St. Pauld's Playe-'rs Presented "Happy Daze Revue" at Solina On Friday, Ja-nuary l4th the Musical Comedy, Happy Daze Revue, by St. Paul's United £hurch, Bewmnanville was presented at the Solina Com- munity Hall. It wjas sponsored by the Solina WNomen's Insti- tute for the benefit of the W.I. and Eldad Church. The near capacity audience received the show with enthus- iasmi and enjoyment-espez ially the men, when the flathing Beauty Contestants went out through the crowd to greet' some of the lucky men with a tender smack. Hilarious commotion arose when the Fighting Words' Number, brought a number of arguing couples out into the Hall with the Women, persuing the men till they sucecessfully caught themi and marched them bhack to the stage, led by the wonîen who proved they were boss.' The program was weil planned, giving much plea- sure in the musical numbers and comical skits. Mrs. Ollie Harding directed the show, Mrs. Jan Rice was accomp- anist and Mr. Ray Harding was master of ceremonies. Prompter was Mrs. Bob Carruthers, typing was done by Lola Bowen and assistant behind stage was Mrs. Harold Yellowlees. Mrs. Fred Watson, presi- dent of Solina W.I. welcomed the Show Cast and the audience. Special numbers in music were-Happy, Days, Sing a Happy Song, Tennessee Wig Walk, Hello My Baby, Puton a Happy Face, Powder Your Face With Sunshine, When yoii're Smiling, It's a Grand Night for Singing, Shing, Sing a Song, Candy Kisses, Ain't She Sweet?, Lady of Spain, School Days, Some Where My Love and the final, The Place Where 1 Worship. The musical hi-lite was the duet "My- Hero" by Karen Chadwick and Gerald Bur- gess. Mrs. Allanah Coles solos wîth ukelele accompaniment were also greatly appreciated. Adrianne Welsh's numbers were superb in their truly perfect sweet tones., Olive Hull, as the Spanish lady, demonstrated the Spanish dance'with attractive costume and skill, accompanied by the chorus and Spanish instrum- ents. Comics in the Skits were Glenn Prout, Judy- Gillespie, Gerald Burgess, Marianne Warkman, Pearl Leach, Jim Coombes, Sheryl Bertrand and Harold Yellowlees. The Supporting Chorus of 18 beautiful singers filled the Hall with toe tapping mel- odies. The Daffy Dîlis were com- ical in their colourful cos- tumes. Their quartettes were, full of harmony-Lola Bowen, Allanah Coles, Ollie Harding, Marilyn Schamerhorni took th ese parts. "A Little Deaf" Skit, was given by Mildred Young, Sandra Bryson and Janet Burgess., Rev. Ed Schamerhorn and Helen Jacobs proved why no Students Learn Saf e Driving Minster of Transportation and Communications, James Snow revealed today the during the 1975-76 school year, over 44,500 students at the secondary school level suc- cessfully completed a driver éducation course. The driver education course. was available at 568 of the province's 615 secondary schools. It is estimated that 30 per cent of students eligible to take the training did so. Driver éducation is pro- ,vided through the co-operation of the Ministry of Education and MTC and are taught by 1,255 qualified driver training instructors. In making the announce- ment, Snow indicated, "Each year close to 150,000 students reach the drîving age. And the aim of driver education in the schools is to provide an opportunity for these young Ontarians to learn good driving habits early in their drivingexperience." Since 1971, -over 190,000 students have successfully completed a driver instruction course within, the secondary school system. .We're SeIIing Out Lock,, Stock and Barre1lI 53 Foot -.Steecl 4 - Ft. Sections that sncap together BALLASTS for 4- Ft. Fluorescent 'Air Compressorl minimumn 500 aquarium' r capacity Electric Cash SmaII Animal Unit ,w ith 26 compartments Odlds and E nds of Lumber'and Shelving Pegboa rd, etc. Fuli Set of Professiona I Dog Grooming LEquiprnent1 Floor Polisher Vacuum Mac]ine Pet and Aquarium Supplies Good Supply of Stock to Choose from Now 1/2 Price OnIy 14 Days LeftII Pet Shop and Hobbies 34-A King St. West 623-2921 operation was to be per- formed. Larry Welsh, Ray Aber- nethy and Ray Harding proved that guessing the right number was not that easy. Doris Welsh bought some eggs from Larry.Welsh and didn't pay teo nmuch after ail. The Two-Sided Chorus of at least 10 ladies dressed as haîf men and haîf woman held our attention no matter how they turned themnselves. They could really dance too! Janet and Gerald Burgess's duet on 'School Days' recalled our own