPEN HOUSE -SUNDAY -JANUARY 23, 1977 2 outstanding homes. Oversized lots in a country setting with terrific view of the surrounding countryside. Homes are custom built by top cràftsmen. Plastered walls. Also available 5 building lots for custom built, homes by Halminen Homes Ltd. Directions: lst road north of Hwy. No. 2 off Hwy. 35 and 115. Go west 3/ mile then turn south. Open from 1 -4 p.m. Cail Jan Oudshoorn, Bill Turansky, or Kay Brown. cCW Coast to Coast Real Estale Serice Prices range from $45,000.00 up to $59,900.00 for a spacious backsplit model with 155 foot lot, 3 large bedrooms upstairs, a fuil-size living and dining area downstaims, and below the bedroorh level, three huge rooms partially finished capable of being made, into extra bedrooms, family rooms or ec rooms. "These detached homes" said Mr.; Kedvessy," are 1,800 square feet, flot including the ful basement, with complete out- lets for laundry equipment. A second three piece bathroom is also roughed in the needs only a handy man to complete 0f the nineteen units, eleven can be financed under the Federal Assisted Home Own- ership Program with C.M. H.C. mortgages through National Trust. "Only four of these units remain", stated Mr. Kedvessy, adding that for the balance of this month they will be offering valuable incentives to the buying, public. The coupons can be found in today's Real -Estate section. For the less expensive models, a down payment' of, $2,250.00 is required. Grass- mere Glen is handy to shopping centres, schools, the Harman Park Arena, High- way 401 and is next to a major bus route. For families with children, it's just a few moments walk to the beach. Ocupancy of the units can be immediate upon mortgage approval. A complete selec- tion of interior finishes is available if not alreadycom- pleted. The site office is open daily from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. on weekends or phone Julius Kedvessy at 579-5742 site office or Power Realty Limited New Develop- ments Division in downtown Oshawa at 576-1911 for more information on this project that offers you such a perfect combination of the new with the established. KEN HOCKI1N - - LTD. DIEAS-19-OQ REALTOIA BOWMANVILLE 623-4115 NEWTONVILLE 10 acre estate, 2 storey executive type home, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, family room with fireplace, 2 car garage, sauna, five major appliances plus al draperies and broadloom included at $129,500. PAT MARJERRISON 623-4115. Bowmanville- 623-3911 BWMANVILLE ý- 4 bedroom semi with 11/2 baths, nd 4 appliances, asking $44,700. Vendors anxious. BOWMANVILLE - older 3 bedroom brick semi, with sundeck and ample storage areas. Very central, close to school and shopping. Good starter home, asking $39,900. Vendors anxious socaîl today! BOWMANVILLE- 2 new brick bungaloWs with attached gara ge, fireplace in rec room area, Hollywood kitch en, cushion f loors and broadloom throug hout. Very well constructed with plaster walls including garage, custom bulit cupboards, copper wiring and fully sodded 153' lots. BOWMANVILLE - 4 bedroom 2 storey insul brick home overlooking the lake, asking $30,000. COURTICE AREA - 4 bedroom 2 storey, home with Hollywood kitchen, garage and deep 290' lot. Good location, minutes to downtown Oshawa and Bowman- ville. Asking $55,000. NEWCASTLE - new 3 bedroom brick bungalow with Hollywood kitchen, electric heat, broadloom and cushion floors, asking $55,000. Vendor anxious, cal today! NEWCASTLE AREA - 3 bedroom bungalow with finished rec room on large 2 acre lot. Good retîrement property, asking $60,000. PORT HOPE - 3 bedroom 11/2 storey brick house with extra lot zoned commercial, facing on No. 28 Hwy., asking,$62,000. - . ...... W.H. 62 JACKMAN ROAD BOWMANVIL1-LE, ONT. LIC 2C9 (416) 623-6023 Clipperton & Associates Ltdc REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS W. H. Clipperton, F.'R.l., C.R.A., S.R.A., Ontario Land Economnist SBANNER PASSANT3 qReal Estate Limited REALTOR,623-6121 JUST REDUCED $3,000.00, 4 bedrooms, family room with fireplace, garage, beautifuliy decorated, owners mov ing to Toronto. 123 King St. E. Bowman vil le I Phone 623-6622. BOWMANVILLE SIDESPLIT Two car garage, 60'xIO5' lot, 2 yrs. ,)Id, asking $57,900.00. Cali Ed Jeans 6213-6622. TRY IT YOUILL LIKE iT Spacious 4br. two storey withattached garage, fenced and landscaped lot, quality finished rec roomr, two baths, located on quiet êrescent$7,0.. Cali Ed Jeans 623-6622. N EWCASTLE 60'x200' LOT Spotless bungalow, hardwood f loors, treedrear yard, finished rec roon, only $49,900.00. Cali Ed Jeans 623-6622. TRADITIONAL LIVING IN N.E. BOWMANVILLE This large 2 storey, classic home boasts natural wood trim throughout as well as bay windows and pine floors, for an appointment caîl Darryl Somnerscales 623-6622. COURTICE AREA 1/2 acre lot backing onto Greenbelt, .2 fireplaces, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths only $58,900.00. Cali Darryl Somnersca les. DEERPARK CRES. Enjoy greeting spring in this beautful, backsplit home- with 3 bedrooms, sunken family room and large foyer., For an inspection cali Darryl SomerscaIes 623-6622. BOWMANVILLE 2 storey, 4 bedroom home, ground f loor family roon, with log burning fireplace in choice north end court $71,000.00. Cali Shirley Hogg 623-6622. DETACHED HOME $39,900.00 north east Bowmanville. Cati Shirley Hogg 623-6622.' COUNTRY PROPERTY 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, fieldstone fireplace, fruit orchard, east of Bowmanville. Cali Shirley Hogg 623-6622. 13 DEER PARK CRESCENT 8 BOWMANVILLE 4 bedroom - 2 storey with attachied garagýe. beauitifully landscaped - fruit trees - fenced rear yard. 'You be the appraiser by comparing - Sale Priced - in the 50's. CALL JOHN HUZAR AT HOME 576-8993 P ARKWU-OD REALTY LTD. 576-1580 364 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa Paris, France is named froin the ancient Celtic tribe, t he Panisu, whose capital was known to the Romnans as Mudtown. Kit j -,,, jýýA, . . . . . . . . . . . j"Q 149, ec. ýjýý I Lia liv il lt, 'Jilludi V lýl. 1 CI 1