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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1977, p. 15

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Jatiuary 19, 1977 15 1Letterm Eldorado Replies to Charges Dear Sir: Somne perspective is needed for recent comrments in your paper and elsewhere about the " millions of gallons" of run- off fromn Eldorado Nuclear's Port Granby residue area. "Millions of gallons"~ is correct. We estimate the ruýn-off averages 15 gallons a s minute, and that works out to 7.9 million gallons a yenr. That is haif the flow from an ordinnry garden hose. The suggestion has been made that this 'run-off is "4poison", and thiat it bndly contaminates Lake Ontario. One writer has -wondered whether it affects drinking water drawn fromn the lake by municipalities in the area. Most of the run-off is rainwnter and snow-melt. But as it passes through the waste-management aren it picks up traces of various elemnents from the, buried residue. This run-off trickies into Lake Ontario in small streams, one at ench side of the Port Granby site. Snmp- ling of these run-off waters indicates that the radium, arsenc and nitrates in these flows are higher than the drinking-water standard, Keep in mmnd, though, that the drinking-wnter standards are for use on a water supply j that forms the sole lifetime source of drinking water for a person or persons. No one would use the Port Granby run-off that way, any more tha n they would stake their lives on ditchwater or the mun-off fromn a barn. The real issue is what al this does to Lake Ontario. The answer: not much. The provincial environmental authorities have examined the offshore water repeatedly and have declared that it poses no significant health hazard. At Eldorado, we have taken these studies a step further and have analyzed both the lake water and the lake bottomn at points onr a grid stretching 1.,000 metres east and west of the site. The highest arsenic concen- tration anywhere on this grîd is 0.01 parts per million. That is about one-fifth the Ontario drinking-wnter standard. Radium in. the water men- sures less than one picoCurie per litre at the highest reading. That is one-third of the Ontario drinking-water standard of 3 picoCuries per litre. Nitrate concentrations are "l ess than one part per million, welbelow the Ontarl rink ing-water standard of 10 ppm. In ýthe lake-bottomn sedi- ments, the radium content inmnediately offshore of the stteams was 2 picoCuries per gramn, compared with 4 pico Danjsh BUlky Reg. Tweedola ne PA 3KING ST. W. * totheEdio Tow.Anand Region Meetings Curies per gram in deep water some distance from the site. No significance is attached to this difference ; it is merely concluded that the bottom hasý not been contaminated by the Port Granby operation. Arsenic concentrations in the sediment ranged up to 0.6 parts per million. A recent Great Lakes Wter Quality Board report notes that 1in typica~ soil in uncontamninated areas,\ý the arsenic content averages 6.,ppm. Current" measurements in the vicinity of the Wesleyville Genernting Station indicate that the net current in the lake is Westerly, but the current is strongly affected by wind direction and fully 47 per cent of the time the current is moving in the opposite direc- tion or easterly. To sum up, the wnter analysis in the lake indicates that there is 1no hazard of nny kind to municipal drinking- wter suplies drnwn froma the lake 1in this arca. We appreciate, though, that people take a lively interest i12 this subject., So we have started compiling some de- tailed data, and shortly will have it available in the Eldorado information centres in both Port Hope and Bowmanville. Vours Sincerely. S.E. Frost Health Physicist I paid for whatever they do. 1 and a grent many other electoral usters are fed up with the whole deal. When Ontario Hydro was, put together many years ago, it wns donc to provide the people of Ontario with inex- pensive power. This wonderful idea has been totally corrupt- cd by the provincial politic- ians at Queen's Park and their lnckeys on the local level. t is time that we, the people of Ontario hnd a Royal Commiss- ion to investigate the complete operation of Ontario Hydro and their satraps the local P.U.C.'s and come in with recommendations that will clear up the present system that lias become too costly and also to give the taxpayers the democratic righit to elect the P.U.C. Commission. Maurice Prout Pee Wees Lose 6-3 In the first period Rob Green scored unassisted only to have Cobourg tic the game shortly after. Early 1in the second Cobourgscorcd again and then Paul Stocker tied the game nssisted by Shaughn Houston. Shortly nfter this,' ~-Tira Preston scored unassist-' cd and the second period A Public Service of Town of N,',ecastle Ratêpayers' Ass'-ociaton. Wý,ednesday,,, January l9tli- The Newcastle Library Board will meetinP the Bowmanvilleý branch at 7:15. To be Discus- sed-year-end report for 1 96 and a status report on the use of Wintario funds. Reginal management committee meets in roomn 206, 605 Rossland Rd.E., Whitby. At 2:15 there wilI be a tender openingof tender D-771 in the counsellors' lounge, same ad- dress. Thursday, January 2th- Town public works committee will meet at 9 a.m. in the IRampton municipal office. At 10 arn., there will be a meeting of region's social services committee in the counsellors' lounge. 