youth. The Bathing Beauties were- Sandra Bryson, Helen Jacob, Judy Gillespie, Roberta Part- rîdge, Marianne Workman and "Larry Welsh' -who won the contest. Rev. Schamerhorn con- cluded the final number with reciting the words 'The Place Where I Worship' wîth rever- ence and feeling. The au- dience continued to clap long after the numbers were fin- ished:' Finally a standing ovation was given. Mr. Harding expressed their appreciation for our invitation and said they really enjoyed giving the show. Mrs. W. Yellowlees in turn expressed thanks on behaîf of Solina Community.1 The cast enjoyecl lunch and a Social Time afterwards served by Solina W. ENISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, Scarborouigh, wvere Saturday visîtors with parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Pethick. Mr. andMs Arthur Trewin and Paul, HIaydon, were Saturday evenýing dinner guests of MIr. and Mrs. E. Trewin. Mr. and MIrs. Len.Player, Bowmanville were Sunday afternoon visitors with S. Kersey and H4. Ashton's. Mrs. Marion. Stephenson, Omemee spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Howe. Miss Betty Wright was a week-end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wright, Ponty- pool. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wearn, Pigeon Lake, were Sunday visitors with Mr. A. SharD. Sorry to report Frank Dor- land is a patient in Bowman- ville Hospital. His wife Gertie is still in hospital and is doing nicely. We hope she and husband will soon be home. Mrs. Pauline Greer, Elisa- beth and Ernest Hemmîng- ford, Quebec were week-end visitors with Allan and Diane Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb, had Friday evening supper with S. Lamb's occasion of Donna's birthday". Congratu- lationsto Donna'. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hlowe were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Keith, Wilso>n, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. W. Griffin, Miss Heather Griffin were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mrs. R. Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Slack and Holly, Oshawa, Mr. Locki McNair and Miss Jan Bartell, Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. McNair. Last week-end Russell Or- miston, Orville and Margaret Ashton were joined by Mar- jorie and Harry Worden, Bowmanville R.R.2 and. at- tended the 30th annual Pa- tient's Reunion of Shouldice Hospital at the Royal York Toronto on Saturday evening and Timothy Eaton Memorial U. Church also visited with Verna Forsyth. Our Manse couple the Kemplings, Lou Griffin, Velma Griffin, Heather Grif- fin, Helen Milîson and Mar- garet Ashton were in the large audience in Solina Hall to enjoy the excellent presenta- tion "The Happy Daze Revue" by the 36 clever performers of St. Paul's U.C. Bowmanvillp The Congregation meeting of Enniskillen Church was The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. January 19, 1977 5 held at the church on Sunday N recommend that the province evening Jan. 16. - itecornirena increase the salaries of MPPs Mrs.W. Bwma andthe $5,00M per year. S.. Bsowand the Sr. MyPPs presently get $15,000 S.S. las on eth Sunday onig, P a > i eper year plus a $7,500 tax free Puyhlde r t rn The last time the provincial The hilren re o brng huP e - representatives had a raise, their, pennies next Sunday LFr M P s was in 1973 when they had Jan. 23rd for foster child A special committee of the their salaries increased from Tonia. Ontario Legisiature will $ 12,000 to the present level. Up toq50 % O-FF on al fashions in stock Saz Clream cLeeze 579-4888', O~ihow! e.ato LEADING SWIMMING POOL WHOLESALER MUST DISPOSE OF 1976 ALL AL-UMINUM POOLS IN 1 1STOCK. Sacrifice price for desperately needed factory warehouse space. brand new .wmmn pools include: FILTER, WALK- AROUND DECK, FENCE, AND WARRANTY. Size 5'x27' $1 ,355.00 Cash or terms. Cail Perc collect days or evenings 1-416-481-8802 A wide selection of gifts for those special occasions. Many Specials stili available on leathercratt and macrame supplies. Beat the 'winter - start a new' hobby Starting January 24th, 1977 Store wilI be closed ail day Monday .Open Tues., Wed. and Thurs. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday 9a.m. - 9p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tfihe Rowan TUree 133 Church St. Bowmanville 623-9192 (,Across fromth'e.water tower) , Tanidy Leather Authorized Sales Centre 6, 92