605 Ross- land Rd.E., Wlitby. The Children's Aid Society board will meet at 8 p.m. at 200 John St.W., Oshiawa. Monday. Jnnuary 24th-Town legisîntion and bylaws com- mittee will hold its meeting in the committee room fromn 9 to 10:30 a.m. There will be a meeting of regional land division committee at 10 ar. in flic counc-il cham~ber and lounge, 605 Rossland Rd.E., Wntby. T own finance com- town hall committee room. al, p.nî. in thc cout Towni planning and, advisory comm.ýittee wlill meet in the Hamaptoncomte room at 7 p. rn. Tucsday, Jnay25th- There will lie an 0OMB hearing ProincalCourt Januy18, ý1W77 Judge Bnrk prc-ýsidcd with Acting Crowýý,n Attorney A. Sosna and duty counsel D. Barber, Kimmerly« J. Burtch, 20, Apt. 21,,15 Nelson St. Bow- manville, pleadcd 'guilty' to making 3 obscenc phone calîs to a local resident and hem daughtcm. It was stated lie did not require psychiatric treat- ment but that lie did this as lie lad a grudge against the woman's husband. Counsel stated lie has shown shame for his conduct. H1e was -put on probation for one year, to refrain fmom any contact with the family and to report to probation officer as requimed. Blaine Adams, 94 Churcli St., Bowmanville pleaded 'guilty' to driving afteïr con- suming over .08. Tests were .29 and .2?. The fine was $275 and costs or 20 days. License suspension 3 nonths. Two weeks to p.T Rickev Lbindrv.21, New- icîl chamWer and Jounge, 605 Rossland lid.E., Whitby. Wednesday, January 26th- Durham Region Health Unit board will meet at 7-:3'0 p.mI. at 301 Golf St. Oshiawa. castie. was charged Novem- ber 29 with driving .after consuming over. 08. He plead- cd 'guilty'. Const. Fitzgerald followed ýhlm on regional rond 17 where the drîving' was ertic. Tests were .22. The fine was $250 and costs or 14 days. License suspension 3 months. Wm. K. Rogers, 29, 23 Temperance St. was charged June 5 with driving while disqunlified. H1e pleaded 'guilty'. H1e was observed by P.C. Richards on King St.E. The judge treats this type of offense as serious. He wns sentenced to 21 days to be served under the Tempomnry Absence Program. Rick J. Summers, 19, Osha- wa, pleaded 'guilty' to a November 13 charge of having care andcontrol after con- sumîng over .08. Tests were .14. P C. Ostrander received a complaint of a person trepas- sing on hydro property. The fine was $150 and costs or 10 days with license suspension. Dear Mr. Editor: îeading 3-2. Whcn is somcbody going to In the third period it wns al do something about the Public Cobourg as they scored four Uitilitv Commission set-up tîmes and completely domin- which is costing electricitY ated the period. Our boys were users too much money? guilty of giving the puck away Having receivcd my P.U.C.' constantly and Cobourg took bill I amn frightened by whnt advantage of this. The differ- the electricity is costing me ence between the two tenms now, and 1 d ead to think what was vcry obvious in this game it will cost me in the future if as Cobourg played together as somebody. » '.the Govemnment-- a tenm an~d our boys played as fails to make the P.U.C. individuals every man for operation more efficient. himseif.* Here, in this area, we have - Our, next home game is four different Public UtilitY Janunry 22nd against Brant- commissions or organizatiolis ford as part of Minor Hockey looking after clectricity. Wc Day. Game time is 2 p.m. have the Rural Hydiro, Bow- Bowmnnville Aena and our manville P.U.C ., the- former guests are staying overnight Newcastle Village P.U.C. and and playing Hampton Gar- the Orono P.U.C. ail with dens again on Sunday at il quadruplicatia staffs, qundrup- n.m. at Hampton Arena. licate buildings, quadrupli- cate trucks, quadruplicate meter readers and ail being Ladies Bowling very careful not to do what the-1 others are doing and ail Top ten averages-Sharlene adding to-the great cost of Our Dchart 258, Nancy Wlsh 241, electricity. June Baker 232, Helen Depew These P.U.C.'s distnstefully 231, Vickie Tery 229, Donna al so provide sources of extra Harness 228, Thelma For- incomes for current politie- rester 225, Jackie Braybrook lans and ex-politicians., For 223, Doreen Park 217, Cecile instance, Mayor 'Rickard st oes27 Hydro. Ivan Hobbs, ex-£-mayor pcw 7 points, Nancy Evans -ý>7, of Bwmavill an defate Donna Harness 7, Onie Etche candidate for Regional Coun- 6, Jackie Braybrook 5, Dot cit sits on the Bowmanville Bridger 4, Wendy Mnynamd 4, P.U.C.and they botli get well* Marilyn Flintoff 4, Jedn Allen 3, Judy Bragg 3, Shirley Davis .3,ShrleeDehart 1. Hihtriple-Donna Harness )flU~A.~740, Higli single-Dale Jack- ~vwR~-nan 328. $I.79 NOW $1 .39 f Reg. $1 .29 NOW 99C MTHWORK BOWMANVILLE 623-6545 THIS SALE ISN'IT PAUTS Peanuts may mean money -in the bank to President Elect JmmeCarter But Murray 'l YearIy Johnston' s 2 Sale means money in the bank f0 you. As usal, you wiII f md the, quality of merchandise that you expect at MURRAY JOHNSTON'IS and il wiliIbe ,priced at clearly defined savings at our old location, 8 Simcoe Street North, Doêwntowýn Oshawa Square. Watch for r our Annual Specia PHARMACY LIMITED 67 King St. East Top ten averages-Les Hunt 224, Lois Woodcock 215, Bob Brown 211, Darryl Sommer- scales 210, Roy Sandison 205, Bill White 203, Don Powers 200, Bill Fair 199, Mary Chisholm 197, Gary Conway 196. Team standing-Gary Con- way 19 points, Roy Sandison 17, Doug White 11, Les Hunt 10, Cinyton Morgan 9, Bob Brown 7, Bill White 7, Lois Woodcock 4. Ladies high triple-Lois Woodcock 812, ladies higli single-Lois Woodcock 333. Men's high triple-Les Hunt 780, mcn's high single-Bill White 282. Ha âydon on Jan. 9th n dinner pnrty was held at the home of Mr. and, Mms. Lloyd Ashton to celebmate Lloyd Ashton's, Linda Sharp', Ray Ashton's and Cheryl Strenge's birth- dnys. Those attending the birth- day party were Mm. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Linda and Janet, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, Beth, Barbara, Grant and Allan, Haydon, Mm. and Mrs. Michael Strenge and David Mississauga, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ashton, Oshawa, Michael Holme, St. Cather- ines, Kyle Graham' Haydon, Mr. R. Ormiston, Enniskillen. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Joncs and family, Bowmanville visited Mm. and Mrs. Jack Joncs, Tom and Sandy. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Strenge and David spent last week-end wîth Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and famiiy. Mrs. Jack Joncs accompan- oed Mrs. Harmy Degeer of Blackstock and visited Mrs. Meta Kellar, Oshawa. Mm. and Mrs. Arthur Tewin and Paul Werc Satumday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, the oc- casion, Earl's birthdny. Mm, and Mrs. Arthur Trewin and Paul visited Mm. and Mrs. Walter Loveridge and family, Tyrone on Sunday. Mrs. Jack Potts came home from the Oshawa Hospitai on Wednesday. Mrs. Mildred Anderson is a patient in the Port Perry Hospital. 1Mr. and.Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, Susan and Fred were Sunday dinner gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor, Enniskillen. Perr,W (Cr. Oshawa, pleaded 'guilty' to five charges. On October 1 he along with two others took a truck in Bancroft area in order, to get a ride to, Oshawa. the truck was aban- doned, rcvrdwith no damage. lie faileçi to appear in Bancroft (,on tis c harge. 'lhese char-ges werî,tanfe red to the local co(t.!O Novein ber 2-4 hewasrrete in Oshaýwa on a carIE.4SS driving charge an--d resising arrest, along-with asuliga police officer.. The c-rown asked for a ji etne Iengthy record was reýaI u He was on prohation at h time. For theft of the vehýicle he was given 30 days, fai 1i ngt appear brought an adtoa 30 days consecutive.Th carelss driv'ing fine was $1,50 and costs, in defnult 15 days consecutive and license sus- pension 2 years. For assault 0On Officer Ballantyne and resisting arrest. the penalty was 60 days consecutive. Ralph E. Drake, 18, 152 Ontario St. pleaded 'guilty' to two charges of threatening by telephone between October 12 and 19.,1He has been having psychistry assessment since that time at Pençtang Hos- pital and Clarke Institute. He was today put on probation for two, years, he is to return to Clarke Institute and stay until they release hlm anid to report within one' week to probation officer. He ito reoort ta Osehawa Monument Co. FamiIy MRoemorials - Markers Ail Design end Lettêring Don byUs on Promises NO SALESMEN INVOLVED Ples Telephone 728-3111 for Fill Details. officer twice a month during the two years and more if, requested. 11e is to remain awny fromn the famiiy whiich was harassed and also the teacher. He, is to return to school or seek employment upon release from the Clarke Institute. Gordon Harrison, 44, Indian River, was placed on proba- tion for one vear followinge an indecent exposure incident August 6r lest. 1He pleaded 'gutiy'. P.C. Kelly received a caîl from '2 girls who were appronched by the accused. lie is presently under psychi- atric care, lie is to continue wih the treatment for one year. Bench warrants were issued for Wm. Grant and Johin Wisniewski. George Riegger, 56, New- castle, charged July 5 with driving after consumaing over .081 pleaded 'guilty'. He was represented by R. Matthews.' île was further chnrged with r(csisting arrest by P.C. Mac- Kay and ple-aded 'guilty'. The officer ohserved himstep out of his vehicle and showed signs of impairment. He told the officer 'he haçl no right to be, on his property.' A fight ensued. Tests were .11. A previous conviction wns rend' out. On the first charge he was sentenced to 10 days in jail and for resisting the officer--20 days, consecutive. The sen- tence will be recommended to be served under the Tempor- ary Absence, Progrnm. A speeding charge wns with- drawn. Hugh M. Grant, Ottawa, wns charged by the Depart- ment of Ministry and Comn- munications with an overl'oad on highway 401. The fine was $100. and costs.

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